Israel Regrets Truman's Inability to Attend Ground Breaking of Center (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — The news that former President Harry S. Truman has canceled plans to come to Jeru- salem Monday was received here Wednesday with "deep regret but with understanding." The former President had been scheduled to attend ground-breaking ceremon- ies for the Truman Center for Peace at the Hebrew University. Although Hebrew University of- ficials were reported as deeply re- gretting Truman's change of plans, dictated by concern over the pos- * * * Kennedy Memorial Dedicated in Israel (Continued from Page One) lofty ideals of his country and of all humanity." He then dedicated the Memorial to "the man who opened new frontiers of interna- tional relations and human friend- ships." A huge crowd had collected early in the morning on the top of the hill where the memorial building stands in the shape of a cut tree, symbolizing the untimely death of Mr. Kennedy. A Jerusa- lem children's band opened the ceremony with the Star Spangled Banner as Eshkol and Warren ar- rived. Before the formal dedication there were addresses by Jacob - Tzur, world chairman of the JNF; Herman Weisman, president of the American JNF; Mayor Teddy Kol- lek of Jerusalem, and United States Ambassador Walworth Barbour. (In Independence, Mo., it was announced Tuesday by President Truman that, on his physician's-ad- vice, he will not attend the dedi- cation of the Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University to be held in Jerusalem July 11. Truman designated Thurgood Marshall, U. S. Solicitor General, to represent him at the ceremony. He said he had planned to attend the dedication ceremony, "but my family and physician prevailed on me not to risk so taxing a journey at this time. It was suggested by some that the ceremony be post- poned to accommodate me, but I felt that because of the urgency of what we are attempting to do at the Center for Peace we should proceed with the program without delay." Mrs. Morris L. Schaver of De- troit, one of the 41 contributors who have made possible the erec- tion of the Truman Peace Center, has left for Israel to participate in the dedication c e re monies. ) Jewish Chaplain Recites Hebrew Prayer at World's Largest Bell Dedication VICENZA, Italy—When the larg- est bell in the world was recently dedicated in Rovereto, Italy, in memory of the war dead of all na- tions and faiths, Army Chaplain Paul Swerdlow recited the Hebrew Prayer for the Dead, the National Jewish Welfare Board's Commis- sion On Jewish Chaplaincy re- sible effects of the lengthy journ- ey on a man of 82, they said the ceremony would proceed as sched- uled. In New York, Samuel Rothberg, head of the American Section of the International Committee for ported. the Truman Center, said he was Five thousand people, including certain "that the people of Israel diplomatic and military represen- and the many others who are trav- eling to Jerusalem for the Center dedication will be happy in Tru- man's choice of_ a representative." OFFICIAL AGENCY He added: "We-are deeply grieved by Mr. Truman's inability to par- ticipate in the ground-breaking of the noble structure which will bear his name but we must respect his desire that we go ahead. We feel, WORLD'S MOST WANTED WATCH as he does, that the world cannot afford to wait." Rothberg, who is chairman of Certified Master Watchmaker the board of the American Friends and Jeweler of the Hebrew University, noted 18963 Livernois Ave. that the 41 founders of the Truman UN 1-8184 Center had each pledged $100,000 toward implementation of the Ask for Free Omega Style Brochure peace center. 4"-- 11 —•■ 2"r ■ ns- q tatives from 20 countries, par- ticipated in the inaugural cere- monies held on a wooded moun- tain top overlooking the city. Colonel Horace W. Patch, air at- tache at the U.S. Embassy in Rome, represented the U.S. Air Force. The bell weighs 25 tons and can be heard in good weather as far as Verona, 43 miles away. Travel- ers passing through the Rovereto area any night at 9 hear the bell toll for the soldier dead of the world. KAPLAN BROS. Specializing in: READY FOR THE BAR-B-Q GRILL! • RIBS • TENDERLOIN CARTWHEELS • HAMBURGER PATTIES in Three Sizes • THIN GEORGE OHRENSTEIN • REGULAR • JUMBO 18229 WYOMING WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association BANK OF THE COMMONWEALTH PAYS YOU Birchers Rally Vilifies the Jews (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) BOSTON — Unabashed anti- ' Semitism was indulged in from the platform of the New England Rally for God, Family and Country last Saturday evening at the Statler- Hilton Hotel, with a key spokes- man for the John Birch Society — Dr. Revilo P. Oliver — pro- viding the vilification of Jews. Oliver, contributing editor of American Opinion, a John Birch Society publication, in an address on "Conspiracy or Degeneracy," told the right-wing audience that the "conspiracy of the Jews," pre- dating "the conspiracies of the . . . Communists," has helped pro- duce the evils of today. These evils, he asserted, include "de- generates, scum, dregs, savages . . dear little cockroaches, howl- ing mobs, parasites and the lazy illegitimate." Although the smear of Jews by Oliver, a member of the faculty at the University of Illinois, went un- mentioned in the daily press, it was clearly noted by representa- tives of the Anti-Defamation league of Bnai Brith and the Jewish Com- munity Council, who were in at- tendance at all sessions of the rally. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 8, 1966-3 ANNUAL INTEREST Plus these other advantages: 0 You may purchase 5 1 A% Certificates in any amount over $100. El You will receive a check for the VA% interest due you annually, or we will automatically reinvest your interest for you, if you prefer. Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry ON 1-YEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES You may redeem Certificates prior to maturity on 30 days' written notice and interest will be paid - at the rate of 4% from day of deposit to day of withdrawal. 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