Purely Commentary The Lie of the Crucifixion, the St. Matthew Distortions The president of the American Jewish Committee was quick to brand a recent anti-Semitic statement by Italian Bishop Luigi Carli of Segni, as "an anti-Semitic attack" and as "medieval arrogance." (See Jewish News, April 22.) The Anti-Defamation League's release announcing the publication of the sociological study "Christian Beliefs and Anti-Semitism," con- tained this telling paragraph: "According to the study, the main theme in religious hostility toward Jews has been that they are under a curse based on the literal interpretation of Matthew's report in the New Testament that the Jewish multitude took 'His blood upon us, and on our children.' This version of Jewish guilt in the crucifixion is cited as having 'long served as a rationale for anti-Semitism' by those who believe 'God is punishing the Jews and hence there is divine approval for Christians doing likewise.'" Yet, neither the American Jewish- Committee nor the Anti-Defama- tion League has seen fit to call attention to and to warn against the horrible film, "The Gospel According to St. Matthew." There is no way of knowing what the reactions are among the many who presently are in the audiences at the local theater showing this film. But if one instance is an indication — the answer of a mother to her very young child's query during the showing of the film, "Yes, they are all Jews"—it could well serve as a guide to the possible effects of the film. And if the hordes of youths who were in the waiting line for late Saturday night showings of the film are any indication at all, it means that new audiences are moving in to witness the portrayal of the lie about the crucifixion as a charge against Jews, and to hear the false evidence of Matthew, part of which is the constant outcry, in the Gospel and reiterated in the film — "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!" This is repeated in St. Matthew, chapter 23, verses 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29. Then the film, which portrays nearly all Jews, fails to indicate, although they are mentioned, the superior role that was played by the Romans and Pontius Pilate! True, they are there, the_ Romans and Pilate, but they are minor, and St. Matthew's venom, distortions and appeals to hatred for the Jews are contained, first in the declaration by Pilate, as Jesus is ordered to die: "I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it." So, according to Matthew, even Pilate was innocent! Then came the next sentence, (St. Matthew, 27:25): "Then answered all the people, and said, 'His blood be on us, and our children." (The bold type in the quotes are in the New Testament text). That is how bigotry began, this is how it is being perpetuated! And a film made by a former Communist, Pier Paolo Pasalini, is being hailed in all reviews amidst virtual silence in Jewish ranks! Are we too busy with ecumenism that is so uncertain? Let it be known: the MattheW film is anti-Semitic because it continues and lays stress on the lie of the crucifixion — which was a Roman and not a Jewish practice, in which Jews are guiltless — and we speak of Jews of all times It is an anti-Semitic film because of its literal revival of the most outrageous misrepresentation of the Jesus story. It even libels Jesus and his followers during his lifetime because they were all Jews! And if there were criticisms of the priests of his time they can be found in Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament), without going to distorted texts wherein there is appeal to hatred. Why aren't there Christians, especially among the ecumenically- minded of this age, to cry out against the anti-Semitic film? But we are asking the same question about unedited textbooks in which the hatred against Jews still persists. How sad the historic status, that ancient lies cannot be erased, that prejudice is built upon religious ardor, that truth has not yet made man free of hatred and bias! * * * Bigotry's Hoary Head Still Protruding When the Vatican Ecumenical Council adopted its schema on the Jews, a Catholic periodical published a cartoon showing a couple of kids in a heated argument, and the Jewish lad was accosted with the charge: "You former Christ-killer!" It served the purpose of a cartoon: as entertainment. Tragically, it also served another cartoon purpose: it portrayed human emotions and the inevitability of bigotry's re- emergence. Last week, one of the leaders in the battle against the proposal to end the age-old charge against all Jews implicit in the crucifixion teachings—Bishop Luigi Carli of Segni, who was the leader in the successful effort to prevent the adoption of a stronger statement on the Jews at the Ecumenical Council—reaffirmed the ancient charges against Jewry for whom he pronounced an "of condemnation by God" judgment. In a 44-page article in a clerical magazine, Bishop Carl revived the deicide charge, and now we are, in a sense, back where we started with a vociferous element in the Catholic Church. It is no wonder that the president of the American Jewish Com- mittee, Morris B. Abram; called the new outburst "an anti-Semitic attack." Nevertheless, the fact remains that the vote on the statement "deploring" anti-Semitism, as formulated by the Ecumenical Council, was adopted by a vote of 1,763 to 250. But there remain the 250, and it is impossible to know whether this number can spread or reduce. The new outburst by the Bishop of Segni assumes added signifi- cance because it exploded at a time corresponding with a report issued by the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith which asserts that anti- Jewish prejudices in the United States are being reinforced and fos- tered by Christian teachings. A sociological study entitled "Christian Beliefs and Anti- Semitism," made by University of California Research Center, to be published undef an ADL grant by Harper and Row, indicates that at least a fourth of those who show anti-Semitic tendencies "have a religious basis for their prejudices while nearly another fifth have this religious basis in considerable part" and that the religious basis for prejudice is lacking in only 5 per cent anti- Semitically-minded Americans. There has been an element of blindness in viewing conditions affecting Jews throughout the world. Hitler was toasted on his birthday last week in many areas, including England and Australia, as well as in Germany and in other areas. There have been evidences of a re- invigorated anti-Semitic movement in this country. The study that was made possible by a $500,000 grant from ADL to probe "the enduring phenomenon of anti-Semitism in the United States, in an effort to find effective ways to combat the menace, refutes the "comfortable and complacent" view that anti-Semitism has ceased to be a real problem in this country. The California sociologists' findings strike at the root of the problem by calling for "a systematic reappraisal of Christian education, both as it teaches its history and doctrines and in the way it deals with the question of anti-Semitism as such." The Tragedy of Religious Shazar Gift Inaugurates Hillel Campaign in Israel By Philip Slomovitz Distortions and the Lie of the Charge of Crucifixion JERUSALEM — A personal gift from President Zalman Shanr initiated a Friends of Hillel In Israel campaign to assist the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations program in that country. The Hillel Foundations are main- tained on the campuses of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Techni•n in Haifa. Friends of Hillel in Israel was organized by a group of govern- ment, education and business leaders. Mrs: Itzhak Ben-Zvi, widow of Israel's former president; ,:;- Ambassador Avraham Harman. Dr. Eliahu Elath, president of The '— Hebrew University; Rabbi Joseph Lookstein, president of Bar Ilan University; and Solomon Wolf, a prominent Tel Aviv attorney, are among the members of its national council. While major religious organizations have condemned anti-Semitism and have made efforts to resist it, the version of Jewish guilt in the death of Christ, especially as presented in Matthew in the New Testa- ment, carries much weight. The ADL-sponsored study shows that a majority of Christians in this country acknowledge the mutual roots of Judaism and Christianity, nevertheless 43 per cent of Protestants and 50 per cent of Catholics who were queried nationally in the Cali- fornia sociologists' research identified the Jews as the "group most responsible for the crucifixion." The hideous charges against Jews thus gain ground uninterruptedly because the Christian teachings have not been changed, textbooks have not been revised. The Jew is the Christ-killer and the convenient scape- goat in religious prejudice remains the abused everywhere. It is no wonder, therefore, that a bishop has emerged in Italy to revive the old charges, to treat Jews as god-killers, to speak of us as surviving "illegally with respect to God." The revived attack on Judaism by Bishop Carli—he was careful to make a distinction between "Judaism" and the idea of anti-Semitism, yet his article reeked with bias —'serves anew to set into action what- ever vigilance can be practiced to be on guard against bigotry's revival. The values of ecumenism remain: it is necessary for men of all faiths to live together in harmony. That does not erase the fact that in mat- ters of bigotry the burden of action lies upon those who are responsible for the venom of anti-Jewish hatred. More Pius XII Revelations in New Documentation A misfiled document discovered working on his doctorate was the "The Deputy," the play that has accidentally in the archives of the genesis of "Pius XII and the Third aroused a continuing international Third Reich by a young historian Reich: A Documentation" by Saul controversy over the silence of Friedlaender, which will be pub- Pope Pius XII in face Of the Nazi lished by Knopf May 17 in a mass murders. translation from the French and Among these documents, most German by Charles Fullman. of which are secret German dis- The document was a dispatch patches between the Vatican and from the German embassy at the the Reich Foreign Office, are the Vatican, stating that Pius XII had original, harrowing eyewitness re- Joseph M. First, secretary and requested a special concert per- port by Kurt Gerstein of concen- general counsel of Triangle Publi- formance of the Berlin Opera tration camp gassings; a moving cations, Inc., and a noted civic Company in Rome. The date was letter from Eugene Cardinal Tis- leader, Sunday was elected the March 1941, by which time the serant about the fall of France; ninth president of the Jewish Pub- Nazis' practice of euthanasia in a fruitless appeal to the Pope for lication Society of America at its mental hospitals, their oppression a few words of moral support from 78th annual meeting at the War- of Poland, and their segregation the president of the Polish govern- wick Hotel, Philadelphia. policy against the Jews were widely ment in exile; another from the He succeeded Sol Satinsky, who known. Friedlaender asked for Chief Rabbi of Israel and others. After Saul Friedlaender's par- served as president of the world's the other Vatican files in Wil- oldest organization of its kind for helmstrasse, and eventually he de- ents were killed at Auschwitz, he the past six years. Satinsky was cided to publish a collection of was hidden in a Catholic - mon- documents. Many of these were astery until the end of the war. elected a life trustee. unavailable even to the author of He went to Israel in 1948. First, a resident of Merion, Pa., ■0 .04■0 ■ ■ ■ ■ was elected a trustee of Temple University a week ago. He earned Boris Smolar's his bachelors and master of laws degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Pennsylvania Law School. He graduated cum laude and was case editor of the University of Penn- sylvania Law Review, was a By BORIS SMOLAR Gowen Fellow and is a recipient (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) of the Order of the Coif. In 1958 JEWISH IMAGE: The first part of the $500,000 study on anti- he was awarded the University of Pennsylvania Alumni Award of Semitism in the United States — conducted by the University of Cali- Merit, and three years later the fornia on funds from the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith — Pennsylvania Bar Association Dis- reveals the extent to which Christian teachings still continue to foster anti-Jewish prejudice in this country. More important are tinguished Service Award. the other parts of the same study which throws light on how Americans Elected vice presidents of the in general see the Jew. Jewish Publication Society were These findings give a picture of the image of the American Jew David C. Melnicoff, of Philadel- as conceived by the American non-Jew today. They are built an a phia; Leo Gusik and Maxwell M. national cross-nation sampling, the figures of which are yet to be Rabb, both of New York City; thoroughly analyzed. Philip D. Sang of Chicago, and From the preliminary analysis, one can see that ancient anti- Jerome J. Shestack, of Philadel- Jewish canards still have a tight hold on the minds of too many phia. Americans. Even stereotyped thinking about Jewish physical appear- William S. Fishman, of Phila- ance remains strong. More than 40 per cent of those questioned delphia, was elected treasurer; Dr. thought they could tell whether a person is a Jew just by the way Paul Sloane, secretary; Dr. Chaim he looks. Potok, editor, and Lesser Zussman, Only 25 per cent said that the Jews do not control internationa -'• executive director. banking, while 29 per cent stated that Jews do control internationa finance; 45 per cent answered they didn't know; 41 per cent said th. -- "Jews are more willing to use shady practices" but 47 per cent re- Random Issues Poetic this allegation. jected Works of 82 Russians About 60 per cent thought that" the average Jew has more money Edited by Avraham Yarmolinsky than most people," and only 1 per cent thought they have less money with translations by Babette than most. About 38 per cent gave the answer "about the same." Deutsch, "Two Centuries of Rus- More than 55 per cent believe Jews to be more ambitious than others; sian Verse," published by Random only 2 per cent thought the Jews less ambitious; the remainder Con- House, contains more than 350 sidered the Jews as ambitious as other Americans. selections by 82 poets from Lo- More than 50 per cent of those asked thought "Jews stick together monosov to Voznesensky. too much" and 39 per cent rejected this idea of clanishness. The rest More than 100 poems have been didn't know. newly translated for this volume. Discouraging as this picture may be, there is also a silver lining Yarmolinsky's introduction serves showing that direct contact with Jews impresses the American non- as a critique of the individual Jew and changes his negative views of them which are usually based poets and is a useful survey of on hearsay. Thus, 62 per cent of those interviewed in the cross-section trends in Russian verse. He has sampling said that the more contact one had with Jews, the more one written many books on all phases got to like them; 13 per cent said this wasn't true and 18 per cent of Russian literature and civiliza- were't sure. tion and has prepared American More than 75 per cent said they found Jews warm and friendly editions of almost all the great people; 74 per cent found Jews "becoming more and more like other Russian writers. Americans"; 83 per cent said it would make no difference to them Babette Deutsch, the translator, whether Jews lived in their neighborhood or not, and 65 per cent is a highly regarded poet. Her expressed the opinion that a social club did not have the right to re- most recent books are "Poetry in ject a proposed member on the ground that he was Jewish. Our Time," "The Poetry Hand- It will take many months, and perhaps a few years, until the data book," and "Collected Poems, 1919- of the University of California will be analyzed and correlated. In the 1962." meantime these findings show that as time goes on the Jewish image in the eyes of the average American who comes into contact with Jews is improving. Where facts replace myth and where knowledge THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS replaces hearsay, attitudes change for the better. 2—Friday, April 29, 1966 Joseph M. First ,f PS President - r alle 0 l•Milli0111111 . 111 11•111MMIN.011•11.)4.0. 11 01111111.0.1110 0 'Between You ..and Me / - 1•0 00•11. 41”041.1111.0