Address by Israel Consut Theater Group to Highlight Israel Anniversary Program The Aviv Theater, highly ac- claimed group of singers and dancers who have appeared on Broadway. and national television, will highlight the citywide cele- bration of Israel's independence, 8:15 p.m. Sunday at Temple Israel. The anniversary celebration is presented annually under the aus- pices of the joint comittee of the Jewish Community Council and Zionist Council. Dr. Samuel Krohn and Morris Liberman serve as co- chairmen of the joint committee. Adding to the gaiety of this occasion will be the traditional presentation of colors by repre- sentatives from the Jewish War Veterans and choral selections by youth participants. Rabbi James I. Gordon of Young Israel Center of Oak-Woods will deliver the invocation. Guest speaker will be • Chaim Salamon, consul for economic affairs and director of the Gov- ernment of Israel Investment Authority. In a lively and -colorful pro- gram, the Aviv Theater captures the exuberance and vitality of • CHAIM SAL AMON modern Israel by a careful blend- ing of dance, song and narration. The dancers in Aviv are all high- ly trained . professionals and the Know-How Weizmann Institute Way By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) Not so long back, the American atomic physicist, Dr. Robert Op- penheimer was in Israel attending a meeting of the Weizmann Insti- tute. One of the listeners approached the American scientist. "Dr. Op= penheimer," he said, "this is a wonderful institution but don't you think that it is a little too big a n undertaking for so small a country as Is- rael?" "H-m," said Dr. Oppenheimer, "I see your point. Yes, I'agree the country s h o u ld be enlarged." If the scientific institu- tion has grown so great, much of the credit is due_ to a few indi- viduals and Sir Isaac Wolfson among th es e there stands out Sir Isaac Wolfson, the British industrialist, as told, in an interview with him which appeared in Maariv, the Hebrew daily. - Many years back, says Wolfson, Dr. Weizmann approached him personally, asking him for a dona- tion for the Sieff Scientific Insti- tute with which he was then asso- ciated. "How much do you think a man like me should contribute?" asked Sir Isaac. "Five hundred pounds," replied Dr. Weirnann. Wolfson thereupon wrote a check for 500 pounds and handed it to Dr. Weizmann. A few years later, Weizmann and Wolfson met in New York and again Dr. Weizmann asked for a Contribution. Stamps Mark Israel Observances Stamps depicting the War of Independence Memorial (left) and Independence Day festivities have been issued by Israel's Ministry of Posts. Total price of the stamps is 1.72 pounds (57 cents), but the minimum order must be $1. For orders, write the Ministry of Posts, Philatelic Service, Jerusalem, Israel. Appoint Israeli to High NYC Post; Hitch Seen in Naming Noncitizen NEW YORK — The legality of Mayor John Lindsay's appoint- ment of a 31-year-old Israeli as deputy city administrator is under review for a possible violation of a state law against noncitizens hold- ing a civil office. Mayor Lindsay has defended his appointment of Dr. N a chm an Bench to the $20,000-a-year post, but the corporation counsel must make the final ruling. The question that arises is, does a deputy city administrator fall into the rank of civil officer even though he does not carry full sovereign authority? A Haifa-born citizen of Israel, Dr. Bench is regarded by Lindsay "as one of the brightest of the young people- who are revolution- izing the entire field of manage- ment through the use of the latest insights and tools developed by science." He added that Dr. Bench will "bring the scientific point of view to the administration" while applying computers and systems analysis to the problem of running city departments. Dr. Bench, who came from Is- rael six years ago for graduate study, graduated' from the Tech- nion, Israel Institute of Technol- ogy-, and served formerly in the Israeli Air Force. He received his doctorate at New York University, where he studied under Timothy Costello. The latter, now deputy mayor, had recommended the computer expert about three weeks ago, and Dr. Bench would serve under him. He is scheduled to take over the post May 1. "How much should I give?" again asked Wolfson. "Ten thousand pounds," was the reply. Again Wolfson complied, hand- ing Weizmann a check for that amount. It was about this time, continues Wolfson, that Meyer Weisgal be- rrmmr"r v. -;an to advise Dr. Weizmann h o w -much money to ask for and since 1-len, as a result, mik amp Wolfson smiling- I IVI) I 1 T y said, he has riven more than million pounds 0 the Weizmann riis7Dn5 Tis71ntl T.nstitute. Weisgal has rr.r ermt7 t3"11:1' his unusual nz-017 ntici r,enius, as rare 517 niv,T -Tle?; n5t5 n ► 1 n its way, as the : > genius of Mozart 0;:rz247: '141? lira? Oti l? rks Weisgal in music or Rem- THE AVIV THEATER GROUP brandt in art—this genius of know- 011:t Win 5;ti ,717M" rott? Tin 4 - 7 vain 5r1r4 ing how much to ask. Yes, there Hebrew Corner can be great art in a simple -rrn'7iv rirpr: rvps.7.nisIDr;It2 srm question. 71-11117p 1966 - apry 5ryi-T7 tri4in 17M" ripsn:ri .11 nr2V4 It is a kind of surgery in its A Hebrew Weekly way. .Indeed, there was a story iiinntr; rr-1447 714ii rrInz?? rrtsnzy afloat in Israel several years ago for the Diaspora about a child who had swallowed In many -corners of the world, Jews , w4itt%7. L7v sitting down and studying Hebrew. a coin. A physician was called but are Many want to combine their Hebrew he could not do anything. "Send studies with information about what is _;114 ,1n rprs74 in Israel, but they do not for Weisgal," someone suggested. happening have a vowelized Hebrew newspaper - 1:); rritr47 - czpnin rvri trot TpT p? --)74z- "He can get money out of any- which would help them in this. In Israel, a vowelized daily newspaper body." appears called "Omer," but it does not nz? r rqp, .5k5Itr nr-r. ? ? One thing that helps Weisgal is reach the Diaspora. The Brit Ivrit Ola- has now introduced a change in the fact that he does not suffer mit this field. Beginning with January, 1966, 5 7 7Pri ivP7Pri 5tP from bashfulness. Bashfulness is the newspaper "Omer" will publish a special weekly edition for Hebrew- probably responsible for more speaking people in the Diaspora. This is 1157p 15 ntritep Wr.1 tie? 1124TI '711 misery than tuberculosis and is an Israeli weekly which will reflect the various aspects of life in the country Iv; min L-04 ay -rr niDfr) much harder to cure. tx.t! in an attractive way and in easy, under- Weisgal has this know-how and standable language. as a vowelized newspaper in 112;p;1 nivi71 it has resulted in producing a in "Omer" its 15th year of publication in great glory to Israel. Sir Isaac . Tel Aviv. It reaches every spot in the cr- mn trpy .v.? r3;14- .nnyn) 8 itri=tfn of Israel. It won the enthusiasm Wolfson has a know-how in other State (hearts) of its readers by the full ways. He heads an industry eni- vowelization of the text which facili- trIpp,4 ,7?. 41D n7ptin tates accurate reading and understand- ploying more than 100,000 people. ing (of what is written). Its language . • • - - - - ze???Ti 11744 • - Toronto Votes to Bar Hate Groups in Parks TORONTO (JTA)—The Toronto City Parks and Recreation Commit- tee voted to bar from city parks any meetings conducted by hate groups. It also rejected an applica- tion by John Beattie, self-styled Canadian Nazi leader, for a permit to hold an open-air meeting in Allan Gardens, one of the principal parks here. By a vote of 5-2, the committee approved a recent City Council resolution, declaring it a violation of the law for any speaker in a public park to "use language or conduct likely to stir up hatred against religious, racial or national and ethnic groups." The commit- tee also recommended that the City music is a mixture of folk -melo- dies from contemporary Israel, Hassidic sources from Eastern Europe and the exotic traditions of the Middle East. Frances Aleni- k o f f, director - choreographer of Aviv and its principal dancer, has appeared with the .group on Broadway in the Josephine Baker Show and on the NBC-TV "Today" program. In addition to their Broadway appearances, the Aviv Theater has toured the United States, Canada and South Amer- ica, appearing at music festivals and on major television networks. In making their announce- ment of the Sunday affair, Dr. Krohn and Lieberman also re ferred to the youth celebration of Israel Independence Day which will be held Saturday evening at the Jewish Center. , A number of-local Jewish youth organizations have united in de- veloping a special program fea- turing dance, dramatic and choral presentations as well as a unique "Israeli Social." (See Youth Page.) Calling attention to the signi- ficance of this 18th or "Hai year" anniversary celebration, Krohn and Lieberman said "the Detroit celebration expresses our com- munity's pride and support in the establishment and growth of the State of Israel." Tickets for the program are available from the Jewish Com- munity Council, WO 2-6710. Tick- ets will also be available at the doer on Sunday evening. Parks Commissioner need not ob- tain City Council approval for re- jecting a meeting application "if he believes that the issuance of such a permit may lead to a dis- turbance in the park." The committee held a series of public hearings on the issue. The banning of hate meetings in public parks was advocated strongly by the Canadian Jewish Congress, which was represented at the hear- ings by Louis Herman, Louis Ron- son, , Myer Sharzer and Ben Kay- fetz. Controller William Archer also favored the ban. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 40—Friday, April 22, 1966 ,rnnpt? ,rnzInz1 nvip. ?? rrivar, ,Ti-Ipt.rin 517 ,riVin nnyp 517 • mirpt) - nnw srovri - no-10 - rrtglip ,n ,-)1Dp 7'r ,n1n'tv1 i=1 "mite inn minim" trim .0..pknorx Ript 517 rep mit?, • nibil arziumn t'-)=In z7 `11'70 xisn5 1tUnK trvinsm mix= p stmi tzin ,nottiz I nnt initc riptv n raninz to va.1 1717 117 . ,ritiivInVz • rrins7 . 1t' pi gz7. Tivinvn ;Tr)! .nn= rn5 orz 174 na rt x ,thw1Dri5 1 71421fr is simple and easily understood, and it contains a list (dictionary) of difficult words in 10 languages printed in the body of the newspaper. It presents all the news briefly and in • an easy style. The weekly "Omer" contains eight pages, in which popular and current political articles and cartoons appear. Two pages are devoted to cultural sub- jects, literature, art, and theater. There one can find reviews of new books, the theater and exhibitions, as well as commentarties stories, on the eekly w portion of the Bible, etc. Another page -r : T in Hebrew entitled "Behind the News," • 1 contains impressions, Israeli anecdotes, and easy conversation on a current sub- ' • ject. On the other pages, one can find a review of all the important events which occurred during that week in I T • T * • T T Israel in the various spheres of life. The weekly also contains mews about 1 4 n1 ,r35 111)1.. "I=i1 what is happening in the World Hebrew Movement. Thus the weekly will be a bridge not only between Hebrew speak- ing- people throughout the world, and between Israel and the Diaspora, but also a bridge between each other. rroAr ? ntssint) Translation of Hebrew column s published by the Brit Ivrit Olamit with the assistance of •thilry rvizith s pizT T the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, Jerusalem. T • : n't : • : • T : • : •.• ••• T T T T V T ;