Landsmanshaften-LZ Bond Purchase Soviet Embassy Grant Elected Southfield Education Totals Reach $278,400; Norman Cottler Rejects Petition Board Treasurer; E raters Judge Race M. Grant has been elect- Prior to entering the Probate on Jews in USSR ed Barry Honored by Comay, Local Leaders treasurer of the Southfield race, Grant was assistant pro- A capacity audience at the La- he expressed gratitude for the corn- bor Zionist Institute honored Nor- munity honors. man Cottler on his 70th birthday Comay, in an address in which and acclaimed the announcement he reviewed Israel's role among at the conclusion of the affair that the nations, declared that "a sense the climaxing function marked the of history impels us to work to- subscription by the combined Land- gether so that there never again smanshaften and labor Zionist will be a homeless Jew." He said: groups of a total of $278,400 for the "We will lick our problems—not purchase of Israel Bonds. The bulk without you—not on a basis of of this sum was in honor of Cottler rahmanus—in a partnership bet- whose many friends and business ween you and us in Israel." associates joined in giving him the tributes On his natal day. Israel Ambassador to the United Silverman Post Names Nations Michael Comay, the guest speaker, headed the list of spokes- HOod 'Man of Year men in Cottler's honor. Others who Nicholas Hood, has been se- joined in lauding his life's work lected as the recipient of the and his dedication to Israel, which Sgt. Morton A. Silverman Post, began when he served as a mem- Jewish War Veterans, "Man of ber of the Jewish Legion in Pales- the Year Award." tine during World War I, included The presenta- Emma Schaver, Louis Levitan, Mor- tion of the award ris Lieberman, Harry Schumer and will take place Rabbis Hayim Donin and Jacob 3:30 p.m. Sunday Segal. The latter presented Cottler at the Work- with a plaque in behalf of Israel men's Circle Bonds. Center. Friends A list of hundreds of Israel Bond of the post and purchasers and the amounts of auxiliary are in- their purchases was read by Levi- vited. tan. Cane stated Cottler responded to the many that Hood was encomia with an address in which Rev. Hood chosen for his "many positive contributions in the field of civil rights and many years of dedicated service to the people of our community." LETTER BOX Reader Criticizes `Anti-Gentile' Attitude Editor, The Jewish News: Anti-Semitism works both ways. How many gentile friends and neighbors do you socialize and visit with? We yell against discri- mination, but aren't we also re- sponsible? We are anti-gentile in our ways, too. We tend as a group to all congregate in our own cliques, our own areas, our own ways. Why? How can all men meet if we don't get to know one another as human beings. Hate and dislike create hate and dislike. IRVING LARKY * * * Regarding Passover Milk Editor, The Jewish News: I would like to comment on the letter and the editor's nate that appeared in The Jewish News of April 22. I have been a milkman for about 35 years, and, for the past 19 years, have acted as liaison for Twin Pines Farm Dairy with the Council of Orthodox Rabbis, so I know whereof I speak. Preparing milk for Passover is a complex and costly task. Under the strict rules of the Council of Or t h o do x Rabbis, supervisors (Mashgichim) must be present at each stage of the preparations, even including milking time at the farms. Milk must be brought in from the farm to make Kosher culture for sour cream and cot- tage cheese and additional milk for the actual production of sour cream, cottage cheese, coffee cream and milk. Preparation of Kosher products is not permitted on the Sabbath or on holidays, so all this must be done on weekdays, under the per- sonal supervision of Mashgichim. I would like to go on record as stating that, in all the years that I have been closely associated with preparation of Passover milk at Twin Pines, rarely if ever have we received any complaints like that mentioned in the letter you published. Sincerely, BARNEY A. ROSS 20260 Greenview Road * * Editors Note: Based on numer- ous reports received by The Jew- ish News, Mr. Ross' letter fails to justify the failure to provide the Jewish community with Passover milk under modern conditions. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8—Friday, May 13, 1966 Argentinian Seeks Detroit Relative Mrs. Teibele Levin of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is seeking, through YIVO, her Detroit rela- tives. The address she had to her rela- tive until she stopped hearing from her was Gitla Barschap Zemel, 3812 Clements, Detroit 6. Mrs. Levin visited YIVO in New York with her husband, Dr. Bole- slav Levin. She is the daughter of Gitel Gildin. Those knowing the whereabouts of Gitla Barschap Zemel are asked to write either to The Jewish News or to Mrs. Boleslav Levin, c/o Hana Frischdorf, YIVO Institute, 1048 Fifth Ave., New York 10028. WASHINGTON, (JTA) — First Secretary Anatole Myskov, of the Soviet Embassy, rejected a peti- tion asking that the USSR extend "the full measure of equality" to Jews. He told a delegation from Lancaster, Pa., that the charges were false and that such allegations were anti-Soviet propaganda. He said the petitioners were not aware of the true situation. The group was made up of stu- dents from Franklin and Marshall College and others. They picketed near the Embassy with signs stat- ing "reunite victims of Nazi holo- caust" and bearing other slogans on behalf of Soviet Jewry. HST Planning Visit to Israel This July NEW YORK—Former President Harry S. Truman is planning a trip to Israel the first week in July to dedicate the Truman Peace Cen- ter, columnist Drew Pearson re- ported Sunday. The center, donated by Ameri- can Jewry as a tribute to Mr. Tru- man's quick action in recognizing Israel in 1948, will give an annual award to the man who has done most to promote peace. Mr. Tru- man will announce the first win- ner, perhaps from Jerusalem. He will be accompanied by Chief Justice Earl Warren, who will re- ceive an honorary degree from Hebrew University. Mumford Reunion to Draw 10-Year Grads A prize will be awarded to the Mumford graduate traveling the longest distance to reach the 10- Year reunion of the Class of 1956, scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the Whittier Hotel. Over 500 are expected at the event, proceeds of which will go to - Mumford High School for a college scholarship to a deserving senior. A booklet has been compiled from questionnaires sent out to the entire class, in which their present status and achievements have been recorded. These will be distributed the evening of the reunion. Faculty members will be in attendance. Tickets will be on sale at the The law of Iceland requires that door. For information, call Diane all children be taught to swim. Davis, 398-8499. Board of Education. He is present- ly a candidate for • • Probate Judge of Oakland County. Grant is a mem. ber of Perfection Lodge, a member of the first gradu- ating class at Mumford High School, obtained a Grant Bachelor's Degree at Michigan State University, a law degree at Wayne State University, and did post-graduate work at Northwestern University in crimi- nal jurisprudence. His wife, Lisa, was vice presi- dent of Albert Tucker Chapter of Bnai Brith, and is a member of the Southfield chapter of Hadassah. Kollek, Mayor of Jerusalem Due at Bond Banquet Teddy Kollek, Mayor of Jerusa- lem, will address the Israel Bond dinner June 11 at the Shaary Ze- dek, it was announced by David Safran, general chairman of the Detroit Israel Bond Committee. Mayor Kollek was elected to a four-year term in 1965. He served as director-general of the Prime MiniSter's Office from 1952 to 1964, during the administrations of David Ben-Gurion, the late - Moshe Sharett and the present Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol. He was named chairman of the board of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem in 1964. For reservations to the affair, call the Israel Bond Office, DI 1- 5707. secuting attorney for Oakland County. He has served on the parent-youth guidance committee, as probate court referee, probate court clerk, and is presently a member of the Governor's Traffic Safety Commission. At the last meeting of the Southfield Board of Education, Grant proposed the building of a Morris Adler Elementary School. The Adler school, approved by the board, will be built in the community's Section 23, near the Civic Center, between Evergreen and Southfield. 30-Year Sentence Given Jordanian TEL AVIV (JTA) — Mahmoud Hijzai, a Jordanian captured on a raid into Israel in 1965, was sen- tenced to 30 years imprisonment by a military court which heard his appeal from a death sentence im- posed on him previously. In imposing the sentence, the military court said that those who penetrate Israel should know they face severe punishment, and that Israel's borders were not open for penetration. The sentence on Hij- azi, an admitted member of an El Fatah commando unit, was imposed for sabotage, shooting at Israel troops and carrying unlicensed weapons during his incursion. For Some of the best buys on new Pontiacs and Tempests Head of West Berlin Community Decorated BERLIN (JTA)—Dr. Heinz Ga- linski, chairman of the West Ber- lin Jewish community, who has completed 15 years in that post, was honored here Monday with the award of West Berlin's Great Feder al Distinguished Service Cross. The medal was bestowed on Dr. Galinski by Prof. Werner Stein, Senator for Art and Science. The West Berlin Jewish commun- ity now includes 6,000 members. ASK FOR SAUL BENCH AT Packer Pontiac 18650 LIVERNOIS 1 block South of 7 UN 3-9300 JOIN WITH YOUNG ISRAEL & KFAR ROTENBERG AT TH E KFAR ROTENBERG INAUGURAL DINNER SUNDAY, MAY 29th, 1966 6:00 P.M. at the STATLER HILTON HOTEL HONORING NATHAN SAPERSTEIN National President Young Israel Council "Young Israel calls upon its patrons and friends to insure the success of the Kfar Roten- berg Inaugural Dinner. Our movement will join in the de- velopment of the housing facili- ties of the village to encourage the migration of young families who desire to settle in Israel." Mr. and Mrs. JULIUS ROTENBERG GUEST SPEAKER AMBASSADOR JAMES ROOSEVELT