Six-Point Declaration Pleads for USSR Jewry (Continued from Page 1) in a statement to The Jewish News, that opinions expressed in the Western world in protest against anti-Jewish acts are assuring ameliorative measures. He pointed to the concessions made on matzo- baking for this year's Passover as proof of Russia's positive response to appeals in behalf of Russian Jewry. Rabbi Miller, who headed a dele- gation of rabbis to Russia last year, said that Russian Jewry is indicat- ing a desire to identify them- selves with Jews and Judaism, as evidenced by their desire to have the matzo supplies for Passover, and in other demonstrative actions that have shown that they are not separating themselves from the Jewish people and from Jewish life. U.S. Jewry's Declaration on Rights of Soviet Brethren PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — The six-point Declaration of Rights for Russian Jewry, adopted here today at the concluding session of the two-day meeting of the Ameri- can Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry, was signed by the presi- dents and chairmen of 25 national Jewish religious and secular organ- izations in historic Congress Hall where, in 1791, the American Bill of Rights was formally adopted. Declaring that American Jewry does "solemnly pledge that, so long as Soviet Jews are cut off from the Jewish people, proscribed from living their lives as Jews, so long will our voices be lifted in protest and indignation," the Dec- laration called upon the Govern- ment of the USSR to: 1. Restore its Jewish citizens to a position of • equality with all other nationalities; 2. Permit its Jewish citizens freely to practice, enhance and perpetuate their culture and religion by remov- ing all discriminatory measures de- signed to restrict this freedom; 3. Make available all the institu- tions, the schools, the text books and the materials necessary to teach Jewish children the languages, the history, the beliefs, the practices and the aspirations of the Jewish peo- ple; 5. Use all the means at its disposal to eradicate anti-Semitism; and -6. Permit Soviet Jewish families, separated as a result of the Nazi holocaust, to be reunited with their relatives abroad. In presenting the Declaration to delegates for formal adoption, Mrs. Mortimer Jacobson, national president of Hadassah, said: "This conference on behalf of Jews in the USSR is a demonstration of Ameri- can democracy in action. The American ideal of a Great Society, projected by 'President Johnson, is not a literary exercise. It is a working blueprint for the pursuit of universal freedom, --equality and justice for the human rights of human beings everywhere. Nor is the cultural and religious heritage of the Jewish people a museum piece. It is a way of life for the Jewish people. We will not rest until the Jews of the USSR are free to make it their way of life." Dr. Joachim Prinz, president of the American Jewish Congress, presided at the meeting inside Con- gress Hall. Explaining the peculiar nature of the Soviet discrimina- tions against its Jews, Dr. Prinz said: "The attack upon Soviet Jew- ish institutions represents a spe- cial form of the tragedy of Euro- pean Jewry in this century. It is not an attack upon the physical safety of Russian Jews. It is not to be analogized to the monstrous and unspeakable crimes of Nazi Germany. There does not exist in the Soviet Union anything like the relentless racism which pursued Jews down the generations for the purpose of bringing about their im- prisonment in camps and their de- struction in crematoria. This in- comparable barbarism at least has not returned. "But there are values in addi- tion to physical life which we cherish and treasure and whose support is a common human re- sponsibility. Our anguish cannot be mitigated by the consoling fact that this vital part of the surviving THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8—Friday, April 22, 1966 Jewish remnant faces only spir- itual and cultural strangulation, and not outright physical destruc- tion. We reject all efforts forcibly to destroy Jewish life whether it be by the brutality and bestiality of the Hitler era or by the subtler, more benign methods of cultural and religious deprivation." Prior to the formal signing of the Declaration inside the hal- lowed halls of Congress Hall, the delegates held an open air meet- ing on Independence Mall, where the speakers were Senator Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania; Roy Wil- kins, executive director of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People; and Morris B. Abram, president of the American Jewish Commit- tee, who presided. Abram, who is the U.S. repre- sentative to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, denied the Soviet contention that the Jews in Russia "don't want to be Jews any more." At the same time he said that the outlook for a change of Soviet policy on Jews is not all black. "I choose to believe that the situation of the Jews in the Soviet Union is not futile so long as the Russian sensitivity to pub- lic opinion—just as is our own— is as enormous as it is," he stated. Sen. Scott hailed the conference, saying that public protestations against Soviet anti-Semitism con- stitute "life insurance" for the 3,000,000 Soviet Jews. "I feel a deep sense of personal obligation in joining with you today in pro- testing Soviet anti-Semitism," he stated. Speakers at the conference included also Aaron Goldman, chairman of the National Com- munity Relations Advisory Coun- cil; Dr. William A. Wexler, inter- national president of Bnai Brith; and Dr. Aaron Glanz-Leyeless, president of the Yiddish P.E.N. club. A united front of all people—the left as well as the right—to protest Soviet discrimination against Rus- sian Jewry, was urged by Rt. Rev. James A. Pike, Episcopal Bishop of California, in an address Sunday evening opening the conference. The noted churchman said that "rightwingers should not empha- size Soviet behavior towards its Jews because it is Soviet; left- wingers should not minimize it be- cause it is Soviet. The restrictions on Jewish religion and culture in the Soviet Union, and the anti- Semitic manifestations there," he said, "are not made worse or bet- ter because the Government is Communist. When it comes to human rights, rights of persons to be what they want to be, to group as they want to group—religiously, ethnically, or whatever—and value what they want to value, our con- cern should know no national boundaries." Rabbi Israel Miller, chairman of the sponsoring group, and Pro- fessor Erich Goldhagen, director of the Institute of East European Affairs at Brandeis University, also addressed the opening session. Rabbi Miller said that the basic demand of the American Jewish 10 'Rat Finks' to Be 'Tried' for Expulsion SALEM, N.J. (JTA) — A five- man committee of the New Jersey Young Republican State Commit- tee voted here last weekend to put 10 members of the New Jersey Young Republicans "on trial" for expulsion. They were charged with bigotry arising from the activities of the "Rat Fink" faction of the organization. The 10 were found guilty of singing or encouraging anti-Se- mitic and anti-Negro songs at public rallies of the Young Repub- licans.- The committee declined to name publicly the 10 accused. Republican leaders in this state, and in the National Committee, had urged the expulsion of the "Rat Finks," asserting that the group had "blackened" the name of the Republican Party by indulg- ing in racist activities. community "is for the right of the historic Russian Jewish commun- ity to continue its links with the past, to be given the facilities and institutions to fulfill itself in its present, and to be permitted the opportunity of creating a future by handing on its traditions, its faith, its languages and its culture to its children." He asked that "those families torn asunder in the Nazi holocaust, who were separated by war and its terrors, should be al- lowed to reunite with their fami- lie,s in Israel and other countries of the world, if they so desire." Prof. Goldhagen told the as- sembled leaders that the 3,000,- 000 Jews in the Soviet Union had 7,000 Jewish schools and thou- sands of rabbis and synagogues in the pre-Soviet era 50 years ago; today there are no Jewish schools, and some 40 or 50 rabbis, whose average age is 65, for a like number of synagogues. "Russian Jewry is today com- parable to a man afflicted with a mortal illness that is destroying the whole fabric of the Judaic tradition," he said. "Jewish tradition," he continu- ed, "has known a few regimes that have imposed a total ban on Jewish cultural life; but none have succeeded as thoroughly as the Soviet Government in paralyz- ing the cultivation and transmis- sion of the cultural tradition of the Jewish community under its sway. The atomization of Soviet Jews is without precedent in the experi- ence of the Jewish people. For the first time in its history, the order- ly perpetuation of the Jewish peo- ple will have been broken. In 10 or 15 years, it will be difficult to find within the Soviet Union a man capable of performing a Jewish burial ceremony, a Jewish wed- ding or a bar mitzvah." Senator Philip A. Hart of Mich- igan is one of 69 U.. S. Senators —forming more than two-thirds the membership of our highest legislative body—who registered their "staunch support of the American Jewish community's protests against the and-Semitic policies of the Soviet Union" in a statement issued today in con- nection with a two-day national leadership conference opening here Sunday under the auspices of the American Jewish Confer- ence on Soviet Jewry. The statement signed by the 69 U. S. Senators declared that "the plight of Soviet Jewry has long been a concern of the United States Senate. On more than one occasion the Senate adopted resolutions ex7 pressing sympathy for the Jews living in the Soviet Union — and condemning the Soviet policy of discrimination against Jewish cul- ture, religion and community. They expressed our fervent hope for a reversal of Soviet policy. "We therefore consider it fit- ting, as United States Senators, to register our staunch support of the American Jewish community's pro- tests against the anti-Semitic poli- cies of the Soviet Union." The statement said: "We must continu- ally direct the world's attention to this state of affairs, and put forw- ard the insistent demand that the 3,000,000 Jews of the Soviet Union be allowed to live creatively and in dignity as Jews. The facts are well known. They have been ably presented by the American Jew- ish Conference on Soviet Jewry, which was founded just two years ago in our nation's Capital. "Soviet policy," the statement stressed, "seems to be aiming at the obliteration of the Jewish com- munity and Jewish culture. This must be vigorously protested—not only by those who value and rev- ere the ancient Jewish tradition and civilization, but also by every person who respects the funda- mental human right of a group to live in peace and security." Recognizing that "there are tens of thousands of Jews who desire— after decades of sorrow and trag- edy—to be rejoined with their broken families in the United States, in Israel and other coun- tries" -the statement by the Sena- tors strongly supports "the plea that the Soviet government trans- late this principle into practice." Congregation in Soviet Reported Persecuted LONDON (JTA)—Soviet authori- ties in the Republic of Tadjikistan have been persecuting the few Jewish congregations in the area during the last few months, it was learned here. The most serious of the persecutions, according to re- ports reaching the West, is tak- ing place in the city of Dushambe, where the congregation's Ashkena- zic rabbi and chairman of the Ash- kenazic Jewish community, Rabbi A Shlomo Shapiro, was dismissed on explicit orders from the district officer in charge of religious af- fairs in the community. The Jews of Dushambe, who have no other candidate capable of filling the post of spiritual lead- er, have appealed to the district authorities of the republic, and have carried their grievance to Moscow. Authorities in Moscow have replied that the issue is one that comes under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Tadjikistar- while the latter claim they are ac.. ing under instructions from Mx, cow. Meanwhile, the rabbinical -- post and the Ashkenazi chairman- ship are vacant. Dushambe has a Jewish popula- tion of about 15,000, out of a total population of 220,000. The Ashk- enazi Jews in Dushambe are most- ly Jews from Poland who escaped into Russia during the early days of the Nazi occupation of Poland. REILLY'S HURON HAVEN COTTAGES On Lake Huron 2 and 3-bedroom cottages Rents $90 - $140 per week 450 feet of private beach (safe not stoney) Write: Box 303, Tawas City, Mich, Phone: 362-2626 NOW 2 SER O V FE YOU! V HANK NEWMA 4111n1111 ■ . DISTINGUISHED NAME FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE IN TRAVEL . . . CALL BEE KALT TRAVEL SERVICE JO 6-1490 or 549-6733 Nor PAUL NEWMAN WE'RE THE DODGE BOYS THAT SAVE YOU CASH! PAUL NEWMAN'S SPA ItTA N Dodge 855 Oakland, Pontiac — LI 9 6161 - COMMUNITY WIDE CELEBRATION ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE 18TH (CHAT) ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, APRIL 24 — 8: 1 15 P.M. TEMPLE ISRAEL, 17400 Manderson Featuring Guest Artists: AVIV THEATRE OF SONG and DANCE Guest Speaker: HON. CHAIM A. 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