Rabbi Akibah E ger 'Servant of God's Servants' S c holars to Explore IN /76/, IN THE Ciry OF E/sEN3TA,97; HUNGARY,,, my 6.0.0aRR,r)- 2_, 77.44 7- HE SE SLEssED is//TN 14//5DCW AND UNDERST.4/./P/N6/ FATHER, ozi,c• A - Am/4y HAS' 4L - /WAS TH/A/A7A/6 OF 56N0- NAYS HAD ErNo- /NG YOU To THE YES:WM , LARS. 00A/or ,41, - /84, BUT YOUR HEALTH,,. L E TAM' SHAME THEAf! AA- /BA SPENT /0 HAPPY YEARS lifiTH H/S WiFE 6'12/C.4-CHEN, STUOY/NOAND TEACH/Ate. THEN /A/ /790... A CITY / P,PUSSA4 IS SEEK/NO ,4 R,4B8/. ) 1✓ /LL Go 7b PRIJES/A • THE LAO Process of Jewish Teacher Education at Brandeis U. srinoiowk - 1.2. WHEN HE WAS 18.1, You HAyE MY L7I. BLEES-/A/G; /e/S. Es6-R. Sur YOU Mc/ET L'ONT/NuE YOUR 57-1/0/ES. WALTHAM, Mass. — A collo- quium convened to examine the process of Jewish teacher educa- tion will be conducted at Bran- deis University this weekend under the auspices of the Uni- provement of Jewish education, considered an indispensable means for transmitting the Jewish heri- tage. The Philip W. Lown Graduate Center for Contemporary Jewish Studies, which next fall will be under the direction of Rabbi Leon A. Jick of the Free Synagogue of Westchester, Mt. Vernon N.Y., is a component of the new Philip W. Lown School of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. versity's Philip W. Lown Gradu- ate Center for Contemporary Jew- ish Studies. Leading Jewish educators and scholars will participate in the five sessions scheduled for the colloquium. One of the general areas of dis- LATER RABB/ AK/EA EGER EECARE CH/EF R.433/ OF POSE.t/AND DEFENDED /2-5- JEWISH COAMIUN/TY... THE 801/ERNMENT HAS ,`OR•f/AVEA/ TALALUD STUDY /N ✓ EIV/SH SCHOOLs, cussion will be the shortage of qualified teachers in Jewish schools, in the face of mounting enrollments. Some of the discus- sion will center upon improving the education of teachers now in service. Other topics include the accreditation of Jewish teach- ers colleges, students in the colleges, the curriculum of the colleges and Ju-daic and Hebraic studies in American colleges and universities. The colloquium is expected to yield new insights for the im- RAge. Indict Yonkers Center Arsonist WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (JTA)— The Westchester County grand jury returned an indictment charging.murder and arson against Thomas Ruppert, the 17-year-old /N /B3/, THE co,sioc/Nirrif/4 14/I/EN THE Ep/DEAPC WAS 01/•e, NE 1.444C VENERABLE SIRS 1 lal/E HERE' THE FAIR - CALLED TO THE PRODS/AN COURT. STRUCK Sy THE PLAGUE. ABLE OPAV/Cws NON- ./EN/sN SOHOLA youth arrested for the fire in the ay °LIR HOLY TALMUD YOu PHYS/C/ANS At/sr 1//G/T THE Eicie, RICH /,e/P1REfOR FREDER/CK A//ZL/,4M.2t, THANK Yonkers Jewish Center last Dec. YOU FoR YOUR Nzse L EAPERsAW. YOU NAVE .4,110 POOR/ ALL FOOD kfLIET BE TESTED EE- SAVED YOUR CORmL/N/TY. FDRE 0/STR/81//70,1y.WE N/LL PUBL/SH RuzE6 20 which killed three adults and FOR PROPER CLEANLINESS./ nine children. The youth was a Neighborhood Youth Corps worker at the center when the blaze occurred. He wa$ given a psychiatric examination Dubinsky's Role in Fight and released. from a hospital last February and immediately arrested for Israel in '48 Cited on charges of setting the fire. The Bar/NH/9 14/R/T7NOS AND H/S G000 DEEDS 0/E0 /A/ 1837.11/s TafteSTONEREAD : A MURAL /N THE C/Ty HALL OF EASENSTA OT (Direct JTA Teletype Wire indictment contained 24 counts of EDER- SHOWED HAN ON / MERCY AI/Ss/cm/ THE, AIE OF RAAB/ 'WERE La'S OLIR RABS/, TWE SERVANT OF to The Jewish News) /NPOEEN... 600 c S.eRVANTS ." murder, including one count for TEL AVIV — Mrs. Golda Meir. each of the victims and 12 counts secretary general of Mapai, Tues- of accessory to the deaths. day praised the role of David Du- binsky, former president of the Israel's Exports International Ladies Garment Israel exported last year a total Workers Union, for his role in of $430,000,000 worth of goods helping Israel acquire arms in the compared with $372,000,000 in the country's 1948 struggle for inde- year before. Agricultural exports ....GREAT SASE AA1P AVSIVREOLEADE,431.4//zz pendence. Dubinsky is currently came to $87,000,000. W AL/4,- /117716-AizeoRY OF OUR PEOPLE'. visiting Israel. Mrs. Meir spoke at a dinner given This cartoon is reproduced from "A Picture Parade of Jewish History" by Morris Epstein, pub- in honor of the American labor WHEN YOU ;Pic A COCKTAIL lished by Shengold Publishers, New York, by special arrangement with the author and publishers. leader by Aharon Becker, secre- Dr. Epstein's accompanying ex- a post as a rabbi in the town of "How can he be so modest, when tary general of the Histadrut, Isra- el's labor federation. Becker lauded planatory essay on Akiba Eger fol- i Markish-Friedland in West Prus- I know that he knows that I know Dubinsky for helping build a bridge sia. In 1816 he became the rabbi that he knows?" lows: between Israel and American US.TED ER.:NOS • DETROIT. LI. S s. • 42 E;^'4 Before he died in 1837, he asked labor. He was a scholar descended of Posen and remained there for the last twenty-one years of his that his tombstone - bear only these from a long line of scholars, and RAP- by the age of 12 he had thoroughly life. In Posen his reputation flour- mastered several volumes of the ished. When the government for- Talmud. Born in Eisenstadt, Hungary, in bade the study of the Talmud, 1761, Akiba studied at the yeshiva • Rabbi Akiba Eger showed how of his uncle, Rabbi Benjamin Wolf highly the contributions of the Tal- Eger, in Breslau. At the age of 18 1 mud to civilization had been he married and went to live at I praised by a number of Christian the home of his father-in-law, who scholars. Impressed, the govern- ment abolished the order. gave him a fine library where One winter he traveled all night spent his days in study. When a terrible fire in 1791 to perform a good deed. On the destroyed hundreds of homes in his way it began to rain heavily, and city, Rabbi Akiba Eger accepted the carriage skidded into a ditch. Peru Chief Hails Israel LIMA (JTA) — President Fer- nando Belaunde Terry hailed Is- rael's agricultural aid program in Peru in which Israeli irrigation ex- perts have been helping to solve some of the country's water prob- lems. President Terry lauded the Is- raeli role in Peru's farm develop- ment at ceremonies marking the conclusion of Agriculture Week here in which Israel's Agriculture Minister Haim Gvati took part.. Gvati, who has been on an offi- cial visit to this country for the past week, later met with Peru's minister of public works in con- nection with the Peruvian program of new road construction. Law Codifier Cesare Vivante, a 19th century Italian-Jewish jurist, was largely responsible for the comprehensive reform of the commercial law code in Italy. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12—Friday, May 27, 1966 words: "Here lies Rabbi Akiba Eger, servant of God's servants." But the people of Posen made one addition. They wrote: "Here lies our rabbi, Rabbi Akiba Eger, servant of God's servants." Minister Denies Anti-Semitism Grows in Austria YOUNG ISRAEL CENTER of OAK WOODS - Cordially Invites THE GENERAL PUBLIC to The driver jumped down and LONDON (JTA) — Austrian pulled the wheels out of the mud. Foreign Minister Lujo Toncic- So- When he returned to his seat, rinj, discussing here charges of Rabbi Akiba Eger offered him a anti-Semitic developments in his pair of dry socks. The driver was country, denied "the implication puzzled, for the rabbi's baggage that anti-Semitism is growing in was locked in back of the carriage. Austria." In the morning the driver saw The issue came up after the that the rabbi's shoes covered his visiting foreign minister address- bare feet. The rabbi smiled and ed the Foreign Press Association said, "How could I permit you to and then answered questions. He drive in wet socks while my feet was asked by a Jewish Tele- were dry?" graphic Agency newsman why the Rabbi Akiba Eger visited the Austrian . government was not tak- sick, always bringing little gifts. ing action to curb anti-Semitism. To the poor he gave of his own Declaring that he welcomed the small income. When an epidemic opportunity to comment on the of childbirth fever took the lives matter, he said that "while un- of many mothers, he appealed to pleasant events happen from time more fortunate mothers to take to time in certain states of the the orphans into their homes. Once United States, no one would judge a week he visited each home to see the situation in the United States that the children were well treated. from these events." "I can assure you." he added, He became expert in the care of the sick. In the cholera epidemic `'that there is no anti-Semitism in of 1831 he gave advice on diet and Austria but this does not mean sanitation, and was cited for loyalty that there are no anti-Semites and service by the Emperor him- here and there in Austria." He said the government did not react self. His combination of great learn- to anti-Semitic incidents because ing and deep modesty faScinated "this is for the courts to deal everyone. A dear friend, Rabbi with and not politicians." (See COMMENTARY, Page 2) Jacob of Lissa, . once remarked: CORNER STONE SETTING EXERCISES at their new Sanctuary and School Building 24061 COOLIDGE Oak Park SUNDAY, JUNE 5th at 11:00 A.M. YAVNE TEACHERS SEMINARY FOR GIRLS Affiliate of Telshe Yeshiva TWO-YEAR COURSE OF STUDY Certificate recognized by major universities as equivalent to three years study towards baccalaureate degree Applications now being accepted for school year 5727 (66-67) Direct inquiries to: Rabbi Shiomo Davis, Registrar 28400 Euclid Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio CONGRATULATIONS TO WELCOME MR. and MRS. JULIUS ROTENBERG AMBASSADOR JAMES ROOSEVELT & Family Guest Speaker KFAR ROTENBERG INAUGURAL !DINNER SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1966 STATLER-HILTON HOTEL Cocktails 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. MAX SOSIN Dinner Chairman NORMAN ALLAN General Chairman