THE JEWISH NEWS incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK CHARLOTTE HYAMS Business Manager Advertising Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 17th day of Iyar, 5726, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Lev. 21:1-24:23; Prophetical portion: Ezekiel 44:15-31.. Licht Benshen, Friday, May 6, 7:1S p.m. VOL. XLIX. No. 11 Page 4 Community Colleges In its appeal in support of the proposi- tions to be voted upon at the special election on Monday, Citizens - for Education incorpo- rated this telling statement: "Remember you can buy quality edu- cation all the way from kindergarten through community college with one stop May 9. Just vote YES on Propositions 1, 2 and 3!" We endorse this plea wholeheartedly. We urge a YES vote on all the items to appear on the ballot at the special election and we take this means to review the situation revolving around the educational issues that have arisen in American communities. As part of the aim to guarantee civil rights for all elements in our midst, it is vital that we assure jobs for the unemployed, better housing for the less fortunate, among whom the Negroes are chiefly in need, and to guar- antee adequate educational facilities in a desegregated school system. The unfortunate rebellion at one of our high schools, the sympathetic expressions for the protesting group in other - schools, the dis- ruptions in our educational' system, all indi , cate that there is need for serious study of existing conditions and for amelioration of present practices wherever possible. But to say that nothing is being done to assure im- provements, to search for elevation of stand- ards, would be grossly unfair. At the same time it would be damaging to our entire education system to encourage anarchy. In a joint' statement issued by the Michi- gan State Board of Education and the ,Michi- gan Civil Rights Commission it is clearly indi- dated, in dealing with the imperative need to eliminate racial segregation in the schools, that: "In the field of public education, Michigan's Constitution and laws guarantee every citizen the right to equal educational opportunities without discrimination because of religion, race, color or national origin. The State Board of Education has a Constitutional charge to provide leadership and general supervision over all public education while the Civil Rights Commission is charged with securing and protecting the civil rights to education." It is unfair to charge that our civil rights and educational agencies are neglecting the problems and are inactive. Our Board of Education is alerted to the issues. The state agencies are concerned and the Detroit com- munity hopes for elimination of tensions and for the assurance of just treatment for all, and more especially for the Negro children who must be given all the necessary facilities to prepare them for as honorable an existence as that enjoyed by all others. Meanwhile we must realistically take into account the school situation as it reflects in the entire community and as it affects the Negroes. With approximately 40 per cent of De- troit's children attending non-public schools, with Negro children forming more than 60 May 6, 1966 Integration , Freedom per cent of the balance of the public school enrollments, it is time to look at the record, to get an accounting of the events that have transpired, to learn why the sanctity of the public school system has been affected in recent years so drastically. It is not the re- ligious question alone that is involved; it is not the parochial school system alone that has drawn children from public to private schools. There are other factors that have built up a chain of the latter, and these must become known for an understanding of what can be done to strengthen the most important element in a democracy: the public school. Meanwhile certain figures are challenging us. A study made by the Desegregation Ad- visory Project of the Wayne County Inter- mediate School District shows that: Nine of the 42 districts reporting, excluding Detroit, contain 99.7 per cent of the Negro stu- dents; these same nine districts contain 97.2 per cent of the Negro instructional personnel. Twenty-five districts indicated no Negro in- structional personnel. Hiring practices in the dis- tricts appear to reflect the student population; out-county Negro student population is 6.5 per cent of the total, and out-county Negro teaching staff consists of 4.5 per cent of the total. There are 558,035 public school students in the county; 263,213 in out-county districts exclud- ing Detroit. Of those in Detroit (total 294,82-2), 161,470 or 54.8 per cent are reported as Negro; 130,976 or 44.4 per cent reported as white. For the county, exclusive of Detroit, out of a total of 263,213 students, 17,636 or 6.5 per cent are reported as Negro; 244,066 or 92.9 per cent are reported as white. There is no doubt that these figures show vast improvements, but much remains to be done, and to that end all necessary forces must lead to an assurance of desegregation, to the provision of the finest facilities and the best teaching personnel for our children. These aims can and must be attained, and they should become facts without the pres- sures and the demonstrations which can only lead to a deterioration rather than an improve- ment of our public school system. One of the steps leading to improvements is the adoption of the three propositions to be voted on at the election on Monday. The first two proposals provide for the establish- ment of five community college campuses, offering technical or vocational training or the first two years of college work at low tuitions, near the students' homes. The third proposition assures a continuation of current levels of elementary and secondary education, supplementing the available means with vitally needed additional funds. The YES vote on all these proposals will provide the quality education we aspire to. The May 9 election is vital also because the trustees are to be elected then for the Wayne County Commu- nity College. Let every means be utilized to elevate educational standards and to improve our school systems. Mental Health Recruitment Campaign An appeal issued by the State of Michigan for assistance is an indication of the urgency Department of Mental Health as part of the of the current personnel enrollment cam- campaign to recruit non-professional people paign. There are shortcomings in the training of to man the state hospitals points to a serious children in the mentally-ill classification, and condition that affects the efforts to provide for the mentally ill in our midst. in their instances, as well, a shortage of pro- While striving for increased efforts to per teachers hinders the efforts that are secure more facilities for the great number being made in their behalf. of people who suffer from mental illnesses, The state is prepared to pay well for the available hospitals are understaffed and services rendered. Those applying for cur- it has become increasingly more difficult to rently offered jobs will not be underpaid. It secure proper personnel for these insti- is to be hoped that the state mental health tutions. department's appeal will not fall on deaf ears, Seven facilities in our immediate area and it is even more urgent that well-trained are affected by the shortage of personnel, people be secured to fill the personnel short- and the fact that the state's mental health age for the services so vitally needed in our department now turns to non-professionals community. . „ , . Shaarey Zedek — 'Temple in Southfield' Modern Synagogue Art Trends Described in New JPS Volume Complied by Prof. Avram Kampf, "Contemporary Synagogue Art," published by the Jewish Publication Society of America, is a revealing work. It is a record of many of the most noteworthy syna- gogues of America, a description of much of the art in synagogues, an evaluation of the creations of a number of Jewish architects. Richly illustrated, this volume will undoubtedly arouse much interest, especially in view of the recent sensational re'erences to the grandeur of houses of worship. There is no doubt about the scope of the temples described in this work. Included among the structures shown on the cover of this large book is Detroit's Shaarey Zedek. But in the volume proper the listing is Temple Shaarey Zedek, Southfield, Mich. It is the only Detroit synagogue listed by Prof. Kampf, and the grandiose scope of this work therefore emerges as perhaps somewhat limited in content be- cause there is at least one more local new synagogue that deserved attention, because of its attractiveness and art works: Bnai Moshe. Somewhat puzzling is the fact that the Cleveland synagogues are listed as located in Cleveland, although that community no longer has any Jews left, the Jews of that city having turned completely sub- urbanite, but Detroit's major Conservative congregation is given a Southfield address without qualification that the membership is pri- marily from Detroit. This also is true of the synagogues listed as Baltimorean, whereas they, too, are now in the suburbs. Nevertheless, the Kampf book is unique and impressive. It has special merit in the description of the synagogues, in listing the chief architects and in describing the new artistic trends in syna- gogue building. The works of Percival Goodman, who designed De- troit's Shaarey Zedek, Ben Shahn, Frank Lloyd Wright, Abraham Rattner and others are described and illustrated here. There are some omissions in the architects' list, but as in the synagogue record so- also in that of the architects it is understandable that not all the creators of the synagogue art and their creations could be accounted for in this volume. Especially significant in this work are the explanations of thf synagogue's' historical role, of the Second Commandment—"thou not make unto thee a graven image"as well as the general subject - of art in the synagogue. •• The brief history of the synagogue and its development is well accounted for by Dr. Kampf who points out that "the synagogue re- mains one of the most original creations of the Jewish people, the mainstay of their cohesiveness, assuring the survival of their religious group, their cultural identity and their historical consciousness."- Interpreting the Second Commandment, the author declares that while reading the commandment in context "we can easily conclude that the Lawgiver, when He forbade making of graven images, had in mind images made for the purpose of worship. Other- wise, one would be hard put to explain the presence of the 16 foot- high carved olivewood cherubim in the biblical Tent of Testimony and in the Temple of Solomon. . . ." He lists other similar art objects that were biblically condoned. A responsum by Abraham Geiger, quoted in this discussion, stated that a picture might be installed in a synagogue without violating the law, if it was for decoration and not for religious WOP, ship. Other authorities are referred to, and Dr. Kampf writes: "Juda- ism's real concern is not with objects, which are only means to tlICI end. . . . The battle against idolatry was extended from the idol, the god of wood and stone to any object which man erroneously made his ultimate concern." The descriptions of the synagogue art works, the evaluations ----- of the new trends, of the creative efforts to beautify the synagogue, make "Contemporary Synagogue Art" stand out as a notable contribution to the study of synagogue structures and the art now displayed to beautify houses of worship both internally and externally. . "Contemporary Synagogue Art" by Avram Kampf also was co- published by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. The volume is viewed with deep interest in 'all Jewish religious ranks. 1. • -