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April 15, 1966 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1966-04-15

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Vandenberg's Role in American Zionist
History . . Myth of FDR's Friendship

Panic Must
Be Averted

Commentator recalls Michigan Senator's early associations
with builders of Zion, his eventual skepticism . . . FDR's and
HST's attitudes on Israel newly re-evaluated.

Pages 2 and 32



A Weekly Review

Page 4

of Jewish Events

April 15, 1966

17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—Detroit 48235—VE 8-9364



1860 to 1917

Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper --- Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle

Vol. XLIX, No. 8

Russian Jewry's


Book Review
Page 4

$6.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c

USSR Weapons Step Up ME Arms
Race; U.S. Increases Aid to Egypt

Vietnam and Middle East

Situations Equated; Arms
Given Arabs Spell Danger


JTA. and Jewish News Washington Correspondent

WASHINGTON—Is Israel jeopardized by the mas-
sive new U. S. program for a coordinated Jordanian-
Saudi Arabian air defense system which includes pro-
vision- of U. S. military technicians, an ultra-modern
radar grid, Hawk missiles, and jet fighters.
U. S. official sources have briefed the press on the
growing American commitment to the monarchies of
Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Arms aid is depicted as a

bulwark against Communism and Nasserism.

American action is prompted by the decline of
British power in the Near East and emergence of a
"vacuum" requiring a greater American role support-
ing Arab kingdoms threatened by Nasserism-Commun-
ism. U. S. officials cite the enormous arms build-up
in Egypt involving importation of Soviet weapons. Rus-
sian arms are also arriving in Syria and Iraq.
The disintegrating British situation in Aden is
cited along with dangerous tendencies in Syria, in-
creased Egyptian-Soviet naval cooperation, the renewed
"anti-royalist" war waged by Nasser's "Arab socialism"
in Yemen, instability in Iran, and so forth.

Gen. Wallace Greene, conunandant of the U. S.
Marine Corps, recently linked events in Vietnam with
the Middle East. He said it was necessary to defeat
Communism in Vietnam to prevent Communist-in-
spired "wars of national liberation" in the Middle East
and other areas. His specific reference to the Middle
East revealed a clue to strategic thinking in terms of ex-
panding worldwide commitments of the United States.
The United States has revealed the expanding infra-

structure and involvement in Saudi-Jordanian defense.
The announced sale on bargain terms of U. S. F-104
jet fighters to Jordan followed a prior announcement
of a $500,000,000 deal with Saudi Arabia to provide an
air defense system. The Saudi transaction included
radar, a missile system, and jets. About this time, Saudi
Arabian King Feisal met with King Hussein of Jordan
to perfect mutual defense cooperation in response to
U. S. offers.
It has now been revealed that Jordanian pilots have
been in training in the United States for a year on
-104s, an ultramodern jet. This followed disclosure
,at American personnel will be stationed in Saudi
Arabia and Jordan to perfect a radar grid to link
defense of the two countries, establish electronic
weapons systems including the "Hawk" missile, and to
maintain and service the new jets.
An American sop to declining British interests
was given by agreement in Washington for British

(Continued on Page 3)

LONDON—The Soviet Union intends to step up the Middle East arms race in the next few
months by delivering large quantities of modern weapons, including planes and guided missiles, to
Egypt and Iraq, the Daily Telegraph reported Wednesday in a dispatch from Beirut.
An Iraqi military mission now in Moscow, the dispatch reported, is particularly anxious to ob-
tain more modern planes to replace obsolete Soviet migs now being operated by the Iraqi air force.
The report added that the Iraqis are also seeking to obtain from the USSR the type of anti-aircraft
missiles now being used by North Vietnam.
A press dispatch from Damascus reported that Syria's new regime also expects to receive
fresh Soviet military supplies. This report was accepted here as having validity because under the
new regime in Damascus the Russian backed local' Communist party has been permitted considerable
liberty of action.

India Rejects Aid Offered by Israel

LONDON—Israel's offer of aid to meet the famine threat
has been rejected by India, Sunday Observer reported from New
Delhi. The report said the issue will be raised in the lower house
of the Indian Parliament by deputies concerned over the extent
to which the Indian government is willing to go on snubbing
Israel for the sake of relations with the Arabs.
Last month, members of the Indian Parliament criticized the
government for the failure of Indian officials to treat Israel's
President Zalman Shazar in a manner befitting a visiting dignitary
when Shazar changed planes in India, en route to a state visit
to Nepal.
Israel's offer of help in connection with possible famine facing
India was made in response to appeals by United Nations Secretary-
General U Thant, and by the UN Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion. The Observer reported that Israel's consul was told by the
Indian External Affairs Ministry that the offer would be refused
on the grounds that its acceptance might harm India's relations
with the Arab states.

State Dept. Considering Increased
Aid to Egypt; Food, Loans Sought

WASHINGTON (JTA)—The State Depart-
ment reacting to a report from Cairo revealing
that the Egyptian government has formally
asked the United States for $150,000,000 in sur-
plus food—in addition to asking earlier for
loans totaling $100,000,000 for industrial proj-
ects—indicated that the matter of increased
American aid to Egypt was under discussion.
State Department sources said the United
States government does not believe that in-
creased American assistance to Egypt, now
under consideration, would facilitate in any
way the diversion of Egypt's domestic budget
funds to purchase additional, Soviet military
jet planes and other aims.

3 Hot Mid-East Issues Confront Thant


JTA Correspondent at the United Nations

(Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.)

UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.—Secretary-General U Thant has under consideration — as of this writing — a bid
from four Arab countries to visit the Arab refugee camps. These are located in Jordan, where the refugees make up
half of the country's total population; in Syria and Lebanon; and in the Gaza Strip, which is under Egyptian juris-
Mr. Thant has already indicated that he will not act on the invitation unless he felt he could make a "positive
contribution" by visiting the area. Knowledgeable personages here, on the diplomatic level as well as inside Mr.
Thant's own secretariat, are not sure he should go. These sources know that the Arab "host governments" hope Mr.
Thant would boost their claims that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency — the vast organization charged
with Arab refugee relief — should be strengthened. The sources know that, unless Mr. Thant is anxious to get into
a first-class hassle with the Arab states, he would never be given the opportunity to discuss candidly the UN issues
that are paramount at this time in regard to the Arab refugees.

There is no doubt that the "host" countries. would not want him to bring up at least three of the current hot
issues: 1. rectification of the relief rolls; 2. the "three generation" matter; and 3. recruitment of refugees into the Pal-
estine Liberation Organization.
It is more than two years now since Laurence Michelmore, UNRWA's head, had promised to file with the Gen-

eral Assembly a special report touching on what is called here euphoniously "rectification." That term refers to efforts
to rid the refugee relief rolls of chiselers, the dead in whose names many thousands of ration cards are held, the em-
ployed who no longer need relief, many other ineligibles. During the 1964 session, Mr. Michelmore did not have to come
through with his promised special report because the Assembly was a fiasco, having no power to vote on anything

(Continued on Page 5)

Coca-Cola !Denial Rejected; ADL, JWV Change Yielding to Arab Pressure

NEW YORK (JTA) — Issue was taken by the Anti-Defamation League of
Bnai Brith with the assertion of the Coca-Cola Company that it has refused to grant
a franchise to an Israeli firm not because of political reasons but for economic con-
siderations. In a statement analyzing all the facts involved, the Anti-Defamation League
charged that the refusal of the Coca-Cola Company was motivated by "bowing to the
Arab boycott' against Israel. (See story in last week's Jewish News.)
Coca-Cola Co. has been concealing its real reason for refusing to grant a fran-
chise to an Israeli bottler, ADL charged, stating: "In light of all the evidence,
including the reported statements of certain of its spokesmen, that reason, in our
judgment, is political, not economic. On balance, we are forced to the conclusion that
the Arab boycott is the likeliest reason for the position of Coca-Cola:"
The ADL statement concluded with a reference to three economic criteria
allegedly set up by Coca-Cola for its refusal to grant a franchise, sought by Tempo
Soft Drinks Co., an Israeli concern. These reasons reportedly were:
1. A company wishing a Coca-Cola franchise must make an investment of at
least $1,000,000; 2. The franchised company must produce only Coca-Cola, and not any
other soft drink; 3. Financial feasibility for a Coca-Cola franchise holder in Israel
would not be successful.
"The three criteria," ADT.. stated, "are obvious nonsense. We arc drawn to

the reluctant conclusion that the Coca-Cola Company is collaborating."

According to ADL, there are 31 Coca-Cola bottlers franchised in the Near and
Middle East. "The deductible facts seem strongly to Andicate that, while submitting
to the Arab boycott," the ADL declared, "Coca-Cola assiduously attempted to camou-
flage its submission as a pure non-political, economic decision."
The ADL noted that, in countries comparable in population to Israel's, the
minimum $1,000,000 investment has not been required of local Coca-Cola bottlers.
It cited as an example a company in El Salvador that began Coca-Cola bottling opera-
tions in 1965 with capital of only $200,000, and a Kuwait bottler who was granted a
franchise in 1953, when its total original assets were only $280,000.
The Tempo firm in Israel, on the other hand, was shown through Dun & Brad-
street reports to have a net worth of $500,000. Tempo owns a bottle plant which, alone.
is expected to have a net worth of $1,750,000, the ADL stated. The League cited Tempo's
vast success as a marketer of soft drinks in Israel, asserted that Tempo was willing to

market Coca-Cola under that. brand name.
James A. Farley, chairman of the board of Coca-Cola Export Corp., denied
the charge.
Protests against Coca-Cola Co.'s actions have been registered by dealers in
soft drinks, by the Jewish War Veterans and other organizations. JWV announced
that it will consider organizing a "counter-boycott" against the offending company.
(Related Stories, Page 7)

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