Welcome for Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek Readied by Entire Detroit Jewish Community LETTER BOX Fisher Urges UJA Payments In a message for Shavuot, Max Israel as an army officer, diplomat, in Jerusalem, chairman of the Still in Russell Woods? M. Fisher of Detroit, general chair- head of the Israel supply mission Joint Israel-America Sea Water man of the nationwide United during Israel's War of Indepen- Desalination Project and director- NW Woes Recall Jewish Appeal, urged the Jewish dence, Minister Plenipotentiary in general of the Prime Minister's an Old, Old Story communities of the United States the Israel Embassy to the United Office for 12 years. Editor, The Jewish News: . to "reap the early yield of the For reservations to the dinner, States; chairman of the Israel local campaigns" to assure the suc- I cannot resist commenting on Tourist Corporation, chairman of call the Israel Bond office, DI 1- your editorial "Migratory Trends: cess of the UJA's current cash col- the board of the 'Israel Museum 5707. Panic MUST be Prevented" in the lection drive to garner $40,000,000 by the end of June. April 29 issue. Shavuot falls on May 25 and 26, Before Russell Woods (where and Fisher said "supporters of we have resided for almost 27 years) became "integrated" ap- UJA's lifesaving work can mark proximately 90 per cent, numerous the holiday period most appropri- by redeeming their pledges "Sex and the College Student," illustrate the study are of special meetings were held at the Winter- ately to the 1966 UJA campaign, thus attaining the basic facts value in halter School, and pleas were the study of a developmental per- the first yield of cash so made by many prominent people providing spective on sexual issues on the in the conducted research. desperately needed to carry on the campus, with guidelines for 'ad- "Sex and the College Student" living in the area to remain calm life-saving and life-renewing pro- ministrative policy leading to an is a book which will be read by and not sell their homes in a panic. grams aiding more than 800,000 understanding of the issue that has college administrators who must The very ones who made the pleas distressed Jews around thit globe." become major in our institutions respond to the needs of both stu- were those that moved away. Of Fisher noted that Philip Zin- of learning, is the formulation of dent and institution. Students will course, not in panic but with quiet man of Camden, N.J., a national the Group for the Advancement use the book, because of its per- dignity. chairman of the UJA and its na- of Psychiatry of the Committee on spective and authorship, to demand When I meet my former tional cash chairman, is heading the College Student. greater flexibility in individual ap- neighbors and respond to their the $40,000,000 cash collection Published by Atheneum Books, plication of parietal rules and they question as to where we are drive. Serving on the committee now living, my answer is met with Zinman 'is Frank Polarsky of (162 E. 38th, NY 16), this volume may even find in it some under- is the result of a study by nine standing of themselves. Some of with shock. "What! ! !? Still liv- Saginaw. psychiatrists and a group of con- their teachers will read it. It ing in Russell Woods!!! I'm sur• sultants. It had the aid of experts, promises. to be widely read by par- prised that • you and the doctor, Twenty People Injured ents of college students and of of all people, and on and on and including Anna Freud. in Riot Against Autopsy - Noted authorities who - have children who are approaching ado- on. How can you? Aren't you afraid to live there? and on and at Israel Hospital endorsed this study and its re; lescence. The problems of late adoles- on." TEL AVIV (JTA) -- Twenty sults include Dr. Alan F. Gutt- MAYOR TEDDY KOLLEK macher. Anna Freud has called cence are awesome, and require It is regrettable that "integra- persons were injured at Kaplan will honor the memory of Mrs. it "a courageous book. . . its the sympathy of informed people. tion" does not remain constant or Hospital near Rehovot when vil- Mina Elizabeth Bargman, first value for the public lies in its The authors of "Sex and the Col- balanced. Once it commences, it lagers from a Lachish settlement chairman of the Detroit Israel - approach to the problem, which lege Student" provide a perspec- soon is overpowering, and it be- rioted May 19 in protest against Bond Women's Division. David Saf- is based on development think- tive on the development of those comes almost impossible to deter. the performance of an autopsy in the hospital on the body of a ran, general chairman of the De- ing, accurate appraisal of fact sexual issues which confront peo- So it happened in Russell Woods. ple at a tumultuous time. They troit Israel Bond- Committee, will and objective honesty." Residents here are mainly fine settlement member who had died be the dinner chairman. "There have always been in- feel that such a perspective should professional and business people— during the night. The Lachish Leaders in the fields of govern- ternal and external sanctions that not be ignored in favor of super- conscientious homeowners — well settlement, Moshav Rehav, is made ment, religion, education, business operate to control sexual be- ficial documentation of the "sexual behaved children—and from all up of Kurdish Jews. Police called to the scene fought and labor are expected at the havior," the study indicates. "Ef- revolution." They emphasize that appearances the physical state of dynamics of sexual behavior the area that is designated as Rus- to subdue the screaming mob dinner. fective internal controls have al- the can be understood only in terms A number of years ago a young, ways included conscience, self- of over - all hum an personality sell Woods has not changed to whose members assaulted police and even patients passing by. Six- show deterioration. unknown American Senator arriv- expectations, or the desire for growth. teen of the rioters were detained ed at Lod. The Senator from Mas- making sex part of a meaningful I trust that your warnings and and later released on bail. The authors explore, with case sachusetts asked to meet with relationship. External factors, such examples, the relationships be- editorials will be heeded and will final tally of injuries came to The six David Ben-Gurion, then Prime as disapproval of persons impor- tween official college policies and bring about the stabilization which hospital employes, five policemen, Minister of Israel. One staff mem- tant to one's self, the customs of student behavior, and they urge will resist the tales that lead to four patients and five rioters. The ber thought it was worthwhile for one's social group, or retaliatory that changes be made in those re- panic. If our people had listened autopsy was performed on Eliahu the Senator to meet with Ben- loss. of privilege, esteem, or finan- lationships. The research for "Sex to your warnings 10 years ago— Moshe. cial support, have been and still and the College Student" included your voice of prophecy—I am sure Gurion. Seven years later, the young can be potent means of control. interviews with deans and coun- that the flight in panic to the sub- Senator, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Some other external sanctions, selors, and the study of materials urbs would have been avoided, For Some was elected President of the United seem, however, to have lost much submitted by urban and exurban and an established cooperative pol- of the States. The Presid.. nt of the United of their former power. For ex- schools throughout the country. icy would have prevailed. States did not forget the man in ample, the double standard is Their findings are, of course, dis- I sincerely believe that The best buys Jerusalem who had treated him changing. Venereal disease and cussed in the light of the authors' Jewish News should be read thor- on new fear of pregnancy have been sub- courteously. He invited him to an long and wide experience in work- oughly every week by the Detroit Pontiacs intimate birthday celebration at stantially reduced, owing to medi- ing with students in many situa- Jewish community and far beyond, the White House. The name of cal advances (although the inci- tions. as a source of well-balanced, intel- and * * * the man from Jerusalem was Teddy dence of venereal disease is cur- ligent, comprehensive reporting of Tempests rently increasing). Threats of so- Kollek. The deep interest already shown events of the past, present and Teddy Kollek, who was elected to cial ostracism and religious rejec- nationwide in "Sex and the College future. ASK a four-year t erm as Mayor of tion do not mean as much as they S t u d e n t" is placing the book Most sincerely. once did . . ." FOR Jerusalem in 1965, has, in a long JOSEPHINE DREWS among the best sellers and the The many case examples that publishers also have issued the and distinguished career, served volume as a paperback. The Detroit Department of Parks and Recreation constantly strives to maintain and improve the ap- AT Converts Attend Rite pearance and beauty of Detroit, on Mount Zion - especially in parks and downtown -By BENNETT CERF- JERUSALEM—A unique cere- areas. Beautification is contagious. 18650 LIVERNOIS 1 block South of 7 mony Monday, marking the start of Get on the bandwagon — Keep UN 3-9300 A MEMBER of the old Alexander Woollcotterie has re-. Shavout week, drew 30 converts Detroit Beautiful. vived the story of the day Editor Swope drove up in and potential converts to Judaism. his new vehicle. "What outlandish mode of vehicle might It was held on Mount Zion, where that be?" sneered Wooll- King David is said to have been Cott (perishing the while buried. "of envy). "That," said King David was a grandson of Ruth, the most famous convert of Swope loftily, "is my new all, and Shavuot is celebrated by town car." "And the reading the Book of Ruth. town, I presume," said Specializing In: The ceremony was organized by Woollcott, "is Pompeii." * * * Dr. Israel Ben Ze'ev of the World Bar Mitzvah and Union for the Propagation of There is a certain group Judaism, frowned upon by the Graduation Suits, of rich bankers' wives, lit- rabbinate for its missionary activ- erary lions and imported Sportcoats and Slacks fashion designers who pop ities. up at every cocktail party, In Israel, where the Orthodox and are always photo- view prevails, it generally takes AleXanele24 graphed grinning inanely at a year for the conversion pro- every charity ball. At one cess, and the applicant in WoOliCat We Now Carry a Complete Line of of these cocktail bashes, Israel is discouraged until the SUITS, SPORTCOATS AND SLACKS the host's youngest daugh- rabbis are convinced that the ter tugged at her father's sleeve, and asked, "Daddy, haven't we motives are pure. had this party before?" Dr. Ben Ze'ev estimates that . a e there are only 3,000 converts to OVERHEARD: Judaism in Israel. Many of them - By Mike Connolly in a movie studio . . . Producer to bosomy are motivated by reasons of starlet: "Your last picture has assured you a permanent place matrimony. MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR in our industry. Have you ever sold popcorn before?" Communities do not always fully Income tax investigator to business magnate: "I can't approve accept converts to Judaism, some 9 MILE-COOLID-GE your 1965 expense deductions—but would you consider selling me of whom have been subject to OAK PARK the paperback rights?" social discrimination and a few to In Public School 10: Little girl in principal's office: "Two boys outright hostility. In my class are having a terrible fight—and I think the one on OPEN SUNDAY 10-3 the bottom would like you to break it up." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS C 1966, by Bennett Cert. Distributed by Xing Features Syndicate 18—Friday, May 27, 1966 .41111111111111111 ■ The entire Jewish community has been asked to join in welcoming the guest of honor at the Israel Hai anniversary dinner on June 11, 8:45 p.m., at the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue. The affair, which will be a major highlight of the 1966 Israel Bond campaign, will celebrate Israel's 18th year of statehood and Sex Study Shows Double Standard Changing, Religious Rejection Gone Try and Stop Me • SAUL BERCH Packer Pontiac Go to Jack's for That Elegant Look in Boy's Clothing! FOR MEN