U.S. Not Satisfied - With Syria Claims on 'Hostage' Case WASHINGTON (JTA) Th e United States government is pleased to have Syrian assurances as to future treatment of Ameri- can citizens visiting Syria, but con- tinues to disagree with Syria's in- terpretation of facts in the case of Edward Levy, 25, of New York, who was held incommunicado by Syria for almost two years. Levy, a Jew, is now back in New York. A State Department spokesman said Levy entered a restricted military zone on the Israel-Syrian frontier. Syria claimed he was an Israeli citizen because he was for- mally exchanged for a Syrian na- tional. But the State Department does not view this explanation as adequate, it was indicated. Until Levy was turned over to Israeli authorities, his whereabouts were not known, either to Israel or to the United States Embassy in Israel, from the time he crossed over into Syria two years ago, after living at Kibbutz Ein Gev, near the Syrian border. There was never any doubt that he was an American, and not an Israeli. Syria rejected a U. S. protest concerning Levy, insisting that the State Department had -"greatly exaggerated" the case. The Syrian statement charged that "Zionist circles" had exploit- ed the affair "to damage Syria's relations with friendly foreign countries." Levy's detention was disclosed when he was released in an Israeli prisoner exchange with Syria for a Syrian held in Israel. a proud lifetime possession 0 OMEGA WATER-RESISTANT WATCH You can depend on this hand- some Omega to time every minute with superb accuracy. Lubricated with oil costing $2000 a gallon and checked at 1497 manufacturing stages to provide decades of service. Water and shock-resistant. $65.00 lok gold lilted top, Steel bac ,:. Other Omega watches $60 to $1,000 George Ohrenstein Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler 18963 LIVERNOIS UN 1-8184 TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR THE HOUSEWIFE THIS PASSOVER -- WE HAVE A WIDE "1 SELECTION OF KOSHER CLEANED READY FOR THE POT • TURKEYS-6 to 25 lbs. • Capons • Ducks • Roasters & Fryers PLEASE, place your holiday orders early! KAPLAN BROS. Strictly Kosher Meats-Poultry 18229 WYOMING nr. Curtis FREE PARKING ACROSS STREET WE DELIVER UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Area Retail Kosher Meat Dealers Ass'n. Authorized Omega Agency USSR Synagogue Claims Pisputed (Continued From Page 1) • The report said a religious so- ciety, or synagogue, may be formed by 20 citizens after they have ob- tained a permit from the Commit- tee of Religious Cults of the local Soviet, which supervises the so- ciety. Because the society is not recognized as a "legal person," each of its members has to assume personal responsibility for the law- ful conduct of the - society and maintenance of the building leased . to it as a synagogue. Information about the other two kinds of groups is considerably scarcer. "The groups of believers" are fewer than the 20 persons needed to form a religious society and usually meet in private or rented quarters. The unregistered prayer groups are, the report said, "invisible to the public eye." Most are formed during the High Holidays and dis- solve at the end of the holiday season; others meet occasionally; a few meet regularly. The report said the groups are illegal because Jews are fearful of notifying authorities about their gatherings or because local offi- cials are hostile. The groups are small, the report said, and stran- gers are met with suspicion and excluded. There is evidence to suggest, the report stated, that some local of- ficials tolerate "illegal Minyanim" as a "lesser religious evil." Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? - 1 I 1 Going To A Seder? a I 1 1 "Look Your Best" in an 2 elegant Couture Designer I Dress or Suit . . . I Moderately Priced I I 1 I i SURWIN'S LOT G — NORTHLAND I i I THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 25, 1966-3 Customers of American Savings sure can. They not only receive the new, higher rate of 41/4% per year (4.32% when earnings are left to compound quarterly) they can withdraw any portion of their savings anytime (without formal written notice) with their accumulated earnings. A SWI NG S 11 '6' AMERICAN SAVINGS Look in your Yellow Pages under Savings bcvs.ra-