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February 25, 1966 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1966-02-25

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New Path Winds
Into History of
Illusive Masada

MASADA, Israel — Masada, the
ancient stronghold of Herod, for
centuries has remained aloof and
illusive, out of reach to all but
the most persistent climbers. Now,
after two years of concentrated
archeological work and recon-
struction, • the ruins of this sector
miles from the Dead Sea, 95
miles southeast of Tel Aviv, have
been opened to the public.
This imposing structure, perch-
ed at the top of a massive, flat-
topped rock, is the center of a
poignant and interesting history
concerning its final defenders, the
Jewish men, women and children
who struggled to defy the Roman
troops in 70 A.D.
The Roman soldiers, prepar-
ing to wipe out the last of the
Jewish resistance, built a siege
wall and seven military camps
surrounding Masada's base. Over-
come by their might, the Jews
knew the end was near, and
their leader. Eleazar ben Yair
gathered them together for a
final appeal, recorded this way
by the first-century Palestin-
ian historian, Flavius Josephus:
" 'Let our wives die unabused,
our children without knowledge
of slavery. After that. let us do
each other an ungrudging kind-
ness, preserving our freedom as a
glorious winding sheet. But first
let our possessions and the whole
fortress go up in flames. One
thing only let us spare—our store
of food. It will bear witness when
we are dead to the fact that we
perished but because, as we re-
solved at the beginning, we chose
death rather than slavery.' " Thus
they were found by the Romans,
dead by their ,o n: hands.
Archeologists have discovered
some interesting artifacts among
the ruins. among them a swim-
ming pool. a Roman bath and two
palaces built by Herod. Mosaics,
cisterns ritual baths and a syna-
gogue facing Jerusalem, have also
been uncovered.
All appear as they did then;
nothing has been added except a
stairway. easing the difficulties of
the 900-foot climb into history.

$1,500,000 for Histadrut
Presented at NY Parley;
Aim for $3,500,000 More

NEW YORK (JTA)—A total of
$1,500,000 was presented by dele-
gates at the mid-winter conference
of the National Committee for
Labor Israel at the Hotel Corn-
modore last weekend as the first
phase of the 1966 Israel Histadrut
Campaign came to a close. The
conference resolved to raise an
additional $3,500,000 by the end of
the year.

Catholic Organ
Backs Current
Shehitah Method

NEW YORK (JTA)—The Tablet,
the official organ of the Brooklyn
Diocese, assailed in its current
issue today several bills pending

in the New York Legislature to re-
gulate the slaughter of food ani

Geochemical Lab Set Up
at Weizmann Institute

.!'srael-Cuba 'Exchange'
Goes On Despite Fidel's
Lumps Against Israel

ANKARA (ZINS)—Prime Min-
ister Fidel Castro of Cuba told a
group of visiting Egyptian journal-
ists in Havana that "I have always
supported, and will continue to
support the Arab movement to
liberate Palestine from imperiali-
stic domination," according to a
report published in the Egyptian
newspaper El-Ahram.
In response to a question by a
Turkish journalist whether Castro's
statement will harm the trade
agreement between Israel and
Cuba, an Israeli industrialist said:
"Castro sends us sugar and we send
him beards. This exchange of goods
will not be affected."

Bonn Aid Talks Moved Up

BONN (JTA)—The start of West
German-Israeli talks on economic
aid to Israel were moved up to
Feb. 24 from Feb. 28.
The change was made necessary
by assignment of Dr. Rolf Lahr,
the West German foreign office
state secretary who will head the
delegation for the talks, to head
the West German delegation at a
Council of Ministers conference of
the European Economic Com-
munity in Brussels on Feb. 28.

12—Friday, February 25, 1966

NEW YORK (JTA) — A confer-
ence of the World Center of Eur-
opean Rabbis here Feb. 10 decided
unanimously to ask the West Ger-
man government to fix a definite
time for the restoration of Jewish
cemeteries in Europe ravaged by
the Nazis.
Rabbi Moses Rubin, president of
the World Center, reported on a
visit of a World Center delegation
to Germany last year. At that time,
the rabbis presented to West Ger-
man officials a request for such in-
demnification for an estimated 2,-
000 Jewish cemeteries vandalized
by special Nazi "cemetery batta-
lions." Rabbi Rubin noted that
favorable action on the request
had been promised by M. Hirsch,
president of the Indemnification
Committee of the West_ German
Parliament, but that the promise
remained unfulfilled.
Rabbi Rubin reported that to
support the demand, the rabbis

mals, under Humane Society au-
spices. The Tablet and the mea-
sures would place religious liberty
in the hands of an official of the
state and might endanger Jewish had collected 1,000,000 signatures
of American Jews whose relatives
ritual slaughter.


i• t()% *?6 6

Seek Restoration
of Nazi-Ravaged

had been buried in those ceme-
teries and that the State Depart-

Nondenominational School System Seen in Quebec

MONTREAL (JTA)—Paul Gerin-
Lajoi, Quebec minister of educa-
tion, anticipating the publication
of the fourth and final report of
the parent commission which has
brought sweeping educational re-
forms to the province of Quebec,
stated in a speech that he believes
that the final report is going to
recommend the establishment of
a non-denominational school sys-
tem in Quebec for those who are
for such a system based on linguis-
tic and cultural lines and not on
religious lines.
For many years the Christo-
logical aspect as now existing in
the Protestant system has been
in name only. This has been
proved by the recent statute which
provides for the nomination of
five Jews to the Protestant School
Board, of whom one must be on
the executive committee of the
school board.
Meanwhile, Governor-General
Georges Vanier of Canada has
accepted a Canadian Jewish
Congress suggestion that Juda-
ism be given official recognition
at state occasions and designated
Rabbi S. M. Zambrowsky of
Montreal to represent the Jew-
ish. religion at such occasions.
Rabbi Zambrowsky is chairman
of the CJC religious affairs com-

ment had intervened with West
German officials in support of the
REHOVOT—A geochemical lab- j request.
oratory was recently established
at the Weizmann Institute of Sci- Israel Rescinds Ban
ence at the joint initiative of the
Israel Institute for Petroleum Re- on Films of Actor Who
search and Geophysics and the
Quit Nazi Party in '37
Weizmann Institute of Science.
The laboratory will concentrate
at this stage on the search for rael Film Censorship Board Sun- .
geological strata that might serve day rescinded its ban on the show-
as source rock for petroleum
ing of films of German movie actor
Gert Probe, which was imposed
two months ago when it was
New Herut-Liberal

Frobe had been a
Starts Publishing I srae l learned that
TEL AVIV (ZINS) — A new member of the Nazi Party.
The Israel Film Board was re-
daily, "H y " supporting the
Hez-ut-Lib aT bloc, began publica- ported to have received documen-
tion in Tel Aviv. It replaced the tary evidence that the actor had
former two dailies "Haboker" and voluntarily quit the Nazi Party
"Heruth." Members of its editorial two years before the outbreak of
staff include Peretz Bernstein, the Second World War and that he
Menahem Begin, Joseph Saphir had been later sent to the Russian
and Eliezer Livneh. The newspaper front as a punishment for helping
is being published by a private to distribute anti-Nazi pamphlets.
It had been earlier reported that
Israeli officials had affidavits from
two Austrian Jews stating that
Canadian Foundation
Frobe had sheltered them from the
for Jewish Culture Set Up Nazis during the war.
NEW YORK—Establishment of
With the lifting of the ban, Is-
the Canadian Foundation for Jew- raeli viewers will again be permit-
ish Culture was welcomed by Ed- ted to see performances of "Gold-
win Wolf II of Philadelphia, presi- finger," one of the American films
dent of the National Foundation in which Frobe appears. Others in-
for Jewish Culture.
clude "Those Magnificent Men in
The new Canadian Foundation Their Flying Machines" and "High
will be closely associated with the Wind in Jamaica."
National Foundation. Four of its
board members also serve on the
Food Rationing in Egypt
National Foundation's board.
ANKARA (ZINS)—Food ration
Rabbi Stuart E. Rosenberg of
Beth Tzedec Synagogue, Toronto, cards have been introduced in
Egypt, according to an announce-
will serve as president.
ment by an official spokesman of
the government received here.
Auction Fails to Yield
This step is an outcome of the
Amount Levied on Nazis serious economic crisis in Egypt
WASHINGTON (JTA)—An auc- because of its heavy expenditures
tion conducted last weekend by the on armaments.
government to collect delinquent
The alternative for Egypt is no
taxes owed by George Rockwell's longer "butter or cannons" but
American Nazi Party in Arlington, "bread or cannons." The Egyptian
Va., disposed of Nazi office equip- government chose cannons.

ment but failed to raise the
amo'hn.t claimed.
The auction realized only

$734.50. The amount owed is
$3,879. It was not clear how the
government will collect the re-
mainder. Rockwell did not attend,
but four of his stormtroopers were

Sons of Erin is already accepting
applications for the beauty queen
contest, open to all Irish young
ladies with the above qualifica-
tions. The league is composed of
Jewish persons born in Ireland.

He that is good for something
is the ass of the public.—Italian

Everything is ordained by God's
providence, but freedom of choice
is given to man. —the Talmud

NEW YORK—A young, beautiful
Jewish colleen will reign over the
annual St. Patrick's Day banquet
and Purim Festival March 12 in

New York.
The Loyal League of Yiddish

ments of the Jewish community,,"




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Guide to Teens' Role
in War Against Poverty

The first guide to the role teen-
agers can play in the war on pov-
erty has been issued by the Amer-
ican Jewish Committee and en-
dorsed by Sargent Shriver, direc-
tor, Office of Economic Opportu-
Entitled "Teen-Agers Join the
War on Poverty," the 24-page pam-
phlet outlines the basic steps for
an effort to deal with the prob-
lems of poverty in their communi-
ties. These include sections on
choice of subject, general work
plan, procedures, methods of in-
terview and compiling material.
The guide was written by Ann G.
Wolfe, program consultant of the
American Jewish Committee.

Bnai Erin Seek Queen

The governor-general 'indicated
he had always wished "to recog-
nize the Jewish faith at the state
dinner and at other official fUtle.
tions" in his residence but that
his had been complicated "by the
difficulty in finding a single rep-
resentative satisfactory to all seg-

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