Greatest Youth AJCommittee Re-Elects M. Abram; Convention Views Important Issues Jews. And this in my judgment is WASHINGTON — Three pro- violence and of economic pres- ple what is really the true mean- Service Increase the finest example of what we minent East Coast attorneys noted sures that cost them their jobs and ing of freedom. Because from the really mean by this word Ameri- Reported by HIAS also for their public, business and their homes. experience of more than 5,000 Over 46,000 persons, the largest number in almost two decades en- rolled last year in vocational train- ing and education programs con- ducted overseas by ORT, the Or- ganization for Rehabilitation through Training, according to the 1966 ORT yearbook, released at the agency's offices in New York and in Geneva, Switzerland. Close to 50,000 are expected to attend this year. The number of persons receiving instruction in the trade and techni- cal schools of the international Jewish vocational agency "has con- siderably more than doubled over the decade", the annual report states. Continued mass migration, espe- cially to France and Israel, has created "a tremendous demand for vocational aid to assist newcomers in making an economic adjustment. With 50,000 or more Jews expected to migrate this year and with close to 250,000 anticipated by 1970, the demand for services that prepare the refugees to earn a livelihood will intensify", declares the publi- cation. At the same time, the ORT yearbook calls attention to the marked rise in the number of Jewish youth who are turning toward technical studies. It notes that adolescents in the 14-18 age bracket attending full time ORT day trade and technical high schools. with courses of study extending three, four and five years, have grown by 70 per cent since 1960. This aspect of ORT services is dominant in its activities in Israel, but also among the Jewish com- munities of North Africa, Iran and India and is of growing importance in South America. In the 20 countries in which it operated last year, ORT conducted 633 training projects, which in ad- dition to trade schools, Included apprenticeship s e r v i c e, adult courses, technical institutes, teach- er training and a wide variety of other programs. Over 1,500 instruc- tors were employed to teach 70 di'lerent skills. By far the most significant de- velopment took place in Israel, where ORT last year took the first steps toward implementing a five year plan to double the trainees in its secondary schools, which are presently located in 33 cities and towns across the country. Over 40,000 Israeli youth of high school age are estimated to be neither in school nor at work. ORT's major objective is to participate in the overall na- tional plan so that "there shall be no child in Israel, who need fear his future will come to an end with the end of his primary education because there is no place for him". philanthropic posts were elected to fill the top positions in the American Jewish Committee as the pioneer human relations agency ended its 60th anniversary annual meeting at the Shoreham Hotel here. Morris B. Abram of New York, who serves as U.S. representative to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, was reelected president. Sol M. Linowitz of Rochester, N.Y., chairman of the board of Xerox Corporation, who had been a member of the policy-making executive board of the committee, was chosen as chairman of the executive board. Philip E. Hoffman of South Orange, N.J., chairman of the exe- cutive committee of the U.S. Real- ty and Investment Co. of Newark, was reelected chairman of the board of governors. Dr. John Slawson, social scien- tist, New York, was re-elected exe- cutive vice president. Dr. William Haber, Ann Ar- bor, was elected a life member of the board. A leading British historian and behavioral psychologist told the conferees that the mass mur- der of Jews in Europe during the 20th Century was made pos- sible by a "collective psychosis" under which Gentiles saw Jews as a race "endowed with super- human, quasi-demonic powers of evil." Dr. Norman Cohn, direc- tor of the newly-created Center for Research into Collective Psy- chopathology at the University of Sussex, England, asserted that during this period "a mass mad- ness swept through Europe in- jecting vast multitudes of or- dinary, normal people." He stat- ed that the seeds had been planted by centuries of Christian teaching that promoted the myth of the Jews as "children of the devil," which was activated the moment modern-day agitators began to play upon it. Dr. Cohn urged a combined ef- fort on the part of psychologists, historians, sociologists and anthro- pologists to undertake research into the processes that led to these catastrophes. In showing the operation of myth as a spur to hatred and vio- lence, Dr. Cohn pointed out simi- larities between the incitements that caused murderous pogroms in Kishinev, Russia, in 1903 and 1905 and the Nazi holocaust. In both in- stances the "demonological view of Jewry" was brought into play. In Kishinev it was the charge of ritual murder; in Nazi Germany it was the charge that Jews --had a secret government. A report on racial tensions in the South, issued jointly by the Southern Regional Council and the AJConimittee warned that continued "white lawlessness" could trigger "retaliatory vio- lence" from Southern Negroes. New schools and classes, opened in the fall of 1965, made possible the admission of 1,500 more first year students than previously, marking what the yearbook de- The main hope of avoiding such scribes as "the first . down payment violence, the report stated, is for against the goal to be reached by "the realization of promises and 1970". potential" for Negro Southerners to be speeded. The report noted U.S. Official Applauds that there were forces at work en- couraging race relations in the Israel Youth Program NEW YORK — (JTA) — Israel's South representative of the Ameri- universal national service pro- can ideal, more so than ever before. The report disclosed that follow- gram, in which all young people participate in some form of serv- ing the start of "peaceful" de- ice to the country—whether in the segregation in the South in Sep- military forces or through work tember 1965, 10 killings and "un- on the land in pioneer settlements counted" beatings, burning s, —could serve as a model for bombings, and shootings were re- American use of its youth, 300 corded in the six-month period members of the Labor Zionist Or- through the end of February. It ganization—Poale Zion were told makes the point that such violence by the associate director of the has not ended in the South; if any- thing, it has intensified during the United States Peace Corps. The Peace Corps official, Har- period studied. The report charged that only ris Wofford, was the principal speaker at a Labor Zionist lunch- token school integration thus far eon honoring Ambassador Avra- had been achieved in the South, ham Harman, Israel's envoy to with between 5 and 6 per cent of Washington, as part of the Poale the South's 3,014,025 Negro chil- Zionist observance of the 18th an- dren of school age now attending niversary of Israel's independence. classes with whites, and that the parents of the relatively few Negro THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS children who do not attend white schools often have been victims of 12—Friday, May 20, 1966 Further, according to the re- port, many Negroes who register to vote or who attempt to send their children to white schools are beaten, lose their jobs, or are evicted from their homes. Hope was expressed that the tightening of Federal desegrega- tion guidelines and better en- forcement would improve the situation in schools next fall. Although Jews make up be- tween 10 and 12 per cent of the student bodies and faculties at America's '775 non-sectarian sen- ior colleges and universities, pri- vate and public, fewer than 1 per cent of the presidents of these institutions are Jewish, the delegates were told. Since 1949, it is estimated, there have been approximately 1,000 va- cancies in the presidencies of pub- licly-supported universities and sen- ior colleges. Yet up to a month ago, not one appointment had gone to a Jew. Of 1,720 deans in the 775 U.S. colleges and universities surveyed, 45-2.6 per cent—are Jews. Twen- ty-nine of those are in six institu- tions. In the remaining 769 in- stitutions, there are only 16 Jew- ish deans—again fewer than 1 per cent. A major development in carry- ing out Vatican Council H's "Jewish Declaration" through the study of references to Jews and Judaism in Catholic religious teachings has been launched by scholars at Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, and these scholars have started a 15-month examination of ways in which Jews and Judaism are portrayed in Catholic school texts, prayer books, and Bible commentaries in the French language, which is spoken by 60,000,000 Catholics. The joint announcement of the study project was made at the convention. The specific purpose of the proj- ect, which already has aroused the interest of Catholic research and educational authorities throughout Europe, is two-fold: to determine how the Jewish world, both ancient and modern, is presented in Cath- olic religious materials used throughout French-speaking Eu- rope, Africa, and Canada:. and to set up a scientific method for study of references to Jews in oth- er languages and in other kinds of literature. Dr. John Slawson, executive vice-president of the committee, reporting to the closing session of the annual meeting, said that the program, which since 1960 has been bringing teams of high- ranking German educators to the United States to study American methods of civic education for introduction into German schools, has initiated a "re-evalu- ation of the content, courses and standards of social studies in West German secondary schools." He called on the Austrian gov- ermnent to encourage a similar project for that country, and stated that "very high officials" in the Austrian Ministry of Education has expressed to him "enthusiasm for an American educator visitor pro-: gram." Based on these conversa- tions, Dr. Slawson said, plans are now under way to make arrange- ments for the first group of Aus- trians to come to the United States in the near future. A brief but stirring address was delivered here by President John- son at the convention of the Amer- ican Jewish Committee where he made an unexpected appearance on Thursday and was presented with the organization's American Liber- ties Medallion, its highest award "for exceptional advancement of the cause of human liberty." The President said: "I am deeply appreciative of this award for a contribution to the cause of freedom. But to re- ceive such an award from an or- ganization such as yours is a trib- ute beyond anything I have a right to expect. No people know more profoundly than your peo- years you know that the threat to your neighbors' freedom is only a prologue to the attack on your freedoms. "Throughout history, your peo- ple have been among the victims of the enemies of freedom. Those who thought they could sit idly by and enjoy their own libel ty while that of their fellow Jews was taken away have always had a rude awakening. "Your organization, through its programs to encourage the growth of free institutions every- where, has demonstrated the principle of that historic lesson. For you have fought not merely for the rights of Jews but you have fought with equal strength for the rights of every suppressed minority. "You have defended the Cath- olic and Protestant and the vic- tims of racial discrimination no less than you have always fought for the rights of your fellow canism. "I am proud an privileged that you have chosen me for this award on this occasion. I will treasure it as long as I live and will pass it on to those who come after me. Coming fro:n a group such as yours, who have made the path of freedom easier to travel for all their fe7low citizens, this award means just a little more for this kind of man!' At one of the sessions of the con- vention, U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Arthur Goldberg urged immediate ratification by the Senate of the human rights treaties, the Genocide Convention, acts on slavery, forced labor and political rights of women. The 60th anniversary meeting of the committee closed with a lunch- eon on Monday in the State Depart- ment's diplomatic reception room, after the election of officers of the organization. Himont RESOR • At Mid-America's fabulous resort ... a playtime paradise whereyou'll enjoy : • Terrific food • Beautiful heated pool and patio • All sports • Gala floor shows // • FREE GOLF UNTIL JULY New Low Rotes, • • • • • • T. SOUTH HAVIENI IN MICHIGAN GIANT POOL Temperature Controlled Dancing & Entertainment at Pool-side Patio Free Dancing Lessons Champagne Hour - Midnight Snacks Famous Jewish-Style Cooking SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN Sep- arate Dining Room & Counselor Supervision Additional Air Conditioned and Remodeled Rooms "WHERE VACATION DREAMS COME TRUE!" 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THE FAMILY June "Early Bird" Specials -. all the time! Phone or write for low, low rates and brochure 49,0 eeshok Manor • RESORT JUST 65 MILES FROM CHICAGO • GENOA CITY, WISCONSIN INTROIT OFFICE • ISADORE J. GOLDSTEIN • 25839 Southwood • Elgin 6-755S