British. Jewry Airs Further Action' on Soviet Bias Policy RECIPE OF THE WEEK ` LONDON (JTA)—Proposals for "further action" for the ameli- oration of the position of Soviet Jewry "in the light of present cir- cumstances and of possible devel- opments" were discussed here Monday at a meeting that included epresentatives of virtually every ection of British Jewry. The meeting was convened by 01 Teff, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, who had invited the other organizations to consult with the board's foreign affairs committee "to consider further the position of Soviet Jewry." The meeting noted with con- cern "the denial to the Jewish community -in the USSR of faci- lities accorded to other groups MUSHROOM VEAL STEAK OMEGA 2 pounds veal steak, 3/4" thick. Combine: 3 fbles. flour, 1/2 tspn. salt, 1/a tspn. pepper. Coat meat well in flour mixture. Melt in skillet: 3 tbles., fat. Brown meat on all sides. Place in casserole. Mix together: I can (10V2-oz.) mushroom soup, 1 cup water, 1 can (3 oz.) mushrooms, drained. 6 diamonds accentu- ate the leaf ends. 14K white or yellow gold. Sapphette crystal $175 George Ohren. s - stein Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler 18963 LIVERNOIS UN 1-8184 Open Thursday HI 9 Pour over meat. Cover and bake in a slow oven, 300 degrees, 1 hour until tender. Makes 6 servings. KAPLAN BROS. Strictly Kosher Meats-Poultry 18229 WYOMING nr. Curtis FREE PARKING ACROSS STREET WE DELIVER UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Area Retail Kosher Meat Dealers Ass'n. within the Soviet Union, and the plight of those Jews in the USSR who are not enabled to be reunited with their families in Israel or elsewhere." In addition to members of the board's foreign affairs committee, those attending the session includ- ed representatives of the chief rabbinate, the office of the Haham, Agudath Israel, the Anglo-Jewish Association, Bnai Brith, the Jewish Youth Organizations' secretaries committee, the World Sephardi Federation, the World Union for Progressive Judaism and the Zionist Federation of Great Bri- tain. N.Y. Rabbis Urge Powers Guarantee Israel's Borders (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) NEW YORK — Resolutions deal- ing with many vital international and domestic subjects, including a call for a four-power guarantee of Israel's borders, a pledge to under- take an educational campaign to aid persecuted Russian Jewry, broader support of Jewish educa- tion in this country anti support of efforts to liberalize the divorce laws in the state of New York, were adopted here Monday at the 85th annual meeting of the New York Board of Rabbis. The board, including Reform, Orthodox and Conservative Rab- bis of New York and vicinity, elected Rabbi Edward T. Sand- row, spiritual leader of Temple Beth El, Cedarhurst, L.I., as presi- dent. Concerning the Middle East, the rabbis also called on the United States to supply Israel directly with "arms necessary to deter aggression," and endorsed a bill pending in Congress that "would present the Arab boy- cott apparatus from investigat- ing the procedures of American businessmen to the detriment of the state of Israel." Regarding the situation of the Jews in the USSR, the board noted that "the plight of the 3,000,000 Jews in the Soviet Union. continues to command the urgent and high- priority attention of the New York Board of Rabbis," and pledged to work toward ameliorations of that situation alongside "all other Jewish organizations associated in the American Jewish conference on Soviet Jewry." The board also: urged the U.S. Senate to ratify the United Na- tions Convention Against Geno- cide; declared itself opposed to any religious programs, Christian or Jewish. in public schools; view- ed "with concern the growth of ultra right-wing groups in the United States"; pledged rabbinic- al aid to the civil rights struggle in the United States; called for closer cooperation between rabbis and the Jewish Education Commit- - tee of New York; and endorsed extension of interfaith dialogues. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February . 4/.1906-3 . , , ,, I ()A .. i • • It's those last two words... ADDITIONS BY THE 10TH EARN FROM THE 1ST EVERY MONTH ...that give American Savings customers more for their money. Not just some months, but each and every month you add to your American Savings account by the 10th, your money begins earning 41/4% from the 1st. (Compounded quarterly, 4.32% effective annual rate.) ,sN_virvcs AMERICAN SAVINGS czi eirs sociAra, Look in your Yellow Pages under Savings or