THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20. 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Associatibn, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. yE 8-9364, Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 21st day of Tanimus, 5726, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Num. 25:10-30:1; Prophetical portion, Jeremiah 1:1-2-3. Licht benshen. Friday, July 8, 7:51 p.m. VOL. XLIX No. 20 Page 4 July 8, 1966 Vietnam Situation and Right to Dissent There is a serious difference of opinion in Jewish ranks over the right to dissent and to register protests on public issues. The situation in Vietnam, the numerous protests against administration policies, the confusions that have arisen over the demonstrations in universities against President Johnson's cur- . rent position, are the causes of so much concern that there has developed an extrem- ism in thinking on both sides. It is as a result of the divided views in the American population at large that opin- lions among Jewish groups are similarly split. But it is -evident that the overwhelming ma- jority among those who are legislating in ' behalf of Jewish movements is in support of protests, in defense of dissent — favoring the right of people to express their views on public matters, even if they are in opposition to those of the President and his administra- tion. Thus, at the sessions of the National Com- munity Relations Advisory Council, held in Washington last week, only one national group—the Jewish War Veterans—opposed a resolution on dissent, while the major Jewish movements acted on their own to support such an expression. Backing the ac- tion of the seven major Jewish organizations also were 31 community councils, including Detroit's. Fully to understand and to evaluate the _position of the majority, it is necessary to be acquainted with the full text of the resolution backed by the majority of national Jewish organizations, including the Conservative, Reform and Orthodox religious groups. The statement on Right of Protest and Dissent reads: tion at any time of an atmosphere of conformism which inevitably restricts free speech and mean- ingful discussion of crucial national issues in public forums and government instrumentalities on every level, a public discussion so essential to our political system. We assert the danger, to minority groups especially, of an atmosphere in which protest and dissent is considered an evil, an atmosphere which has always fostered sus- picion of one's neighbor, lynch mob mentality, the vigilante spirit, mindless name-calling, and irra- tional chauvinism. Basic principles are involved in this declaration. There is reason to believe, based on their repeated statements, that President Johnson and Vice President Humphrey are not opposed to differences of opinion, that they welcome criticism, much as a great deal of it may be to their personal chagrin; that these two heads of our government have no intention of suppressing expressions of views Dr. Morris Mandel, a noted psychoanalyst, presently on the guid- regarding American foreign policies and our ance staff of the Wingate High School in Brooklyn, has written 10 military actions. books. One, "Stories for Speakers," which was reviewed in The Jewish News, is a guide for public speakers. His newest, "Story Anthology for In principle, the declaration of the seven Public Speakers," published by Jonathan David (131 E. 23rd, NY10) major Jewish organizations opposes conform- will be additionally helpful to orators who seek proper stories to ism, decries the fostering of suspicions, pleads illustrate their talks. for the right of people to express their views Some of the best stories have been gathered for inclusion in this on public matters, upholds the right to dis- anthological work. Every conceivable subject is provided for. Practically sent. Once these basic American ideals are all situations are taken into consideration. Even the subject of birth sacrificed, the very foundations of our Ameri- control is included and this story is related: "Clarence Darrow, the eminent criminal lawyer, was once canism will have been abandoned. This must asked whether or not he believed in birth control. not be tolerated. " 'Whenever that question is put to me,' he answered, 'I always While the position of the Jewish War Vet- remember that I was the fifth.' " erans on matters relating to Vietnam is under- There are several Jewish stories, one about . Tisha b'Av, another standable, it does not justify opposition to about Rabbi Salanter and how to perform a mitzvah. One of the Jewish stories also is about Clarence Darrow. Here it is: the right to protest and to dissent. It is to be Darrow once was asked what he thought of Jews. Were they hoped that on this point they will soon come inferior to the common run of human beings? 'You must_ under- closer to the views of the overwhelming ma- stand,' answered the trial lawyer, "that when yours and my an- jority. cestors were sitting on trees cracking nuts with bare paws, the Jews came around and sold us nutcrackers.' " There is no doubt that the phrasing of "The principle of the free expression of There are several Bible stories—one about. Rabbi Akiva—and a a new idea regarding the right to dissent by opinion and the right therefore to dissent is the national Jewish organizations will create one number about anti-Semitism. cornerstone of the American democratic process. A rabbinic Sabbath story is especially applicable in treating issues of the bitterest controversies in Jewish life. America was founded by dissenters; our govern- related to goals. The action introduced by the largest Jewish ment was born in acts of protest, and free speech There is especially this fine story, in relation to anti-Semitism, movements already has drawn criticism, and quoting is enshrined in the Constitution as a sacred right. Weizmann: the debate it has generated may be the cause "An Englishman once asked Dr. Chains Weizmann, "Why is "There is ample historical precedent to of unprecedented tensions in many of our it that all Jews are said to be usurers?' demonstrate the validity, and even the necessity _ communities. Perhaps this new debate over " 'For the same reason,' replied Weizmann, 'that all English- of dissent with established policies and acts of a major American issue is the result of fear men are said to be gentlemen.' " government. Especially in times of crisis when There are splendid stories about atheism, study, success, suicide, — of panic that often arises because Jews emotion may suffocate - rational consideration of vital issues, and dissent is viewed with suspicion, inject themselves into controversies involving wealth. youth, tact—in fact, about every imaginable idea that can dissent is most necessary for the decision-making national policies. The demonstrations by Jew- serve the purposes of yarn-seeking by public speakers. Dr. Mandel indeed, performed a mighty good task in his collection of tales, process of a democracy. In its absence the nation ish students and members of faculties of has, yarns, tall stories, factual data, historical material—all certain to be suffers by the failure to subject pressing issues American universities already have resulted helpful to orators, whether they're those already on the public plat- to close examination and through the creation of in condemnations and challenges far more form or those seeking the public limelight. conditions which threaten basic freedoms and harsh than those expressed by non-Jews about values. involvements by academicians in matters in- "We are mindful and encouraged that in this volving our military actions. If the reactions period of crisis opposing views on basic issues of in the Jewish communities are the result of war and peace are more freely being expressed Schocken Books has just issued as a paperback the Nahum N. a newly-generated panic, then the hesitancy Glatzer classic, "Hillel the Elder—The Emergence of Classical Juda- than in comparable war-time periods of American to endorse the right of protest and dissent ism," which first appeared in 1956 as part of the Hillel Little Books history. becomes all the more deplorable. series. "However, we deplore all action which As the eminent author points out in his introduction, knowledge threatens expression of dissent in connection with It is much easier to shout hallelujah every about Hillel the Elder is essential for an understanding of the first U.S. foreign policy, particularly in the case of the time a public official expresses a policy in- pre-Christian century as well as the period that preceded the destruc- Vietnam war; or to discredit such expressions by volving the American people. It is more tion of the Temple in 70 C.E. the propagandistic association of dissent with the difficult to criticize a President and his ad- Dr. Glatzer explains that "we apply the terms 'classical' to the bizarre, disreputable, or unpatriotic elements in ministration. But the interest of the country period of Hillel (who is never called 'rabbi') because it was then, and society. Such action threatens to recreate the and the country's traditions calls for free ex- not in biblical times, that a central line, a point of departure—and hysteria of the McCarthy period, which happily pression of views. Else whatever is called return—for all forms of Judaism yet to come was established." we overcame. Hillel's work, it is shown in this brief but very significant book freedom can so easily terminate as tyranny. "We call therefore for resistance to the crea- Tall Many i Tales, of Splendid Vintage, in Orators'Anthology Glatzer's 'Hillel the Elder' The Myopia in Diplomatic Circles There is no end to pro-Arab propaganda, and the Faisal "incident" now is being uti- lized to interfere with whatever efforts may have been made with a modicum of success to bring Arabs and Israelis together for peace talks. But the insistance upon making the issue a "Zionist" one, while all Jews are being maligned and harmed is adding to discord rather than to amity. In the meantime, Ahmed Shukairy, the leader of the abortive "Palestine Liberation Army," has begun a campaign to oust King Hussein of Jordan; Russia is reported in Lon- don to have joined in "efforts to subvert Jordan," and there is a movement to get Jordanian army officers to desert their posts as part of the campaign against their ruler. Neither is there even a measure of accord between Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The en- tire Moslem league has been upset by ha- treds. Only Israel seems to unite them. But officials of Western states act as if the Arabs are the only element to kowtow to, especially as part of a policy of subverting Soviet influences in the Middle East. That's part of the blindness in evidence today in diplo- matic circles. of less than 100 pages, "gives direction to the generation after him.". Delineating the status of the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and the Dead Sea Community, in his presentation of the historical background, Dr. Glatzer reviews Hillel's ascent, his introduction of a new note in the house of study, the emergence of the two schools, Hillel and his rival Shammai and the laws an which they differed. Discussing "community versus state" and the influence of Hellen- ism, Dr. Glatzer points out that there was a Hellenism which was "consciously accepted, carefully integrated with Jewish thought;" and the term "Zealotism" as applied by Toynbee to the leader of that time, to Hillel and Johanan ben Zakkai, is rejected. Hillel's proselytes, Johanan ben Zakkai as his disciple, their teach- ings, are interestingly treated and there is a concluding chapter on "Classical Judaism" in which Dr. Glatzer declares: "Classical Judaism, as it emerges in Hillel, stands first of all for Torah: its source is the divine revelation to Israel . . . Classical Juda- ism emphasizes learning . . . The Torah is mare than a book; - the teacher more than a dispenser, the disciple more than a recipient of information. The study of the Torah is a living bridge between the divine and the human. . . ."