Heavy asks Ahead for Israel, Consul Tells Celebrants of 18th Anniversary If the first 18 years are the hardest, the state of Israel will come pretty close to matching them in the next 18, an Israeli economics expert predicted Sun- day evening at Detroit's annual celebration of Israel Independence Day. Chaim A. Salamon, Israel consul for economic affairs, addressed over 500 in attendance at the Hai (18th) observance in Temple Is- rael's social hall. "We have yet to get the 3,000,- 000 Jews in Russia," he said. "The gates will open, and when they do, we will have a great problem of settling them. "Internationally, we hope, and believe, there will be peace. Time is in our favor. The ani- mosity of the Arab refugees will cool." Salmon said Israelis feel the Arabs are "sobering." "Bour- guiba (Habib Bourguiba of Tu- nisia) was the first, but there are others. "Economically," he said, "there is a tremendous challenge before us. All small countries face the prob- lem of automation. One of our major aims is to become associated with the European Common Mar- ket. We need a larger community. Who knows? Maybe one day, we'll see a Middle Eastern Common Market. "Our most pressing problem," Salamon added, "is to find a com- mon denominator between Jews in Israel and the o u t s i d e. The younger generations are moving apart. Religious feeling and ex- pression doesn't answer the prob- lem. There is less appeal in tra- dition to the younger generations of Israel and Diaspora, but the values of Judaism have wider appeal. Let us be proud of our tra- ditions, but let us not be blinded by them." Salamon stressed that Israel - is "looking for a new identity, a synthesis of values and ex- periences." Such a synthesizing, of Jewish thinking and expres- sion, he said, "can be done only in Israel," but "we will have to include the contributions from Jews all over the world, especi- ally the United States." Listing the gains during Israel's 18 years of statehood, Salamon pointed to a fOurfold population in- crease, a growth of 27 per cent in industrial output and 35 per cent in exports—an economic rate of growth that has never fallen below 11 per cent in the last seven con- secutive years. All this, he said, was accomp- lished "under the most adverse conditons, with a denial of natural markets to us as a result of the Arab. boycott." (Salamon ,added his thanks to the U.S. Congress for discouraging obeisance to the boycott of businesses that trade with Israel). Director of the Israel govern- ment's Investment Authority, Sala- mon laid stress on the human ele- ment that has gone into Israel's re-birth pangs, With all the diffi- culties of the ingathering of the exiles, Israel "preserved its social Applause Heard 'Round the World Israel's anniversary was cele- brated throughout the world—in the big cities of America and the capitals of Europe. The United States Senate marked the anniversary by having a rabbi open Monday's session with an in- vocation prayer. The rabbi was Dr. Abraham B. Hecht,- of _Brooklyn, president of the Rabbinical Alli- ance of America. A number - of members of Con- gress marked Israel's anniversary with speeches and statements in which they lauded Israel and criticized American - sale of jet fighter planes to Jordan. In the House of Representatives, three Michigan Congressmen voiced their praise of Israel. Rep. Robert P. Griffin called Israel "a positive force for peace in the turbulent and volatile Middle East . . . a source of pride to all of us who cherish the ideals of freedom, and a source of hope to all of us. To the people of Israel we say, `mazel- tov,' congratulations for what you have accomplished in the past 18 years." Reps. William S. Broomfield and Billie S. Farnum also saluted Is- rael on its successes. "With the age of its concept as the 'promised land' has come wisdom," said Broomfield. "With its youth as a nation has come vigor." New York's Mayor John V. Lindsay proclaimed this week "Israel, Independence Week," at ceremonies in City Hall, where he hailed the 18th anniversary of Israel's rebirth. A resolution lauding Israel on its attainment of the 18th anni- versary of its founding was adopted Tuesday in the chamber of the New York City Council. In Boston, Yohanan Cohen, Israeli consul, addressed a joint session of the Massachusetts State Senate and House of Representa- tives Monday after which both branches of the legislature adopt- ed a resolution extending "greet- ings and best wishes to the state of Israel upon the 18th anniver- sary of its founding." In Philadelphia, Mayor James Tate declared Israel's 18th Inde- pendence Day as "Israel Day" in values, security, the framework of a social state, the dignity of the worker . . . democracy." Looking back on Israel's found-. Mg 18 years ago—"so fresh in my memory"—Salamon paid tribute to David Ben-Gurion, former premier and now leader of the opposition Rafi Party in Israel. "David Ben-Gurion had the courage to stand up and, in spite of expert advice by true, devoted friends of Israel, de- clare - the independence of the state of Israel. He was proven right. "On that day, Israel was in de facto war already with the Arabs ; and infiltrating Arab units were all over the country. Every one of us was working with one hand, defending the country with the other . . . " "Without David Ben-Gurion," said Salamon, "it is doubtful that the state of Israel would have been declared. But, he conceded to the friends of Zion in the audience, "it all goes back to the formation of the Zionist movement. In reality, the state of Israel never ceased to exist. "Am Yisrael Hai (the Nation Israel Lives)—Israel is a fact. Our friends, who never doubted it, know it; so do our foes." Dr. Samuel Krohn, president of the Jewish • Community Council, and Morris Lieberman, chairman of the Zionist Council of Detroit, extended greetings on behalf of their organizations, which cospon- sored the program. Cantor Nicholas Fenakel of Cong. Adas Shalom led in the national anthems, and Rabbi James I. Gordon of Young Israel of Oak-Woods delivered the in- vocation. Presentation of colors, a traditional part of the observ- ance, was by the Jewish War Veterans. Members of Hashomer Hatzair youth organization sang a group of Israeli songs, under the direction of Mrs. Assaf Orr, and the Aviv Theater trio performed traditional European and modern Israeli songs and dances. Evelyn Orbach, program coordinator for the Jewish Community Council, ar- ranged the entertainment. Huge Military Air Show Marks Haifa Parade By ELIAHU SALPETER (JTA and Jewish News Correspondent in Israel) HAIFA (JTA) — Israel cele- brated the 18th anniversary of its rebirth here Monday with a mili- tary parade that was considered the most impressive show of air, ground and armored might ever displayed by the Jewish state. An estimated 400,000 persons, including about 18,000 visitors from abroad, were lined along the parade route, paralleling Haifa Bay, as President Zalman Shazar and Prime Minister Levi Eshkol- who is also minister of defense— took their places on the reviewing stand. First came 20 Fouga jet planes, forming a Star of David, flying at a height of only about 300 feet above the parade route. The Fougas were followed by super- sonic Couragans, Vautures and super-Mysteres. Sixty-three Mir- ages arrived in the fOrmation of a diamond, followed by 60 more in formations of five. Many other new models of planes came along, including the new Frelon helicopters. As the planes disappeared be- yond -the horizon dozens of jeeps rolled along the route, each of the sturdy little cars displaying the emblems of various Israel defense commands and brigades. Behind the jeeps came the huge Centurion tanks, swift-moving Sherman tanks, powerful, Ameri- can-made Pattons, armored half- tracks and reconnaissance and ar- tillery units, including 120-milli- meter mortars. Then, for the first time, Israel showed its most modern hardware —12 Hawk, air-to-ground missiles. The men—and women—on foot followed, many thousands of offi- cers, cadets of the army, navy and air force leading the marchers in tight discipline; including units of Nahal (farmer soldiers), women's formations and units rep- resenting virtually every minority group in Israel. Paratroopers, in their leopard uniforms, concluded the military parade. Israel's chief of staff, Gen. Yitzhak Rabin, flanked by all for- mer chiefs of staff of the country's defense forces, took the salute alongside President Shazar and Premier Eshkol. Foreign ambassadors, military leaders from several countries, in- cluding high officers of the armies of Peru and Dahomey and rep- resentatives of the • French army were on the reviewing stand, along with many other prominent guests from abroad. By bus, automobile and virtually every other type of motor convey- ance, the spectators had come into Haifa all through the early morn- ing hours, ready for the parade, which had got under way prompt- ly, as scheduled, at 10 o'clock. Philadelphia and participated in a ceremony at the historic Liberty Bell. El Mundo, a newspaper pub- lished in Havana, devoted an article in Sunday's issue to the 18th anniversary of the founding of Israel, lauding the Jewish state's accomplishments in agri- culture, education and industry. The newspaper expressed the "sincere wishes of the Cuban people for the happiness and prosperity of the industrious Is- raeli people and its friendly government." Both Britain's Labor govern- ment and the opposition Conserva- tive Party pledged support for Israel and called for Arab-Israeli peace at a mass celebration of Israel's Independence Day in Lon- don, Sunday night at Albert Hail. The guest of honor was Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's former foreign minis- ter. Mrs. M e i r, in her address, alluded to the role of the United Nations in regard to peace in the Middle East. "With all due re- spect to the United Nations," she declared, "peace in the Middle East is due only, per- haps, to the fact that we are not weak. It is not the UN Charter that keeps the peace there but the fact that the Arabs know we are not weak. We now have comparative peace. There are incidents here and there, but no war. We would like to have permanent and lasting peace with our neighbors. Our neigh- bors seem to know how to settle all problems—except how to live in peace with us." In Paris, the anniversary of Is- rael's independence was marked by a number of events, some in solemn memorial, others in highly festive mood. The formal Israeli celebration was held Monday night at the Israeli Embassy. Leading representatives of the French gov- ernment, diplomatic personnel, and many leaders of the Jewish com- munity, Zionist and non-Zionist, were among the guests. In Rome the traditional Israel anniversary reception was held at THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS the Israeli Embassy. 40—Friday, April 29, 1966 Stiff, hot winds laden with sand blew all morning, and the tem- perature had risen to a very uncom- fortable height _by the time the parade got under way, but the massed crowds held their places, cheering and applauding the marchers for their smart appear- ance and accurate formations. The heat was so intense during the military parade that, as a result, one spectator died and more than 200 had to be given first - aid treatment. At least 75 persons suffered -from sunstroke. There was one prominent Is- raeli whose absence among the dignitaries on the reviewing . stand had been noticed by many watching the parade. He was David Ben-Gurion, former prime minister and ex-chief of the de- fense ministry. Ben-Gurion had announced earlier he would stay away from the parade in protest over the fact it had not been staged in Jerusalem. The parade concluded Israel's official celebration of its 18th -an- niversary, which had begun offici- ally at sundown Sunday. In Jeru- salem, Tel Aviv, this city and in every other community in Israel— city, settlement, town, immigrant development area and farthest border outpost—Israelis danced in the streets until dawn, gathered at mass rallies, sang, .listened to and participated in oratory. All reports from around the country indicated that this year's anniversary celebration was the most exuberant Israel had ever en- joyed. First-aid stations had been established as a matter of routine all along the parade route. The stations were manned by Magen David Adorn, the emergency medi- cal corps in this country, as well as by Haifa municipal employes and medical corpsmen of the Is- raeli army. In an interview, given in con- nection with Independence Day, Gen. Rabin said "Israel has an adequate answer to all types of arms which the Arab countries have in use or in the develop- ment stage." Gen. Rabin declared that Egypt has no missile system as yet that is operative. "And it is doubtful," he added, "whether they will have such a system within the next two or three years." The chief of staff pointed to Egypt's deep involve- ment in military operations in Yemen, and said: "Israel's arms must pay attention to the fact that the Egyptians are using gas in Yemen." Although Egypt, he stated, "is stuck in Yemen, there is no com- plete assurance that the Egyptians will refrain from action in our area too." In regard to the Arab projects for diversion of the headwaters of the Jordan River, he said: "It would be a mistake not to pay attention to the diversion of the Jordan tributaries now being car- ried out by the Syrians. This sub- ject will continue to occupy us during the next year." Gen. Rabin also warned against possible resumption of activities by members of El Fatah, the Arab terrorist gangs who have, from time to time, infiltrated into Israel, carrying out acts of sabo- tage. "If El Fatah should act in the future," he said, "we will take steps which proved themselves effective in the past against countries from which the infilt- rators penetrate Israel." Nevertheless, Israel's desire for peace with the Arab world was stressed the day before by Presi- dent Shazar in a declaration to the nation and to the world issued on the eve of the celebration. In his Independence Day dec- laration, President Shazar said that "the winds of change now blowing throughout the world" cannot fail, sooner or later, to influence the Middle East also, including the Arab nations hos- tile to Israel. "Israel," he said, "is ready to devote its best energies to the task of seeking peace, nor will we tire of issuing the call for peace and exploring every avenue in this direction." In Washington, Israel Ambassa- dor Avraham Harman emphasized Israel's achievements in integrat- ing immigrants of diverse back- grounds in an anniversary inter- view on the NBC-TV "Today" program Monday morning, and revealed that an estimated 20 per cent of Israeli marriages now link Ashkenazim with Sephardim. Harman said that diversity of citizens represented a major social problem but that efforts to effectu- ate fusion of peoples has brought results. He said that 10 per cent of university graduates today are Sephardim, and 26 per cent of sec- ondary school students are from that segment of Israel's population which is generally regarded as being culturally and economically on a lower level. In an address at an Israel In- dependence Day celebration here sponsored by the Jewish Com- munity Council of Greater Wash- ington and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Har- man pledged that Israel would never be the first country in its area to introduce any new type of weapon. He said that, while peace has not been achieved in the Middle East, "one important development has occurred." He pointed out that "the extremist Arab viewpoint, which has been articulated con- sistently and with particular in- tensity in recent years, is that the state of Israel must be destroyed. "It is clear today that this is an unrealistic goal," he said, "and that increasing numbers of Arabs are realizing that it cannot be attained and that the future of the Middle East lies in the direc- tion of Arab-Israel co-exitsenee and accommodation."