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July 08, 1966 - Image 14

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1966-07-08

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14—Friday, July 8, 1966




Cong. Gemiluth Chassodim Changes Name
to Beth Hillel, Institutes Mixed Seating

Twenty-five years after its found-
ing as an Orthodox congregation
dedicated to philanthropic causes,
Gemiluth Chassodini's membership
has voted to change the name to
Cong. Beth Hillel and to institute
CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Services 7 p.m. today and 8:40 a.m. Saturday. mixed seating.
Rabbi Halpern will speak on "My Son's Bar Mitzvah," honoring his
The issue of mixed seating had
son, Eli, who will observe his Bar Mitzvah.
been considered for some time,
TlEMEPLE BETH AM: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Jessel will speak but until this year had not been
on "Which Is the Right Course That a Man Should Choose?"
The synagogue, 19371 Green-
CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Services 8 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Sat-
urday. Rabbi Goldman will speak on "The Responsibility of Jew- field, is still classified as Ortho-
dox, but like Cong. Bnai David in
.. ish Leaders." Marty J. Kartush, Bar Mitzvah.
CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 7:45 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Oak Park, wishes to be considered
"modern American Orthodox."
Alan Adler, Bar Mitzvah. (See story, Column 3)
With the removal of "mehitza"
BETH AARON .SYNAGOGUE: Services 6:30 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. (separate seating), however, no
Saturday. Cary Nagdeman, Bar Mitzvah.
CONG. BNAI DAVID: Services 6:30 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Satur-
day. Michael Levin and Jerome Irving Zimberg, Bnai Mitzvah.
TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today and 11 a.m. Saturday.
Andrew Bryan Wachter, Bar Mitzvah.
Very recently as I was perusing
CONG. BNAI MOSHE: Services 7 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday.
a volume of the Talmud I encoun-
Michael Helfand, Bar Mitzvah.
tered in tractate "Taanit," folio
Regular services will be held at Temple Beth El, Beth Isaac Syna- 22b, the strange name of a Rabbi
gogue .in Trenton, Adas Shalom Synagogue, Temple Emanu-El and
whom we members of the "Gamara
Cong. Beth Moses.
Class" had met with therein about
7 1/2 decades ago—namely "RABBI
In those days we were instructed
to concentrate all of our attention
on the subjects of study and waste
Harry L. Pliskow was elected while Mrs. Arthur J. Hass will no time on committing to memory
names of authors, commentators,
president of Temple Israel for a serve a one-year unexpired term.
Rabbis, etc. Hence, while the pe-
second term at the congregation's
The meeting officially closed culiarity of the name "YUD" which
26th annual meeting June 28.
the temple's 25th anniversary is the name of the tenth letter
Re-elected to serve- with him celebration and was highlighted
of the alphabet and which, in
were Morton H. - by the presentation of two hon- writing, is smaller than the com-
Barris and Mor-
ors to Dr. Leon Fram, Temple ma, excited us momentarily, we
ris W. Stein, vice Israel's founding rabbi.
forgot all about it when the lesson
presidents; Sam-
In celebration of his 25th year was over.
uel Rabinowitz, in the pulpit of Temple Israel,
Now in the summer of the year
secretary; and Rabbi Fram was presented with a
1966, the repeated encounter of
N Jack Caminker, trip to the state of Israel by mem-
that extraordinary name of a Rabbi
bers of the congregation. He plans recalled to my mind the beautiful
Named to three- to make the journey in the spring.
observation by William Shake-
year terms on
The occasion also was marked speare:
the board of with the presentation to Rabbi
"What is in a
trustees were Dr. Fram of the Shofar Award, the we call a rose name? That which
Abraham L. Co- first of its kind given by the Na-
any other name would smell
hen, Joseph tional Committee on Jewish Scout- as By
Hacker, Melvin ing, for 40 years of support to the
And also the counter statement
W. Mermell, Jul- boy scout movement.
by Locke:
ius C. Pliskow,
Temple Israel and its men's club
"There is much in a mantel"
Irving J. Rosen- sponsor Troop 146, which was or-
Some similarity to Shakespeare's
Pliskow thal, Dr. I. Wal- ganized shortly after the formation
evaluation of the flower is found
ter Silver and Louis Vineberg. of the temple 25 years ago.
in the Talmud (Tractate Meggila,
Serving an unexpired two-year
Folio 15 A) about a pearl (in He-
term will be Myron Shefman,
Orthodox Rabbis Urged brew - "a margolit"): "Wherever
it is and in whosever possession
to Focus on Campus
it be it remains a pearl," a "Mar-
Detroit Mayor Proclaims
FALLSBURG, N. Y., June 29 golit."
Young Israel Youth Week (JTA)—An
That there is much even in a
Orthodox rabbi who is
Mayor Cavanagh's proclamatiOn associate professor of philosophy name that consists of only one
declaring the week of June 24-30 at Yeshiva University told the letter is evident by that of "RAB-
as Young Israel Youth Week was Rabbinical Council of America, at BI YUD," and by the following
read along with other cities' procla- its annual convention here, that indications:
mations at the 54th annual con- "if Judaism is to win the hearts
1. Yud is the smallest and most
vention of the National Council of and minds of educated Jews, we significant letter of the Hebrew
Young Israel at the Pioneer Coun- must turn our attention more to alphabet of which all function as
try Club, New York.
the campus than to the syna- numbers. The Yud stands for num-
ber 10.
The governors of New York, gogue."
2. Two Yuds standing together
New Jersey and Connecticut and
The speaker was Dr. Norman
the mayors of New York, Los An- Lamm, who, in addition to teach- constitute God's name.
3. The tenth and fifth letters
geles and Philadelphia proclaimed ing Jewish philosophy, is also as-
that week.
sociate rabbi of The Jewish Cen- standing together, the former on
The convention undertook the ter, of New York. He noted that, the right side, constitute God's
program of organizing kosher din- among the 365,000 Jews now in name; used only in poetry.
4. The Yud introduces God's two-
American universities, secularism
ing clubs on college campuses.
Over 1,000 delegates from eight
5. The Yud introduces such sig-
tating" questioning is frequent.
states attended.
To combat those trends, he said, nificant words as Judaism, Israel,
"we must turn more to the lec- Jerusalem, Yom-toy, Yom-Kippur,
Lubavitcher Schools
ture than to the sermon, more to beauty, loveliness, kindness, etc.
A description of the personal
the podium than to the pulpit. In
Growing in Australia
our encounter with the young in- life of Rabbi Yud would now be
NEW YORK (LNS)—More than tellectuals, we must understand welcome, but it is unavailable to
650 students are enrolled in Luba- their questions before we offer our me. The Talmud uses a special
word when it fails to or cannot
vitcher schools in Australia, it was answers.
explain. The word is TIKU.
reported here by Rabbi Yitzchok D.
"Modern Orthodoxy can no long-
Groner, emissary of the Luba- er ignore the facts of life and act shall end with it.
vitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem as if instruction in religious ob-
M. Schneerson, to Australia.
servance and education in talmu- Soviet Officials Dismiss
The yeshiva in Melbourne offers dic law will, by themselves, keep Moscow Synagogue Aide
a complete elementary and high the secularist wolf from the door."
LONDON (JTA) — The Soviet
school education, and is attended
The convention, attended by 600 Supervisor of Religious Institu-
by students from all parts of the Orthodox rabbis, adopted a resolu- tions has dismissed Chaim Ochs
country. It has also recently estab- tion calling on the Soviet govern- from his post as chairman of the
lished a school for post-graduate ment to grant to Jews "free and board of the synagogue at Cherki-
rabbinic studies, the rabbi re- unqualified" freedom to practice zovo, one of the three Moscow
their religion.
synagogues, it was reported here.

'Rabbi Yud'

Temple Israel Re-Elects Pliskow,
Gives Rabbi Fram Trip to Israel

other changes are contemplated,
according to Ben Gorge, president
of the congregation.
Founded on Dexter Ave. by
a- small group of German-born
Jews, the congregation now num-
bers 215 members. Gorge said
it was hoped that the change
would appeal to a younger ele-
ment of the area's population.
Two founding members of the
congregation, along with several
others who opposed the institu-
tion of mixed seating, plan to form
a "Chevrath Gemiluth Chassodim,"
which will be primarily a burial
society,Gorge said.
Their right to the name of Gemi-

luth Chassodim necessitated the
synagogue's name change.
For the first 20 years of the
congregation, Gorge said, all funds
raised went to various philan-
thropies in Israel. Five years ago,
members diverted their funds to-
ward the building of the Green-
field structure.

* See NORM RUBY -x



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