General Allenby Refused to. Publicize Balfour Declaration, Biography Shan's Israel's "Exaggerated Prosperity BY MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) WASHINGTON — Members of Congress will challenge a new State Department line that Israel is now so prosperous, and organi- zations like Hadassah so rich, that further U.S. aid grants are un- necessary. The fact is that Israel is in debt for over $1,250,000,000. Israel re- quires more than a half-billion dol- lars annually from outside sources. One reason for Israel's economic plight is her need to buy arms to balance the flow of Soviet and American jets and other weapons to the Arab states. Last year, Hadassah Medical Organization sought inclusion in a provision of the Foreign Aid Bill, Section 214, that provides grants for American institutions operating abroad. The American University of Beirut had re- ceived over $33,000,000 under Section 214 since 1959, and Ha- dassah felt entitled to the equiv- alent of $1,000,000. But the State Department did not agree. The diplomats fought a 1965 Con- gressional amendment to provide Hadassah a sum of 3,000,000 Israeli pounds ($1,000,000) from surplus counterpart funds owned by the United States. The amendment passed the Sen- ate but was killed in a final Sen- ate-House conference because of State Department pressure on elements of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This year, the State Department asked Congress for an increased allocation under Section 214. But Hadassah's application for inclu- sion was rejected. The Executive Department, through the U.S. Agency for International Develop- ment, offered to lend Hadassah the 3,000,000 Israel pounds re- quested. AID maintained that Israel was no longer a needy, un- derdeveloped country, and that Hadassah was so "rich" that one medical facility alone, the Hadas- sah-Hebrew University Hospital, was valued at $30,000,000. Although the 318,000 American members of Hadassah generously assist-programs in Israel to the ex- tent of about $12,000,000 a year, the needs have multiplied and costs in Israeel have risen drastically. Some Congressmen felt that Hadas- sah was being penalized, in effect, for being more industrious and gen- erous than American supporters of the University in Beirut, for in- stance. Hadassah's operations in Israel have taken a burden off the U.S. Peace Corps and American aid programs in many African and Asian countries have been train- ed in Israel by Hadassah in medicine, nursing and public health. Indeed, Hadassah person- nel have worked in many Afri- can countries. Governments like Liberia have honored Hadassah. Israel's Arab people have been beneficiaries of Hadassah's pre- birth clinics and infant care proj- ects to the extent that Arab infant mortality has dropped dramatic- ally. The Israeli Arab birth rate is today far higher than the Jewish rate, thanks to Hadassah. Hadas- sah offers many other facilities in- cluding vocational training for JeW and non-Jew alike. I-I ad assan work on trachoma and leprosy have benefited the entire world, The government of Israel has spent huge sums on health in coopera: tion with Hadassah and other un- dertakings. It has also been pointed out that the American University of Beirut has been the scene of pro-Conf• munist and anti-American agita- tion while Hadassah has been a center of mercy and healing, and has received nothing under this same program. Less than a week after the is- strength of it until after the Peace suance of the historic Balfour Dec- Conference had decided the fate of laration pledging the establishment the country." Gardner states that of a Jewish National Home in Pal- "despite this, he managed, remark- estine, the text reached General ably, to retain the trust and good- Edmund Allenby. He did not make will of the Jewish population more so, perhaps, than that of the Arabs, it public. The reason is given in the new although he was naturally criticized Allenby biography, "Allenby of by the more militant Zionists. His Arabia—Lawrence's General," by attitude was also severely criticized Brian Gardner, published by Cow- in London, and even on his own ard-McCann (200 Madison, NY16). staff." His severest critic was his polit- The brief reference to it states: "On the 9th of November, at the ical officer, Meinertzhagen, whose Third Battle of Gaza, the important memoirs did not give Allenby the and controversial Balfour Declara- credit he received at the hands of tion had been made, in the form of Gardner. Then there is a record in this a letter to Lord Rothschild. It said that the British government fa- biography of Allenby's attitude Bukiet Wins Contest Here vored 'the establishment in Pale- towards Herbert Samuel. The bi- Bernie Bukiet, of New York, won stine of a national home for the ography states: the men's singles title at the 38th "Lloyd George and his Foreign Jewish people.' (Although Balfour annual United States open table Secretary Balfour were both wanted the United States to assume sympathetic to the Jewish case, HAIFA (ZINS) "Divorce the tel- tennis championship held in De- responsibility for Palestine after and Herbert Samuel, himself a evision instead of your wife!" de- troit. Bukiet won by scores of 16- the war,) Allenby, continually con- Jew, was made Chief Adminis- creed the head of the Beth Din in 21, 21-16, 21-18, 23-21. Erwin Klein, cerned about public order, had im- Haifa when a man applied for of Los Angeles, the defending title- mediately forbidden its publication i trator for Palestine. Allenby's impartiality in all this is illus- divorce on the grounds that his holder, was beaten in the quarter- in Palestine." trated in the fact that (General) wife had become a television ad- finals by Dick Miles of New York, This is a verbatim quotation from 21-11, 21-9, 21-18. dict. Wave11 thought Allenby pro- the new biography of Allenby. The Jew, and Meinertzhagen believed "Since I brought the accursed date given here is wrong. There he was pro-Arab. However, Al- magic box into my house we know undoubtedly were added elements lenby did strongly advise against neither day nor night. My wife the very title of and to the story Samuel's appointment, believing has ceased to cook and bake, the the book seems to point to an angle it to be "highly dangerous.' " children are neglected and I am that may not fit well with Sir Ed- After Meinertzhagen was trans- forsaken as she sits transfixed be- mund Allenby's role. After all, his fore the hypnotic images. She nev- For Regular Savings fame is in his having taken Jeru- !erred from Allenby's staff, Allen- er seems to grow tired — I never salem from the Turks, not his role I by was deprived of responsibility for Palestine. There is much more, knew a Jewish wife had such re- in Arabia. serves of strength," the husband Perhaps the title relates as much apparently, to the story regarding INTEREST wailed. to Lawrence (Captain, Later Col- Allenby's attitudes. IVIeinertzha- every day on every He himself had brought the set onel, T. E.) of Arabia who served gen's accusations are not easily dollar front dischargeable. into his home by purchasing the under Allenby and between whom date of Gardner's biography quotes Al- deposit to television with his savings. The a great friendship developed. This ANNUAL RATE. date of lenby's opinions about Herbert rabbi gave the wife a. month in biography is nearly as much about withdrawal Samuel. He wrote, Nov. 7, 1919: which to change her ways. Should compounded Lawrence as it is about Allenby. DAILY "he has quite the right ideas . . . quarterly. all other methods fail, the husband The biography is interesting he should do well with luck." In INTEREST was granted permission to sell the also from another angle: the fact the same entry he wrote: "I see television. For Longer Term Investments that the introduction is by Low- that the northern boundary of Pal- The housewife's reply was brief ell Thomas. The photos are all estine has been fixed. I don't think but firm: "I would rather divorce Lowell Thomas'. Lawrence and that the Zionists will be satisfied. my husband than give up the tel- Allenby were friends of Thomas. They hoped for much more than evision." The introduction contains a vivid has been allotted to Palestine, in- account of Lawrence, provides cluding the waters of the Yarmuk interesting background material and Leontes, which they have not to the Allenby story, and there got . . . " are intimate descriptions of the Later, he wrote: "Samuel's prob- era under review. lems in Palestine are not easy, and TIME Thomas often heard Allenby re- he will have as much trouble with CERTIFICATES ferred to as "the Bull." He quotes his own Zionists as with the Arabs REPAIR AND British Tommies who said: "You or Christians. I see that the Zion- OAKLAND NATIONAL BANK INSTALLATION could hear the Bull all the way ists have been smuggling revolvers, • SOUTHFIELD RD. at 10 Mile Rd. from Dan to Beersheba." Thomas hidden in beehives, into Palestine." QUALITY WORK AT • W. 9 MILE at Greenfield Rd. speaks of Allenby as having been The latter is another of the de- REASONABLE PRICES PHONE: 353-6800 "able (almost alone) to act in that vastating statements that indicate DAY SATURDAY BANKING ALL area for many years without being that Allenby, like many of his fel- TO 4:30 either. Zionist or Arabist . . . " All deposits insured up to $10,000 low-Britishers, refused to grant the by the Federal Deposit InsuranCe An important role in the Pale- right to defend their lives against orporation. "Get Our Price Last" THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS stinian battles during World War I I Arab attacks. 14—Friday, May 20, 1966 was played, under Allenby, by the The Allenby biography revives Jewish Legion. But it is not men- memories. It brings to light certain tioned by name in this book. In- new aspects of a troubled situation. stead we read in the Gardner story: It helps recall the liberation of "Three battalions of Jews, the 38th, Jerusalem and the early years of 39th and 40th Royal Fusiliers, were Zionist endeavors under British sent to Allenby as the first practi- rule in Palestine. cal result of the Balfour Declara- tion. Serving with them was David Ben-Gurion, destined to become Israel's Universities Face Prime Minister of Israel." There Problem of Overcrowding in is an explanatory note to this item JERUSALEM (Z I N S) — The quoting from a letter by P. (Pin- number of graduates from Israel's 2 LOCATIONS has) Rutenherg, April 27, 1933, high schools is expected to reach stating: 75,000 annually in the coming "I am proud to state now the years. However, only a small num- at the SYNAGOGUE, Seven Mile Road West at Greenlawn and in the fact, known to few, that I am ber of them will find room in the the author of the idea of the country's universities, the press SOUTHFIELD BRANCH — KENNEDY SCHOOL Jewish Battalions to fight with here reports. the Allies during the Great War. Mt. Vernon, between Greenfield and Southfield Tuition fees at the Hebrew Uni- To redeem with Jewish blood versity are low — only 550 ‘ pounds Jewish Palestine: That was in ($170) a year while secondary NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATION FOR 1966-67 TERM IN ALL CLASSES. August 1914. The idea was so school fees are twice that amount. contradictory to all Jewish tra- This explains the huge deficit ac- TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE. ' ditions and conceptions of life cumulated by the Hebrew Uni- that the then powerful author- versity — 70,000,000 pounds. ities in Jewry intended, as I was • Bar/Bas Mitzvah Tutoring at no extra charge • Limited size classes Each student in the science de- told, to excommunicate me pub- partment costs the university 9,000 Youth Sabbath Services and Clubs Reasonable tuition licly from Jewish life. It was the pounds a year, and a medical stu- privilege of Jabotinsky to make dent, 21,000 pounds a year. the dream a reality. As to my- In the last four years, enroll- self, I was deprived of the priv- ment in the Hebrew University for complete information ilege of joining them, I was en- has increased from 7,500 to 12,000 joying a doubtful rest in the and within a few years should Visit Synagogue Office, 7 Mile Rd. W. at Greenlawn notorious dungeons of St. Peter reach 15,000, the maximum capac- or Call UNiversity 1-6692 and St. Paul's Fortress, as one ity of the school. of the first prisoners of the Bol- This is causing grave concern Dr. Robert Schlaff Israel 1. Halpern shevik government." in political and economic circles President Rabbi The Allenby biography makes in Israel, taking into account the several references to Zionist lead- fact that Egyptian universities are Rabbi Martin J. Tatelbauni ers and to Zionism. In reference to attended by 100,000 students in ad- Director of Education the Balfour Declaration, Gardner dition to 10,000 Egyptians studying writes that Allenby `(refused to abroad and another 45,000 in other accord any Jewish privileges on the -institutions of higher learning. TV Named in Suit for Alienation of Affections in Israel I New! Two savings plans from Oakland National Bank cx; LAWN SPRINKLERS 527-5044 c BETH ABRAHAM HEBREW SCHOOL •