At Least They Haven't Forgotten THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOmOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOV(TZ Advertising Manager Business Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath. the 6th. day of Adar, 5726, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Exod. 25:1-27:19; Prophetical portion: I Kings 5:26 - 6:13. RPM ,0%10Vk ME FA Licht benshen, Friday Feb. 25, 5:58 p.m. VOL. XLIX, No. 1 Page 4 Feb. 25, 1966 Mounting Threats to Israel: 'Travesties on Justice' On the eve of Israel's 18th anniversary, new troubles are brewing. Large supplies of arms going to the Arab states that are sur- rounding Israel represent a threat that should concern all peace-aspiring peoples. The Middle East could well become another world trouble spot, were it not for Israel's ability to repel attacks. Yet the doubletalk of balancing strength based on the limited supplies of arms going to Israel increases the concern of all who are interested in assuring the peace of that area. The New Republic properly analyzed the Herzl's Historic Role Inevitably, every book of importance dealing with the historic events that preceded the First World War and had their effects upon the second tragic conflict, resulting from political conditions in France, make mention of one great movement that de- veloped out of the turmoil of the last years of the last century: the Zionist idea as it was formulated by Theodor Herzl. It was at the infamous Dreyfus trial, which was covered by Dr. Herzl as a member of the foreign press corps in France, that Herzl's Jewishness was awakened. It was the publication of his pamphlet "The Jewish State—An Attempt at a Modern Solu- tion to the Jewish Question," on Feb. 14, 1896, that set into motion the effort to create the world Zionist movement, that resulted in the calling of the First World Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, in August of 1897 and the creation of the World Zionist Organization. In his diary, under date of Sept. 3, 1897, Herzl stated: "I founded the Jewish State in Basle." Fifty years later, as he had predicted, this augury became reality and the Jewish State became a fact. That is why the 70th anniversary of the publication of "The Jewish State" by the small. Viennese publishing firm of Breitenstein is of such vital historic importance. Herzl's contacts with the Jewish masses began after he had written his historic pamphlet. It was then that he turned his attention to Eretz Israel, recognizing the links of the People Israel with the Land of Israel. "The Jewish State" concluded with an appeal to the Jewish people in which Herzl asserted: The Maccabeans will rise again! The Jews who so desire, will have their State! But prior to the appearance of "The Jew- ish State," Theodor Herzl wrote a play. It, too, was the result of the shocks he experienced at the correspondents' section in the court- room where the innocent Alfred Dreyfus was being tried. It was called "The New Ghetto" and in it one of the actors cries out: "I want to get out — out, of the ghetto." It was this cry that reverberated. Only a portion of world Jewry responded promptly and properly to Herzl's appeal, but time proved the wisdom of his call, the need for action, the validity of Zionism. The 70th anniversary of the appearance of "The Jewish State" is a reminder of the genius of Dr. Theodor Herzl. World Jewry has cause to take note of the pamphlet which marked a turning point for the Jewish people, which helped to straighten the bent backs of a persecuted people, which brought succor to the oppres- sed who found refuge in The Jewish State that became a territorial reality in the ancient Eretz Israel, thanks to the vision of a pro- phetic Viennese journalist who rebelled against injustice in a Paris courtroom. existing situation when it stated editorially under the heading "Arab Handicrafts:" Why did Lebanese newspapers think President Johnson's brother-in-law, Antonio J. T ay 1 or of Santa Fe, was not, as Washington said he was, a special consultant on how to mark e t Jordanian handicrafts, but was a secret arms salesman? The most plausible explanation is that unresolved con- flicts have produced a new armaments race in the Middle East, and along with it, rising irrationality. The three monarchies, Iran, Jordan and Saudi i Arabia, are drawing closer together because of pres- sures at work in the whole area. Egypt, greatly weakened by the stalemate in the Yemen but eager nevertheless to make her influence felt in Libya and in the Eastern Arab countries, continues to get mas- sive arms from the Soviet Union. Food supplies sent to Cairo by the U. S. enable President Nasser to pledge more of his own country's resources as pay- ment for Soviet arms. Syria and Iraq have hopefully applied to the Pentagon for arms, but no answer has yet been forthcoming. So President Aref of Iraq, ever an optimist, sent his brother, Major General Josephus' "Jewish Antiquities" remain among the major sources Abdur Rahman Aref, Deputy Chief of Staff, to the dealing with the of information regarding Jewish historical events Soviet Union for arms. Syria too has asked Russia of the present era. Harvard University Press has issued first century for military hardware. Library. a new set of Josephus works as part of the Loeb Classical and has Saudi Arabia has placed a large contract for air-1 The ninth volume of the series contains Books XVIII-XX craft and radar equipment in Britain, with the bless- t been issued in a translation by Dr. Louis H. Feldman, associate pto- ing of the U.S. Jordan is getting 100 Patton tanks. fessor of classics at Yeshiva University. It is a significant work Israel, surrounded by this flood of arms, is negotiat- because of its authoritative commentaries and its references to the ing with French private firms for cooperation in Jewish sects of Josephus' time and the activities of Jesus and the building rockets. Iran has long been supplied with death of John the Baptist. American weapons. There is, in this volume, an account, with Prof. Feldman's com- Why do the Arabs want more planes, guns, rock- mentaries, of the four sects of Josephus' time—Pharisees, Sadducees, ets, tanks? Because of Israel in the first place, in Essenes and the Fourth Philosophy. Josephus, who was born in the second place against each other, and thirdly for Jerusalem in 37 C. E., was the soldier-statesman who wrote in Greek material fighting minorities like the Kurds. and who is regarded as the major source of Jewish historical the Jewish the biblical accounts and especially in the time of There is a fourth reason. No Arab regime can after revolt against Rome. He became a Pharisee, the sect which counted survive whose armies have been defeated in the among its adherents the leading rabbis of his time. field. The Jews defeated King Farouk; Nasser was In the Feldman translation, Josephus' references to the sects only saved by the temporary American - Soviet alliance. General Kassem of Iraq Was overthrown are interesting. Josephus wrote: "The Pharisees simplify their stand- ard of living, making no concession to luxury. They follow the because his armies had been bruised by the Kurds. Significant Study of Josephus Edited by Prof. L. H. Feldman guidance of that which their doctrine has selected and transmitted as good, attaching the chief importance to the observance of those The Iraqi President has accused the Persians of supporting the Kurdish rebels. Teheran contemp- commandments which it has seen fit to dictate to them. They show tuously denied this. The fighting goes on. Iraq is respect and deference to their elders . . ." The translator's attended in a weak position because the Russians are reluc- note states that "a similar point of view, reflecting Pharisaic belief, tant to spoil their improved relations with Iran is found in the Talmudic sayings" and he quotes from Abot and for the sake of the Iraqis. As for President Nasser, Berachot. American experts who have just been to Yemen Then Josephus proceeded to say that "the Sadducees hold that the say whatever happens there will be a disaster for soul perishes along with the body. They own no observance of any him. If he has to withdraw his defeated troops, he sort apart from the laws; in fact they reckon it a virtue to dispute with will have them on his hands. resentful, underpaid the teachers of the path of wisdom that they pursue . . ." and contemptuous of their officers. If he lets them "The doctrine of the Essenes," he wrote, "is wont to leave every- fight on they will again be defeated. New skirmishes thing in the hands of God. They regard the soul as immortal and have already started in and around Baidha. believe that they ought to strive especially to draw near to right- In Jordan, meanwhile, the Palestine Liberation eousness . . ." Then: "As for the fourth of the philosophies, Judas the Galilean Army continues to conscript young men, and the UN is going to reduce its Scandinavian force in the set himself up as leader of it. This school agrees in all other respects vital Gaza strip by 200 men, to save money. with the opinions of the Pharisees, except that they have a passion Handicrafts, anyone? for liberty that is almost unconquerable, since they are convinced The entire Middle East would have been an inferno today, with the Arab states in- volved in struggles for power among them- selves, had it not been for Israel's stability which is part of the Jewish State's ability to forestall attacks from the Arabs. Yet, the Great Powers policy of kowtowing to Arab dictators forces Israel to pursue a course of seeking added armed strength, and that serves to perpetuate the arms race. Thus, the dangers of conflicts in the Middle East are never ended, and the guilt lies with those who appease warmongers. Meanwhile, as was exposed by our Wash- ington correspondent last week, the State Department continues to discriminate against American citizens of the Jewish faith who are kept from joining either our diplomatic or other overseas services because the Arabs would not accept a Jew. This is, as has been charged, an insult to basic American princi- ples and it adds to the difficulties that face Israel. Additionally, Israelis seldom are permit- ted to play major roles on United Nations commissions because of Arab boycotts and threats. And this is called progress in inter- national relations! What a travesty on justice! that God alone is their leader and master . . ." Regarding Jesus of Nazareth, Dr. Feldman states in his com- mentary notes that Josephus' text is partially correct but that it is partially the result of an interpolation that was made later by devotees to Christianity. Dr. Feldman states: "Josephus, as a loyal Pharisaic Jew, could not have written that Jesus was the Messiah . . . The most probable view seems to be that our text represents substantially what Josephus wrote, but that some alterations have been made by a Christian interpolator." The Josephus text itself, in this volume, reads: "About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who wrought surprising feats and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. When Pilate, upon hearing him accused by men of the highest standing amongst us, had condemned him to be crucified, those who had in the first place come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared to them restored to life, for the prophets of God had prophesied these and countless other marvelous things about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared." These are among the scores of items of great importance in ancient times that cause Josephus to remain authoritative, while students have detected interpolations such as referred to by Dr. Feldman. This volume is of immense importance in the study of Josephus and of the history of his time, and in Dr. Feldman's version we have a most authoritative compilation. Dr. Feldman, who received his masters at Trinity College - and his doctorate at Harvard, was a member of the faculties of Trinity and Hobart colleges before joining the Yeshiva University faculty.