Purely Commentary Recollections About Herzl, His Progeny . . . Berlin's Scholarship, Impetuousness By Philip SIOMOYHZ "I was sound asleep—for it was already long past midnight— when I heard someone calling: 'David ! Are you sleeping, my It was a mere pamphlet, but it revolutionized Jewish history. friend?' I felt a hand pass gently over my face as the voice con- Theodor Herzl's "The Jewish State," which appeared on Feb. 14, 1896, tinued: 'Don't you want to see our mother Zion, David? Get up— set forth an idea. Dr. Herzl was not even fully cognizant of the role the light of morning is already shining on the towers of Jaffa ! of Eretz Israel in his appeal to the Jewish people to seek territorial We can already see their gleaming !' security as an escape from the horrors of the persecutions that were "Rising from my bed, I was amazed to see Herzl attired as then rampant. But he soon became aware that it was the Land of for an audience with an emperor. His face glowing, his eyes Israel that must provide haven for the People Israel, and soon his shining, he exclaimed: 'Come, David, get dressed ! Let us go see "Jewish State" led him to the formation of the great Zionist movement. our beloved motherland I' "I dressed and we went up on deck, whence we could see the pointed minarets of Jaffa beckoning to us. We fell into each other's arms, and tears rose to our eyes as we whispered softly: 'Our country! Our mother Zion!' " It had taken but a short time for Herzl to realize that a Jewish State must be in the land of Israel, and, although he supported the 70th Anniversary of Historic Pamphlet JUDENSTAAT. VERSUCH MEER MODERNEN LOSUNG DEB J110ENFRAGE v01. THEODOR HERZL DOCTOR DER RP:clITI , Uganda proposal that was offered for Jewish settlement by the British government, he did not deviate from the Palestinian hope. Herzl began to think of the Jewish problem some time before he was moved to propose statehood as a solution to the Jewish troubles. He wrote a play, "The New Ghetto," in 17 days—from Oct. 21 to Nov. 8, 1894—and it was produced in the Karl Theater in Vienna in January 1898. The play aroused mixed emotions. Many Jews called it anti- Semitic, and anti-Semites in Poland protested against its staging. The Kehillah of Bruenn condemned the play, but a liberal Polish theater manager and critic, Thaddeus Pawlikowski, commended it. Having been written before "The Jewish State," and having been, perhaps, Herzl's first published concern with the Jewish needs, "The New Ghetto" must be viewed with some interest even today. In it, a young Jewish lawyer—Jacob Samuel—who could well have been Herzl himself — combined in him the contrasts of high-minded idealism mixed with materialism as well as a tendency to compromise. Jacob Samuel takes up the cause of miners in his community, but the rabbi advises him not to get mixed up in the issue involving the plight of the workers. Samuel's brother-in-law Reinberg is a company promoter who floats a bond issue for Baron Schram's mine. There is a strike followed by an explosion and Samuel is accused of having caused it, with the result that the shares collapse, Samuel is mortally wounded in a duel with the baron, and there is an implied message of social justice in the unspoken lip movement as Samuel dies. Herzl's journalistic career was in itself dramatic. He had written many feuilletons for the Vienna Neue Freie Presse. He was famed as a critic. But his fame came with his Zionist pioneering and his prophecies have placed him among the great in Jewry and in mankind. M. BREITENSTEIN's VERLAGS-BUCHHANDLUNG WIEN, IX., WAIIRINCERSTRA8SE 5. The title page of the historic pamphlet, the 70th anniversary of which we are now observing, reproduced here, states in German the idea that motivated Herzl's revolutionary act after being moved by the anti-Semitic shouts of a mob that dominated over the Paris court- room where Alfred Dreyfus was being tried in 1896. In the pamphlet that made history, Herzl wrote as a prophet. "Here it is, fellow-Jews!," he declared in "The Jewish State." "The Jewish State is essential to the world; it will therefore be created . . . The Jews who wish for a State shall have it, and they deserve it . . . " And he proceeded to declare: "Therefore I believe that a wondrous generation of Jews will spring into existence. The Maccabeans will rise again. "Let me repeat once more my opening words: The Jews who wish will have their State. "We shall live at last as free men on our own soil and die peacefully in our own homes. The world will be freed by our liberty, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness. "And whatever we attempt there to accomplish for our own welfare, will react powerfully and beneficently for the good of humanity." An interesting story about Herzl and his dreams was told by the dean of Zionist orators of a generation ago, the late Zvi Hirsch Masliansky, who, in his published memoirs, recalled a meeting with David Wolffsohn, Herzl's successor to the presidency of the World Zionist Organization. Masliansky wrote: It was toward the end of July, 1908, that I met David Wolff- sohn at the Zionist headquarters in Cologne. This successor to Herzl was a man of great dignity and brilliant intellect, yet kindly and modest in his bearing. Practical-minded, and endowed with a knowledge of men, he was a fit heir to the political mantle of Theodor Herzl; and like his master he realized the value of political negotiations for the cause of Zionism. At that time Wolffsohn had just returned from Russia, where he had gone to influence Premier Stolypin in favor of Zionism, which suffered from much governmental obstruction in that coun- try. After Herzl had established the tradition of dignified political action, the attitude of both Jews and non-Jews had changed, so that Wolffsohn was received by the Russian Premier not as an humble suppliant but as the representative of a recognized body politic. One evening soon after his return, Wolffsohn related his Russian experience to a group of Zionists of various countries who were gathered in his house. His conversation with Stolypin, he told us, had been quite private, so that both were able to speak with entire frankness. Thus when the Premier had asked Wolffsohn whether he could guarantee the absence of Socialists and Anarchists from the Zionist camp, the Zionist leader had countered his question with another: Whether Stolypin could guarantee that none of his own employes were Anarchists, and the Premier had answered, gravely: "No." "How, therefore," Wolfsohn had asked, "can you expect me to vouch for tens of _thousands of men who are not dependent upon me?" After Wolffsohn had finished his narrative of his visit to Russia he embarked upon a long series of reminiscences of Herzl, his leader and friend. He spoke for hours, relating many charm- ing little stories that revealed the nobility and idealism of the unique personality of Theodor Herzl. Perhaps the most moving of all was that of his approach to Palestine, where he had gone with L. Wolffsohn and others. Story of Arrival By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) Is it a Jewish custom to burn the villain Haman in effigy on Purim? This custom originated during the period of the Talmud and later in the Gaonic period. The young men would make an effigy of Ha- man and throw it in the bonfire while joking and singing. (Aruk S. V. "Shevar"). According to the Italian writer Kolonymos, the Ital- ian Jews in Medieval times made merry around a puppet which was supposed to represent Haman. which was subsequently burned. - late as the eighteenth centurk; -: wax figure of Haman was set afii,_ In the nineteenth century the Rus= sian Jewish traveler, Chorny, re- ports seeing the burning of Ha- man in effigy by the Jews of Cau- casus. However, in this latter case it was not done publicly. Ba- sically there seems to have always been a Jewish tradition of some- how destroying some symbol rep- resenting Haman as a fulfillment of the Biblical commandment "Thou Shalt Blot Out the Remem- brance of Amalek (Deuteronomy, 25:19), since Haman was a de- scendant of Amalek. This may have taken various forms at different times. In the current practice, noisemakers are used to blot out the sound of his name when it is read in the synagogue from the Scroll of Esther. In Western civ- ilization burning his effigy was apparently discontinued since such practices were very distasteful and were often practiced by bigots. Why do some people masquer- ade on Purim? The Herzl Progeny LEIPZIG and WIEN 1896. Purim Quiz There is nothing left of the Herzl family. There are no known Most historians feel that mas- survivors, although there may be grandchildren and great-grandchil- querading on Purim did not origi- dren with whom Jewry has lost contact. nate until the 15th Century. But on Aug. 18, 1939, there appeared this classified advertisement As a matter of fact, there was in the London Jewish Chronicle: some question among the rabbis WILL someone please offer post as companion to only surviving as to whether masquerading as sister-in-law (65) of Dr. Theodor Herzl, now in Vienna.—Address, such should be allowed, since the 7.416, Jewish Chronicle. Bible prohibits a woman from There is no record of replies, of acceptance of any offers, of this wearing the clothes of a man, or a sister-in-law ever having been located. Hitler was approaching Vienna, man from wearing the clothes of a and the destruction of Austrian and most European Jews was then woman (Deuteronomy 22:5). How- about to commence. ever, it generally found accep- There was not too much joy for Herzl in his family life. It took tance among the rabbis. Some say a strong man to carry on a great work while suffering heartaches in that justification was found for his own household. And nearly 20 years after his death there was a this practice in the Talmudic tragedy attached to the name Herzl when his son Hans first abandoned statement that Esther is found in his faith and then committed suicide. the Bible in the passage which speaks of God as "hiding" from Isaiah Berlin The Eminent British Jewish Scholar the people of Israel (Chulin Announcement by the City University of New York that Sir 139:B). This was a means of con- Isaiah Berlin will join its faculty for a year, next fall, was front- sidering the name Esther as re- page news. This is understandable. Sir Isaiah is one of the brilliant lated to the Hebrew root which scholars who have emerged among the great in the last decade means "to hide." The moralists or more. He has attracted worldwide attention with his essays, his find in the masquerading a symbol erudite lectures, his ability to interpret historical events. of the fact that God's hand was What the news releases did not indicate was that Sir Isaiah "hidden" in the Purim story. First had written extensively on Zionism, that he has authored important It was "hidden" when He seem- ingly allowed the evil decree to essays on Chaim Weizmann and Moses Hess. Of special interest is the fact that Sir Isaiah was among the be set forth against the Jews and notable world scholars who were asked by David Ben-Gurion to it looked as if the Almighty express their views on Who or What Is a Jew, and he was among was "turning away" from them. Secondly, He was "hidden" when those who presented their views on the subject. The venerable Gentleman from Mount Clemens, Baruch Litvin, the final solution came. The Al- had gathered all the replies. He went to great trouble, to immense mighty, thus, "masquerades" be- expense, to have them translated into English—in instances of their hind the figures of human charac- having been written in Hebrew and other languages—and he secured ters carrying out his Provident: Ben-Gurion's permission to have them published. They were prepared through them. for the press, and they had B-G's approval. Then—Sir Isaiah Berlin registered a protest. He would not Sees Liberal-Herut Union consent to the publication of the essays. He would not be included in the printed records. Ben-Gurion withdrew his permission for the Complete Within 2 Years publication of the book, in spite of all the trouble and expense TEL AVIV (ZINS)—The Liberal that had already been involved. Party and Herut, now joined in a A distinguished Israeli leader, an ambassador to a world capitol parliamentary bloc, will also be flew to. Jerusalem to plead with Ben-Gurion. He pointed out the united organizationally in the next injustice of the withdrawal of the previously granted permission, and two years, a spokesman of the again Litvin was told he could go ahead. He did, and he published Liberals told journalists. In the the very important book, "Jewish Identity—Modern Responses and meantime, a joint finance com- Opinions". It was issued by Philipp Feldheim, New York publisher, mission was established by both and was reviewed on the front page of The Detroit Jewish News on parties to deal with economic Oct. 29, 1965, the review continuing at length on Page 10 in that issue. problems. It is to Litvin's credit that his collected work was not suppressed. Sir Isaiah's act is difficult to understand. Perhaps he'll explain it THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 2—Friday, March 4, 1966 someday. — - Congress Bill Bans Bias Against Jews Assigned to Overseas Positions WASHINGTON (JTA) — Rep. Richard Schweiker, Pennsylvania Republican, introduced a resolu- tion in the House of Representa- tives Feb. 24, calling for an end to discrimination in the assignment of United States employes to over- seas posts and citing anti-Jewish bias in assignments to Arab coun- tries. He said the State Department has admitted distinctions between Jewish and non-Jewish employes in its assignment policy. Rep. Schweiker charged sur- render by the State Department to Arab prejudices. The concurrent resolution he introduced would express "the sense of the Congress that the President should take such steps as may be necessary to assure that the assignment of United States employes in the United States and at posts abroad shall be made without regard to race, religion, color, or national origin."