Three Popes from the Ghetto Delineated by Joachim Prinz Dr. Joachim Prinz was moved, It led him to a study of the even before coming here from Ger- Vatican and of the popes and the many more than 30 years ago, to result is a book that will surely delve into the problem of Christians arouse much attention. Dr. Prinz's who stemmed from Jews, of those "Popes From the Ghetto," publish- whose parents and grandparents ed by Horizon Press (156' 5th, had become converts to Christian- NY 10), is subtitled "A View of ity but whose offspring continued Medieval Christendom." to be viewed as "non-Aryans" un- Actually, his story is more about der Nazi rule. There were those the latter and the popes who stem: with letter "J" on their passports med from Jews merely emphasize and he asked the question: "Was the story. Both are, of course, Jewish fate still inescapable, even strongly- inter-related in this in the 20th Century?" splendid account, and it is because of the review given of the entire history of the popes in Medieval times that his book acquires spe- cial significance. This is the story of the Pier- leone family whose ancestor Baruch and his entire family accepted all the negations that went with certain conversion rules to accept Christianity, with a view that a member of that family should one day preside over the Vatican. It is the story of Popes Gregory VI, Gregory Knows His VII and Anaclet II and of the related Frangipani family, the Mountains . • • noble group whose ancestors also were Jews. Dr. Prinz points out: "Within but a hundred years this family, CATSKILLS often despised by the people who could never forget their Jewish origin and even by clergymen who remembered the Jewish Baruch aid 86.fig Nis when it served their purposes, con- CATSKILLS tributed to the Church three Popes: Ioannes Gratianus (John Gratian), who was Gregory VI (1045-46); Hildebrand, who be- CATSKILLS came Gregory VII (1073-85); and Peter Pierleone, who as Pope assumed . the name of Anaclet II CATSKILLS (1130-38). Their lives were turbu- lent and difficult, but each of them made his contribution to the Oahe. kate2 growth of the Church and the de- velopment of the Papacy." CATSKILLS Dr. Prinz writes about them inter alia: "Strangely enough, although the POCONOS Pierleone f a m i l y intermarried (even Baruch is thought to have married a Frangipane), they still looked Jewish—"more like a Jew or Saracen than a Christian" Med- ieval chroniclers say of all of them, PHEASANT RUN LODGE even of Gregory VII, who might and COUNTRY CLUB have been related to them only by (Illinois) marriage. The weight of the evi- dence seems, however, to favor DEER PARK LODGE a blood relationship. "No doubt," (Wisconsin) says Pietro Fedele, . the great Italian medievalist who devoted_ his We handle all details of resort life to the study of the Pierleone,_ "Hildebrand's mother was a Pier- reservations; these and many others. leone, if we are to believe . the Annals of Pegau in which Gregory • We have the right spot for VII is said to be a nephew on his singles, marrieds, families and mother's side of Peter de Leone senior citizens. (Petrus Leonis, the grandson of CALL DI 1-7111 Baruch). But even if these state- For Information & Reservations ments in the Annals were not cor- rect, it would always have great weight in our assertion that Hilde- brand had the closest family ties TRAVEL AGENCY with the Pierleone. It seems that 18246 WYOMING AVE. Hildebrand's mother was Bertha. Closed Sat.—Open Sun. 11-3 Her brother was the abbot of San- JULES DONESON Ptah Nogg, A4-TARIENti JULES DONESON Roll out of bed and you're on the golf course at Kutsher's. Our golf course is 400 feet away from the main building; 250 feet away from the dining room (but if you want to play in your pajamas you can't eat in them) and 280 feet' away from our 2 night clubs (in case you'd rather golf, i than dance 'till dawn). It's a champion course: 18 beau• 1 tiful holes, 3 tees at every hole, 7,157 yards long. With lush fairways, fiendish traps and greens smooth as yell Vet. (Good velvet.) Plus a driving range, a putting green; an abundance of electric carts...all of it presided over by t'GA Pro Tony Longo our famous Doctor of Golf. For the family we've got Broadway entertainment, 4 bands, a teen program, day camp, night patrols, tennis; indoor and outdoor swimming...but not for you. For you L 'We've got a nice, soft bed. With television. Who can dance ',after 18 holes? You?, Kutsher's Country Club Moiticello,NewYork See Your Travel Agent or Call (212) 243-3112 or Monticello (914) 794-6000. Open Al! Year — ..... , . Soviet Scientists in Israel Study Anti-Pest Methods to Maria on the Avantine. We the Popes are unconvincing. The TEL AVIV (JTA) — Three So- know that young Hildebrand lived trickeries do not lend to belief viet scientists arrived in Israel to with his uncle, the abbot of this that they had risen above the monastery, where he was educated low standards of the times of study local agricultural tech- and brought up on the monastic their domination. But the nu- niques in combating plant pests. discipline. The relationship be- merous insults leveled at them as The three, who conferred imme- tween Gregory VI (John Gratian) ,Jews show that their background diately on their arrival with Agri- and Hildebrand is well known. was not forgotten in prejudiced culture Minister Haim Gvati, are When Gregory VI went into exile, quarters. Hildebrand, albeit reluctantly, fol- The concluding paragraph in Dr. Y. Gussayev of Leningrad; lowed him to Germany. After Prinz's book states: - "During the Dr. H. Hadihyelly of Georgia, a - Gregory's death he inherited his reign of Anaclet, a new synagogue woman scientist; and Dr. Tryapit- fortune; he felt such gratitude for was built in the Ghetto (of Rome) sin of the Soviet Academy of his master and protector that he on the Via dell 'Atleta where it Sciences. During their visit here, which took his name, Gregory, when he can still be seen today. Could it became Pope. There is no other be that the same Jews who had was first proposed by Gvati in talks plausible explanation for this in- greeted him so fervently on the with Soviet Ambassador Dimitri timate relationship between Hilde- day of his coronation at the Palace Chuvakhin, the three scientists brand and the arch priest of San of Chromatius said the ancient will study particularly biological Giovanni (John Gratian) than that , prayer El Male Rachamim for him anti-pest methods at the Agricul- they were related to each other _the Jewish prayer of the dead?" tore Ministry's Plant Protection . . . It is because they were both This is sensationalizing the story Department. Pierleone that Hildebrand inherit- ! a bit and fictionalizing the tale ed John Gratian's fortune. It is . about the three Popes. Neverthe- for the same reason that Hilde- less, the revelations included in EVERYBODY brand's parents attached him to 1 Dr. Prinz's "Popes From The John Gratian and that he followed Ghetto" are most interesting — l(thING the Pope into exile - in 1046." 1 more in reference to the Papacy is abToAuLt Much of the avarice, the im- ', itself than to the three Jewish FABULOUS morality of the eras during which Pbpes. the Popes who are described in this book is part of the Prinz record. It is difficult to see what GROSSINGER'S HAS EVERYTHING! glory there is in the three men he delineates. They were part of the schemes and intrigues that CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE marked the battles between Popes FREE GOLF During May and June and emperors during the hundreds Cabanas; Calisthenics; Card of years under review. FREE cl dasusrincglintihcesse& mEuxnhtiksitions room; Children's World; Some of the implications of re- SPECIAL RATES TO Classes and Clinics (Free) tention of Jewish interests by - 18 HOLE STEVENS LE Weekly Quiz BY RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) Why is the cup of wine used for making benedictions (such as Kiddush, grace after meals, wed- dings, etc.) held in a raised posi- tion? Amongst other requirements for such a cup of wine, the Talmud (Babli, Berakoth, 51a) states that the cup must be raised from the ground. Kabbalistic sources require that the cup be- raised to shoulder height. Medieval authorities (Rabbi Jacob, the author of Tur) explain that this is done so that the pres- ence of the cup of wine will draw attention from the people around him and that they will therefore pay attention and concentrate upon it. This serves the purpose of re- lating the benedictions directly to the cup of wine. Were the cup of wine to be left standing on the table, instead of being held in hand, , it would not be obvious that the bene- dictions being pronounced and the cup of wine were intended to be related. MIDWEEK GOLFERS & GROUPS Cocktail Parties; Classical Concerts; Comedy Sessions with Lou Goldstein; INDOOR POOLHM4 [ Wet' t her TENNIS COURTS r y id LE.Epo P ,MVailpToHstcTA H and mail it today! •FISHING • BOATING TOP B'WAY SHOWS GOURMET CUISINE GROSSINGER'S! TELL ME ALL ABOUT I ID GALA DECORATION DAY WEEKEND ❑ FOURTH OF JULY JUBILEE WEEK ❑ SUMMER RATES ❑ FAMILY PLAN I ❑ MIDWEEK GOLFESTIVAL PACKAGE I MAME 56F i cm I IOW BUDGET MAY & JUNE RATES I I ADDRESS I TEEN-AGE PROGRAM SUPERVISED DAY CAMP win maul Z.. Your Host: HARRY DINNERSTEIN SWAN LAKE N. Y. .1t."a4.4'efe)r"1:2 . NAS EVERYTHING --:355 Days In The Year ir In N.Y.C. Call: LO 5-4500 (Area Code 914) 292-5000 u re a motfeeir (C9ollo4r )8r2o c 9 h2 or phon Werite or SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT NOW BOOKING MID-WEEK & WEEK-END CONVENTIONS GROSSINGER, N.Y. * What is the derivation for the word "Bible" which is used to denote the Holy Scriptures? Daniel (Book of Daniel, 9:2) re- lates that he . "meditated in the Books" meaning thereby that he meditated in the various writings of the Holy_ Scriptures which were written on a number of scrolls. The word which is translated as "books" in this verse is the He- brew word "Sefarim" which the Greek renders as "Biblia." It is from this expression "Biblia" that our English term "Bible" comes, as referring to the -Holy Scriptures. Herzl's Diaries in Yiddish Theodor Herzl started writing his diaries in June, 1895, about two years before the opening of the first Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland and concluded his labors in May, 1904, shortly before his death. Since then, many edi- tions and selections have appeared of these diaries, which ran to six- teen volumes, all of them consti- tuting the best source of the rise and early development of the Zionist idea movement. Nov the Zionist Library, issued by the World Zionist Organization in Jerusalem, has added a new com- pendium of Herzl's diaries in Yid- dish, selected, edited and com- mented by A. Alperin, managing editor of the Day-Jewish Journal. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 20, 1966-15 Don't make a move! Big man, you've had a busy day golfing, horseback riding, playing tennis, jumping into the pool and heaven knows what. Careful, or you'll be too "shot" for tonight's cocktail party, big show, dancing, late jazz ... and heaven knows what. So relax. 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