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February 11, 1966 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1966-02-11

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Israel Cabinet Rules Prayer
Allowed in. Any Place, Form

(Continued from Page 1)
resolve t o permit prayer t o
any one in "any place in any
form," and did not mean that Re-
form or Conservative rabbis in
Israel will be. entitled to perform
arriage ceremonies or "other of-
fal acts." These, he noted, are
tricted only to rabbis author-
ized to conduct such activities by
the Chief Rabbinate, which is "the
only one with standing recognized
by the State." The Chief Rabbinate
is Orthodox.

Bnai Brith Head Tells
Stand on Tel Aviv Ban

liam A. Wexler, international pres-
ident of Bnai Brith, said in a state-
ment to the Jewish Telegraphic
Agency that the decision to deny
use of the Bnai Brith building in
Tel Aviv for Jewish Reform wor-
ship was a local decision that re-
quired careful study by the inter-
national organization, and would

be reviewed at a meeting of the
Bnai Brith international executive
committee in New York, March 6.
Dr. Wexler said the Bnai Brith
international c o u n c i l's recom-
mendations would be submitted to
the organization's board of gov-
ernors for a final determination
and course of action. "It appears
that Bnai Brith has become a sud-
den and innocent focus of the
otherwise drawn-out controversy
over the status of religion in Is-
rael," he declared. "We regret this
deeply. The basic purpose of Bnai
Brith is to encourage Jewish life
in all its options. Our programs
are specifically designed to respect
and embrace all religious ideolo-
gies of Judaism with partisanship
toward none. This has been, and
persists as, our philosophy and
• "There is another fundamental





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aspect of Bnai Brith: As a mass
membership movement with an
international constituency in 44
free nations, we respect the fact
that diversities in policies and
practices will arise out of local
cultures and customs. Therefore,
Bnai Brith traditionally has op-
erated with a large measure of
local autonomy among its na-
tionality groups.
"The decision affecting the Bnai
Brith building in Tel Aviv was a
local one. We believe, on the basis
of preliminary reports, that the
Bnai Brith leadership in Israel
acted in good faith and without
hostility toward any form of Juda-
ism. But the reports also point up
the fact that the issue was compli-
cated by many factors, some of
them contradictory, as -well as by
legal issues. These need to be
studied carefully, not hastily.
"We :are still gathering pertinent
information, and the matter will
be reviewed at the meeting of the
international council. The Coun-
cil's recommendations will then
be submitted to Bnai Brith's board
of governors for a final determin-
ation and course of action."

`Responsibility of Community to Assure Decent,
Dignified Housing for Aged' Stressed at Parley

regional conference of Jewish com-
munities ; devoted to discussions on
"Jewish community planning for
the aging in the next decade," was
held here under the chairmanship
of LeRoy E. Hoffberger, Balti-
more Jewish leader, this week.
The conference, which was ar-
ranged by the Council of Jewish
Federations and Welfare Funds,
opened with addresses by Wilbur
J. Cohen, undersecretary of the
U.S. Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare, and by Philip
Bernstein, executive director of
the CJFWF. Delegates represented
the communities of Boston, Balti-
more, Cleveland, Detroit, Miami,
Newark, New York, Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh and Washington.
Pointing out that "perhaps no
services in the Jewish community
are so old, nor any concepts of
service so new, as our service to
the aged," Bernstein stressed that
the concepts have been changing
"more drastically and dramatical-
ly" in the past two decades. He
urged examination of the changes
and the common planning for the

"We must start with the aged
themselves," he said. "Who are
they? What do they need? It has
been said that we really have
three generations of the aged:
(Continued from Page 1)
those from 65 to 75, another
of Arabs. Moscow recognizes the
group from 75 to 85, and still
Jewish Communists in Israel.)
others from 85 and over. That
Shukairy thanked the Viet Cong
may not be a fully accurate de-
and "on his own behalf and that finition, but there is much truth
of the Palestine people, expressed
in recognizing that we are not
his sincerest wishes to the Viet-
dealing with one group.
namese people in their struggle
"Except for the legal retirement
to liberate their homeland from
American imperialism." The Arab age of 65, or for some at 62 or 63,
leader hoped "that the Vietnamese are those people really 'aged'? Not
people would be able to achieve as we know many of them. There
unification and that it would not are almost no peOpIekin our homes
be too long before peace prevails for the aged under 70, and very
few under 75. People at 65 are not
in Vietnam."
The Palestine Liberation Organi- ready to change their lives drasti-
zation has urged a "war of na- cally.
tional liberation" against the Jew-
"They are not ready to accept
ish population of Israel, and has radical changes imposed by socie-
created guerrilla infiltration forces ty. They want the same freedoms
for raids across Israel's borders. they had had until 65—the free-
Shukairy was received last year dom to work and the freedom to
by Communist Chinese leaders in live as they would like to live.
Peking and was reportedly advised
"We must recognize that what
to initiate guerrilla warfare against was the boon of retirement of the
1930's, is for many the bane of the

Viet Cong Leader
Backs Arab Line

Low Delinquency Rate
Among Jewish Youth
Described at D.C. Parley

nation is experiencing a rising rate
of juvenile delinquency but "Jew-
ish children enjoy a low incidence
of trouble with the law," it was re-
ported by James W. Symington,
executive director of President
Johnson's committee on juvenile
delinquency and youth crime.
Symington indicated that Jewish
families traditionally provided
"strength and stability to the fam-
ily that are beyond the power of
the government to produce arti-
ficially." He pointed out that the
government was "powerless to
transplant family value systems
from one community to another."
Addressing a government
leadership conference, Syming-
ton stressed that "ancestral
amenities bind the allegiance"
of the Jewish child. He said "the
father is the law. At 13 years of
age a boy is reminded in solemn
ceremony that he is a man. He
does not have to snatch a purse,
wield a knife or prove his viril-
ity in other objectionable ways."
The government "cannot offer
Bar Mitzvah or Christian confir-
mation," said Symington. However,
he pointed out that the govern-
ment could work to strengthen the
environment in which every family
must live. "It can work for proper
housing and sanitation, decent
schooling, and fire and police pro-
tection. There is a host of services
which it is the province of govern-
ment to secure, and the right of
people to demand. What then hap-
pens within each family, and the
home that is its castle, is a private
matter," he said.


1960's. Many people are not ready
to retire at 65, when they are in
good health and vigor, and when
they have the most to give.
"Thus, the prime goal now of
many people at 65, and our prime
goal with them, is to help assure
that they can continue to be use-
ful and creative. Our goal is to en-
able them to look ahead, and not
only back, to continue their own
fulfillment. Our goal is to help
them maintain what is most pre-
cious to them and to our society—
their independence, their dignity,
their self-support and their self-
"What I am trying to say, in
short, is that, for many people,
there is no more radical change in

our lives at 62 or 65, than there

was at 52 or 55; that society owes

them an opportunity to go on liv-
ing as they want to do; that it is
the essence of democracy and of
our religious faith and purpose to
treat them as individuals, and not
as categories.
"Most of these people will re-
main in the community, as part
of the community. A prime res-
ponsibility of the community is
to help assure decent and digni-
fied housing.
"For those who can maintain
their own homes, and for those
who can live with their adult chil-

$1,000,000 in Student Aid

ST. LOUIS (JTA)—The Scholar-
ship Foundation of St. Louis,
founded 45 years ago by the St.
Louis Section of the National
Council of Jewish Women, has
made loans totaling nearly $1,000,-
000 to 700 college students in that

Friday, February 11, 1966-5

dren, that opportunity surely must
be afforded. And if it is of interest
that 22 per cent of the aged are in
fact still living with their adult
"And for those who need foster
homes or boarding homes, or who
need home-maker services to en-
able them to live alone, that too
must be assured."

Senator at his request. The corps
was conceived to enable the elder-
ly to use their lifelong experiences
and skills in volunteer service to
the community, and particularly
in teaching skills to young people.
It suggests a new answer to the
needs of useful activity for people
after retirement.

Council of Jewish Women
Lauded for Ideas on Aged


was given to the National Council
of Jewish Women for contributing
creative ideas on helping the na-
tion's aged, in a Senate speech
Monday by Sen. Harrison A. Wil-
liams, Jr., New Jersey Democrat.
In introducing a bill to establish
a national senior community ser-
vice corps within the administra-
tion on aging of the U.S. Depart-
ment of Health, Education and
Welfare, Sen. Williams said the
Jewish group was "especially help-
ful" in proposals that may be im-
plemented by the legislation.
An outline of the National Coun-
cil of Jewish Women's senior ser-
vice corps was supplied to the




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