THE JEWISH NEWS bicorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial issociation. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections Licht benshen, Friday, Jan. 28, 5:22 p.m. This Sabbath, the 8th day of Shevat„ 5726, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Exod. 10:1-13:16; Prophetical portion: Jeremiah 46:13-28. Licht benshen, Friday, Jan. 28, 5:22 p.m. VOL. XLVIII, No. 23 Page 4 Jan. 28, 1966 Dora Ehrlich: Symbol of Great Jewish Womanhood Few personalities are on record, in the story of the Detroit Jewish community, for having rendered as many services as Mrs. Joseph H. (Dora) Ehrlich. The gifts which have made possible the financing of the Dora Ehrlich Lounge in the Orthopedic Wing of the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem therefore indicate the deep affection in which she is held here. On her 85th birthday, which Mrs. Ehrlich will observe on Feb. 1, the tributes to her assume a national character. An associate of Henrietta Szold from the earliest beginnings of the great Hadassah movement, Mrs. Ehrlich has made Hadassah "chief among her joys" in her services to our people. Nevertheless, her contributions have been in many spheres. With her late husband, she spearheaded many activities in behalf of the religious activities in our midst, and among her chief devotions has been the encouragement she has given to the work of our educational institutions. A staunch Zionist, she has never deviated from her interest in the movement and in the State of Israel that emerged from Zionism. Our welfare movements have benefited from her labors, and the Allied Jewish Cam- paigns, the agencies of the Jewish Welfare Federation and numerous national move- ments have become more deeply entrenched here, thanks in great measure to her services. It is no wonder that Mrs. Ehrlich not only retains the title of Hadassah's First Lady in Detroit but also that of the First Lady in Detroit Jewish Womanhood. So much can be said in paying honor to Dora Ehrlich that her biographical record, listed elsewhere in this issue, must speak for itself in calling Detroit Jewish community's attention, on the occasion of the important birthday she will observe next Tuesday, to the great personality in our midst. To those who have raised the $50,000 sum to assure the reality of the Dora Ehrlich Lounge at the Hadassah Medical Center we extend congratulations on their wisdom in having chosen so important a means of honor- ing her. Mrs. Ehrlich's dedication to Hadassah deserves this type of recognition. And to Leonard N. Simons, who tirelessly labored to enroll participants in this fund, go added thanks for having rendered so valuable a service. We wish Mrs. Ehrlich good health on her 85th birthday, and we pray that she should be preserved for us, as a symbol of great Jewish womanhood, for many years to come. Continuing Community Responsibilities Another excellent beginning for the ap- proaching Allied Jewish Campaign appears to justify the expectations that this year's in- come for the nearly 60 causes—overseas, national and local—may, indeed, again reach that of the top year and may make a $6- million-drive a reality. A dedicated group of workers, already having secured nearly half of the anticipated total, has been informed, again in a spirit of realism, that the duties to Israel are con- tinuous, that possibly for decades American .Jewry may be called upon to provide the funds that are so vitally needed to assure the security of the Jewish State. Senator Jacob Javits' warnings that there can be no letdown in efforts is being accep- ted graciously, in a spirit of dedication, with a realization that the great effort to rescue Jews who are still in bondage will not be halted. In the same spirit, there must be full recognition of the reality of local obligations. Domestic causes must be _ supported and on the local scene there is such a growing need for expansion of the educational needs that campaigns for large funds will be standard actions in our midst. Not only the existing school systems, but the growing day school idea will have to be supported. While it is too early to anticipate the results of the educational surveys now in progress here, it is evident that the attitudes of Jewish communities towards day school education is changing, that the large numbers of children now attending such schools must be provided with proper facilities and the best available teachers, and that will require communal support. The other needs—educational, recrea- tional, health—are pressing, and the cam- paigns to come will be large-scale, requiring the raising of increasing sums. A good response has come from the more affluent in our community, affirming the be- lief that there is genuine concern over exist- ing needs. The increased number of contribu- tors in last year's drive is added evidence that more of our constituents are being en- rolled as participants in our drives. This is encouraging and adds to the confidence that a benevolent community will not abandon either those who are in need of Israel as a haven or of the agencies that render valuable services in our midst. Renewed Hope for End to Arab Hostility In his address here to Allied Jewish Cam- paign workers, last week, Senator Jacob Javits said "there is a lull now in the Middle East, and now is the time to talk peace there." The report that Saudi Arabia may soon recognize passports - issued by Israel, for Is- raeli Moslems wishing to make pilgrimages to Mecca, may be a step in the direction of bet- ter relations. It will be recalled that when President Truman labored, against British restrictions, for the admission of 100,000 Jewish survivors from Nazism to Palestine, Ibn Saud protested. President Truman then wrote an historic letter to the Saudi Arabian letter explaining the humanitarian aim, indicating to him the vital necessity of an open door to Palestine. It didn't convince the Arabs, and it didn't swerve the Bevin element in Great Britain, but it was a great act consonant with Ameri- can ideals and human principles. There have been scores of appeals to the Arabs to end their animosity to Israel, to adopt a fair policy of good neighborly rela- tions. But saber-rattling has not ended. Yet, in recent months, there have been indica- tions that rational-minded Arabs are seeing through the machinations of politicians who stand in the way of peace. There is a grow- ing sentiment in support of constructive efforts to elevate the standards of impov- erished Arab communities to counteract the military maneuvers. Perhaps a Saudi Ara- bian move to recognize Israel passports— even if they are to be temporarily for Mos- lems only—may lead to better relations. After all, that would mean a partial recog- nition of Israel's existence, of the reality of Israeli statehood. Perhaps this is part of "the lull" that will lead to amity. 25 Centuries of Sources Dr. Baron's Treasury of Jewish Quotations in Revised Edition "A Treasury of Jewish Quotations," republished in a new and revised edition, remains the outstanding anthology of its kind contain- ing major Jewish sayings gleaned from 25 centuries of Jewish literary sources. The late Dr. Joseph L. Baron of Milwaukee had labored for more than 40 years to compile this volume. He had con- tinued his research gathering material to be added to this volume, and the new edi- tion, with the revisions and additions, has been published by Thomas Yoseloff (11 E. 36th, NY 16). Nearly every conceivable reference to Jews, talmudic and biblical commentaries on all subjects of human interest, are in- cluded in this collection. The first listing is on the subject of Ability, and the first quotation is from a letter on Feb. 10, 1897, by Ahad HaAm: "The less their ability, the more their conceit." The final entry is on the Zohar and is the following from Hillel Zeitlin's 1920 Dr. Joseph L. Baron article in Ha Tekufa: "What is the Zohar? . . The Holy One took a gem from His crown and dropped it on the earth. The gem split and scattered into millions of brilliant gleams . . . whicTh came from eternity to brighten all the somber nooks, to satisfy all the famished who thirst for light, and to quicken and warm all that had been killed by the cold of science and the darkness of ignorance, by the blindness of nature and the cruelty of men." The valuable glossary, the indices on subjects and authors, the bibliography — all add enormously to the value of this collection. A publisher's note to the second, revised edition explains: "When the first edition of this work appeared, more than a decade ago, Rabbi Baron set about correcting errors, adding to the references, and sub- --- sitituting more appropriate and more accurate versions of doubtful quotations. These amendments, which had reached several hundred by the time of his death, he meticulously perpared for a second edition, and these have been incorporated in the present printing." This indicates the added value of the second edition. It remains an enormous work. It will be cherished by all who acquire it. Nation's Great Storytellers Represented in 'Israeli Stories' ISrael's varied experiences, life in the land, the effects of the war for freedom, the immigrants' problems and numerous concerns—many are the factors utilized by the storytellers whose share in the fiction that comes from the Jewish state enhances the nation's literary values. "Israeli Stories," which contains "a selection of the best writing in Israel today," edited by Joel Blocker, with a valuably decriptive intro- duction by Robert Alter, has been issued in a paperback by Schocken Books (67 Park- , NY16). Originally published by Schocken in 1962, when it was reviewed in these columns, this volume enriches the available paperbacks on Jewish subjects. Attitudes on Zionism, viewpoints of Israelis on many subjects, are incorporated in this collection. It starts with the famous S. Y. story, "Tehilah," in a translation by Walter Lever, and includes another excellent Agnon tale, "Forevermore," translated by Blocker. Other stories are by Haim Hazaz ("The Sermon"), Aharon Meged ("The Name"), Yoram Kaniuk ("The Parched Earth"), Benjamin Tammuz ("A Roll of Canvas"), S. Yizhar ("The Prisoner"), Moshe Shamir ("Next of Kin") and Yehuda Amihai ("Battle of the Hill"). Each of the stories powerfully reflects the spirit currently in evidence in Israel. Other translators include Ben Halpern, Minna Givton, Zeva Shapiro, K. Kaplan, Hillen Halkin and V .C. Rykus.