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June 10, 1966 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1966-06-10

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Friday, June 10, 1966-7

Catholic Pupils'
Hebreiv Skills
Win Certificates

(Direct JTA Teletype Wire to
The Jewish News)

FAIRVIEW — Thirty-three stu-
dents in St. John's Roman Catholic
School here—including an 11-year-
old boy from Jordan—received
Monday certificates in proficiency
in Hebrew in classes taught by a
Jewish attorney.
William Rubin, the attorney,
learned Hebrew while attending
Hebrew school in Jersey City
from the ages of 5 to 17. He has
contributed one hour of teaching
a week to the Catholic school's
extensive language program for
the past three years for pupils
in the third to eighth grades.
Father Charles McTague, who
developed a program of 14 lan-
guages for pupils, informed the
attorney that he had been one of
seven persons nominated by the
Edith Stein Guild for an interna-
tional award for outstanding pro-
motion of better relations be-
tween Catholics and Jews.
The language courses are taught
and studied on a voluntary basis on
Saturdays or weekday after regu-
lar school hours.
Michael Hurad, the boy from
Jordan, demonstrated his profi-
ciency by reading from his book
first in Hebrew and then in Eng-
lish, "I am a Hebrew boy."
Michael Healy volunteered another
translation: "I learn in a Hebrew
School in the land of Israel."


Why do so many
men ask us where
we've been hiding
our Northland
men's shop all
these years?

Plan to Expose KKK
Initiated by New Jersey
Jewish War Veterans

(Direct JTA Teletype Wire to
The Jewish News)

ENGELWOOD, N. J.—Stimulated
into action by a recent, openly an-
nounced Ku Kluz Klan cross burn-
ing held at Bridgeton, N. J., the
New Jersey action committee of
the Jewish War Veterans of the
United States has implemented a
plan for exposing the KKK and
condemning its activities, it was
announced here Monday.
The announcement was made by
the Jewish Chronicle, local weekly,
which reported that, at the sug-
gestion of the JWV, the state's
Allied Veterans Group has unani-
mously adopted a resolution con-
demning Klan activity. The group
represents 200,000 v et e r a n's
throughout New Jensery.
The JWIT's action committee
has filed complaints against the
Klan with Gov. Hughes, State
Attorney General Arthur J. Sills
and the FBI, as well as the Cum-
berland County Board of Chosen
Freeholders, which has jurisdic-
tion over the area where the
" \ cross had been burned publicly
by the KKK.
Sills made public a letter he re-
ceived from a man who signed
himself as John P. Semcer, who
approved of the cross burning and
stated that he would join the Ku
Klux Klan and the John Birch
Society. The action plan of the JWV
includes not only complaints to
various government bodies but also
a demand that Sills take court ac-
tion to prevent further KKK
Earlier, the Jewish War Veterans
of New York State at its annual
convention adopted resolutions in
support of the United States
government's policies in Vietnam
and its efforts to find a peaceful
settlement through negotiations.
The 1,500 delegates, reperesent-
ing more than 250 JWV units in
the state, also passed resolutions
calling on the West German and
Austrian governments to curtail the
recent manifestations of neo-Nazi
political activity within their coun-
tries; and asking the Soviet govern-
ment to put an end to its oppres-
sion of its Jewish population.
Other resolutions condemned the
John Birch Society, the Communist
Party, the American Nazi Party,
the National Renaissance Party
and the Ku Klux Klan as being
un-American and dangerous to the
American way of life.

Don't ask.

Listen, it's embarrasing to realize you've had a shop in a particu-
lar location for several years and you haven't said much about it.

And there's a lot to say about Phillips exclusive men's shop. No
women shoppers, no children being fitted. Just men. Men who
want to be able to choose from the largest collection of Florsheims
and Hush Puppies® in town (not to mention the other well-known
brands we have). Men who want to relax in a handsome and
relaxing shoe shop. Men who want the tried-and-true styles, or
something right out of an Italian designer's collection.

But about that particular location. That's one of the nicest parts
about the shop. It's so easy to find us. Just park in Lots "G" or
"H" on the south end of the Center and walk north. We're in
Building "G." If you still can't find us, go into Peck & Peck or
Wright Kay or the Detroit Bank.

And ask.



(Near Wright Kay Jewelers)

Use Lots "G" or "H" at South End of Center

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