Faisel 'Clarifies' His Statement With More Hale for Zionists . ' NEW YORK (JTA)—King Fai- sal, of Saudi Arabia, who delivered anti-Jewish remarks in Washing- ton last week, and was, as a re- sult, snubbed by New York's Mayor Lindsay and Gov. Rocke- feller, made an effort Sunday to "clarify" his attitude. In a statement for the Arab press, broadcast to Saudi Arabia through the facilities of the Voice of. America, which is owned and operated by #he United States overnment, he aid: "We are not against. the religion of the Jews, but against the Zionists and the Jews who help the Zion- Faisal ists." A spokesman for the king also . quoted the monarch as counseling the acceptance of those Jews who had made their home in Palestine long before it became the inde- pendent nation of Israel in 1948. "Those Jews who were in Pales- tine have a right to stay there, but the Jews who came from out- side are intruders," the king was reported to have asserted. The spokesman then added that Islam had always regarded itself as "a continuation of Judaism and Christianity," but he did not make it clear if the king had made this point, or if he considered this as further evidence that no attack on the Jews as a whole had been in- tended. At the press conference at which Faisal made his disparag- ing remark about Jews he had bristled when a reporter asked him whether Saudi Arabia con- sidered President Nasser's Egypt or Israel as the greater enemy, declaring he regretted the ques- tion and that despite differences, the Egyptians "remain our brethren.." While asserting that "it has never been our aim to exterminate Israel" and that Jews were always recognized as "co-citizens" of Arabs in Palestine, he declared that "Zionist aggression occupied the country,- threw out the Arab people, many of them becoming refugees." He stated that "the Jews had been guilty of "violation of every human right" of the Arabs in Palestine and had denied them "the right of a person to his own h o amlley." Virtually every Jewish organi- zation protected those remarks and praised Mayor Lindsay for can- celation of the planned honor. They included the National Community Relations Advisory Council, Amer- ican Jewish Committee, Anti-De- famation League of Bnai Brith, American Jewish Congress, Amer- ican Zionist Council, Hadassah, Zionist Organization of America, ewish War Veterans and others. Lit ., Teehnion Strike Ends; Students Return to Class HAIFA (JTA)—A dispute at the Israel Institute of Technology which led to a strike by all of the Technion students was settled June 22 and the students promptly halted their strike. The agreement ending the dis• pate provides that the Technion administration will invite all in- structors who taught in the archi- tecture faculty this year to con- tinue to give the same number of hours of instruction next year. The Technion also agreed to assure representation of the fac- ulty when matters concerning that faculty are discussed by any Technion body. Faculty members had complained they were not represented at discussions of vital importance to the faculty. The dispute, which has been in existence several years, reached a head four months ago • when the Technion Senate decided to split the architecture faculty and re- place its dean. The settlement pro- vides that a unified study pro- gram for the faculty has been worked out. The students began their strike June 21. The organizations denounced the king for abusing the hospitality of the United States government by publicly maligning American Jew- ish citizens. They deplored his sup- port of the Arab boycott against American business, a program formally criticized by the United States government and pointed out that in assailing American Jews for supporting Israel, he was inferentially criticizing the United States. They declared that such remarks came with ill grace from a visitor receiving the hospitality of the United States. 1' Congressmen Upset Over New York Incident WASHINGTON (JTA)—The anti- Jewish and anti-Israel remarks here of King Faisal evoked pro- tests in both Houses of Congress. Some members, including Senator J. W. Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit tee, and Sen. Burke B. Hicken- looper, Iowa Republican who is ranking minority member of the committee, expressed regret that New York Mayor John V. Lindsay' had canceled a city dinner in Fai- sal's honor. The cancelation was lauded in a Senate speech by Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New York Republican, who saiad the mayor's action was "the only feasible reaction." Rep. Seymour Halpern, New York Republican, said in a House speech that the monarch's re- marks were a "deplorable breach" of American hospitality. Rep. Leonard Farbstein, New York Democrat, informed the House that he had sent a telgram to Mayor Lindsay, asking cancelation of the dinner and saying Jewish taxpay- ers' funds "should not be used for a feast for their declared enemy." Sen. Hickenlooper, who gave a luncheon in honor of King Faisal, said after the event that he was "very distressed" because New York was "most inhospitable" to Faisal. Sen. Gale McGee, Wyom- ing Democrat, said he thought Mayor Lindsay "should have set world politics ahead of the politics of his own city." Dr. Mohammed .Mehdi, a leader of the anti-Israel "Action ComMit- tee on Arab-AmeriCan Relations," announced that his group had ask- ed King Faisal to cancel his plan- ned flight to New York's La Guar- dia Field, calling New York "this Tel Aviv of the Atlantic." He said he had suggested that King Faisal fly, instead, to the airport at Newark, N.J. Gov. Rockefeller's brother David gave a luncheon for Faisal and oil magnaates on Sunday. The Council for Judaism repud- ita the statement by Alfred Liline- thal demanding impeachement of Mayor Lindsay. He spoke for him- self, the anti-Zionist Coouncil said. Lilinthal is the author of several violently anti-Israel books. He has been entertained in Egypt, Sudi Adabia and other Arab countries —the only Jew in the world thus to have fraternized with Israel's ene- mies as part of his auti-Zionist campaign. Friday, July 1, 1966-17 09900 0091110000000 00 000 0011,0011,9901100.0 000000MM" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AMERICA'S No, 11 100% PURE BEEF PRODUCTS • • • • • • • . . . only the finest in quality and taste from Kosher Zion . . . made fresh daily in our new, modern, clean, stainless steel kitchens, under strict 'J.S. Gov- ernment Inspection and Orthodox Rabbinical Supervision. [KOSHER • ZION • U .S. INSPECTER. OJUI PASSER BY VEPARTNIENT Of AGRICULTURE - • • Classified Ads Bring Results "*.•'X's 0,0 6 vz . Union Tourist Group Angered by Arabs' Refusal of Jews ow . ', '•W • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •- • • • • • CHICAGO 8, ILL • SAUSAGE. COMPANY OF CHICAGO • •• 0011000600 0011 ■ 10 •••••••••••••••1•00011 ■ •••••••••••••11 EST .:1 la • JOIN THE ALL-STAR BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR .•• 5 NEW YORK — Syria and Jor- dan have barred three American Jews scheduled to visit there next month as members 'of a trade union tourist group, it was report- ed Wednesday by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. A spokesman for the union dis- closed that the Arab governments had refused visas to the Jewish members of a union-sponsored tour of Europe and the Middle East, scheduled to leave New York July 12. Action of the Arab governments had been taken in violation of earlier assurancees that there would be no discrimination against the Jewish members of the group. A union spokesman disclosed that Egypt and Lebanon, which are also on the itinerary, had not barred the Jewish union members. He said the refusal by Jordan and Syria to grant .visas to the Jewish members of the group came "too late for us to change our plans." He added—"we will not again plan visits to these or any other countries where our members would be exposed to such indig- nities and religious prejudice." Charging "bad faith" on the part of Syrian and Jordanian consular officials here, the union spokes- man declared, "We deplore the attempts by these countries to di- vide our members on the basis of religion, Our union makes no dis- tinction whatsoever among its members in terms of race, religion or ancestry, and we resent the fact that such irrelevant and ex- traneous considerations have been forced on us." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS '4* „.„ Alinsirel will sing and strum their a/I-time hits and some new ones too! 20-piece jazz orchestra will hold a pre-show jazz concert at8pm —and play till 10:30 Of So *ETRO h—r TICKETS AVAILABLE AT IL. HUDSON . CO., SEARS, GRINNELL'S & COBO HALL $3TRA $293 $1(1CONY SHOW STARTS AT 8:30 memo ORDER BLANK MAIL TO: Governor Romney Birthday Party Committee P.O. Box 3081, Detroit, Mich. 48231 I want to join the fun at the All-Star Birthday Party at Cobo Arena in Detroit on July 12. Please send me tickets for Dinner and Show, $25.00 each. tickets for Tier A seats at $5.00 each. tickets for Tier B seats at $2.00 each. tickets for Balcony seats at $1.00 each. I enclose my check or money order for $ Name Address City Phone