Mysterious Malady Claims the Lives of Jewish Children By CHARLOTTE HYAMS (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) "I have a cousin," the letter from New York reads, "whose first-born. child was mysteriously stricken with a rare and dread disease of the central nervous system. "After rushing frantically to the best doctors available, the parents, finally discovered that the disease is called Dysautonomia . . . an hereditary disorder that afflicts only Jewish children. Not only Jewish, but Ashkenazic as well !" The letter is one of many that have gone out on behalf of, or from, the Dysautonomia Associa- tion, a group formed by parents of children with the mysterious ailment. President is George Crohn Jr., a nephew of Detroiter Law- rence Crohn. They are frantic letters and ad- mittedly reflect the confusion that surrounds this "autonomic dys- function," as the medical books refer to it. It is not true, for ex- ample, that dysautonomia afflicts only Jewish children. Caucasians, apparently yes; but cases of non- Jews have been chronicled, and one local physician says that of four he has treated, two have been Gentile. . Nevertheless, the evidence is stacked: Of 124 cases reported up to February 1964, three- fourths were Jewish. Not that all dysautonomia cases have been reported. Detroit pedia- trician Samuel Bernstein thinks :there are six or seven such young- sters in Detroit, but he's not sure. Experts still aren't 100 per cent agreed on how to diagnose it, and many doctors wouldn't recognize dysautonomia if it were sitting in the anteroom. The rare physician who is famil- iar with the symptoms might spot it by looking at the child's tongue (such youngsters lack taste buds, one doctor found) or administering certain injections to which the response is abnormal (they do not feel the expected pain) or study- ing his eyes (they cry but without tears). Dysautonoinia children die a relatively early death—not neces- sarily because of the disease it- self, but because . of the accom- panying "side effects:" severe vomiting followed by pneumonia; convulsions and accomp a n y i n g coma; or—less usual—cardiac ar- rest (heart failure). They must be constantly watched. They might touch a hot stove without feeling any pain; or break a leg and walk around on it, unaware of the break. They are subject to many illnesses—respiratory -in- fections, high fevers—and have poor muscle coordination. Be- cause of the latter, and accom- panying speech difficulties, they may appear to be mentally retarded even if their intel- lectual capacity is normal. They must avoid air travel—one child lost consciousness on a plane —and underwater swimming. Drugs can alleviate some symp- toms, and psychiatric work helps, but because they cannot keep pace with normal activities, clysau 7 tonomic children are subjected to emotional tension that no amount of guidance can cure. The oldest known case was a woman who lived to the age of 31. She adjusted to home and family, tried to participate in social func- tions and even held a part-time factory job. But she admitted, not long before her death, "I have been nervous all my life." The first case of dysautonomia was described by Dr. R. L. Day in 1939, but his puzzlement over the strange case yielded no con- clusions, until another physician, Dr. Conrad Riley, recognized the combination of symptoms with five patients a decade later. All seemed to have blotchy skin, excessive sweating, drooling, in- ability to cry tears. All five were Jewish. Dr. Riley deduced from his findings that the disease was most likely inherited as a reces- sive trait from the child's parents, both of whom were carriers. There is no proven way to deter- mine in advance who is a carrier, and a couple may have several normal children in addition to the one ailing child. On the other hand, there may be two or more such youngsters in a family. It may skip several generations without recurring. Dysautonomia isn't the first in- herited disease to prey on Jewish children. Tay-Sachs, more widely known, is equally mysterious and even more imminently fatal: chil- dren with Tay-Sachs are doomed by their third year. One in 333 non-Jews is said to be a carrier of Tay-Sachs, one in 44 Jews. In fact, a dramatic study of 218 cases not long ago showed that descendants of persons from the provinces of Grodno and Kovno—an area less than 100 miles wide in northern Poland—accounted for all but 8 per cent of the 218. Why? No one knows. Some say inbreeding, yet the disease is un- common among Yemenites, who are believed to have a greater rate of inbreeding that the Ash- kenazim from Central Europe. (Some 35 cases of dysautonomia discovered in Israel are concen- trated among Ashkenazim). No such similarity in geographi- cal background has been found in dysautonomia cases. Physicians in Scotland described two dysau- tonomia sisters, whose parents were non-Jewish natives of Scot- land. They were not related before marriage. So the questions go on. One day, researchers may find the cause in an enzyme deiciency. Such a "simple" solution, a doc- tor admitted, was wishful thinking. But the parents continue to fight. Much of the research done so far has been with funds from the Dysautonomia Association. What is hampering research, however, is the lack of known cases that can be studied. The association is embarking on an education campaign among doc- tors as well as parents, so they may recognize the s e v ere malady. And the strange prayers go on- p.arents praying that their afflicted children may one day shed tears. Levinfhpl Get Hebrew U. Degrees Whberg, Samuel Rothberg of Peoria, -Ill., and Judge Louis E. Levinthal, of Philadelphia, were awarded hon- orary .doctorates at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at .a spe- Rothberg Levinthal cial ceremony during the opening session of the annual meeting of the international board of gover- nors of the university. More than 100 members of the board, from nine countries, met in Jerusalem from March 29-31. Rothberg, chairman of the board of American Friends of the Hebrew University,. was named an hono- rary Doctor of Philosophy. Judge Levinthal, chairman of the interna- tional board of governors, was named honorary Doctor of_ Law. The degrees were voted by the Sen- ate, the university's supreme aca- demic body. Commerce Department Now Charges Israel Restricts Trade Practice Against Arabs By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) WASHINGTON—Israel has been charged by the United States De- partment of Commerce with 64 counts of restrictive trade prac- tices "against Arab countries" in a report on the implementation of anti-boycott regulations covering the last quarter of 1965: The regulations, envisaged by Congress as an answer to Arab boy- cott tactics affecting American commerce, were interpreted by the Commerce Department—which op- posed the new law—to include "re- strictive trade practices" by Israel, India and Pakistan as well as the Arab states. All the reports of re- strictions by Israel against the Arabs, and by India and Pakistan, dealt with shipping requirements to avoid detention or confiscation of cargo in hostile ports. A total of 828 restrictions which Arab countries sought to impose On American trade with Israel were reported. About 60 per cent involved shipping re- strictions. Most of the remainder pertained to certificates regard- ing the origin of goods. The Commerce Department said that "because this regulation has been in effect for only one quar- ter, its impact on U.S. trade or on the attitudes of U.S. exporters can- not as yet be assessed. The number of reports .received relating to re- , strictions other than shipping re- strictions (which may involve the security of the shipment) or cer- tificates of origin (usually a legal requirement of the inporting coun- try) has been too small to permit a clear judgment as to the effect of the regulations on U.S. export- ers' actions or on imposition of re- strictive trade practices or boy- cotts by particular countries." The report stressed that "in keeping with the law, the regula- tion made clear that exporters are encouraged and requested to refuse to comply with such (boy- cott) requests but are not legally prohibited from doing so." It was also noted that reports by export- ers on action taken in boycott cases were "not mandatory" under the rules. The Commerce Department meanwhile rejected a Congres- sional suggestion that subsidies to U.S. shipping companies be withheld if they violate the lan- guage and intent of the law by cooperating with the Arab boy- cott. This arose from the recent controversy over the S.S. Presi- dent Roosevelt which finally was allowed to transit the Suez Canal en route to Haifa. Assistant Secretary of Commerce A. B. Trowbridge wrote Rep. Sey- mour Halpern, New York Republi- can, that withholding of subsidies from shippers who collaborate with the boycott "would be tantamount to penalizing subsidized U.S. ocean carriers for taking certain actions which other members of the U.S. business community are requested not to take but are legally -not pro- hibited from taking. Moreover, the withholding of subsidies . . . would only result in further loss of cargo by U.S. flag ships which now carry only approximately 9 per cent of our foreign commerce." Rep. Halpern had also urged that the reporting requirement he strengthened and broadened, to force concerns to state action taken in boycott- issues. Mr. Trowbridge said, however, that "we believe that restricting the reporting require- ment . . . is not only administra- tively sound but is also legally con- sistent with the statute." Rep. Halpern has now raised a question of "whether the United States has formulated realistic pro- cedures aimed at preventing inter- ference at the source." He sug- gested the need for new regula- tions "to remove any ambiguity or subservience which may afflict American policy." Johnson Gets- Nasser Protest Against U.S. Arms to Israel WASHINGTON (JTA) — Israel's nuclear- weapons potential and United States arms shipments to Israel were among topics covered in a "personal" letter from Egyp- tian President Nasser to President Johnson, informed sources report- ed. The letter was given to the President by Anwar el-Sadat, speaker of the Egyptian national assembly, who came to Washington as a guest of the government. The Egyptian Embassy disclosed, and the White House confirmed, delivery of the letter but neither source was willing to give any ad- ditional information. However both Egyptian and United States sources said it could be assumed that the letter conveyed some of Nasser's recent publicly-voiced concern over Israel's alleged proximity to nu- clear arms capability, Nasser's pro- test over the supply of Patton tanks to Israel and the "complications" these developments created for Nasser's efforts to "explain" Unit- ed States policies to North Viet- nam. After seeing Mr. Johnson, the Egyptian delegation met with Sec- retary of State Dean Rusk who tendered a luncheon for the visitors at which, State Department sources said, reassurances were given that the United States would use all of its influence to induce Israel to desist from nuclear weapon de- velopment. A reception for the Egyptians by the Near Eastern subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee Was assailed by Rep. Leon- ard Farbstein, New York Demo- crat and member of the subcom- mittee. He refused to attend the Javits Hails Brazil Jews RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA)—Sen. Jacob K. Javits declared here that he has been deply impressed with the leadership of Brazilian Jewry and their procedures for settling problems. He noted that the prob- lems of Brazilian Jews were en- tirely different from those of Ar- gentine Jewry. The Republican Senator from New York toured a number of South American coun- tries. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32—Friday, April 8, 1966 reception on grounds he did not feel that "honor should be be- stowed on the official representa- tive of a country" whose head, Nas- ser, "has just denounced the United States." Rep. Farbstein said that the reception was being held at a time "when we hear threats of a so-called preventive war against Israel." The reception was report- edly arranged at State Department. request. Hebrew Corner Ties With World Countries 1-Ir_prr! 12177.1 ? 31 *.v V • - nntrip: 7? t3".Ii7,A7 7?-ix;.7 riu'?)-3n roVin rr-rr.itp nna 't?VP vrt?7? 1rT)4;7.14 `717 -7 Three major factors bring about close tics between Israel and the United States. *The United States had a large share in getting the Resolution of the United Nations passed for the establishment of a Jewish State, and it was the first to recognize young Israel. *During the years of its existence, Israel has enjoyed considerable economic aid fro.:11 the United States. The largest Jewish population of the Diaspora now resides in the United States. The State of Asia and Africa face similar problems to those of Israel in the economic and social spheres. Many study missions came to Israel from African countries. Experts from Israel are . found today in most Asian and African countries. In Israel. an Institute was established for the train- ing of yt ung people from Asia and Africa for public and economic serv- ices. Scientists of world fame met with statesmen and economists from Asian and African countries at the International Conference in Re- hovot on the function of science in various countries. The friendly relations between Israel and France were strengthened, es- pecially before the Sinai Campaign, when the large quantity of arms bought i:y Israel from France enabled it to cope with the Soviet weapons in the hands of the Egyptians. In 1960, the first cultr ral agreement was signed with France. The blecli of Latin American coun- tries constituted n o n s t it u t e d one of tnhi umajor ,,,a t ifoancs- getting resolution for the establishment of a Jewish t ayt a rasd, op tteedie arlile ye were f relations between them and Israel, and the Jews of these countries were "iven full freedom to maintain close ties with Israel. The kidnapping of Eichmann frr-nn Arventina in May, 1960, temnorarily beclouded the tra'litionally friendly relations between the two states, but the crisis quickly passed (was over- come).. Translation of Hebrew column. Puhlishhed by the Brit Ivrit Olamit With the Assistance of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture r:1 1:017,7 "M`Pri. r Itgin > < ntrV p'.7r3 * x4;-.0 nttP ItPP ti‘?1-pri rr-orrri 7141nnn nqp nR,Ipx117,T px rlin z?t ,7? 117' 7.1 .71 7P 17.1711 121 nr:1 27 z..r1tr '7V n,r)74 .71R—Ipx n1z1 riint?rv;7.7- Tin?? npin L7x -Itr..4 .nR,Ipx) ;-c,px 11,4174 77,Ipx7?1 nv-p n'ky-r72 al? tlap4 ,7?L117 ntv ,L217n 171n ,tr4N .ntV?n, 11'7.?'7; 71 174. 71171PN) M TPX nir174 1;Inn nintn4 4'7 111 -1771 `1VPkt ;IRV n",1,7 7V47. intOP ,-.14p - 174.7;" 1960 rntt) 7tp4riair 1 -07473 2? ;1‘? .r1 -1 n iltrhn 7.1n7r) r49;:i tool n,p- iam -Tnx rryj nTt2L-ri nirrp trila .1-1,11r i! riFip n7_ir7T r! L 717 72-12i4 n7.-irpIr7 v1'11;17'71 nrIT. 'Pri!rrlY rr milt-171p nrpt:2 ti ph Ina ritm tin' L217 nwn ,1960 71T2IpPIN7. rin,tm Lori -Tv, 1kt, ,Pil"ppi1 n7r:197n nrrit:rt .14ttPLin mnt7iv ronnv 11'`11r1Rinn) , • , • , (rrpri: rmin`? tri?. ! 1-. 1z1