Passover Service in Moscow Crowded by Jews; Report Matzo Supplied by Synagogue Bakery E. Piscator, Anti-Nazi Producer, Dies BERLIN—Erwin Piscator, one of Germany's foremost theatrical pro- ducers and directors, died March 30 at age 72. He was a noted anti- Nazi. - Founder of the "political thea- ter" in the Germany of the '20s, Piscator had been director-general of West Berlin's Volksbuhne for the final four years of his life, and was the first to stage such con- troversial plays as Rolf Hoch- huth's "The Deputy," and "The Investigation" by Peter Weiss, an oratory about the Auschwitz mass murders. One of the last shows he pre- sented at the Volksbuhne was the Sholem Aleichem comedy "200,- 000," which played to a packed house until early this month. Forced to leave his country in 1933 to escape Nazi persecution, he headed the Dramatic Workshop of the New School for Social Re- search in New York and was active also in the President Theater and the Roof-Top Theater fram 1939 until his return to Germany in 1951. Novosti quoted Chief Rabbi Ye- ing lands behind the Iron Cur- LONDON (JTA) — Passover services were held Monday night huda, Leib Levin, of Moscow, as taro — except the USSR. in the Central Synagogue in Mos- saying that the matzo bakery un- The JDC shipments included cow with the crowd overflowing der the supervision of his Central even Alb an i a, the Communist into the street, according to re- Synagogue had provided matzo country more rigidly shut off from ports from the Soviet capital. Many for those who wanted it, not only the Western world than any other Jewish families in Moscow secured in his congregation but also in the state. "We don't know under what matzo for the for the first time in synagogues of Marina - Roshcha, conditions the Jews live in Al- years, with the flour' being sup- Cherkivozo and Malakhovka. He bania," the JDC stated, "we don't plied by them to the synagogue was quoted as saying: "In 1965, know whether they have a syna- bakery. we managed to make not more gogue or rabbi or talmud torah. Jewish members of the foreign than 45 tons of matzo, and this But we do know there are Jews colony in Moscow attended a seder year there will be axactly double in Albania, and once every year Candidate Rejects they break through the barriers Educational Alliance in the Israeli Embassy. While of- that quantity." Address at Club ficial Soviet reports from Kiev, Yakov Khazin, executive secreta-1 of silence and ask for just one East Side Landmark, Allegedly Biased Minsk, Tbilisi and other Soviet ry of the Jewish Religious Cornmu- thing — matzo." Marks 75th Anniversary This year, JDC sent 1,520 pounds cities with large Jewish popula- nity of Leningrad, was quoted by LOS ANGELES (JTA)—A Dem- NEW YORK (JTA) — The Edu- tions indicated that the religious Novosti as saying - that his syna- of matzo to Albania. The JDC ocratic nominee for a state politi- cational Alliance, a settlement Jews there were permitted to bake gogue started baking matzo in also sent 26,400 pounds of matzo cal office said he had canceled a house founded in 1891 to serve the matzo in private bakeries, no such December, and has supplied mat- and 8,000 pounds of matzo meal speaking engagement in the Uni- needs of the hundreds of thousands indication was given with regard zoh "for more than 10,000 people." to Yugoslavia. versity Club here because the club of Jewish immigrants from East- to the matzo situation in the small- He was quoted as adding: "We In New York, over 300 Jewish barred Jews and Negroes from ern Europe who settled on New er Jewish communities in the have not restricted anyone and college students ended Sunday membership. York's Lower East Side, inaugurat- matzo has been provided for the morning an all-night vigil at Ham- Soviet Union. Norbert A. Schlei, a Catholic : ed the celebration of its '75th anni- Major Jewish communities in the whole congregation of the syna- marskjold Plaza opposite the who is a candidate for the post of versary. On April 11 Gov. Nelson Soviet Union received matzo for gogue." United Nations to dramatize the Secretary of State, acted at the Rockefeller unveiled in the Alli- concern of American Jewry for suggestion of Federal Judge Irving ance lobby a plaque on which are this year's Passover in quantities The Soviet agency attributed the plight of their brethren in the Hill, a former president of the Los inscribed the names of the found- sufficient to provide all who want the Kiev portion of the report to this holiday necessity, the Novosti Iona Genedelman, chairman of Soviet Union. Angeles Jewish Federation Coun- ers of the institution. Press Agency, official Soviet fea- the Jewish community in the The students, members of the cil. Judge Hill said he had "relia- ture news agency which serves the Ukrainian capital; and the Minsk New York Youth Conference for ble evidence" that the club dis- foreign press only, informed the report to Ilya Charny, chairman Soviet Jewry, carried placards and criminated against Jews. For Some Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Novos- of the Jewish community in the banners calling on the Soviet gov- Dana Bresnahan, the club's im- of the ti dispatches are not published in Byelorussian republic. M o i s e i ernment to grant. freedom to its mediate past president, replied in the USSR. Gruzman, head of the religious Jewish citizens, and urging wide- the absence of the organization's best buys spread public protests against the president, Thomas Johnson. He According to Novosti, 90 tons of community in Kishinev, capital on new of the Moldavian Republic, was oppression of Russian Jews. said that "there is no stated poli- matzo were baked and dis- Pontiacs cited as the author of his city's Throughout the vigil, the parti- cy" barring Negroes and Jews, and tributed this season in Moscow report; and Abram Vandeland, and cipants read portions of the Bible that "probably there are" Jews in enough for "more than 10,000 peo- pie" in Leningrad; "sufficient for chairman of the Jewish religious and the Haggadah, and sang He- the club. However, he said "you Tempests all who want it" in Kiev; 15 tons community in Odessa, reported brew folk songs. The all-night don't ask the question." in Kishinev; and 15 tons in Odessa. from that city. demonstration was held next to ASK From Tbilisi, capital of Georgia, Yet, it was reported Sunday by Novosti reported that Georgia the "Isaiah Wall" of the Plaza, FOR named for the late Secretary Gen- Passover Greetings to the New York Herald Tribune that Ephriam Benzvi Kaplan, who Chief Rabbi Emanuil Davadashvili eral of the United Nations. The Our Tenants at the said: "Apart from Tbilisi, the capi wall bears an inscription quoting identified himself as the "admini- Versailles and the Biarritz. syna from Isaiah: "They shall beat are strator" of the Central Synagogue tat of Georgia, there gogues functioning in Battimi, Suk- Mr. and Mrs. of Moscow, declared that 50 tons humi, Tskhinvali, Kutaisi, Kulashi, their swords into ploughshares and AT their spears into pruning hooks. of matzo "for 9,428 families" had George Emerick Gori and other places. in almost been baked and distributed in the all the Jewish religious communi- Nation shall not take up swords 25005 Rue Versailles West against nation, nor shall they learn 18650 LIVERNOIS Soviet capital. ties of our republic the baking of Oak Park 1 block South of 7 (Kaplan announced at the same matzo began in the end of last war any more." U N 3-9300 Many Jewish homes through- time according to the Herald Tri- y ear. More than 90 tons of matzo out the country remembered the bune dispatch from Moscow, that has been produced by the matzo the Moscow yeshiva has now been bakery of the Tbilisi Synagogue." fate of oppressed Jewry symbol- reopened. He was reported as say- The figures for Georgia were not ically during the sedarim this ing that the yeshiva started func- questioned by experts here on So- year, by setting aside one matzo tioning again a month ago, with viet Jewish conditions, who point- as the "matzo of oppression," an enrollment of 12 or 13 students, ed out that, for many years. the it was reported here today by the American Jewish Conference on aged 21 to 45. Georgian Republic has been the Soviet Jewry. (He claimed that two of the stu- most liberal in the entire USSR The conference had called for dents were from Odessa, two from regarding freedoms granted to Jew- such action at every seder as as- Kiev, three from Riga, four from ish religious communities. surance that the Jews in the Soviet Tbilisi, Georgia, two from Moscow In general, it was pointed out Union have not been forgotten. and one from Bokhara. He was here, the very fact that Novosti has At many sedarim, both private and reported as saying that the yeshiva issued the report on Soviet matzo public, special prayers were also had been given a two-room dor- supplies on the eve of Passover in- voiced in rememberance of the mitory, where eight of the students dicates that USSR authorities are 6,000,000 martyrs in the Nazi holo- live. Of the total number of stu- highly sensitive to increasing crit- caust. dents at the yeshiva, he was re- icism on Soviet discrimination In Cleveland, more than 1,000 ported saying, two are studying against Russian Jewry, voiced persons marced 1.5 miles in cold for the rabbinate and the re- throughout the world. The sources weather Monday in dramatic pro- mainder were preparing to be can- noted also that Novosti, as an offi- test against the Soviet Union's tors or ritual slaughterers). cial Soviet propaganda agency, oppression of Jews. The demon- Other informed sources in may have wanted to influence stration included Jews and Chris- New York questioned the ac- world opinion at this time because tians. Negroes and whites, youth curacy of the Novosti matzo dis- many protests against anti-Jewish I tribution report. On the basis bias in the USSR have been sent to and adults. The protest march of an authoritative report re- the 23rd congress of the Soviet went Taylor Road to Synagogue in from Cleveland Heights the Jewish ceived from Moscow they said Communist Party, now in session Community Center. Police de- de- that no more than 40 tons of in Moscow. scribed the march as orderly and matzo had been baked in the A total of 615,000 pounds of reported no incidents. Soviet capital this year. matzo were provided by the Kennedy Requests USSR These sources questioned anoth- JDC for thousands of Jews in Liberalize Treatment of Jews er portion of the report. They not- need in many countries, includ- WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sen. ed that the Jewish population of Robert F. Kennedy, New York Kishinev is estimated now at be- Democrat, has urged here that the tween 25,000 and 50,000. On the Brandeis Faculty to Aid In Austria? Italy? Spain? Portugal? Turkey? Wherever it is Soviet Union liberalize treatment basis of this date, they doubted the Students, Draft Board of Jewish citizens in the USSR. He — in more than 60 major cities, in over 40 countries, across Novosti figure, contending that WALTHAM, Mass.—A resolution linked his appeal to the fact that 6 continents— let Lufthansa take you there. Jews in both Kishinev and Odessa urging full cooperation with both the Passover season would be a had been provided the same quan- students and local draft boards in fitting time for the announcement. Lufthansa offers more nonstop flights from the United tity of matzo, 15 tons in each the matter of supplying draft sta- of such a policy, and the further States to more cities in Germany than all other airlines case. Odessa's Jewish population tus information has been adopted fact that the Communist Party of combined. And fast, convenient connections speed you totals 250,000, five to ten times the by the faculty of Brandeis Uni- the USSR was holding its 23rd Jewish population of Kishinev. from the heart of Europe to your desired destination. congress in Moscow. versity. Sen. Hugh Scott, Pennsylvania In voting for the resolution, Certainly, our pleasure lies in pleasing you —a credo of which was recommended by its Republican, said in a Senate speech service that makes us one of the top 4 airlines to Europe," educational policy committee, the that a shift away from "anti-Semi- Prefer Kosher food? Just let us know when you make youe Make 'Ent Holler Uncle! faculty also reaffirmed the right of tic prejudices" at the 23rd con- Call every member of the Brandeis gress would be the first signal to reservations. academic community to express his the world of a major change . in Nothing could be easier. Call your Travel Agent or contact own individual point of view about Russian policy. He called on the the Lufthansa office nearest you. the Selective Service System's Soviet Union to permit emigration controversial student deferment of Jews to rejoin families separat- ed during the upheavals of the plan. The faculty-approved resolution 20th Century, by allowing depar- calls for "cooperating fully with ture for Israel, America, or else- German Airlines both the student and his local where. PEST CONTROL SERVICE, Inc. 1242 Washington Blvd. draft board by providing required Guaranteed Control of Roaches, Detroit 26, Michigan. WOodward 3-6250 Spiders and Clover Mites. information to the draft board at THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . _ . Evenings Call LI 2-7906 10—Friday, April 8, 1966 the student's- request." , SAUL BENCH Packer Pontiac Where does your pleasure lie? ANTS? Lufthansa