Ecology—Science Outlined for Youth Jewish Welfare Board at Work Fascinating Studies of Organisms, Environment by 2 Qualified Authors Ecology — study of home, of the striving for perfection, the organisms and environment, of survival of the fittest. animals and the earth — specially The field and the wilderness, geared for children — emerges in the wild life, the grass and the two noted books as a fascinating animals—all are detailed for an understanding of the ecological set of textbooks for youth. .Both evaluate the subject. Both studies, and the emergence of treat ecology as a science which man in command gives ecology proves a must for boys and girls in its proper place in human rela- their early youth, with meritorious tions and values. "Learn and live," Hirsch ad- aspects in both books for adults vises, and he quotes Francis as well. Bacon: "We cannot command na- * * * Ecology is the study of organ- ture except by obeying her." He completes by emphasizing that isms and their environment. In there is "no place like oikos" and "Experiences With Living Things states: — An Introduction to Ecology for "Man has shown great skill both the Five-to-Eight-Year-Old," pub- in adjusting to changes in his lished by Beacon Press, Katherine environment and in creating new Wensberg explains: "It is a Greek conditions in which he can live.j word meaning 'study of the home,' In fact, he has made himself at i used scientifically to identify the home in some of the most im-1 study of plants and animals in probable places. He can survive relation to their environment." in long periods in the deep seas, This at once indicates the in the frigid Antarctic, in alti- significance of this most infor- tudes high above the earth. He mative book, its approach to the is venturing into new space en- organisms and living things in our vironments . . . midst. But as we face the exciting A consultant in the field of pros-pects of this last third of the nursery school education, author 20th Century, many of the old of previous works related to her problems remain. The Greek word present subject, Mrs. Wensberg oikos embraced the idea of the writes with such authority, with entire world as man's home. And such marked ability to reach the there is no escape form the house- young child and to instruct the keeping duties on earth. 'What is youngest reader, that her book the use of a house,' Thoreau emerges as a most valuable asset asked, 200 years ago, 'if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it in the instruction of children. The vastness of the subjects on?' "As we explore a new world, we relates to the cat and to bees, to trees and grass, robins, earth- are obliged to keep this old one 7 Youths Sentenced worms, woodpeckers, spider s, livable. Man is superbly fitted for moles, ants, caterpillers, grass- the earth. It is up to him to keep for Attack on 2 Boys it a fit place in which to live." LONDON (JTA)—Seven youths hoppers, crickets. S. Carl Hirsch's first, science were sentenced to a detention cen- Simplicity marked by accuracy, reaching out to the child with an book for young people, "The ter last weekend for periods up understanding and a direct offer Globe For The Space Age," won to six months for participating in of knowledge that will fascinate the Thomas Alva Edison Award an attack several months ago on the young readers, insure Mrs. for the Best Science Book for two Jewish youths, one of whom Wensberg's book will prove a great Children published in 1963. Two was seriously wounded with a asset in homes and in schools, as later books, "This Is Automation" knife. They were found guilty after a textbook and as a guide to and "FoUrscore .. And More: The a trial in the Central Criminal Life Span of Man," also reflects Court here. parents in introducing their chil- his intense interest in the prob- Two other youths were placed dren to ecology. lems of our age. on probation for two years, one "If our children seek to under- Hirsch was born in Chicago, and was remanded in custory for a stand life in all its forms, the he and his wife now reside in medical report, and two were Source of life and the source of Evanston, Ill. He is a map lith- acquitted. The Jewish youth who love (which seems to accompany ographer, and occasionally finds was stabbed was Joseph Springer, the passing on of life in its highest time for his favorite hobby — son of a leader of the British Agu- forms), their quest for the truth cabinet making. dath Israel Organization. about the ultimate mysteries may be even more rewarding than our own ," Mrs. Wensberg states. Her book has an interesting and valuable appendix with listings of specific plant and animal life Major Vidkun Abraham Lauritz events that had transpired and especially evident during all Jonsson Quisling, the Norwegian as part of the library on Nazism months of . the year. It is a Nazi who aided Hitler and the they will provide much data in suggested order for use of the Nazis, and whose name became a research on the story of Hitler- stories in her .book. And there symbol of derision and contempt, ism which is yet to be recorded also is an appended "Desert and the chief of the German High in its entirety. Adaptation of the Materials" by Command, Wilhelm Keitel, were Keitel's memoirs were edited, Margaret Gooding. condemned to die for their crimes. with an introduction, by Walter * * * Keitel, who was indicted at Gorlitz and were translated by Equally important is "The Liv- N uremberg, David Irving. There are maps to ing Community — A Venture Into asked for a fir illustrate the general's activities Ecology," by S. Carl Hirsch, splen- ing squad, but he and Girlitz's chapter, The Indict- didly illustrated by William Stein- was hanged with ment," is an illuminating account el, published by Viking Press. Alfred Jodi Oct. of the trial and of Keitel's atti- The two works are complemen- 16, 1946. tudes. tary. Studied together they pro- 0n 0 ct . 2 4 , It is in the latter that reference vide such a vast amount of knowl- 1 9 4 5 , Quisling, is made to the singling out of edge that they will serve an ex- condemned "communists, Jew and intellec- cellent joint purpose and will tuals among Soviet prisoners for enrich the youngsters' information to death by a Norwegian court, 'special treatment,' •in other words, about a vital science. • for liquidation." Commencing his story with an wasshot by a fir- Quisling Of interest in "Quisling" is that account of Henry David Thoreau's ing squad. Their stories are told in two vol- when he was sentenced to die he taking "to the woods," describing Thoreau's genius "in seeing life tunes that serve as supplementary had left his Bible open with this whole," illustrating Charles Dar- material about the last war — text underlined: "He shall redeem win's naturalism, Hirsch enters "Quisling — P r o p h e t Without their soul from defeat and violence into a lively discussion of ecology. Honor" by Ralph Hewins, pub- and precious shall their blood be "The name 'ecology,' " he ex- lished by John Day (200 Madison, in His sight." The criminals still plains, "was formed about a hun- N.Y.), and "The Memoirs of Field- held on to the Bible! dred years ago out of the Greek Marshal Keitel, Chief of the Ger- The two volumes will serve as word oikos, which means 'home.' man High Command, 1938-1945," addenda in the study of the hor- Ecology is the study of the home published by Stein and Day (7 E. rible crimes. Both Hitler agents- life of living things, how they re- 48th, N.Y. 17). Keitel, with all his objections to Neither of the books mentions late to one another and to their the SS which do not convince the Dachau or Auschwitz or the non-living environment. The ecol- reader—sought glory for the Nazi atrocities against the Jews, but army—and Quisling who perpetu- ogist works in the laboratory. But their stories reveal the crimes. he can probably be found most ated a name equivalent for treach- Keitel's adds data about the ery became anathema. On the often in the field . . ." Nazis. He had apparently had an From this point on he pro- bookshelf reserved for Nazi ex- aversion for the SS (Schutzstaf- poses, the two books will a d d ceeds to explore beings and to feln), but his crimes were un- evidence to indictments for inhu- show how "beings need beings," mistakable. Similarly, Quisling's manities. how neither animals nor plants The American Jewish military community of Korea is busily involv- ed with religious, moral and social ac. tivities, as shown by t h es e . photographic "reports" received by the . National. Jewish Welfare Bord Commis- sion on Jewish Chap- laincy. Chaplain Sey- mour Moskowitz, senior Jewish. chaplain. of Headquarters I Corps, Ouijongbu (top) checks to see that two young members of the Jewish congregation of Seoul have properly placed the tephillin on their arms and heads. Chap- lain Moskowitz (center) conducts . a . character guidance instruction class. for. Korean soldiers. An informal get-together (bottom) is held in the Jewish Chapel Center of Harry Katzman, associate USO director in Seoul; Seoul Jewish Chaplain Saul Parker; Mrs. Katz- man, volunteer c o o k and baker for the Jew- ish Chapel Center; and Chaplain Moskowitz with Karma Katzman on his shoulders. "could survive without the others." He writes about repro- duction, the turning of the worm, role is on record. Both received their just due. Their life stories throw light on many of the THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24—Friday, April 8, 1966 Yavneh Chapter of Detroit, the Religious Jewish Students Associa- tion, will hold a Pesach party 8:45 p.m. Saturday, with roller skating at Arena Skate Club, followed by a movie and refreshments at the home of Marilyn Sitron, 17521 Roselawn. For information, call Marlene Cern of the Wayne State group, 341-9850. If you have TB, most of your treatment may take place at home, but it probably should begin in a hospital where up-to-date medical, nursing and surgical care is avail- able. • Larry Freedman Orchestra and Entertainment 647-2367 J. J. CLARKE STUDIO Portraiture of Distinction For Your Weddings Formals - Candids - Direct Color 3223 W. McNichols Nr. Muirland Call 341-4141 . * * * * . I. G • M. I: ** M Mike Green's -or MUSIC : * LI 8-4432 872-7386 * .(**********************31, 1,111=1•1111111 ■ 11, For Your Fine Diamonds and Jewelry "Buy With Confidence" Norman Allan Co. Gemologists Diamontologists DI 1-1330 17540 WYOMING OPEN THURS., FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. EXPECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS FOR A WEDDING OR A BAR MITZVAH? Crunbrook House. Motel Is Conveniently Located at 20500 JAMES COUZENS Quisling and Keitel - Two Hitlerites Who Were Executed for Their Crimes • Yavneh Plans Get Rolling (8 Mile & Greenfield—Across from Northland) Coll 342-3000 For the Finest Accommodations! Dine at the SCOTCH & SIRLOIN RESTAURANT Airport Limousine Service Available THE LEVINSON and RADOM FAMILIES WISH THEIR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A HAPPY PASSOVER RADOM TAILORS a ndl OCLEANERS 22141 COOLIDGE, So. of 9 Mile Iil Expert cleaning wall to wall carpets & furniture in your home. Free moth proofing. Pick up carpeting & relay elsewhere. 20 years experience. FREE 1 Chair CLEANED with every LIVING RM. - DI N. RM. CARPET CLEANING JOB. IUIN 4-62.03 Bennie or Sam