Northwest Residents Chartie Albert Mayer's Population Study Serves Only to Increase Panic Northwest Detroit residents have taken exception to the findings contained in the report prepared by Dr. Albert Mayer and issued by the United Jewish Charities two weeks ago. In a statement to The Jewish News, one group of residents, under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kroll, 19605 Stratford, charge that this report "has all the aspects of a dangerous, self-fulfill- ing prophecy which serves only to increase panic." Challenging the headline in The April 8 Jewish News that 88 per cent of Detroit Jewry will live in the suburbs by 1975, the protest- ing group maintains that it should have been predicted on the if in volving certain conditions evolving in the community. They state that the report was "shocking to great numbers of people in the Jewish community who have worked to- wards stabilization of schools and neighborhoods in the Northwest section." The Krolls' statement, - co-signed by Dr. and Mrs. F. Reisman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickman, Calvin Lippitt, Irving L. Levine and Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Goodman, de- clares: "How do we reconcile the money and effort spent by the Jewish Community Council in support of civil rights with the destructive use being made of a dubious study sponsored by the official voice of the Detroit Jewish community? "Several urgent questions need to be answered by responsible leaders of the community. The restlessness many of us feel is not one of movement to the suburbs, but of finding voices among our leaders that truly represent us, the committed urban homeowners who are aghast at the wholesale herding of our people into self- imposed ghettos outside the city. Who is benefitting from encourag- ing this flight to areas that all too often offer unaccountably high-cost housing (often of inferior workmanship), inconvenient trans- portation, limited cultural activi- ties, sameness of terrain and popu- lation? Are we as Jews still in a Diaspora state of mind? "We wonder who profits from this? Those who will make possible the temples, synagogues, bagel factories and catering houses for the next - 10 years? What exactly are our brethren running from, and to what? "Those of us living in the Pasteur-Hampton-Mumford area have had proof of a stabilizing of real estate and school in the last year, and it is ironic that at this point Dr. Mayer's report was made public. Why? Whose interests will this , best serve? "It is one thing for the United Jewish Charities to sponsor and pay for a research project to en- able them to plan for future ser- vices; it is quite another thing, an act of irresponsible leadership, blatantly to release statistics and projections that are questionable. "Within this Mayer report, the leap to conclusion that Northwest Detroit must follow the wake of Twelfth and Dexter areas leaves several facts unpublicized: 1. The Negro civil rights "movement has led to a newly rising middle-class that will not be ghettoized, and, 2, our Northwest area is filled with children and young adults, which was not' true of the Dexter area before its demise. "The Mayer report has all the aspects of a dangerous self-ful- filling prophecy which serves only to increase panic. Where people really want to achieve a goal,, alone are not reliabe indices of possible attainment. "The negative viewpoint of 'It's too late . . . ' is precisely the attitude that sophisticated Jewish citizens .of Detroit find abhorrent. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 22, 1966-11 We are homeowners in an area that is satisfactory in all aspects were it not for the 'Attempts of so-called authorities to maneuver the statistics so that they can in all good conscience give up the Jewish establishments here; schools, centers, etc., and with a sigh of relief start building anew in a homogenized setting. Perhaps the true story is that it isn't hap- pening fast enough ... fast enough for whom? "We do not intend to become a statistic. Nor can we subscribe to the seven-year move attributed by Dr. Mayer to America's middle-class. As citizens with pride in the present and future of the city we want to help where it counts, and where we are comfortable. "If all the subliminal and overt efforts that have successfully moved so many of our brethren to their new over-mortgaged villages were put to positive action here in the city, think of the money we could put into city wide use that would make us hold up our heads with pride as Jews, and as Ameri- cans. "What we want is very simple. Enough talk- about brotherhood and the ideological value of inte- gration. We call for an immediate show of_ deed and commitment from our Jewish leaders that they do not intend to abrogate their responsibilities. Show us, the home eerns doaunsd s tbaukseiniens stm h e nci twy tht h aat "The best answer to what our tremendous leaders fear is the growing rate of oc ouirn mr 7_111 itou sc ecnetnetre r svceh otoalns g a i bnl e d anti-Semitism, is to grab this opportunity for positive action and plans for staying and improving to curb the spread of the ghetto facilities here. mentality." IRV KATZ Offers 1 THE FINEST DEAL V THE FINEST SERVICE Come See for Yourself at 20735 GRAND RIVER KE 2-7500 Minutes From Oak Park & Southfield Between 6 Mile & Evergreen Q uests Wono• at the Chabad Annual an q uet Charles E. Feinberg Harry Schumer Mrs. William Hordes Mrs. Rachel Kurtzman Mrs. Morris Schaver SILVER ANNIVERSARY DINNER Monday, May 16, 1966-6 p.m. Latin Quart r Distinguished Guest Speaker HON. WAYNE MORSE • AVERN COHN Dinner Chairman U.S. Senator from Oregon For Information Call 544-7168