75 Congressmen Urge Rusk: Supply Israel With U.S. Arms (Continued from Page 1) • secretary of state for Congres- Iu.S. citizens capable of making President Johnson emphasized. Supplying modern weapons to Jor- sional relations, made known the significant contributions to missile dan and Saudi Arabia, the Con- department's latest evaluation of research and development have gressmen-55 Democrats and 20 the Nasser regime in a letter to been or are connected with UAR Republicans—said: "We are not Rep. Leonard Farbstein, New York missile development," the State complacent about any of these de- Democrat and member of the Department official stated. velopments. We are aware of our House Foreign Affairs Committee. Rep. Farbstein commented that commitment to oppose aggression Rep. Farbstein had protested the he did not share the department's in the area. We are mindful that resumption of aid to Egypt when "new evaluation of Egypt as a the concentration of hostile and that country is purchasing sophis- constructive and helpful peace- - well-equipped armies on all Israel's ticated new Soviet weapons. maker who merited American rontiers presents a constant threat MacArthur wrote: "Following aid." He said "the fact remains f an attack too swift to be pre- several months of improvement in that President Nasser has openly 'ented by external intervention U.S.-UAR relations and evidence threatened a war of aggression the part of other states." of increasing UAR attention to against Israel and has been build- The Congressmen declared that internal problems of economic and ing a huge Soviet-supplied arms "in view of this continuing danger, social development, the President arsenal at the expense of domestic we believe it is imperative that authorized negotiations of a P.L. development." the United States take effective 480 (surplus commodity) agree- President Johnson Says measures to strengthen Israel's ment which was signed Jan. 3, Arms Race Must Be Curbed defenses in order to deter those 1966. We believe the new agree- on a Regional Basis WASHINGTON (JTA) — Presi- who menace its security. In our ment provides a basis for expand- judgement, the tactics of indirec- ing U.S.-UAR cooperation, if cir- dent Lyndon B. Johnson, in a mes- tion pursued in the past are no cumstances warrant. We are en- sage to the 18-nation disarmament longer adequate or appropriate." couraged by economic reform conference, said there were differ- They added they were "gravely measures recently undertaken by ences among members of the con- concerned" about Arab military the UAR and the constructive and ference on the issue of Vietnam preparations to implement anti- helpful role the UAR has played but that these differences made Israel decisions at the Arab sum- in several current international common interest in curbing arms races all the more important. The mit conference. They pointed out issues." Commenting on the supply_ of conference opened Jan. 27 in Gen- that the arms buildup was a "di- rect result of the policies of Presi- American arms to the region, in eva. President Johnson did not men- dent Nasser of Egypt, who has response to Rep. Farbstein's criti- promised that a war with Israel is cism of massive new transactions tion the Arab states specifically, inevitable." They said that "Arab with Jordan and Saudi Arabia, but he said: "As we focus on nu- clear arms, let us not forget that states acquire arms because they MacArthur said: are encouraged by Egyptian prom- "In the past 18 years the United resources are being devoted to ises or because they fear Egyptian States has worked to ease tensions non-nuclear arms races all around expansionism. Consequently, Israel in the Near East. To this end we the world. These resources might is compelled to increase her de- have tried to avoid becoming a better be spent on feeding the fense preparations at great cost major supplier of arms to Israel hungry, healing the sick and teach- to her economy." or the Arab states. We ha v e ing the uneducated. The cost of agreed occasionally, however, to acquiring and maintaining one They portrayed Israel as a make sales of specific material squadron of supersonic aircraft friendly and progressive democ resources that would build racy and stated that people corn not available from other sources diverts mitted to freedom "look to us to to meet internal security and le- and maintain a university." "We suggest, therefore, that help Israel to defend itself and, a t gitimate self-defense needs in countries, on a regional basis, ex- some area states including Israel." the same time, to do all in our plore ways to limit competition MacArthur stressed that "in power to bring about a lasting the absence of effective arms among themselves for costly wea- peace settlement." Assistant Secretary of State Ray- control, the United States main- pons often sought for reasons of prestige," the President mond A. Hare appeared at a closed tains constant surveillance of illusory stressed. "The initiative for ar- military material acquisitions in session of a subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee the Near East and remains de- rangement of this kind should, of course, come from the regions to answer questions on United termined to oppose aggression." concerned." States policy in the Middle East. He noted that "the United States, "The interested countries should He was asked questions on the re- of course, opposes proliferation sumption of U. S. aid to Egypt, of missiles in the Near East undertake not to acquire from any the acquisition of American arms whether by contribution to in- source, including production of by Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and digenous missile programs or their own as well as importation the stand of the State Department direct acquisition of materiel from others, military equipment which they proscribe. If such ar- toward Israel's request for Ameri- from abroad." The State Department has in- rangements can be worked out and can arms. (Arab prime ministers and vestigated reported American par- assurance can be given that they military commanders are ex- ticipation in the Egyptian rocket will be observed, the United States pected to discuss, at a meeting program and is "satisfied that no stands ready to respect them," in March in Cairo, proposals for joint development of nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them, according to press reports from Beirut. (The reports indicated that the Arab leaders had rejected Israel's proposals for a meeting similar (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to the Soviet-sponsored talks in Carmel repeated Tuesday, after to The Jewish News) Tashkent which brought a cease- HAIFA—The senate of the Haifa a meeting with the firm's man- e agreement between India and Technion (Institute of Technology) agement, that Dan's concession is kistan. h e 1 d an emergency meeting "not irrevocable." He added, how- (According to the reports, Arab ever, that if the service curtail- 'comment on the Tashkent-style Wednesday to consider a threat- ment threat is withdrawn, he ened strike by 1,200 administrative proposal made by Israeli Foreign would be ready to set up a com- Minister Abba Eban indicated a employes and 650 members of the mittee to examine the reasons for rebuff and posed the probability academic staff over nonpayment the company's financial difficul- that an Arab-Israeli nuclear race of salary arrears totaling 4,000,000 ties, its economic and organiza- pounds ($1,333,000). had started. tional problems and its managerial Academic personnel at all Is- techniques. (It was also reported t h a t Egypt was receiving "theoretical raeli institutions of higher learn- Meanwhile, however, the com- guidance" in nuclear weapons ing have scheduled a general walk- technology from the Soviet Union out starting next Monday if back pany accepted an app e al by and Red China. pay arrears are not included with Aharon Becker, secretary general of Histadrut, the Israel federation (Earlier, in Paris, official Tu- January paychecks. of labor, who had asked that the nisian sources categorically denied There were reports that the firm postpone its planned layoff reports that Tunisian envoys in Technion's executive council, made Asia and the Middle East were up of 20 members of the school's of 400 employes. Conceding on working to bring about an Arab- board of governors, might resign that point, Dan nevertheless said Israel conference patterned after over the strike issue, and the pos- that the service curtailments the Tashkent cease-fire. sibility that recently elected Pres- would go into effect on Feb. 15, (The sources said they were ident Alexander Goldberg might the date when increased bus fares convinced that no initiative of that offer to return his mandate was are to go into effect. kind had been undertaken by Tu- not ruled out. Dan Sunday rejected a pro- nisian representatives. The reports Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, the posed 14 per cent fare increase. stemmed from a series of visits by Mongi Slim as personal represen- Dan Bus Co., which has been in tative of Tunisian President Habib a dispute with the government Bourguiba to India and Iran and and the public since last week, John Steinbeck in Israel other Middle East capitals after when it threatened to curtail TEL AVIV (JTA)—John Stein- some of the bus services in the the Tashkent settlement.) beck, the Nobel Prize-winning greater Tel Aviv area, an- The State Department Tues- American author, arrived in Israel nounced Tuesday it would go day lauded "the constructive Monday, and told newsmen at Lyd- and helpful role the United through with its plan to halt da Airport "I want to see every- some of its services. Dan's an- Arab Republic has played in thing in Israel." Mrs. Steinbeck, nouncement was made despite a several current international is- who was with him, said they would sues," and said the department warning by Transport Minister stay in the country several weeks, was encouraged by recent Egyp- Moshe Carmel that service cur- perhaps a month. tian policies, and justified the tailment might endanger its resumption of American aid. concession to furnish bus trans- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Douglas MacArthur II, assistant port here. Friday, February 4, 1966-5 Technion Faculty Threatens Walkout Over Salary Arrears; Dan Bus Co. to Halt Some Services in Tel Aviv The President stressed that the United States would seek "to as- sure that no non-nuclear country acquires its own nuclear weapons, gains control over nuclear wea- pons, achieves the power itself to fire nuclear weapons or receives assistance in manufacturing or testing nuclear weapons." He em- phasized that agreement must be sought to control nuclear materials or equipment for peaceful purposes to countries which do not have nuclear weapons. He said that for those who desist from nuclear weapon development "let us strive to strengthen United Nations and other international security arrangements. Meanwhile, the nations that do not seek the nuclear path, can be sure that they will have our strong support against threats of nuclear black- mail." Price Index to Climb. Eight Per Cent in 1966 JERUSALEM (ZINS)—The cost- of-living index in Israel is ex- pected to rise by at least 8 per cent in 1966, according to an an- nouncement by the finance minis- try. The new fiscal budget will shortly be presented to the Knes- set. FREE DELIVERY! 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