Admirable Evaluation of Zionism as 'Constellation of Continuity' in Dr. Lehman's Revisited 'Israel' "Israel: Idea and Reality," by Dr. Emil Lehman, published by the United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education, has been re- issued in a revised and enlarged edition. With a supplementary map, pho- tos, material of immense value to youth studying about Israel, this volume has great merit as a text- book and as a book for self-study by young and old alike. The author emphasizes the need to grasp the factuality and insight of Zionism as a political movement and as "a spiritual force that has motivated the continuation of the Jewish peo- ple ever since the prophets of old envisioned its physical re- habilitation and the restoration of its spirit to the soil of the ancient homeland." He declares: "Zionism is therefore no 'ism' like any other sociological or ideological trend, fraught with the frailties of fashionable and parishable transition, and taint- ed with the splashes of political partisanship. If Zionism is to be given its proper status in the line-up of 'ism' in history, it will find its rightful place in those categories of thought that conno- tate the perennial power of sub- lime values, inherent, for in- stance, in Judaism. It is, indeed, the interlocking combination of Judaism and Zionism, that opens the secrets of Jewish destiny." Dr. Lehman's book admirably fulfills the intention of his work, addressing himself "to these con- stellations of historic continuity." The author begins his text with an outline of the historic back- grounds, the Messianic idea in Judaism, the love for Zion that has persisted throughout the ages, how that love resulted in the emergence of the Zionist move- ment. The tumbling of ghetto walls, the inspiration of a movement that served as a "stepping stone to re- ality," the roots struck by Zionism —these and many other aspects are introduced to explain •Zionist history, Jewish developments in the last 70 years, the impacts of the wars, the tragedies that en- sued, the manner in which the foundation was built for the Jew- ish Homeland, the roadblocks and the determination of Jewry, are outlined in appealing fashion, turning his work into an impres- sive outline of Jewish history of OUT time. National restoration through the rebirth of Israel, the strug- gle for existence, the builders of Zion and the defense of state- hood, the opening of the gates to vast numbers of newcomers provide added, more recent, data about Israel and the movement that created it. The excellent illustrations, the splendid index, the clarity with which the subjects are presented, make this a most valuable work for school and home. Dr. Lehman's concluding thesis, dealing with Israel and American Jewry, is sim- ilarly important. The author de- clares that "the emergence of the State of Israel has infused Jews everywhere with new pride and security." "Israel: 'Idea and Reality" is most valuable for Zionist leaders, for young and old, especially for the youth who can be so well in- fused with the Zionist idea through this commendable work. Hope for the Future Seen by Dr. Blau in His New Book Each living religion must change if it is to remain living and have relevance to the lives of its ad- herents. But it must seem not to change, for it must serve as our link to the past, the root of our sense of continuity. What then has happened to Judaism in a modern world which has not al- lowed its gradual development but has plunged it into one crisis af- ter another? Dr. Joseph L. Blau explores this question in "Modern Varieties of Judaism," published by Columbia University Press, and discusses the adjustments that Judaism has made in response- to the crisis it has faced—adjustments that allow both change and con- Tombstones Desecrated in Baden After Council Eshkol, Chief of Staff Air Plans Tablet to 6,000,000 New Fatah Terror Raids BONN (JTA) — A number of TEL AVIV (JTA)—The renewal of El Fatah terrorist raids after an interval of several months was one of the topics discussed by Premier Levi Eshkol during a two-hour meeting with Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's chief of staff. Infiltrators who entered Israel from Syria Jan. 23 placed explo- sives near the reservoir at Yuval Village in the upper Galilee and fled to Lebanon. tinuity within an age-old tradition. The author takes as his starting point the Emancipation at the end of the 18th Century, the e v e n t which marks the birth of modern Solel Boneh Nearing End of Cathedral Construction NAZARETH — Construction of the Middle East's• largest cath- edral, the Church of the Annun- ciation in Nazareth, entered its final stages as the 5,000,000-pound ($1,666,666) shell was completed recently. The church is being built by Solel Boneh, the Histadrut's building company, which won the international tender issued by the Vatican. It has been under con- struction for five years. The Church of the Annunciation was designed by Italian architect Giovanni Motzio in the traditional Gothic style, a fact which pre- sented Solel Boneh engineers with complex construction problems. The two -le v el, 195-feet high structure can accommodate 6,000 worshippers. The firm employs Moslem, Jew- ish and Christian workers from Nazareth. tombstones in the old Jewish cemetery in Efringen in the pro- vince of Baden were desecrated by unknown vandals, police re- ported. The desecrations followed an announcement by the Efringen lo- cal council that it was planning to place a tablet at the cemetery gate to commemorate the memory Renounce the devil and thou of the 6,000,000 European Jews shalt wear a shabby cloak. murdered by the Nazis. —Spanish Proverb Judaism, and deals in turn with the three major branches of the religion, Orthodox, Conserva- tive, and Reform. He appraises the Zionist phenomenon, showing how a religious nationalism can become a national religion. "Was emancipation a mistake?" asks Dr. Blau as he reviews the effects of emancipation upon the modern varieties of Judaism. Un- doubtedly, the emancipated status has worked to the advantage of a vast number of individual Jews; but, adds Dr. Blau, "whatever the Jews as individuals may have gained by emanicipation, the Jews as a group unquestionably lost." Despite the fact that emancipa- tion has thus had some unfortu- nate consequences, Dr. Blau sees hope for the Jewish future. WIZO Shuts 4 Nurseries to Cope with Budget Crisis TEL AVIV (JTA)—An emergen- cy meeting of WIZO, the Women's International Zionist Organization, convened here to deal with a budgetary crisis, decided to shut down four day nurseries in small towns in Israel in a retrenchment effort. The WIZO executive also voted to transfer to the govern- ment one of its two agricultural schools. Arab Paper Reports Israel Will Have Atomic Bomb ANKARA (ZINS)—The Jordan- ian newspaper "El-Jihad" carried a sensational report that Israel will be in possession of the atomic bomb in the course of the current year. The newspaper adds that this report emanates from "the best in- formation sources in France." It further asserts that at this moment Israel is producing other types of atomic weapons. Latin American Doctors Practice in Negev BEERSHEBA (ZINS)—Sixty of the 190 physicians from Latin America who immigrated to Israel practice in the Negev, Dr. Chaim Doron, director of the Kupat Holim in the Negev, announced. All the doctors have completed concen- trated courses in Hebrew. Their absorption has not encountered any special difficulties. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 4, 1966-17 Now Manufacturers Bank has a new Payroll Processing Service that can save you substantial time and money in payroll preparation. Just furnish us with your basic employee information, and the Payroll Processing Service takes over electronically. It calculates deductions, taxes, contributions, overtime, bonuses . . . provides completed checks, prepares government reports, keeps records. 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