Fr. Raymond Brown's Commentary on John Denies Evangelist's Gospel is Anti-Semitic The New Testament Gospels, Matthew and John, have been call- ed the most anti Jewish. The film- ing of the former already was referred to in The Jewish News Commentary (April 29) and its pre- judice-inciting contents were indicated. In "The Gospel According to John I-XII," published as Volume 29 of Anchor Bible series by Dou- bleday, Raymond E. Brown, S. S., professor of New Testament at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, makes the specific statement: "John is not anti-Semitic; the evangelist is condemning not race or people but opposition to Jesus." This statement appears in the in- troduction to this Anchor Bible which contains Fr. Brown's trans- lation of John and his voluminous notes and commentaries. This volume contains John, chapters ilxii. Chapters xiii-xxi will be dealt with in Anchor Bible Vol- ume 30, also to be edited and translated by Fr. Brown. This immense work is replete with references to other Gos- pels, to biblical and talmudic source s, and to midrashic themes. The Catholic author of this highly scholarly work re- sorts to many Hebraisms. In nearly 700 pages (including the introduction) he makes serious efforts to prove that the fre- quent references to "the Jews" are not intended as slurs. It is a highly scholarly work. Yet it hardly negates the impressions that are left that there are anti- Jewish undertones as well as direct declarations that are an- tagonistic to Jews. Much is said here about the Pharisees, and in his introduction Fr. Brown states: "The Judaism of the time in which the Gospel was written was Pharisaic Judaism." Regarding the Gospel's dating, Fr. Brown points out that "John was dated very little, even to the sec- ond half of the second century," But his own view is: "The Gospel was written . . . after A.D. 70 when many of the religious distinctions and groupings of Jesus' time no longer had meaning; the destruc- tion of the Temple had simplified Judaism." He adds: "Thus, only the chief priests and the Pharis- ees remain in John — the chief priests because their role in the Sanhedrin and the trials of Jesus was too essential a part of the story to be forgotten, the Pharis- ees because they are precisely that Jewish sect which survived the calamity of 70." The emphasis on the Phari- sees, the one-sidedness of ref- erences to the trial and the mis- representation of the role of the Sanhedrin — Prof. Solomon Zeitlin's "Who Crucified Jesus?" amply explained the misrepre- sentations — and the numerous statements about the Jews de- siring to kill Jesus, point emphatically to a prejudice- inciting document, in spite of Fr. Brown's sincere desire to refute it. In one of his commentaries to chapter viii, Brown writes: "Jesus has said that the Jews are not the true children of Abraham, nor the true children of God; in the third and final sub-division of this sec- tion they answer by challenging his claims about who he is. Jesus has told the Jews that they are of the devil; now they say that he is the one who has the demon, Jesus says that he has nothing to do with a demon . . . He answers by saying that he is casting out demons (and thus doing the work of God) and this is not the work of Satan. In the charges against Jesus of being illegitimate, of be- ing a Samaritan and of being de- mented, we have forerunners of the personal attacks on Jesus that became part of Jewish apologetics against Christianity." And in par- entheses the editor-translator adds: "Needless to say, there was a cor- responding vilification of the Jew by Christian apologists." While this qualifying statement presents - both sides of an issue, it does not remove the prejudicial tones in the text under consideration. Fr. Brown's is a literally and critically enormous work that will be treasured by Bible students. He goes to many sources for evalua- tive material. He makes great ef- fort to prove that only the oppon- ents of Jesus among Jews are the ones meant by the repetitive "the Jews." Yet, the average reader of the Bible, the unlettered teacher who will read the text literally, won't remove the anti-Semitic tex- ture when he reads "the Jews looking for a chance to kill him" . . . (vii:27); then the Jews got rocks to stone him. . . (x:31). Indeed, Fr. Brown frequently tones down the antagonistic fac- tors. For instance, he points out that "when the Sanhedrin au- thorities scoff at Jesus' Galilean origins and are invited to hear Jesus speak for himself, they turn a deaf ear . ." It is inter- esting to note that, while the New Testament authors are hos- tile to the Sanhedrin, from time to time they do point out the presence of calm and honest men in this assembly, for ex- ample, Nicodemus (chapter vii) and Gamaliel in Acts v 34." Is this sufficinet for the average reader for whom the texts them- selves are the guides to judging the Gospels? The frequent references to the Pharisees, the numerous comments on the Samaritans and the many parables are of great value in reading the Catholic scholar's in- terpretations of the Gospel of John. Passover themes and expla- nations of the Seder and the ask- ing of the questions by children may sound puzzling to _Jewish readers. To offset the puzzling ele- ments, Fr. Brown, comparing John vi and John iv in their references to the Passover ritual, states: "As far as we can see, the question and answer format of vss. 25-34 (ch. vi) is part of the technique of Johannine misunderstanding. It has a perfect parallel in ch. iv, where there is no question of the influence of the Passover ritual." There are numerous references in the Gospel and in the commen- taries to other Jewish festivals. • "John has fewer direct Old Test- ament citations than have the other Gospels," Fr. Brown states, but in John, Jesus is referred to more frequently as Rabbi. One of the instances of such references is when he is addressed by this title by Nicodemus (iii:2)• Fr. Brown notes that this title "re- flects a general attitude toward Jesus as a teacher." Later he no- ted that "they are coming to Jesus more as to a prophet than to a rabbi or expert on the law." Fr. Brown's comments include that he was the Messiah, or the Prophet Elijah, the Baptist having disclaimed "any of the traditional eschatological roles for himself," but later on some of his followers may have pro- claimed him the Messiah, "es- pecially in view of the evidence in Luke iii 15 that people thought that John the Baptist might be the Messiah." In his several explanations of the references in John to "the Jews;" Fr. Brown states that "the Fourth Gospel uses the Jews as almost a technical title for the re- ligious authorities, particularly those in Jerusalem, who are hostile to Jesus." This is part of the ex- planation in this work on John that "the term 'the Jews' has nothing to do with ethnic, geo- graphical or religious differenti- ation." Indeed, this Christological viewpoint is supplemented by statements that "John the Baptist came that Jesus might be revealed to Israel" and that "in Johannine thought, if the Jews had truly be- lieved in Moses, they would be- lieve in Jesus." Fr. Brown's comments on the Samaritans, his review of their enmity towards the Jews and their leanings toward Jesus, are inter- esting. Jesus and the Sabbath and the controversy that arose over healing on the Sabbath also is of interest as a conflicting view on Judaism and as a reference that undoubtedly tends to arouse anti- Jewishness. This Anchor Bible makes a good Christological case. It hardly re- moves the established view that John is a work antagonistic to Jews, serving to add to an ancient prejudice. It will be additionally interesting to judge Fr. Brown's subsequent. work — his comments on chapters xiii-xxi, the remain- ing Epistles of John. Fr. Brown's is the commentative work of a liberal theologian but it cannot explain away the basic prejudicial anti-Jewish elements in John. Attention should be given to the concluding paragraph of the preface to this volume which re- fers to the general editor of the Anchor Bible series and states: "By chance this volume has a publication date which falls very close to the 75th birthday of Prof. William F. Albright, born May 24, 1891. The writer remembers that his first article on John was the product of one of the Professor's seminars at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. And so he would like to take this occasion to acknowledge Daniel, Cyrus and Babylon Themes Utilized in Edmonds"Joer Fiction Joel was the second of the Minor Prophets. His warnings against in- equities, his predictions of impend- ing destruction are contained in the four-chapter Book of the Holy Scriptures. A well written story about a lad in Babylon where Jews lived in exile, entitled "Joel of the Hanging Gardens," by I. G. Edmonds, pub- lished by Lippincott, links the lad who is the hero of this story to Babylon in the time of Daniel—and of Cyrus who facilitated the return of the exiles to their homeland. But Daniel was not of the time of Cyrus — they were 300 years apart in history. Nevertheless, the story as re- lated by Edmond s, an able public relations man, is of con- siderable interest and his narra- tive for young people has its enchantment. His bit of fiction about ancient times and the craving of Jews to return from enslavement to the Holy Land depicts how, in Babylon, under Belshazzar, Jews were under the ruler's submission. Daniel began to organize the masses. The lad Joel helped him. Having labored in the Hanging Gardens area near Belshazzar's palace, he was able to take the rebels through secret passages to vie. tory for Cryus' forces for the destruction of the Babylonian empire. Thus we have a combination of prophecy by Daniel, who predicted Belshazzar's fall -and Cyrus' vic- tory; the rise of Cyrus and his role in aiding the return of Jews to their homeland; the aid of the young like Joel. There is nothing in Edmonds' story to indicate that Joel was the future prophet, but the boy is depicted as a dedicated lad who worked tirelessly for his people's freedom. A brave young girl, Nin-Bel, plays an interesting role as an assistant to her liberty- intoxicated fellow-Jews. Reference to assimilationism among Jews who submitted to Babylonian enslavement, descrip- tion of the passionate desire for the Return and the sacrifices made for that ideal are high marks in the Edmonds story. frankly his debt to the scholarship, example and generosity of the great biblical scholar. Ad multos annos." From all quarters, from all faiths, comes the echoing greeting for a happy birthday to Prof. Al- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS bright. —P. S. 40—Friday, May 27, 1966 Dr. Baer's History Reviews Era of Inquisition; Disproves Accusations of Jews by Spaniards In the second volume of "A His- tory of the Jews in Christian Spain," published by the Jewish Publication Society, Dr. Yitzhak Baer continues his account of one of the most important eras in Jew- ish h i s t or y. Commencing this volume with the era of decline in Aragon, he describes the destruc- tion of the Jewish communities and the conversions and the disputa- tions at Tortosa-1391-1414—and goes into detail in outlining the converso problem, the Inquisition and the expulsions of the Jews from Spain. The tragedy of the converted Jews—conversi—and of those who returned to the Jewish fold, the disputations in which many schol- ars were involved, the effort at re- taining a status quo during the years when "even the best men of the age" sought only to safeguard the existing conditions, the emer- gence of the inquisitorial practices and the expulsion provide valuable data, making this an outstanding historical record. The role of clergy and of mon- archs, sometimes at odds, later collaborating, is indicated here. The conflicts in the Aljamas- the Jewish communities—simi- larly provide valuable historical data necessary for an under- standing of the problems that faced Spanish Jewry and were part of the struggle of that period. In the course of the developing situations which led to the destruc- tion of the Spanish Jewish com- munities which had played such vital roles in history, the criminal jurisdictions granted the Aljamas were revoked and soon Ferdinand and Isabella began a policy of solving the converso problem "along the lines proposed by the most extreme Christian fanatics, namely, to extirpate heresy and to take harsh measures against the Jews so as to render them incap- able of influencing the Christian population." These policies were developed step by step, and the revocation of the Aljamas' rights was effected in 1476. Torquemada's activities, the roles of the inquisitors, scores of inci- dents involving "forced repen- tance" and actual cases are re- ported in this work. There were numerous trials under auspices of the Inquisition and they were con- cerned mainly "with the uncover- ing of judaizing tendencies among the conversi and with the influ- ence wielded on the latter by the Jewish community itself." It is a remained from its beginnings, and "crude and typically Medieval anti- thus also in its further develop- Semitism" that is portrayed as part ment, an independent institution of these trials. operating according to internal "The expulsion of the Jews logical laws. Both the general from Spain was a political phe- papal Inquisition of the 13th nomenon without counterpart in Century and the Castilian Inquisi- the Middle Ages," Prof. Baer tion of Torquemada were basically writes. "When, as also happened —except of course for the many about that time, the Jews were irregular acts perpetrated by them banished from Germany, or from both—courts organized according France in the preceding cen- to comprehensive rules and reguIa- turies, the expulsions were tions, which were drawn up and either partial or were not carried put into practice in the first half out in a single operation, so that of the 13th Century. This fact the Jewish population of both has nothing to do with an ethical countries was accustomed to a and historical appraisal of the in- migratory existence. The only stitution as such. It merely proves parallel to the Spanish Expulsion how absurd it is to attempt to put is the expulsion of the Jews from the responsibility for its legal England in 1290, which also in- forms upon the Jews. volved an entire territory. The "In the lines of development of English Jews were not, however, the ecclesiastical inquisition, on the equals of the Spanish Jews the one hand, and that of Jewish either numerically or in over-all criminal jurisdiction on the other, quality . . . " there may perhaps be seen some The sufferings that ensued, the analogous features: but principally, inability of many Jews to pay for both developments are limited by passage to shipowners in their their own inherent laws. flight from Spain, caused many "The inquisitional court was a again to become Christians, only to tribunal for matters of faith auth- be exposed again to the terrors of orized by the pope and independ- the Inquisition. ent of the local and provincial in- This account was written by Dr. stitutions. It wandered, according Baer in 1936 and therefore is not to the task it had to perform, fror applicable to the German situation. place to place. In the Jewish cot. Of special interest in Dr. Baer's munities, treatment of religious book is an appendix in which the questions was part • of the internal author deals with an attempt re- discipline and remained essentially cently by two Spanish scholars, the concern of the local community. Americo Castro and Claudio San- Theoretical religious matters Ben- ches, "to prove that the ecclesiasti- erally were not an object of ju- cal Spanish Inquisition of the Tor- dicial or political procedure, as far quemada type was actually 'the as it was not a matter of denying diabolical invention' of Spanish rabbinic tradition in principle. This Jewry." Dr. Baer disputes such problem ceased to exist in western charges and quotes cases to show Europe after the 12th Century, the fallacy of such arguments. with the disappearance of the Dr. Baer shows how Castro Karaites. The public discussion of and Sanches confused and mis- abstract questions of faith arose construed the Hebrew term again in the Jewish communities "malsin" — informer — and he during the 13th C e n t u r y, and states: "The informer against this obviously in connection with whom court action is taken in events in the Christian world. But the cases cited from the Jewish never have there been in Jewish court is an individual who, by communities special tribunals for going to the Gentiles and relat- matters of faith." ing vicious falsehoods concern- An important historic purpose ing Jewish law and religion, en- in clarifying many facts, in fully dangers the very existence of evaluating the Inquisition and the Jewish communities in the Dias- tortures, the expulsion from Spain pora. It does not properly refer and its attendant occurrences, is to the slandering of individuals; served by Dr. Baer's work. and it is almost superfluous to "A History of - the Jews in Chris- mention that the testimony of tian Spain" was translated from `malsinim' was, on principle, not the Hebrew edition and several accepted in Jewish courts." scholars participated in editing the To disprove the attempt to translation. Included among them equate the Inquisition with Jewish are Miss Lotte Levensohn, Hillel practices, Dr. Baer writes: Halkin, Dr. Shulamith Nardi and "The inquisition of the Church Mrs. Hertzel Fishman.