SYNAGOGUE MIMES Temple Israel Gathering Honors Adler Memory at Hass Lecture An audience that nearly filled Temple Israel Wednesday night for the annual Hass Memorial Lec- ture joined with the chairman of the evening's program, Morris Garvett, in paying tribute to the memory of Rabbi Morris Adler. Garvett, upon opening the eve- ning's program, asked the audi- ence to stand for a minute "in memory of the revered teacher." Outlining the objectives of the lecture series, Garvett paid honor to the memory of Daniel Hass, the brilliant youth who died when he was a medical student and in whose memory his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Hass, annually sponsor the Temple Israel lectures. Daniel, G;arvett pointed out, had a brilliant career as a student and had identified himself "with all areas of Jewish interests." The speaker of the evening, Max Dimont, is the author of "Jews, God and History." Speaking on "American Reform Judaism — Wasteland or Renais- sance," Dimont stated that Re- form Judaism made a strong im- pact on the millions of immigrants to this country, in the early years of its founding, although it was itself a minority. He said it af- fected the entire body of Judaism by forcing renovations of services among all Jewish religious ele- ments. "Reform Judaism became the midwife for Conservatism," he added. "Reform Judaism in America is preserving the fabric of the past and is weaving the cloth to fit the highest Jewish purposes," he said. His speech was anecdotal, both in relation to his family movements from Kovno to Helsinki to Cleve- land to St. Louis. His talk, inter- spersed with jokes, kept the audi- ence laughing. There were jokes about "Hazi-Halaila" and puns that had no relation to his subject which he treated in a rather rambling manner, shuttling from one era to another, attempting to cover the entire gamut of Jewish history while spinning tales. A point he made was that rabbin- ical influences have dwindled in favor of secularism. There was a question and answer period and in one of his replies Dimont was a bit modern. He said Orthodoxy and Conservatism are not dead but "they also have been modernized in the spirit of our time." He also stated that Israel needs Reform Judaism as a choice between "outdated orthodoxy and those without any religious affilia- tion whatever." Dimont's interpretation of anti- Semitism, especially his reference to the Inquisition, puzzled some in the audience, shocked many others. The evening was an intriguing experience—especially in view of the criticisms that had already been hurled at Dimont's role as an his- torian. —P.S. Clergyman Suggests Saturday Sabbath for All NEW YORK—A Christian mini- ster proposed Sunday that Protest- ants and Catholics join Jews in observing Saturday as the Sabbath. Rev. Dr. Ernest R. Palen of Middle Collegiate Church admitted that his suggestion was "drastic," but said "if the Jews and Chris- tians would join forces and have a common day to keep holy we shall have taken the longest strike to- ward religious unity that our civili- zation has yet known." He observ- ed that Jesus himself observed Saturday as the rest day. TEMPLE BETH AM: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Richard Lobenthal, Michigan director of the Anti-Defamation League, will speak on "The Radical Right." CONG. BETH MOSES: Services 6:15 and 8:15 p.m. today. Guest speak- er will be Recorders Court Judge John R. Kirwan. TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:15 p.m. today. Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak on "Freud, Jews and Judaism." Rachael A. Becker, Bat Mitzvah. TEMPLE BETH EL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Kanter will preach on "Our Religious Ideals vs Our Religious Abuses." Saturday service 11:15 a.m. Rabbi Kanter will speak on "David—the Moral . Message of the 126th Psalm." Michael Edward Nannes, Bar Mitz- vah. My Dear Friends . . CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Services 6:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Goldman will speak on "Responsibilties and I am again able, with G-d's Rights." Sidney Broder, Bar Mitzvah. help, to open for the PASS- CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Services 6 p.m today and 8:40 a.m. Satur- OVER HOLIDAYS . . . serving day. Judge Nathan J. Kaufman will speak on "The Synagogue the finest STRICTLY KOSHER Needs Help." (See Story). meals and providing the best CONG. GEMILUTH CHASSODIM: Services 6:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. entertainment. Saturday. Rabbi Litke will speak on "Time of Renewal." TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Dr. Fram will speak A well known Rabbi will con- on "The Emergence of the Space Age." Dennis Scott Lieberman, duct the Sedorim. Bar Mitzvah. Saturday services 11 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan Ira Wayne. Please make your reserva- CONG. BNAI JACOB: Services 6:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. tions early . . . write or call ... Rabbi Isaac will speak on "The Importance of the Coming Month." TEMPLE BETH JACOB, Pontiac: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi NEW YORKER HOTEL Conrad will speak on "When Moses had finished his task, a cloud 146 Cass Ave., Mt. Clemens, Mich. covered the Tabernacle," in tribute to Rabbi Morris Adler. HO 8-8012 CONG. BETH SHALOM: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Halpern will speak on "Needed Jewish Ecumenicism." Deborah Shulman, Bat DETROIT: Mrs. Wiatrak Mitzvah. DI 1-1772 CONG. AHAVAS ACHIM: Services 6:25 p.m. today and 8:40 a.m. Sat- urday. Rabbi Panitz will speak on "A Timetable of Operations." Jeffrey Schreiber, Bar Mitzvah. BNAI MOSHE SYNAGOGUE: Services 6:15 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. TO WORK—TO STUDY—TO LIVE IN ISRAEL Saturday. Bnai Mitzvah of Jeffrey Rapoport and Mark Zucker. For all people who desire information regarding professions, retirement BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE: Services 6 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. programs, Ulpan program of study, kibbutzim, housing and more Saturday. Bnai Mitzvah of Arlan Broder and Philip Katz. No Religious Issues SHMUEL WERZBERGER, DIRECTOR OF THE CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Services 6:25 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Satur- ISRAEL ALIYAH CENTER, INC. day. Alan Colbert and Barry Lowell Krupp, Bnai Mitzvah. for Romanian Jews, will be in Detroit on Thursday, March 24th. CONG. BNAI DAVID: Services 6:15 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Appointments may be hod by calling Diamond 1-0669, Haylin Green- Chief Rabbi States Bernard Ravitz and Dana Lawrence, Bnai Mitzvah. berg Institute, 19161 Schaefer Highway. All other inquiries may be ADAS SHALOM: Services 6:15 p.m. today and 7:45 a.m. Saturday. LONDON (JTA) — Dr. Moses made to regional office, 13947 Cedar Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44118, Brent Beresh, Bar Mitzvah. 231-0757. Rosen, Chief Rabbi of Romania, CONG. BETH JOSEPH: Services 6:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. who arrived here for a brief visit Regular services will be held at the Downtown Synagogue. to London, said there were no re- ligious problems facing the Jews of Romania. He reported that Men's Club Sabbath there were -now 100,000 Jews in the country living in 72 communi- Set at Beth Abraham C o n g. Beth Abraham's annual ties. Dr. Norman Drachier, education- Men's Club Sabbath will be com- In the capital city of Bucharest, al director of Temple Beth El, memorated at Sabbath services he noted, there were 24 syna- has advised the board of trustees 8:40 a.m. Saturday, Dr. Robert gogues where services take place that due to his increasing duties Schlaff, synagogue president, and morning and evening as well as as assistant superintendent of the Sam Sweet, president of its men's on sabbaths and holidays. Jewish Detroit Public Schools he must club, announced. education, he said, is provided in reluctantly relin- Morris Davis, past president of supplementary Jewish schools after quish his post at the men's club and chairman of the normal school hours. It can -- very easily — by visiting your local the Temple, ef- Kosher meat, Dr. Rosen said, is the synagogue Hebrew school fective as of July book store or ordering directly from us. board, is in charge of arrange- sold in the state shops where a 1. Dr. Drachler's supervisor of kashrut is main- ments. We are proud to have published this unique resignation w a s tained by the Jewish community. accepted with Judge Nathan J. Kaufman, a and most popular Haggadah. It is edited by A newspaper, the Jewish Journal, deep regret by past president of the men's club, edited by Dr. Rosen himself, is pub- Rabbi Morris Silverman with brilliant color the board of trus- will preach a sermon "The lished in Hebrew, Yiddish and tees and a corn- illustrations throughout. The translation is Synagogue Needs Help," and Rab- Romanian with its entire 7,000 mittee w a s ap- bi Israel I. Halpern, will officiate circulation sold out. new — perfect for every Sedar with facts and pointed by Sidney Dr. Drachler and participate in the service with folk-lore interwoven with the service. Hebrew Noting that an extensive re- J. Karbel, president of the Tem- the lay offcers and members of ple, to arrange a service of tribute men's club, who will chant the building program was underway and English prayers and songs in parallel to Dr. Drachler, followed by a re- liturgical portions. The club will which affected many of the coun- columns. Large easy to read Hebrew charac- ception Friday evening, May 6. be host at kiddish following the try's synagogues, Dr. Rosen said ters and English letters. $1.00-paperbound, that no synagogue is demolished Nationally recognized as one of service. without the Chief Rabbis consent the leading educators in the coun- $1.95 clothbound, $3.75 handsome deluxe gift * * * and that he gave such consent only try, Dr. Drachler has served Tem- edition. Also, Spanish edition $1.60. The membership of Beth Abra- when a new synagogue facility was ple Beth El for more than 14 years. During his administration ham will hold the quarterly meet- provided. In cases where there the religious school has grown ing of the congregation 8:30 p.m. were no Jews left in a particular Hartford, Connecticut from 900 children in 1951 to 1,300 Tuesday at the synagogue. Dr. Ro- area, Dr. Rosen said that he per- FILL IN THIS COUPON AND MAIL in 1966 and the high school de- bert Schlaff, president, will pre- mits the demolition of the syna- gogue but not its conversion to partment from 70 to 225. side. Prayer Book Press other purposes. * * * Dr. Drachler received his BA n410 Asylum Street and MA degrees in Education at The youth group's steering com- Hartford, Conn. Wayne State University and PhD mittee of Beth Abraham will meet Sephardic Accent Urged I enclose $ to cover the cost of from the University of Michigan. for brunch in the home of Rabbi LONDON (JTA)—The Federation Haggadahs at $ each. He took post graduate work at and Mrs. Israel I. Halpern, 18681 of Women Zionists adopted a reso- Orders promptly filled Columbia University Teacher's Santa Rosa, 10:30 a.m. Sunday. lution here Wednesday, calling on Name College. He has been affiliated • •••••,... Jewish educators to adopt the Address with the Detroit public schools for , Better be an hour too early than Sephardic pronunciation as used the past 30 years and is a former City State Zip. • member of the faculty of Wayne a minute too late. — Amer. pro- in Israel in synagogue religious verb. classes where Hebrew is taught. State University. He is a past president of the National Associ- ation of Temple Educators and has participated actively in the work of the commission on Jewish edu- Congregation Beth Abraham will hold PUBLIC SEDORIM in the cation of the Union of American NUSBAUM HALL of Beth Abraham Synagogue the first and second Hebrew Congregations and the nights of PASSOVER. Central Conference of American Catered elegantly by Mayfair Kosher Catering Rabbis. Drachler Resigns Post at Beth El Will a magnificent Haggadah grace your Sedar table this Passover? PRAYER BOOK PRESS - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Monday, April 4th and Tuesday, April 5th Led by Those who bring gossip will carry it. —Amer. proverb. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 18—Friday, March 18, 1966 Rabbi Israel Halpern and Cantor Shabtai Ackerman For Information and Reservations Call the RABBI HALPERN 4•01•1•1•• Synagogue Office • . . UN 1-6696 CANTOR ACKERMAN