Shazar, Eshkot Greet Conclave of Publishers 1139613310EAMMENCEIMMISISK_ Purely Commentary Coughlin Story: Inerasable Sins . .. Prediction About Jewry's Numerical Future By Philip SiOMOVitZ the world will come to an end in a hundred thousand years. He ex- pressed pain and became dejected. Whereupon his friend said: (Excerpts from chapter on Religious Images of the Contemporary "Hayyim, why are you so worried about what will happen in a hundred WASHINGTON, D. C.—English- Jew in "C Kristian Beliefs and Anti-Semitism" by Charles Y. thousand years?" "Did you say a hundred thousand years?" Hayyim asked. "Thank Jewish newspaper editors and and Giock and Rodney Stark, published in May, 1966, by Harper Catho- God! I thought you said in ten thousand years." publishers are in session here. Row: "In a 1939 pastoral. letter, Konrad Groeber, the Roman So much has happened, so much is happening, so many dangers that the Greeting the annual convention lic Archbishop of Freising, Germany, advised his flock Christ and have faced Jewry, yet we have survived. We are not as strong numeri- Jews were entirely responsible for the Crucifixion of Press As- continued in later cally as we could be—we lost six million in a single decade during of the American Jewish s were received that 'their murderous hatred (of Him) had message centuries.' Indeed, echoed Bishop Hiifrich of Limburg, for their the holocaust engineered by a madman. But no one has yet succeeded sociation, from Israel's President and Prime murder of God the Jews have been under a curse since the original to destroy Jewry. Minister, Zalman Shazar and Ley' Nevertheless, we can speculate on what Dr. Petuchowski predicted. Good Friday. Such religious attitudes toward contemporary Jews A couple of years ago, an interesting set of figures was offered in the Eshkol. A message was receive also from Mrs. Rose Halprii„ were fairly typical of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Nazi Ger- many. At about the same time in America, Father Charles E. following prediction: chairman of the American sec- Winrod and Jewish Versus United States Population Trends ""a Jewish tion of the Jewish Agency. Coughlin and revivalist preachers such as Gerald B. United States** Gerald L. K. Smith thundered similar notions. The similarities Jewish Actual Interest in the convention has these 2.2% 87,000,000 1,776,885* were neither coincidental nor particularly surprising, for 1907 been shown by the White House 3.3% 103,266,000 same threadbare notions have furnished a rhetoric for justifying 3,388,951* and by many members of both 1917 3.5% 119,038,000 pogroms and the repression of Jewry since the rise of Christendom. 4,228,029* 1927 houses of Congress. 3.7% 128,961,000 Today these same shibboleths feed the hate mills of anti-Semitic 4,770,647* 1937 The delegates were given a re- 3.5% 144,698,000 5,000,000* extremists in the United States . . .) 1947 ception by the Bnai Brith Thursday 3.2% 171,984,000 5,500,000 1957 night and will be honored this Father Charles Coughlin, announcing his retirement as pastor of 2.9% 188,000,000 5,500,000 1963 afternoon at the Israel embassy. the Shrine of the Little Flower, made some interesting references to Estimated American Jewish Press Week 2.6% 209,000,000 his past. 5,500,000 1970 has been declared nationally, 2.1% The notorious Catholic priest, who became a part of the anti- 260,000,000 5,500,000 1980 synagogues are devoting their dis- 1.6% Semitic clique in this country in the mid-1930s, said "I am less im- 350,000,000 5,500,000 2000 cussions to the Jewish press and petuous than I was." We believe him. He can well afford to be *Statistical Department, American Jewish Committee the sermon on Jewish Press Sab- "less impetuous." FDR and the New Deal, both of which counted him **United States Bureau of the Census bath, tonight, at Adas Israel Con- among their earliest backers and both of which earned his enmity as Because of an increasing assimilationist spirit, due to the rise in will be o , by Philip Slornovitz, the years sped by, are matters of the past. The war against Germany the number of intermarriages, these predicted figures are within the gregation n the subject "Our Press is no longer a matter of concern and the Russian involvement has realm of possibility. And if we remain static and we will be 1.6 per drawn in so many other opponents of Communism that he no longer cent instead of the earlier 3.7 per cent of the population of America, and Our Conscience." stands alone in his hunts for causes. If Pius XII could use the need our influence may decline politically. But we retain faith that we to defeat Russia, in World War II, as an excuse for his silence during will continue to have eminence in fields of education, science and Global Labor Parley the wholesale slaughter of Jews, why could'nt a Royal Oak priest also statesmanship, and even under a condition of decline in numbers make the anti-Russian campaign equally as important as a crusade? we ought to have no fears. The fact is that we have survived, that Dealing With Bias Urged by Jewish Labor Group Furthermore, it was simple to be a supporter of Barry Goldwater we are surviving and will surely continue to survive. for the Presidency, and that, too, makes the Royal Oak priest "less In the matter of our numbers, let us recall an interesting story UNITY HOUSE, Pa. (JTA) — A about Mark Twain. In the early years of this century the great proposal that an international la- impetuous." But he made another statement that needs analysis. He said, in humorist was told there were twelve million Jews in the world. (Our bor conference be summoned to a monograph handed to reporters: "Let it not be said that Father numbers grew to 17,000,000 in the mid-1930s and Hitlerism reduced deal with religious bias in coun- Coughlin favored any part or parcel of Naziism because he opposed that figure to 11,000,000 in 1945.) Mark Twain commented: "Only tries around the world, including our engagement in war on the side of Moscow." The monograph twelve million Jews? Impossible! I know at least that many myself!" the question of Soviet anti - Semit- proceeded to state that the Shrine of the Little Flower's Jubilarian ism, was adopted here Monday by Kollek's Visit Here had confirmed in his records and pronouncements he "regarded Teddy The visit here on June 11 of Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek is the Jewish Labor Committee's Communism as the left wing and Nazism as the right wing of the of great interest and considerable importance for a number of rea- sixth national Trade Union Confer- same bird of prey — the vulture called Marxism." The monograph sons. It establishes another link between Israel and our community. ence on Civil Rights, which con- adds that "the price he paid for preaching neutrality was costly," It brings to; us an eminent visitor the mayor of the Holy City. And cluded its four days of deliberation that: "The years between 1940 and 1950 found him the target of most important of all, it adds strength to a valued cause—the Israel Monday. calumny, detraction and misunderstanding because he insisted on the Bond campaign which assists in Israel's economic development. The proposal was made by immorality of aiding either Communism or Naziism: because he Kollek has gained recognition for a number of services in his Charles S. Zimmerman, chairman clearly asserted that to aid Moscow's victory or Berlin's victory was to country's behalf. He has formed many valued friendships in America of the JLC National Trade Union beget a Frankenstein which would devour us in years to come." and has forged links between Israel and the United States by his Council on Human Rights, who is What a subtle way of condoning preachments of several years efforts in behalf of economic endeavors between the two countries. also vice president of the Interna- during which the Royal Oak priest became the leader in the most Detroiters will find him a charming personality and will be pleased tional Ladies Garment Workers bigoted movement on record in this country! There isn't a Catholic, Union. or any other history of merit, dealing with the period that preceded to welcome him here. The Jewish Center's 40th Anniversary Zimmerman told the 200 dele- America's entry in the last war that does not interpret Coughlin's Many fond memories are associated with the 40-year history of activities as having been among the most anti-Semitic. He was pro- the Jewish Community Center. Those who remember the activities gates attending the parley that Nazi and he rendered a great disservice to the very causes he propo- on Rowena, on East Philadelphia, in the old Hannah Schloss Building, the international conference is needed to consider "the increas- gated under the title "social justice." In his retirement, Fr. Coughlin has much to atone for. He has then on Woodward and finally in the present impressive structure, also ing tempo of racial and religious much explaining to do. In his "Social Justice" he was one of the will recall the activities of many distinguished Detroiters who played prejudices in many countries where labor is in power or plays roles in the movement. handful of hate-spreaders who insisted upon republishing the atrocious important The old YM and YWHA movements — the Young Men's and lies contained in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." A decade Young Women's Hebrew Associations — and the scores of clubs that a decisive role." before he began publishing them, Henry Ford had apologized for One of the topics that resulted making use of them and he ended the publishing of the Dearborn were formed for social, athletic and cultural purposes, counted among in vigorous debate during the con- them men and women who later rose to prominence in our community. Independent in which he had made use of the libelous and stupid Now it is an over-all movement embracing all elements in our ference session Sunday was the charges against the Jewish people. Fr. Coughlin invited this Commen- issue of alleged anti-Semitism tator to write his expose of the Protocols, but he fully had in view midst, all ages. The Center has become what its name denoted: a among members of the Negro com- for Jewish activities in Detroit. It is as such that we con- to continue the attacks — both with the garbled reply to this writer center munity in the United States. within a week of publishing his article and in a subsequent series gratulate it on its 40th anniversary. from the Protocols. The entire world knows that the Protocols are fabrications that date back to the works of distorted minds in Russia and in France. But a monograph from the Shrine of the Little Flower would lead the survey warned, may "presage a unknowing to believe that its retiring priest paid a price merely for NEW YORK (JTA) — Jewish their parents, is limited in large preaching neutrality! He paid a price and his name remains on the teen-agers in a typical urban measure to the High Holy Days. massive turn toward assimila- record as one who gave comfort to the Nazis, who sponsored an anti- American community overwhelm- If the synagogue is to have a tion." Dr. Jacks suggested tha this was a "plausible reading 0 Semitic campaign, who encouraged hate against the Jewish people. ingly desire to maintain and inten- more meaningful role in the ev- In a report from Royal on Coughlin's retirement, the UPI states sify their Jewish identification, eryday life of the teen-agers, the the signs, particularly so if Jew- that in 1935 "Father Coughlin, along with Huey Long, then Governor and have no intention of denying report suggests, parents will need ish communal life fails to pro- of Louisiana, and the Rev, Gerald L, K. Smith, an outspoken anti- their Jewish heritage, it was r& to attend weekly services more vide the Jewish teen-ager with Semite, formed a conservative political party known as the National ported in a study made public by regularly. Dr. Jacks added that a positive models and positive values to undergird their Jewish Union for Social Justice." the American Jewish Committee. de-emphasis of the Bar Mitzvah identity, in order that it may ceremony was advisable "in order Let it be recorded for the record, as a reminder of what had The study, a survey of attitudes to counter the tendency for it to be seen by the Jewish teen-ager happened, that Smith soon turned against Coughlin; that he and values as expressed by 225 be seen as a terminal point" of as having relevance to his life addressed a luncheon meeting here under the auspices of the movie in contemporary America." theater operators attacking Coughlin, and he expected financial teen-agers of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., weekly synagogue attendance. aid from Jews. It did not come forth. Soon he began to work on his was sponsored by the Wilkes-Barre The teen-agers indicated a feel- In the area of interdating and own — as the leader of his anti-Semitic movement, together with the chapter of the American Jewish ing of security in relation to non- intermarriage, 84 per cent of the Committee and the Jewish Com- Rev. Winrod of Pontiac and others. He remains the publisher of one Jewish teen - agers, and expressed in the study were of the vilest anti-Semitic periodicals and a propagator of anti-Semitism. munity Center of Wilkes-Barre. It themselves as free of the fear of teen-agers opposed to dating non-Jewish teen- was conducted by Dr. Irving Jacks, anti-Semitism. However, their close Fr. Coughlin's retirement brings back recollections of that sad said era which caused shame for the Catholics, which can not be explained assistant professor of psychology friendship patterns are largely agers, and two-thirds of them Some- at Pennsylvania State University. limited to Jewish teen-agers, the they had dated non-Jews. away today with claims of a lessened impetuousness. what over one-half, however, re- A large majority of the teen- study revealed. Coughlin had an opportunity to offer a genuine apology for his agers participating in the Wilkes- The survey showed virtually jected the possibility of intermar- anti-Semitic tirades against the Jews several years ago. He had Barre study in a community of unanimous agreement that belief riage. purchased an Israel Bond from one of his Jewish acquaintances. We Dr. Jacks suggested, in sum- 350,000 with a Jewish popula- in God was essential to being a were offered the photo showing him acquiring the Bond certificate. tion of 5,400, expressed a desire good Jew — a finding contrary to marizing the study, that "the It would have been a pleasure to publish that photo, had the Royal Oak priest responded to our request for a repudiation of his views "to know more about Judaism the popularly-held view that Ameri- focus of community efforts to he propagated against our people in the 1930s. He did not respond. and Jewish matters," though can youth, Jewish included, is enrich the Jewish identity of the they were generally satisfied rampantly embracing a t h e i s m. teen-agers should be centered on Does it mean he continues to nourish views like those of the bigoted with the quality of the Jewish However, only a minority of those meeting this need. Thus, we have authors of the Protocols? schooling which they had re- surveyed felt that observance of recommended programing at Another Sensation : Static American Jewry ceived. traditional Jewish dietary laws, post-Bar Mitzvah Jewish schooling There is no end to sensations and to sensationalism in Jewish life. The findings indicated that syna- attendance at weekly synagogue for teen-agers, emphasizing the Now we have another prognostication: the eminent professor of rab- gogue attendance in Wilkes-Barre, services, support of Israel, or con- social-scientific aspects of Judaism binics at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Rabbi both among the teen-agers and tributing to Jewish philanthropies —history and philosophy of Juda- Jacob J. Petuchowski, predicts that in a century—or two centuries— was essential to being a good Jew. ism, modern Jewish life — as from now the number of Jews in this country will be counted not in This decline of interest in tra- distinguished from a theological THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS the millions but in the thousands. ditional Jewish patterns, the or ritualistic aspect." He reminds us of the story about a landsman who was told that 2—Friday, June 3, 1966 Fr. Coughlin: 'Less Impetuous' . . . Relation to Naziism Teens Accept Jewish Identity, but Assimilation Presaged