SYNAGOGUE SERVICES Drop Disabilities Form Special Resta urant Committee Affecting Women, to Maintain Kosher Dining Facilities A group of community-minded purposes of sustaining the current- Rabbis Asked ly operating Imperial Kosher Res- individuals organized themselves LONDON — A call on the last week as the Detroit Kosher taurant at 18451 Wyoming and to rabbinical authorities of Restaurant Committee. Hyman insure that the Jewish community TEMPLE BETH AM: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Chaplain Ronald Phelps, the world to reinterpret Beale was elected president of the of Detroit should not be deprived Jewish law in order to overcome group, and Norman Allan was elec- of public kosher dining facilities Wayne Comity Training School, will talk on "Working with the the disabilities of women in mat- ted secretary-treasurer. in the future. Retarded Child." ters concerning remarriage, di- "Kosher dining facilities should A representative community- CONG. AHAVAS ACHIM: Services 7:30 p.m. today and 8:40 a.m. vorce, inheritance and polygamy Saturday. Rabbi Panitz will speak on "Seven Times Seven Makes was adopted by the International wide group is in formation for the be as much a concern of the Jew- ish community as any other social Fifty." Charles David Weisman, Bar Mitzvah. Council of Jewish Women at its OT recreational facility that now TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Rosenbaum triennial convention here. Gathering to Mark serves the Jewish • community," will speak on "What Draws Non-Jews to Judaism?" Neal Nusholtz, Representing approximately 500,- said Beale. "The dignity and self- Bar Mitzvah. 000 women in 19 countries, in- Conclusion of Sedra respect of a Jewish community of CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Services 7:20 p.m. today and 8:40 a.m. cluding the National Council of Rabbi Leizer Levin, president of 90,000 Jews demands that such a Saturday. Rabbi Halpern will speak on "Ethical Pearls." Danny Jewish Women of the United the Council of Orthodox Rabbis it be Bernbaum and Howard Wallach, Bnai Mitzvah. States, the ICJW Convention urged of Detroit, announced a gathering facility be assured, whether operated under private or commu- CONG. BNAI JACOB: Services 7:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. the rabbis to: would be held, marking the uni- nity auspices. There is no doubt Rabbi Isaac will spaek on "In the Wilderness." Eliminate the necessity of versal conclusion of the Talmu- that the need exists. But need in CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Services 7:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. halitsa (the ceremony in which dic sedra "N'Zikin" and the be- and of itself does not automatically Saturday. Rabbi Goldman will speak on "A Spiritual Desert." a childless widow is "untied ginning of the sedra "Kodshim" insure a profitable enterprise for Richard Philip Feldman, Bar Mitzvah. from her dead husband's sur- May 30 6:30 p.m. at the Julius Rot- an entrepreneur. Other Jewish CONG. BETH EL: Services 8:30 today and 11:15 a.m. Saturday. viving brother if she wishes to enberg Building. community institutions are sub- Rabbi Kanter will speak on "Biblical Cybernetics." David M. marry again) when the man is A. dinner, to which the whole sidized by the Jewish community, Glasser, Bar Mitzvah. not free to marry or when he is community is invited, will be serv- although they compete with other CONG. GEMILUTH CHASSODIM: Services 7:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. too young to do so. Also, pro- ed. profit making businesses." Saturday. Rabbi Litke will speak on "The Wilderness as a Pre- tect women against unreasonable All those equally concerned and condition." David Blatt, Bar Mitzvah. This observance is in keeping refusal to give halitsa or the willing to become a member of a TEMPLE BETH JACOB: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Following the service with the inception of the "Daf demand for a reward on the part Yomi" at the Vaad Horabonim permanent Detroit Kosher Restau- an adult forum will be held, at which Rabbi Conrad will speak of the brother-in-law. rant Committee are asked to call on the "Relevance of Maimonides." When two parties live at great headquarters. The Daf Yomi re- Beale, UN 3-0145, Mr. Allan, DI I- CONG. BETH SHALOM: Services 6 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. fers to daily study of the Talmud distances, or circumstances do 1330, or the offices of the Vaad Michael Pollock, Bar Mitzvah. not permit them to meet, make by Groups throughout the world. Horabonim, 342-6260, which has ADAS SHALOM SYNAGOGUE: Services 6 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. The Detroit group, under the it possible for a written declara offered its cooperation in this en- Saturday. Philip Ross and William Rudy, Bnai Mitzvah. tion of release to take the place sponsorship of the Council of Or- deavor. CONG. BNAI MOSHE: Services 7 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. thodox Rabbis, meets 8 p.m. every of the present ceremonies. Bennet Fienman and Steven Kass, Bnai Mitzvah. Eliminate the disabilities of day except Friday. BRANDEIS UNIV. WOMEN'S TEMPLE. ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Guest Rabbi Dr. Daniel During the last two years, since the aguna — the "chained wife" COMM. USED BOOK SALE Jeremey Silver of Cleveland will preach. Janet Susan Simons, Bat whose husband has disappeared. the Daf Yomi was initiated, Rabbi Northland, Special Events Mitzvah. Services 11 a.m. Saturday. Ronald Barry Ellman, Bar Leizer Levin and Rabbi Chaskel Center, Parking Lot C. (There is no presumption of Mitzvah. Grubner have : led the group of Preview and Auction Sate death after a certain number of CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Services 6 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. rabbis and laymen who have par- May 21st, 8 p.m. years in Jewish law, and the Sale, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Richard Saul Rubin and Michael Dalien, Bnai Mitzvah. aguna thus can be -effectively ticipated—from all segments of May 22 thru 24-10 A.M. Daily CONG. MISHKAN ISREAL NUSACH ARI: Services 8:30 p.m. today the community. barred from marrying again). and 9 a.m. Saturday. Terry Drilich and. Garry Gold, Bnai Mitzvah. In countries (such as Iran) BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE: Services 6:30 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. where religious minorities live Saturday. Steven Kaplan and Arthur Levenson, Bnai Mitzvah. under the laws of their religions, Regular services will be held at the Downtown Synagogue, Young wish to express their profoundest gratitude to their daugh- do away with the possibility of Israel Center of Oak-Woods Cong. Beth Joseph and Cong. Beth Moses. ter Evelyn, son-in-law, Harold Noveck, son, Paul, and polygamy and reconsider rules daughter-in-law, Phyllis, and grandsons for honoring them of inheritance which tend to favor sons to the grave disad- on their 50th Wedding Anniversary in such an elaborate vantage of widows and daugh- and dignified manner. Lee J. Marks was elected pres- of the Oak Park Junior Chamber ters. To all our relatives and friends for their contributions to In urging modernization of the ident of the Married Group of of Commerce and a member of J.N.F., Pioneer Women and other worthwhile causes, for Temple Beth El at the annual the board of trustees of Centen- position of women, the ICJW as- the cables, letters and telegrams from here in the U.S. nial Bnai Brith Lodge. A graduate serted that "the anomalies of these meeting. and Israel. Other officers elected were Mar- of Wayne State University, he is family_ laws increase temptations vin Novick and Harold Josephson, an account executive with E. F. and excuses today for young peo- vice presidents; Sheldon Beck, Hutton and Co. Married to the ple to forsake the traditions' of treasurer; and Mrs. Irvine Kaplan former Sandy Cohen, he is the fa- their fathers." The Conservative Movement has and Mrs. William Lichtig, secre- ther of two daughters, -Susan Beth evolved a ketubah which includes, and Loree Hope. taries. along with the traditional pledges, Elected to the board of directors an agreement that if a marriage is were Messrs. and Mesdames Har- dissolved by civil law, the husband vey A. Bailey, Irving B. Chasnick, and wife are required to go before David M. Kahrn- a Beth Din of the Rabbinical As- off, Marvin Katz, sembly and The Jewish Theologi- Basil Ne me r, cal Seminary of America and carry Charles S. Pres- (For 16 Years) Cantor Shabtai Ackerman of De- out its decisions in regard to a get. ser Gary Ta- if either spouse refuses to do this troit' has been named Honorary back and Dr. and WITH FULL GUARANTY OF DELIVERY Mrs. Werner G. Fellow of the Cantors Institute then the other may invoke "any or all remedies available in civil We Feature the Finest Selection of of the Jewish Heim. law and equity to enforce compli- Dr. Sheldon D. Theological -Sem- Material for Suits, Dresses, Etc. ance with the Beth Din's decision Stern, retiring inary of Ameri- and this solemn obligation." president, a n d ca and has been Mrs. Stern will invited by Dr. Marks serve as ex-offi- Louis Finkel- Beth Abraham Opens cio members of the board of direc- stein, Chancellor Henry Tobet and Alex Korda, Proprietors Registration for Fall of the Seminary, tors. VI 3-4130 7146 MICHIGAN AVE. A confirmand from the religious to attend the Beth Abraham Hebrew School, commencement (7 Blocks West of Livernois) school and a graduate from the completing its first year as an in- high school department of Temple exercises in New a- dependent school and operated by York on June 5 Beth El, Marks is a past president Cong. Beth Abraham, has opened of the Young People's Society, as to receive the'P- registration to new students for certificate of well as the Married Group. the semester beginning in the fall. He is a charter member and a honorary fellow- The afternoon Hebrew school, ship. member of the board of directors which offers a full synagogue-ori- Cantor Acker- ented Hebrew education for kin- man, w h o has dergarten through the junior high served Detroit's and confirmation grades, will Congregation again function in two locations, at Ban Roll on Deodorant ! B e t h Abraham the synagogue building and the retail 1.00 Ackerman for the past 11 Southfield branch at Kennedy Our . years, is president of the Cantors School. Discount Price Association in Detroit. He former- A separate weekday nursery ly was president of the cantor's program is offered to 31/2-5-year- association in Israel. old boys and girls at the syna- At the convention of the Can- gogue location. Transportation Ban Spray Deodorant 7-oz. retail 1.49 tor's Assembly of America at the is offered for all city and sub- Our Concord held last Nveek, Cantor urban students. Discount Price Ackerman was presented with a In announcing the May and June citation of merit. registration of new students, Rabbi Martin J. Tatelbaum, director of education, advised that advance PGASP Weekend Ban Cream Deodorant retail 79c PGASP (Post Graduates Adas enrollment benefits the child and Our Shalom Presents) will host a week- helps the school to schedule teach- Discount Price end at Camp Happy Hollow today ers, curriculum and activities. Mor- through Sunday. The program will ris Davis and Morris Beider are include discussion, prayer, songs, co-chairmen of the youth commis- sion and Hebrew school board. All 18414 Wyoming Ave. dancing and a wiener roast. inquiries on registration should be Hours: Mon. thru Thurs., 9 to 5, Friday 9-4, Sunday 10-1 directed to the Hebrew School of- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I 20009 W. 7 Mile KE 5-4910 fice of the synagogue, UN 1-6696. 20—Friday, May 20, 1966 _ _ r - Mr. and Mrs. David and Sophie Sislin Beth El Marrieds Elect Lee Marks OUR SINCEREST THANKS WE'RE LICENSED AND SPECIALIZE IN SHIPPING PACKAGES Ackerman Gets, Seminary Honor, Cantor Fellowship TO THE U.S.S.R. , WAYNE DRY GOODS HOUSE IFIZKOR 66` REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES AT YIZKOR BY PLANTING TREES 99c 59C G & M DISCOUNT IN ISRAEL — THE immenTAL LINK Phone your tree order .. JEWISH NATIONAL FUND — UN. 4-2161