THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951. Member American Jewish Press Association, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published very Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. Phone VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942, at Post Office, Detroit, Mich., under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. SIDNEY SHMARAK PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager Editor and Publisher CHARLOTTE HYAMS CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ City Editor Business Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 12th day of Nissan, 5726, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: 3:4-24. Levit. 6:1-8:36; Prophetical portion: Malachi portion: Pentateuchal Passover Scriptural Selections Pentateuchal portions: Monday, Ex. 12:21-51, NUM. 28:16-25; Tuesday, • Lev. 22:26-23:44. Monday, Josh. 5:2-6:1, 6:27; Tuesday, II Kings portions: Prophetical 23:1-9, 21-25. Licht benshen, Friday, April 1, 6:39 p.m. April 1, 1966 Page 4 VOL. MAX, No. 6 The Seder That Links All Jewry There is no other night like the Seder that links Jews of all lands, that creates unbreakable bonds between families. In his "Rabbi of Bacharach," Heinrich Heine wrote: "Jews who have long ago drifted from the faith of their fathers are stirred in their inmost parts when the old, familiar Passover sounds chance to fall upon their ears." And because the Seder nights bind us together so closely, the festival is an occasion for many practices. The youngest in the family asks "wherefore is this night different from all others" and the elders have an opportunity to explain, to define the fes- tival's ideal of freedom, to indicate why one must know his back- ground in order to be properly linked with his people. Passover therefore is an educative process — the time to share learning, to teach the unknowing and to learn from the learned. It is a period of rejoicing over the freedoms attained and of re-dedication to the goal of perpetuating liberties for all peoples. It is an eventful time during which we acknowledge that no one can be truly free unless his neighbors also are free. * * * There are many great lessons that are taught by Passover. One is related to the compassipn that is so vital to humanitarian- ism. There is a talmudic legend that tells about the angels in Heaven who desired. to break out in sang when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, and they were admonished by the Almighty: "The Egyptian army is in distress, people are drowning. Would you sing in My presence when men are about to die?" In this one legend there is handed down to us an important example of the humaneness of the traditions that warn us never to gloat over the troubles of others, always to be compassionate! * * * Then there is the tradition of charity, which assumed such an important role through Mo'os Hittim for Passover. In his "Leg- ends of the Jews," the monumental seven-volume work produced by the Jewish Publication Society of America, the late Dr. Louis Ginzberg related the following: "Once upon a time there lived a pious and learned Rabbi in Jerusalem, who was in the habit of providing the poor with food and other necessities for Passover. But it happened once that he entirely forgot to provide for the needs of a very poor but worthy scholar, who on the day before Pass- over had neither matzot nor wine for the feast. In his miserable state he decided to leave his home rather than see his fancily dying of hunger. Walking aimlessly in the streets, he was arrested by a venerable looking old man with the following words: 'I am a stranger in this place; I beg of you to take me to your house for the days of the festival, and here is the money to furnish us with all our needs.' The poor scholar, though depressed by his inability to be the host to the stranger without payment, did as he was requested, and with the ample funds now at his disposal prepared a really sumptuous meal for the first night of Passover. But when the time of the Seder arrived, the stranger did not appear; all the searching was in vain, as no trace could be found of him. The poor scholar then realized that the stranger was none other than Elijah the prophet who came to his assistance. On the very same night Elijah appeared to the Rabbi of the place, and awakened him by seizing him by his throat and nearly choking him to death. Elijah chided him for having neglected the poor scholar, and told him that if it were not for his quick action, God would have destroyed the entire community for not having taken care of the worthy man. He then comnianded the Rabbi to hasten to the poor scholar and beg his pardon for not having provided him with the neces- sities of life." Such are the traditions of Passover. These are the humane rules that add value to a festival that keeps our heritage on a high rung of spirituality, that retains for it the great humanita- rian values. It is in the spirit of family fealty, of love of justice, of the craving for freedom and the rejection of brutality that the Passover continues to inspire us as one of the great festivals ■ • • on our calendar. III .1 1.11101100.1 141110101fr ItiWY, Passover's Lesson: Freedom for All Peoples "From slavery to freedom," the aspiration of the downtrodden, had its earliest application as an organized revolt among the oppressed Hebrews in Egypt, under the skilfull leadership of Moses, the great guide, who gained immortality as the greatest of all Phophets and as the Lawgiver. Under Moses, the Hebrews were formed into a national unit. They constantly - needed his guidance, in order to acquire the freedom that was offered to them. They were not accustomed to such a task. They lived in an age in which peoples were subjected to the rule and domination of god-kings. Moses undertook to lift his people out of that stage of subjection. It was a difficult task, but he sought its achievement by a passionate adherence to principles of justice and human rights. The passion for righteousness has been infused in the Passover Festival. When the oppressed Hebrews first were faced with the idea of liberty, they did not know how to accept it. Freedom often has to be imposed upon slaves. The genius of Moses would not yield to obstacles. In his historic essay, "Moses the Prophet," the eminent Jewish philosopher, Ahad Ha'am, thus explained Moses' determination . to seek the fulfillment of his hopes: of at' Prophet has faith in the power of the ideal. He is certain that the liberating face "The and inspirit: great vision which he is to show to his people will overcome their inherited servility, them with the courage and idealism that their lofty mission demands. He assembles the people at the foot of Sinai, opens the innermost heavens before them, and shows them the God of their fathers in a new revelation as the God of the whole universe. 'All the earth is Mine,' proclaim the, mankind, thai' L_ God of Israel out of the midst of the fire. Hitherto you have imaged, like the rest of these tribal deities, each sovereign within the: every nation and country has, its own god., and that worship them:' that conquer one another like the nations limits of the national territory, fight and eternal "This is false. There is not one god for Israel and another for Egypt; there is only and one no other, universal God, this God, lord of all the earth and ruler over all the nations. And this all men are created in His image; is the God of our fathers. The whole world is his handiwork, and be His. peculiar people, to be but you, the descendants of His chosen Abraham, He has singled out to and in your individual a holy nation,' to sanctify His name in the world, a kingdom of priests and new order of truth and justice. of a and collective lives to set before the rest of mankind the example You are not to favor " 'Justice, justice shalt thou follow'; 'keep thee far from a false matter.' of the weak. the side on wrest justice to the strong or to oppress the helpless; but neither are you your life shall be ('Neither shalt thou favor a poor man his cause) The guiding principle of pervert and *.1 the neither hatred nor jealousy, nor love and pity, because these and those alike judgment. Impartial justice shall be your only principle." - Such is the lesson of Passover, as incorporated in the principles pursued by the Great Lawgiver. It is a festival of freedom with a lesson not for Jews alone, but for all man- earth, kind, and it strives for justice not for us alone but for all the peoples of the enjoys because the world can not long endure if only a fraction of its inhabitants It is when the peoples are free that we shall have true the bounties of ,nture. a liberty on earth. A great ideal is offered to humanity in the Passover Idea. As we greet one an- other on this festival, as we inaugurate it with the traditional Sedorim, we pray for . . :the • fulfillment of its message directing mankind to social justice for all.