Role of Jews Under Islam Described in Glubb's Historical Account of 300 Years of Arab Rule John Bagot Glubb, who was known as Glubb Pasha, who, as the British military leader who commanded the Arab Legion pre- vented Israel from acquiring the Old Gity of Jerusalem, became so deeply immersed in Arab and Mos- lem historical studies that he has become one of the major authori- ties on their history. He is the author of a series of such works and the third volume in the history of the Arab Empire has just been published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., under the title "The Course of Empire—The Arabs and Their Successors." In it he deals with the Arab Empire from the year 860 and its decline during the - succeeding three cen- turies. Much historical data, quoting numerous basic facts as well as legend, Glubb points out that "in connection with the area which we now call the Middle East, some interesting patterns seem- to emerge. Thus from the 13th cen- tury B.C.E. or earlier to Alexander the Great in the 330s BCE, a period of a thousand yeari, the Eastern nations held the leader- ship. From Alexander in 330 BCE to Muhammad in C. E. 630, the West was in the dominant posi- tion, a period likewise of a thou- sand years. From the death of Muhammad in C.E. 632, to the- failure of the Ottoman Turks at Vienna in the 1680s, the East en- joyed the more commanding status, again for a thousand years. In re- lation, therefore, to our Middle East no-man's land, we find the East and the West supreme with extraordinary regularity for alter- nate periods of a thousand years." In this volume, modern Israel is referred to only once—in a foot- note on page 272 which states: "When Titus captured Jerusalem from the Jews in C.E. 71, he attack- ed at exactly the same point as was chosen by Godfrey (leader of the Crusaders). In 1948, the Arab Legion defended the old walls of Jerusalem against the Israeli army." Throughout the volume, however, there are references to Jews who were emissaries for Moslem lead- ers and to Moslem attitude toward the Jews. There is much here about the Crusaders, but only in relation to their struggles with the Moham- medans and without reference to the massacres of Jews along their route toward the Holy Land. The only link with Jews mentioned in dealing with the Crusaders is that "some extorted money from the Jews." At the very outset, Glubb ex- plains that the Prophet Muham- mad, who began to preach in 613, "alleged that the Patriarch Abra- ham had taught the true faith, which had since been corrupted alike by Jews and Christians. He claimed that his religion, Islam, was a return to the pure faith propagated by Abraham." Glubb adds: "Before the preaching of Muhammad, the majority of the Arabs had been idol-worshippers, though Judaism and Christianity were spreading among them. Mu- hammad learned from both religi- ons, more especially perhaps from Judaism. So great, however, was the enthusiasm produced by the PrOphet, who had hiniself stated that to fight against unbelievers was a duty, that the Arabs set out, a year after his death, to wage war simultaneously against Byzantium and Persia." Further on, referring to the reli- gious relations, • Glubb writes: "Judaism, Christianity and Islam had all originated in a narrow strip of territory extending from Jerusalem to Mecca. Christianity had grown out of Judaism. Islam professed to be the direct continu- ator of the Judaism of Abraham from which Christianity had de- viated. The three religions were closely linked to one another. Dur- ing the first 125 years of Islam, the Arab Empire was a Mediter: ranean power, extending westward to Spain and southern France and enjoying complete naval command of the Mediterranean . . ." Glubb also states: "Muhammad had first preached Islam, not to Christians or to Jews, but to a people who worshipped idols. He therefore rigidly prohibited carved images, statues or pictures depict- ing the human form. As a result, the Arabs contemptuously denounc- ed the Byzantine Christians as idolaters . . ." Glubb contends that "in the pe- riod of Arab military expansion, Jewish merchants had controlled international trade. In the 10th cen- . Israeli Stories Serve as Background for Excellent Armenian Narratives Wayne State University Press has issued a magnificent folkoristic volume. In "100 Armenian Tales— and Their Folkloristic Relevance," collected and edited by Susie Ho- orasian-Villa, the reader will find an immense number of tales that will entertain and will, at the same time, point to related folklore among other peoples. The immense value of this book, in addition to its entertain- ing narratives, is its historic value. The stories were collected by the editor from friends and relatives in the Armenian community in De- troit, and as part of the collection there is entered into this volume a history of Delray—background material that will prove most en- lightening. ber of the education department of Wayne State University, states that, in using Noy's folktales as references, "it became apparent that the variants of the Detroit Armenian stories came from Jew- ish informants whose origins are the Middle East (with one excep- tion from Lithuania)." There are many anecdotes, numerous stories so charming that the reader will be greatly compensated for his acquisition of this large work. It has the added element of serving as reading material whenever time permits because of the brevity of the stories—so that the reader can leave off when necessary and return to the folklore at will. this book: "boy buys Jewish bones (dead man who owed money to Gentile), gives them Jewish burial. Later boy is joined by companion whO kills robbers, helps boy gain And there is the added attraction of parallels in other works, includ- ing the Israeli: In this sphere the editor uses as reference Dov Noy's "Folktales of Israel." Miss Hoogasi- an-Villa who is a part-time - mem- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20—Friday, June 3, 1966 One of the references to Noy the Israeli is about a Yemenite: "boy saves serpent who enters his mouth, then makes him weak. Boy marries princess being punished by father. She cuts, sells wood; they live. Snake leaves boy's stomach; he regains health. The two dig, find snake's treasure, become wealthy." Another Noy reference as a source for a story states; among the explanatory notes appended to fortunes.' Roy marries landlord's daughter, must divide wife who screams; snake falls out of mouth. Companion was grateful bones." Many of the other stories have Jewish backgrounds which are in- dicated in the section of compara- tive studies. The history of Armenia appended to this work, the evaluation of Armenian folklore and narratives and similar historic and literary material, added to the splendid col- lection of stories, makes this an outstanding and creative work. tury, however, when imperial de- cline had already set in, the Arabs themselves had become the world's leading traders . . ." Among the Jewish advisers to Arab rulers was a plenipotentiary of Abdul Rahman, towards the end of the 10th century. He held the post of Inspector General of Cus- toms. Glubb also maintains that "the slave trade at the time was largely in the hands of Jews, who alone were able to do business in both Christian and Muslim countries." It is Glubb's contention that during the early years of Moslem rule there was generosity and broadmindedness in dealing with defeated peoples, that "the same terms had been offered to the Christian and Jewish inhabitants of Spain on the occasion of the first, Arab conquest in 712." , Describing a massacre by Chris- tians of the inhabitants of the Con- quered city of Barbastro in 1063, Glubb writes: "A Jewish, and there- fore a more or less neutral witness of these barbarities, has left an account in the pages of the Arab historian, Ibn Hayyan. He describes haw, after the fall of Barbastro, he called upon a Christian count, whom he found lying half-drunk, surrounded by a crowd of young captured girls, whom he had ac- quired as concubines. When they tired of these orgies, the .Normans Problems in Acquiring Hebrew Teachers Topic of Brandeis Colloquium WALTHAM, Mass. (JTA) — Methods for improving the quality of Jewish education and Of meet- ing the teacher shortage in Jewish schools in this country were among the principal topics discussed at a two-day colloquium that concluded Monday. The colloquium was held under the auspices of the Philip W. Lown Graduate Center of Brandeis UniVersity. Dr. Abraham L. Sachar, presi- dent of the university, announced Monday that Lown, a philan- thropist particularly interested in Jewish education, has provided a $50,000 fund for graduate fell4*- ships in Jewish education. The fund, he said, will be adminis- tered jointly by the university and the Institute of Contemporary Jewish Studies of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. • Some of the most prominent Jewish educators in the United States participatedin the col- loquium. Among th e scholars who presented papers' and took part in the discussions were representatives of all religiOus branches of Judaism, Hebrevi and Yiddish educators and the heads of Jewish teachers col- leges and bureaus of Jewish education from many principal Jewish centers in the United States. In addition to tackling the prob- lem ofjeacher shortages and im- proVement of the quality of ,Tewish education, the discussions Cen- tered on accreditation of JeWish teachers Colleges,. the curricula of those colleges and the courses of Judaic and Hebrew studies in American colleges and universities. New insights for the improve- ment of Jewish education have emerged from the discussions, ac- cording to Dr. Oscar JanowskY, professor of • history at City Col- lege of the.City University of New York, general chairman of the col- loquium. Brandeis will make the results of the conference available to the Jewish. community by pub- lishing the proceedings of the col- loquium •in book form. `Not a Through Street' Phoenix, Ariz., has changed a street sign from "Dead End" to "Not a Through Street." The for- mer previously appeared near the city's Jewish cemetery and a pro- test against it brought a change by the city traffic engineering de- partment. withdrew from Spain, laden with plunder, and Barbastro was left in the charge • of a garrison of French and Spaniards. Next year, in April 1065, Muqtadir ibn Hood, the King of Saragossa, aletlook Barbastro by a coup de main, the Christian garrison being massacred in its turn." Another incident relating to a Jew, recorded by Glubb, deals with Alfonso VI who declared himself King of Leon, Castille and Gelicia and set out to capture the Penin- sula. He sent his representatives to collect ransom from Mutamin ib n,