U.S. Becomes Aware of Arab PLO ArroganceiTHE BY MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright. 1966, JTA, Inc.) WASHINGTON — American pol- icy-makers are responding to the changing world scene with a grow- ing awareness of the mutuality of American-Israel defense interests. The United States is doing more for Israel's defense because: Moscow but are even permitting the Peking • oriented "Palestine Liberation Organization" to train Arab volunteers for the Viet Cong; Iraq, through actions of its new Premier, seeks new arms from Russia and welcomes Chinese Com- munist delegations; Saudi Arabia and Jordan, both pro-Western for self-serving reas- ons, find their monarchies threat- ened by the growing momentum of "Arab socialism." France, a Mediterranean country, has withdrawn frfom NATO; Turkey, bastion of CENTO, has been outflanked and bypassed by As the regional situation deter- Soviet penetration of Syria; iorates, the United States seeks Egypt and Syria are not only friends wherever they can be found. collaborating more closely with Saudi Arabian King Faisal was for Famed NY Settlement House to Acquire Name of an Alumnus, David Sarnoff NEW YORK (JTA)—The Edu- by Joseph S. Gershman, president cational Alliance, famed Lower of the Educational Alliance. East Side Jewish settlement house It was also disclosed that which serves all races and creeds, more than $2,000,000 has been announced that it will name its obtained by the Educational Al- main building after David Sarnoff, liance for its development fund board, chairman of the Radio Cor- to provide increased facilities poration of America, who studied and services. More than '700 there as a young immigrant from community leaders attended the Russia in 1900. dinner, paying tribute to leaders The announcement, made at a of the American Jewish commu- dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria com- nity who established the Educa- memorating the 75th anniversary tional Alliance in 1891 to help of the alliance, said that a $500,000 prepare Jewish immigrants for program is being undertaken to citizenship and participation in modernize and improve the build- American life. ing. The announcement was made Donald B. Straus, grandson of the agency's founding president, Isidor Straus, served as 75th an- Living Standards Up; niversary chairman. He noted that So Is Inflation Spiral the Alliance is one of the nation's JERUSALEM (ZINS) — To date largest community centers and the 479,000 families — 78 percent of largest social work field training the total number of families in center. Gerard Oestreicher, dinner chair- Israel — own electric refrigerators and only 12 percent still use the man for the anniversary celebra- old-fashioned icebox, according to tion, pointed out that the Alliance the Central Bureau of Statistics. is the nation's second oldest settle- Ninety per cent of the families own ment house and the first to be es- radios, and 29 per cent—washing tablished by the Jewish community. machines. He said that it now provides a But despite this great improve- comprehensive a n d nonsectarian ment, the same sources concede, Program of services for about there is still a marked difference 8,000 men, women and children of between living standards between the Lower East Side. The agency is a member agency of the Federa- Westerners and Orientals. tion of Jewish Philanthropies of At the same time, it was report- New York. ed the wage scale and cost of liv- ing index in Israel rose to the greatest extent in Israel during Convert to Christianity 1965 when compared to the hike in 14 countries with whom Israel has OK'd to Give lialitza' to trade relations. The comparison Widowed Sister-in-Law was made with France, Italy, Bel- HAIFA (ZINS) — An unmarried gium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Jewish convert to Christianity may Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. give "halitza" (permission to re- Wages in Israel rose by 17.5 per marry as required by Biblical cent over the previous year. law) to his widowed sister-in-law. In, the above mentioned coun- This was the sensational verdict of tries, wage increases varied be- the Haifa rabbinate, replying to a tween 2.5 per cent and 9.5 per request by a widow whose brother- cent. The cost-of-living index in in-law was a convert in Spain. Israel leaped by 7.7 per cent in The rabbinate based its decision 1965, whereas with Israel's trade on the well-known passage that partners, the index only rose by "Yisroel remains Yisroel even 1.4 per cent to 4.9 per cent. though he may _sin." DOM this reason invited to Washington. New defensive arrangements have been made with him and with Icing Hussein of Jordan. American strategists have revised their thinking of Israel's needs. In this context, Israel was prov- ided with jet bombers capable of striking at Syrian and Egyptian bases of agression. Washington to- day sees Israel as a reliable and stable friend on the vortex of reg- ional turbulence. The United States for years ig- nored. Israel's complaints that Am- erican surplus food - gifts were feeding the soldiers of the "Pal- estine Liberation Army" and other Arab terrorist formations. But when the head of the "Liberation" forces, Ahmed Shukairy, announced that these same elements would send men to Viet Nam to fight the "Am- erican . imperialists,".. Washington quickly reacted. The U.S. Govern- ment asked the United Nations to stop giving food rations to all Arab refugees receiving guerilla warfare training in Egypt and Syria. A single speech by Shukairy on Viet Nam accomplished more to bring down the tent on his head than did all the protests of Israel. The United States does not reg- ard the "Palestine Liberation Army" as a force of any signifi- cance. But Washington is especially sensitive to announcements that Arabs from this group are to be armed and trained by Communist China and enlisted in the Viet Cong. Administration thinking has been outlined by Vice-President Hubert H. Huniphrey in an unusually frank address at the convention of the American Jewish Press Assoc- iation. The Vice-President reported that "there is a militant type of Com- munist action at work in the Mid- dle East much of it directed from Peking . . . that seeks to conquer . . .- that uses the new techniques of the wars of liberation." Evaluating the Arab attempts to foment a "liberation war" against Israel, Humphrey said the Peking role was "not unrelated to some of the problems we face and that the people of South Viet Nam face in southeast Asia." He said "there are militant forces at work in the Middle East" that seek to expand, that seek to undermine. Some of these militant forces of today do not even come from the Middle East; they come from the Far East. So let us be on guard." Humphrey revealed that a reas- on the United States recently sold I tanks and jet bombers to Israel was "because here are aggressive forces at work and free people must be able to defend them- selves." DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 24, 1966-13 Technion Students Go on Strike (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The strike was expected to continue The Jewish News) HAIFA — All 2,800 students in until today when summer vacation the Technion, Israel Institute of begins. Technology, went on strike Wed- nesday morning to protest an un- resolved dispute in the Technion's ::,t; CHEVROLET IS architecture faculty. The dispute, involving issues of :c;;THE BEST PLACeti personality and different study pro- TO GET YOUR grams, began three years ago. It came to a head this year when the Technion accepted one of the pro- posed study programs and recom- MORE REPEAT ~ 1 tie mended a splitting of the faculty. DE' CUSTOMERS SAY: New Lubavitch Center In Manchester Completed MANCHESTER — Construction of the first phase of the new Luba- vitch Center here has been com- pleted, it was announced by Zal- man Jaffe, head of "Friends of the Lubavitch Movement" in the Man- chester area. The new center is located in the Salford section. Man- chester has about 30,000 Jews and is the second largest Jewish com- munity in England. • Better Service • Better Deals Beller Every Way Eft; Slatkin' s DEXTER LI CHEVROLET h 2 0 8 1 1 W. 8 Mile Road It! KE -4-1400 ii ► ;t:11, :t;I !1,7" :7. ■ It:1 ■ :. ■. :1 1,21.14 12.;4 ■ :;±:4 b" .&4 fre;4 •!;!, .7:74.7+7.,747, ■ 7:!., :5;74 07 ■ 71 .721 .7.4174 AT BOTTLE n' GIFT SHO PPING RCEN T ER SOLEX SYPHOLUX FROM ISRAEL Home Ice Cream Sodas • Sparkling Wine Coolers • Soft Drinks From Syrup • For Mixed Drinks Cost • Converts Tap Water to Club Soda Instantly s Easily Refilled With Standard Cartridges • Less * Made of Aluminum • Holds Two Quarts • No Empties to Return • Always Fresh Soda • Price $19.95 IDEAL LIFETIME FREE; GIFT Package of 10 Sparklet Bulbs with Purchase of each- Sypholux. OUR CIGAR DEPARTMENT FEATURES: DUNHILL, BANCES, SHAKESPEARE, ROYAL JAMAICA AND GOLD LABEL CUESTA REY NO. 95 $6.99 Reg. 35c ea. LA PRIMADORA AMERICANA Box of 25 Reg. 30c ea. Box of 50 PALMA'S SUPREME Reg. Box 26 c of 50 Reg. 3-50c Reg. 3-50c CARAVELLE $6.99 $9.99 PIPES REPAIRED, POLISHED STEMS CUSTOM MADE Reg. 20c ea. $5.99 $6.99 $7.99 Reg. 26c ea. $9.99 OPEN SUNDAYS NOON 'TILL 6 P.M. thru-Jett m one-stop service vla Atlanta and arrive 4 :19 pin. oin us for breakfast on. :Mani. Or Set straight thin at 2:00pm and 3 Day Jetourist pre, $60.50. arrive 10 an d 6 :30p n-i. Add tax to fare Dinner flights at 5 :20 Agent. yo r Travel. our S :15 a case I'm wrong . . . pass the Siddurr Copr. 1966, Dayenu Productions Box of 50 21178 GREENFIELD • LI 1-0300 L 5 sal/ices...pm "Sure I'm still a non-believer, but just in Box of 50 CRITERION Deltal • Call Delta or see Box of 50 CLASSIC New Oilcan J Box of 25 FALCON BY HENRY LEONARD (277 Elq •-•