Eban Denies Granting Nuclear Supervisory Rights to the U. S. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — The United States government has not asked for supervisory rights over all Is- raeli nuclear installations in ex- change for financing a projected nuclear-powered desalination plant, plant, Foreign Minister Abba Eban told a parliamentary committee Wednesday. He told the foreign affairs and security committee that the United States did ask for in- spection rights on the nuclear core of the proposed plant. Eban said that the request was "natural one" since the nuclear f a nt will be built by Israel to- ther with the United States and a erated jointly. His clarification followed a number of reports from Washington that the U.S. had de- cided to tie loans for the nuclear desalination plant to an Israeli agreement that all nuclear installa- tions in Israel be fully open to in- ternational inspection. Foreign ministry sources here have consistently disclaimed knowledge of such a purported U.S. condition for aid to the proj- ect. The U.S. has sought for sev- eral years through the Interna- tional Atomic Agency in Vienna to persuade Israel to allow inspection of its nuclear facilities, particular- ly the larger one at Dimona. In a related development Israeli sources said that the possibility of purchase of nuclear facilities for the desalination project from Brit- ain was broached during a recent trip by Major General Zvi Tsur, director general of the Mekorot Water Company to London. It was reported that while the British did not set any political conditions for such a transaction it collapsed temporarily because of the finan- cial terms proposed. RECIPE OF THE WEEK—VIENNESE BEEF GOULASH 3 lbs. stewing beef, cubed 2 cups chopped onion 1 /z cup shortening 11/2 teaspoons caraway seed 1 /2 teaspoon marjoram 2 garlic cloves, minced See Complete Selection, $60 to $1,000 GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler 18963 Livernois Ave. UN 1-8184 OPEN THURS TO 9 P.M 2 tablespoons paprika 1/4 cup catsup 1 teaspoon salt 6 hot boiled potatoes 3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced Saute onion in shortening 5 minutes. Add beef, caraway, marjoram, garlic, salt and 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 1 hour. Combine the paprika, catsup and 2 tablespoons of water. Add this mixture to the stew and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with potatoes and egg slices. Serves 6. Happy Purim to Our Friends and Customers KAPLAN BROS. Strictly Kosher Meats-Poultry 18229 WYOMING nr. Curtis FREE PARKING WE ACROSS STREET DELIVER UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Area Retail Kosher Meat Dealers Ass'n. New Law Drafted, in Austria to Check Nazis, Anti-Semites VIENNA ( JTA ) — Austrian Justice Minister Christian Broda reported last weekend that the draft_ of a new Austrian penal law contains regulations against in- stigation to violence. He said effec- tive m e a s u r e s against anti- Austrian, anti-Semitic and neo- Nazi activities were absolutely necessary. Broda's announcement came as more and more evidence has ac- cumulated here that anti-Semitic propaganda has become a staple in the effort of Franz Olah, former Socialist minister of the interior, to be elected on his own Demo- cratic Progressive ticket in the general elections to be held in Austria Sunday. Olah campaign material, cir- culated largely in southern Aus- tria, is aimed primarily against Foreign Minister Bruno Kreisky, Broda himself and Vice-Chan- cellor Pittermann. Anti-Socialist pamphlets refer to the three as "the Jews," although the only one among them known to be a Jew is Kreisky. The pamphlets accuse Pitter- mann and Kreisky of having ac- cumulated funds in preparation for emigration abroad, where they allegedly have links with "inter- national Jewry." Kreisky had taken refuge from Hitler persecution in Sweden during World War II. Olah elicited wide approval from evident anti-Semites during a cam- paign rally in the large hall of the Vienna Konzerthaus, when he attacked the Socialist and govern- ment leaders as Jews. it itish Govt. Delaying enocide Pact Approval Till Domestic Law Change (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) LONDON — A government spokesman said in the House of Commons Tuesday that the gov- ernment was delaying action on ratification of the international pact against genocide until domes- tic - law could be changed to con- form to the pact. Minister of State Walter Pad- ley was asked by a Conservative member what action the govern- ment was - taking on the pact, which Britain decided last November to ratify. Padley replied that "It is now necessary to introduce legislation to bring our domestic law into line with the convention. This will be done as soon as the legislative program permits, and accession will take place as soon as possible after legislation is enacted." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 4, 1966-3 It's those last two words.. ...that give American Savings customers more for their money. ot just some months, but e ach and every month you add to your American Savings account by the 10th, your money - begins earning 41/4% from the 1st. (Compounded uarterly, 4.32% effective an nual. rate.) AMERICAN SAVINGS Look in your Yellow Pages under Savings s ociAra °