Leon Blum--Fascinating Saga of Great Statesman (Continued from Page 2) but dealt fairly in relation to Communists in his governments, always aiming at good relations with Russia. Blum had only gratitude and high praise for de Gaulle's historic role as the leader in the anti-Nazi movement and in the organ- ization of the military forces who fought against Germany. But he was the present French president's bitterest opponent when de Gaulle began propagating the American presidency system for his country. Blum's view was that the American idea was inap- plicable to France. * * * There is great tribute to him in Colton's biography, and there is a valid explanation that while he had weaknesses "as a revolu- tionary leader, it is unfair to portray him as seeking fulfillment of his image as a `just man.' There is a deeper explanation. Blum was unwilling to isolate the cause he served from the mainstream of civilized progress, to isolate his party from the cause of republican democracy, to isolate 'the revolution' from considerations of human welfare." In his two concluding paragraphs, Colton especially honors Blum by stating: "He always considered himself an amateur in politics. Poet, literary critic, jurist, humanist, it was chance that pushed him into political life in his mature years, and then into national leadership. 'The leadership of a great modern nation de- mands so many qualities and talents,' he wrote a few months before he died. 'So many kinds of knowledge and skill, so much reasoning power and so much imagination, So much caution and so much energy, that no one would dare claim himself equal to such a task and one would require much presumption to assume it without a certain anxiety about oneself.' He possessed to an excess the soul searching and self-con- ciousness of the intellectual in politics. His diffidence and humility in the face of power, despite his unassailable courage and strength of conviction, were not the strong- est equipment for statesmanship. "Thus Blum had his share of weaknesses and shortcomings as a political leader. His unbounded optimism, his passion for in- tegrity, his faith in human beings, his desire for wide esteem, his eagerness to serve as concilliator, his sentimental at- tachment to the effectiveness of an en- lightened public opinion, were not the best assets for leadership in any age; in his age, they were fatal flaws. He could not be lion and fox; he could be only a human being placing his high intellectual, humane, and moral qualities in the service of his ideals, his party, his country, and hiiman- ity." In relation to his family background, there is an especially telling account in Colton's description of Blum's Jewish train- ing and his religious instruction. Colton wrote in the earliest portion of his bio- graphy: "His mother was pious: she observed the Orthodox ritual and dietary laws in the household and lit candles and said prayers on the Sabbath. Her husband, although somewhat less pious, observed the high holy days and arranged for his sons to receive some religious training. Leon himself was not deeply affected either by his mother's piety or by his religious -training. He re- ceived the elementary and rather perfunc- tory religious instruction that enabled him to say his prayers in Hebrew and, at thir- teen, to be confirmed in the traditional services. His religious instruction did not involve close study of the Bible. It dis- turbed Andre Gide, who as a good Pro- testant read the Old Testament avidly and found creative inspiration in it, to find that French Jewish intellectuals, in their eager- ness to achieve assimilation, sometimes vaunted their ignorance of the Bible. He meant to ask his friend Leon Blum about that phenomenon, he recorded in his diary. "Although Blum always retained a re- spect for the faith of his fathers, he took the path of many other assimilated French Jews. At an early age he considered himself `emancipated,' heir to the rationalism and anticlericalism of the Enlightenment. In the 1890's he was writing: 'Among ordinary people, religion is only a collection of fam- ily superstitions, to be obeyed without con- viction and only out of respect toward one's ancestors who have conformed to them for twenty centuries; for enlightened people, it no longer means anything.' In 1900 he referred to 'religious beliefs of which I do not retain the slightest trace.' "Blum's indifference to the Jewish faith in which he was reared did not mean that he rejected 'being Jewish.' He always re- mained a Jew in the face of anti-Semitism, which he despised in all its forms. And no one ever let him forget that he was a Jew, either in his early literary career or later during his political life. In 1914 Gide petu- lantly raised the suspicion that Blum, as a literary and drama critic, showed partiality to Jewish writers and vaguely accused him of philo-Semitism. Many years later Gide apologized; Blum had always been, he said, a superb example of `semitism and human- ism.' Once involved in national political life, Blum was subjected to constant calumny by Right extremists. Though he never went out of his way to identify himself as Jewish, he nonetheless responded with vigor to public attacks. To an anti-Semitic outburst in Par- liament in 1923, he replied from the ros- trum: 'I am a Jew indeed . . . one does not in any way insult me by recalling the race in which I was born, a race which I have never denied and towards which I retain only feelings of gratitude and pride.' On the other hand, he disdainfully ignored the many broadsides, pamphlets, and scur- rilous private notes of an anti-Semitic nature that singled him out as a target. "In Blum's mind, a special importance derived from being a French Jew. One could be proud of the role played by the Enlightenment and the French Revolution in the political and civic emancipation of European Jewry. He belonged, he said, in 1936, "to a race which owed to the French Revolution human liberty and equality, some- thing that could never be forgotten." Jewish emancipation was one link in the chain that bound him all his life to the traditions of the French Revolution and republicanism. "There was a link also between his Jew- ish heritage and his socialism. As a religion which did not accept "personal immortality," Judaism, as he saw it, stressed salvation on this earth; it held out the "optimistic dream" of a "harmonious and just society" in this world. "The race from which Judith springs," he wrote in reviewing a play by Maurice Donnay in 1903, "having limited our existence to this life, wishes to estab- lish justice on this earth." Here was a "ra- tional" and "secular" faith that he could accept. In one of his early writings, his fictionalized dialogues between Goethe and Eckermann, written when he was already a socialist, he has Goethe, the philosopher- poet of the Enlightenment, say: " 'The Jew has the religion of Justice . . in the same way that the positivists have had the religion of "facts" or Renan the religion of science. Only the idea of inevi- table justice has sustained and united the Jews in their long tribulations. Their Mes- siah is nothing but the symbol of eternal Justice which can undoubtedly abandon the world for centuries but which cannot fail to reign there one day. It is not at all, as in the case of the Christians, from another life that they await reparation and equity. The ancient Jews did not believe in the immor- tality of the soul. It is this world'. . . which must rearrange itself someday according to the rule of Reason, make the rule of Rea- son apply to all, and render to each his due. It that not the spirit of socialism? It is the ancient spirit of the race. If Christ preached charity, Jehovah desired justice. The Old Testament says a 'just man' when the New says a 'saint.' "And one of his characters 'smilingly but gravely' remarks: "It was not by an inadver- tency of Providence that a Marx and a Las- salle were Jews.' The idea of justice (and social justice) haunted Blum all his life. A complete secularist, he found a rationaliza- tion of his beliefs in the faith of his fathers." What an interesting commentary on the life of a great statesman who was not de- tached from his people but who neverthe- less did not have the proper roots as an inheritor of Jewish ideals! And what a lesson this has for our time. The entire Blum story is a remarkable lesson for all time. Joel Colton has pro- duced a truly great biographical sketch of a very great man. Israel's Lone UN Vote a Factor in India By T. NARAIN (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) NEW DELHI — In the wake of Indo-Pakistan conflict, the policy that India should adopt toward the Arab states has become a hot topic for discussion in the Indian Parlia- ment and press. As the political commentator of the Statesman wrote: "Seldom before have so many complained so bitterly about the fact that, to be friendly with the Arabs, the Arab countries have, by and large, failed to reciprocate the sentiment, and have, indeed, back- ed our adversary Pakistan. And it is a measure of the resentment felt by the MPs that never before have so many amendments been moved, as during the recent debate, to de- mand the establishment of diplo- matic relations with Israel. There can be no gainsaying the fact that India's position about Israel, judged by the principles of justice and fair play, is anomalous. But that is precisely where the clash between wholesome principles and national self-interest comes in." Can we afford to antagonize 13 Arab nations just for the sake of winning the support of one coun- try? Is such a consideration in ac- cord with the policy of nonalign- ment that we are never tired of talking about? Such are the ques- tions that the Indians ask and de- bate in the national press. Needing, as Indians do, moral support from and enduring friendship with every country, it would be folly on our part to overlook Israel. It is clearly imperative in the national interest of India to establish diplomatic re- lations with Israel, said an Indian in the Hindustan Times. Israel is a tiny state, he wrote, which had made tremendous prog- ress in the economic sphere within a short time. She has done it within the framework of democracy under which man is treated not as a cog in the big wheel of the state, but is given the respect that is due to an individual. Contrast this with the regimes in most of the Arab states. All of them are examples of one kind or another of dictatorship. Soviet Union Postpones Visit of Israelis JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Soviet Union notified Israel Monday that, due to "technical difficulties," the scheduled visit of the Israeli Phil- harmonic Orchestra to Moscow must be postponed. At the same time, Israel was notified that there will be a "de- lay" in the scheduled arrival here of two Soviet women athletes scheduled to _participate in the Hapoel athletic games. Israeli circles expressed fears here Monday that the two related Moscow actions might indicate a reversal of the recently-noted So- viet-Israel rapprochement, possibly motivated by political considera- tions. The reasons given for the de- sire to postpone the visit of the THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 48—Friday, May 6, 1966 Philharmonic to Moscow seemed mysterious, in view of the fact that the negotiations for the trip by the Israeli musicians had been concluded two months ago, after 18 months of talks between Is- raeli representatives and Goskon- zert, the Soviet organilation that deals with exchanges of musi- cians with foreign countries. As for the scheduled athletic participation here by two Soviet women, it was pointed out that negotiations for that event had also been going on for several months, and had been successfully con- cluded only a month ago. Incident- ally, both Soviet women to have participated in the Hapoel games are Jewish. Moscow notified Israel that it has been found that both women had "p revious engage- ments." Merely because these Arab states nurse an unreasonable grievance against the Jews, should India fol- low them in her attitude towards Israel? This is not nonalignment but a mockery of it, he wrote. An Indian Foreign Office official, who desires not to be named, said that India greatly values Israel's friendly overtures to establish . dip- lomatic relations but, he said, India's position about Israel should be compared with that of China and Pakistan, and not that of Nepal or Burma. And then, he said, there is the real consideration that, against Israel's lone vote, the Arabs have 13 votes in the United Nations, and these votes are badly neded by India in her dispute with Pakistan. Hebrew Corner Where Are You Going! Two hundred years ago, an eminent Rabbi, named Jonathan Aibschitz, lived in the city of Prague, in , Czecho-Slo- vakia. Everyone greatly respected the Rabbi for his wisdom, his knowledge of the Torah and his relations with human beings. One day, in the early hours of the morning, the Rabbi left his house and, behold, the Mayor of the city came towards him. Rabbi Jonathan greeted the Mayor, "Good morning, Sir." "Good morning, Sir, Rabbi," replied the Mayor, and asked, "Where are you going?" "I do not know," answered Rabbi Jonathan. "Why are you hiding your destina- tion?" said the Mayor angrily. "If 1 knew exactly- where I was going, I would tell you," apologized Rabbi Jbeathan. "If you behave like this towards me," said the Mayor angrily, "I shall let you know where you are going." And the Mayor took the Rabbi to the jail. In the afternoon, the Mayor regretted what he had done and went to the prison. "Rabbi, why did you make me angry and not answer my question?" asked the Mayor. The Rabbi quietly replied, "Mr. Mayor, Sir, now, too, I repeat and say, in the morning I did not know where I was going. I wanted to go to the synagogue to pray, and behold, you brOught me to the jail. Did I know, Sir, where I was going?" After a short pause, the Rabbi added, "Next time, don't ask me where I am going, but where I want to go." • (Translation of Hebrew column pub- lished by the But Ivrit Olamit with the assistance of the Memorial Foun- dation for Jewish Culture, Jerusalem.) r" • • T e T ° 1 z 2irr rit; )x iz$L? ryg n7rizv. ?4'. ,W? rr, T , 717 ,i'?tr2 L? -riv? 1 -r; 1 rhti) rq;11 173 nr.-)x nlrri tzi') nx T :'2xtrp Ts);-) vix.) nnx — 17?* '1)".7 ritpix - nnrcr trhei nnx, - n,4z? =17 rix 11172? 1,177 vxn) It271 ritisitp rit??17.nri crhi') lnztv - tr; nn.)4 .y14,13 inpn: .rrps ,4z? zt2 rajtz? TrAirr. .irm1P.z? !Vit.; - ,4i-rx nix 77t - ?1z7in :17 ;1W - rix nTan nr;ix ;i pr e? 711.1 "11,!*Z".; .T4171 ! ritr?iv rirlx - rinx ix112 tex.*-1 try;ir);:i n!n,74ri-int.t .1tib; rr,41.? rrsv x17? 1. 7 , 1P177:1 :toi7t4 r1,7. ;IR tep itps, na r7rs7a71 ctikin -- h 7 7nr.)rr? 11 PIri -rr; 1? r)L2'.? T171: PP mc1 •nribri -rr? ?T2in 21.zt;5ti 7 ?ti rIti47 rilmn typiri ripTypri ri4i1 P. 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