Hans Hate's 'The Mission' Exposes Tragedy of Evian Conference Fiasco Sad recollections ab o u t an abortive undertaking to rescue Jews from the Nazi persecutions are incorporated in one of the year's most important novels — "The _ Mission," by Hans Habe, published . by Coward-McCann in a translation from the German by Michael Bulloc. "The Mission" is fiction. But it is based on fact—on the occur- rences in Evion-les-Bains — and preceding that in Austria during the early years of Hitler's domi- nation of the country—describing the commencement of the terror and the attempt to unify 32 coun- tries in an effort to provide haven for the persecuted Jews. Ilanz Habe was the Prager Tagblatt's correspondent at the Evian sessions. They lasted from July 6 to July 15, 1938. The delegates from the 32 nations were convened by President Roosevelt. The fiasco, the lack of vision over the impending future, the suspicions that were generated, the fears that Jews might inundate certain coun- tries — these are revealed in what may well be considered the historical portion of the novel by a man who is best qualified to describe the occurrences. A documentation is appended to the novel itself, containing the author's comments on the Evian deliberations, a chronology of world events relating to the dates of the meetings during that July 1938 period, a complete list of the delegations of the 32 nations. It lists the budget for the conference as well as the private organizations that were represented. Included in the latter were: Jewish Agency for Palestine, Committee of Aid for German Jews, World Jewish Con- gress, Joint Distribution Commit- tee, Council for German Jewry, Joint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Anglo-Jewish Association, World Agudas Israel Organization, Central Bureau for the Settlement, of German Jews, Comite voor Bij- zondere Joodsche Belangen, New Zionist Organization and a score of other non-JeWiSh and refugee aid movements. There were 200 correspondents present, among them some very proMinent writers . The U.S. delegation was com- posed_ of Myron C. Taylor, James G. 'McDonald, Robert T. Pell, George L. Brandt, Hayward G. Hill and George L. Warren. There was a sympathetic ef- fort to provide relief, the role of the American, British and Colombian delegates are espe- cially noted, and only the Co- . lombian seemed to have a spe- cial interest in a proposal that was brought in the name of the Jewish community of Austria but actually at the dictates of the Gestapo by Heinrich von Benda, a world famous Austrian physi- .- .- cian. The request was that a fund of $10,000,000 be paid to Germany for permission to re- lease 40,000 Jews — a sort of blackmail, a type of inhuman ransom the very idea of which outraged many of the partici- pants. But the Colombians had a way out: to save 40,000 with- out offering any funds. But there was lethargy. There was fear. There was indifference. There was anti-Semitism. And the Evian sessions ended with a resolution—a pathetic tragedy in the. unconcern for the fate of German and later all European Jewry. The novel itself, even without the elements involving a sad chap- ter in world history, is a good one. The plight of the Austrian Jews, the overconfidence of those who retained unjustified faith that Hitler's role would be shortlived, the sufferings that were endured when the Nazis took control of Austria—these are part of a narra- tive well told. The characterization of Heinrich von Benda is splendid. Then there are the various ele- ments involving the assimilation of the von Benda's son, his daughter's escape from the Nazis and her eventual settlement in Palestine with the aid of a generous lady and the committee with which she worked. It has been established as a fact that Prof. Heinrich Neu- mann, in whose memory the novel is dedicated, was the emis- sary described in this novel as von Benda. The novelist was operated upon by this professor who was a friend of his family. Habe explains in his commen- tary: "The Professor had few acquaintances among the par- ticipants in the conference and was totally inexperienced in press matters. We were living next door to each other in the Hotel Esplanade. Although I was only 2'7, he took me into his confidence; we spent hours, in- deed many half nights, together. I was something like a press officer in reverse: it was my job to shield him from the press." But he was not shielded com- pletely. The story leaked. Although as related, Habe states, "this does not mean that this novel is 'authen- tic' in every detail, that it is in- tended as a 'factual report.' " Nevertheless, the quotations from the deliberations, the actual ex- cerpts from speeches and from the adopted resolution that resulted in so vague an expression, the news- paper reports — New York Times and others—indicate that in the main the story is correct. It can properly be considered a tragedy. Von Habe, widowed, had married a younger woman, a non- Jewess, whom he left in Austria with their Young son. He promised to return after the mission, even though he could have escaped easily. The United States offered him asylum. But he did go back. He fulfilled a desire to buy for his wife an expensive dress. He hid it and was crossing the border. But he had suffered a heart ailment. He died on the train after passing customs. His valise was opened and all the frontier policeman, who knew of his status and the reason for his mission, could say was: "The Yid was smuggling a lady's dress." It is with this inhuman comment that the story ends. "The Mission" is an expose of a world fiasco when 32 nations could have rescued many Jews and didn't. It tells the story about an important, albeit scandalous pro- posal, that spelled blackmail. It results in a great and very dra- matic novel that deserves the top spot among the narratives pub- lished this year. And on top of it all it serves as an important ad- dendum to the already vast litera- ture on the holocaust. —P. S. Friday, July 8, 1966-9 1THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Simon and Schuster Founder Leaves Firm THE BEST IN SALES AND SERVICE I'M THE DODGE BOY THAT SAVES YOU CASH! SPARTA N Dodge Conqratulations to LAWRENCE B. WAYNE In 1940, according to Mengin, there also were "non-Gaullist Jews" who were accused of hav- ing fled France "because they were afraid." And the author poses the question: "If so, why were they in London and not in New York"— because in London was centered the movement of the French re- sistance. viewed in The Jewish News Com- mentary May 6), Blum, as Mengin states, "believed for a long time that General de Gaulle favored parliamentary democracy" An en- mity arose between the two men when Blum became convinced that de Gaulle sought personal power. Mengin's personal background accounts for much in his story. He was an attache of the French embassy in London in 1940 and resigned when Petain began negotiations to surrender to the Nazis. The author of this impressive work then went to see General de Gaulle, but his .ardor cooled when he became aware of his political ambitions. He joined the Free French forces but did not remain in the Guallist camp because he re- fused to sign the Acte d'Engage- meat, regarding it as an oath of allegiance to de Gaulle. He went to work for the English, fought in North Africa, rejoined the French Navy, fought and won laurels in Tunisia, he earned the Croix de Guerre and the Legion d'honneur, was posted with the French Naval Mission in Washington in 1944 and after the war became a free-lance journalist. "No Laurels for de Gaulle," is a valuable addendum to the history of the last war, is an important evaluation of many historic inci- dents in Europe, makes significant references to major personalities of that era and certainly is major as a work describing the inclina- tions of Charles de Gaulle. ..1111 ■ 1111L, NEW YORK—M. Lincoln Schus- ter sold his half interest in Simon and Schuster Inc. Thursday to Leon Shimkin, his partner. Schus- ter was a founder of the company with Richard D. Simon in 1924. The reported price of the sale was $2,000,000. The sales agreement stipulates that Schuster cannot engage in publishing in the next two years. He plans to write, edit and com- pile books that he will offer to publishers, including Simon and Schuster. . Schuster's primary interests are in philosophy of history and in history of philosophy. In his HANK NEWMAN 42 years with the publishing President firm, he published the works of such men as Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein, Will Durant, Max Lerner and Bernard Beren- son. Shimkin started with Simon and Schuster in its first year as a accountant. Since 1959 he has been i PAUL NEWMAN'S the owner of Pocket Books Inc. He will merge the two firms, in- corporating Pocket Books as a division of Simon and Schuster. 855 Oakland, Pontiac LI 9-6161 Mengin's 'No Laurels for de Gaulle' Exposes General's Personal Ambitions "No Laurels for de Gaulle" by Robert Mengin, published by Far- rar, Straus and Giroux, is just what the title implies: it is a severe critir:ism of the French leader. The subtitle is "An Appraisal of the London Years," and in it the author, who played an important role during the critical war years, in French ranks, writes authorita- tively on the subject. DeGaulle gets full credit here for his heroic efforts as leader of the Free French, in the war against Nazism. But he is depicted as the dictatorial ruler who sought pledg- es of personal allegiance from his followers. It is in defense of those who were maligned by de Gaulle that this work was written. Mengin, whose book was trans- lated from the French by Jay Al- len, pleads for the restoration of the French slogan of Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite and his charge against de Gaulle is. "General de Gaulle is deserv- ing of glory, eternal glory, for having picked up the flag in 1940. But there are no lautAs on his brow, for he is the sym- bol, if not the cause, of. the dis- ease which continues. It is. the disease that drives the weak and bitter survivors of generations decimated by the world wars to renounce their liberties, entrust- ing power to one man; to re- nounce lucidity and candor for obscurity and deceit; to show themselves not as brothers to other nations, but full of dis- trust; not thankful, but ungrate- ful, toward the very nations that saved us all." As the thirst is, so tastes the water.—Russian proverb. for an outstanding achievement. The Gratiot District, of the Metro-. politan Life Insurance Company, located at 15300 E. Seven Mile Road, is pleased to announce that . Lawrence B .Wayne has again qualified as o member of the Millionaire Club, of the Metro- politan Life Insurance Company, for the seventh consecutive year. This year's accomplishment was completed by the end of June. Mr. Wayne has been a consistent recipient of the Quality Award of the National Association of Life Underwriters. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY New York, N.Y. SEMI-ANNUAL SALE! 20% to 30% OFF On Complete Stock or SUITS • SLACKS • SPORT COATS SPECIAL GROUP OF SUITS were $110 $49 *Slight Alteration Charge Young Leaders Take Part in Annual UJA Mission (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) NEW YORK — A group of 86 American Jewish men and women left New York Thursday in the sixth annual leadership mission of the United Jewish Appeal for a 26'-day survey of Jewish immigra- tion and absorption needs in Israel Personal exercise of power is and refugee aid programs in thoroughly condemned and there France, Italy and Greece aided are indications that the pretenders by UJA funds. made use of letters of Leon Blum Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, UJA and others. In England de Gaulle was the great hero and may those vice chairman, is leading the mis- who followed him were completely sion which is by invitaton to young men and women in the 25-to 40- accepted. year bracket, who demonstrate As was indicated in the biog- "leadership potential" . in their raphy of Leon Blum by Joel Col- home communities. Each is paying ton (published by Knopf — re- his own way. Our meticulous attention to fine tailoring and superb fitting, coupled with unparalleled personal service, offers that little bit more that makes a world of difference! VLAr 7 CUSTOM TAILOR 13641 W. 9 MILE Just W. of Coolidge LI 5-3558 Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. till 9 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.