Purely Commentary Brutal Personality Squabble . . . The 'Resistance' Issue, Vatican Declaration Controversy, Leadership Problem Hannah Arendt wrote a book on the Eichmann case that created much resentment. Her attitude on Jewish leadership, the manner in which the trial was conducted in Jerusalem, her evaluations of the extent of Jewish resistance to Nazism, raised issues so serious that the eminent Dr. Jacob Robinson, a distinguished legal authority, authored an entire book ("And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight") in which he replied to Miss Arendt's arguments point by point. Walter Laqueur reviewed the Robinson book favorably in the New York Review of Books. (The Robinson book also was reviewed favorably in The Jewish News, Nov. 20). That gave Miss Arendt a chance to reply, and in a scathing three-page letter to the New York. Review she treats both Laqueur and Robinson so miserably that he resorts to venom and her vindictive bitterness has seldom been paralleled in similar discussions of vital issues. There is too evident a personality clash to justify the vitriolic tone of the long Arendt letter, and the reputable record of Dr. Robin- son does not permit acceptance of the slurs leveled at him. But of primary concern is the frequent reference by Miss Arendt to "Estab- lishments," Israeli and Jewish, and her repetitive insinuations that Jews did not resist. "noi At one point in her letter, Miss Arendt declared that . knowing what he is doing, Mr. Robinson raises one of the most disturbing 'problems' of the whole issue, a problem I had been careful not to raise because it was not raised at the trial and therefore was not my business; the conduct of the European rabbinate during the catastrophe. It seems there was not one rabbi who did what Domprost Bernhard Lichtenberg, a Catholic priest, or Propst Heinrich Grueber, a Protestant minister—had tried to do—to volunteer for deportation." This is a shabby charge. Rabbis carried guns when they were pro- curable, men of faith resisted when that was possible. But this is a story, while oft repeated, yet to be told in its entirety. What concerns us at the moment is the condemnation of Jewish leadership. The "Establishments" have suddenly become issues, have emerged as objects for ridicule and attack. If these criticisms are justified, the Jewish community should look into it carefully—if there is a truly well-organized Jewish community, especially in the United States. The Local Angle: Are There TEN Qualified Leaders? Jewish students. Second genera- tion Jews at this university are not as likely to interdate or con- sider marriage as are the first Gabrilowitsch brings back recollection of her father, her grandfather —her mother who died in San Diego on Nov. 19, 1962. Three weeks before the death, after a lingering illness, of Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the world-famous composer, orchestra director and pianist—in 1936—this reporter interviewed Mrs. Gabrilowitsch, who was widely known as Clara Clemens, the singer, the daughter of Mark Twain. Mrs. Gabrilowitsch was a half hour late for the appointment at the Gabrilowitsch home, 611 Boston Blvd. She had been at the hospital visiting her husband. She was upset about his condition. Then she evidenced special concern about her daughter. It was in the early years of Hitlerism, but it was already evident that the Nazi ruler of Germany was determined to destroy the Jews, that the Fuehrer would not spare her daughter. "I am worried about Nina," she told me. "She is half Jewish. Hitler is not limiting his venom at full Jews, but also at half and quarter Jews. What'll happen to her — the danger is mounting and there are so many Hitlerites in this country!" There was little to say to comfort her, except to express hope that the American principle of fair play, of justice, would not permit the German venom to invade our land. It was while I was waiting for Mrs. Gabrilowitsch that I browsed among her books and found the famous 24-volume set of Mark Twain's works. Each volume contained an individual inscription to his daugh- ter. It was a fascinating collection and I asked Mrs. Gilbrilowitsch's personal secretary, Mrs. Phylils Harrington, if I could have a set of the inscriptions. She promised to send them to me, if Mrs. Gabrilo- witsch consented — which she did. Within three days I had the entire set and it was the basis for special articles in Real America and the Chronicle I edited at the time. There is much to be said about the interview I had with Mrs. Gabrilowitsch, about Mark Twain and his son-in-law's attitudes on Jews, Palestine, Zionism. That will call for further research into the interesting record of Twain and Gabrilowitsch. larger htan the actual rate of in- termarriage among Jews in the country. Even if only half these students follow through on their intention, the intermarriage rate would be twice the current rate for Jews estimated by recent stud- ies as about 4 per cent. This suggests that highly educated Jews are more receptive to inter- marriage. In this connection, the report shows that Jewish students The three-page Arendt letter received a scant one-column reply from Walter Laqueur in a follow-up issue of New York Review. In it Laqueur, gentlemanly, reserved, self-controlled, assured Miss Arvndt that no one in the "Jewish Establishment" was out to get her. The implication in the reply is that the eminent woman writer suffered from a persecution complex. Laqueur points out that "Miss Arendt was attacked not so much for what she said, but for how she said it." But unlike her he is not one-sided, for he added: "Her attackers, on the other hand, were all too often inclined to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Incensed by offensive remarks or misconstructions in Miss Arendt's book, they brushed aside the discussion of the real issue she had raised, and thus became so highly charged that a rational discussion of this complex of questions has been much. more difficult during the last few years. In Miss Arendt's eyes, all this of course is the fault of her critics." Because of the issues involved and the complex fear generated by the Arendt attitude, Laqueur's concluding paragraph in his brief letter deserved attention. Laqueur, assuring Miss Arendt that there is no conspiracy against her, wrote: There is no deliberate conspiracy, I believe, on the part of the "Jewish establishment" to hide the truth. There has been and is great reluctance to pass judgment on certain Jewish leaders. They may have failed, they may have to be condemned; and yet, who does not feel that there, but for the grace of God, go I? The real sins of omission committed by what Miss Arendt calls "the officers of interest groups" she does not mention; per- haps she is not aware of them. Some of them tried to monopolize the historiography of the catastrophe in their own hands; they did valuable work in collecting source material but discouraged all "outsiders" and all the more ambitious projects to write the history of the period in one of the world's main languages; they failed to enlist younger historians and make them partners in their work. (Mr. Robinson's book was 'apparently meant to be the final word on the subject — at least for the time being.) This was a mistaken policy and it has resulted in a serious crisis; the whole future of this official historiography is now in the balance. Common human failings underlie this crisis: its causes are less dramatic and sinister than Miss Arendt believes. I think I can assure her that the Elders of Zion are not yet out to get her. The debate over the resistance and the attitude of Jewish leader- ship may go on for a long time. There will be much to criticize — and much to comment upon. But one fact emerges irrefutable: the reality, at the time of the holocaust, that "there but for the grace of God, go I" faced every man and woman and many children. The debate that has emerged is not a farce: it is part of a horrible tragedy. * Vested Interests and Cross-Purposes in Jewish Dealings Over Vatican Ecumenical Discussions In his sensational report, "How the Jews Changed Catholic Thinking," in Look Magazine, the senior editor of Look, Joseph Roddy, does not place the representatives of national Jewish organizations in a good light. The aging problem of "vested interests" emerges anew, and the conflicting approaches to major issues by spokesmen for national Jewish groups leaves us—as they did so often in the past— blushing. While the internal Catholic controversy is of major interest, indicating indisputably that there are bigots in the church circles, the fact that Jews sent numerous emissaries to Rome to haggle over the deicide declaration, the danger of an implication that Jews begged for the forgiveness, instead of standing firm in defense of historic truth that Jews did not and could not have played a role in the Roman prac- tice of crucifixion, we are in the limelight of having bargained. And instead of having attained a great goal, the textbooks still imply Jewish guilt because the Gospels can not be edited or rewritten. And Jews had conflicting delegations, a rabbi pleaded while a layman begins to speak French with the Pope—as the Look article reveals—and we are supposed to be happy over our leadership. 2—Friday, January 28, 1966 By Philip Slomovitz Then there is the local angle. Rabbi Mordecai Halpern claimed in an address from which we quoted in our Jan. 14 issue that in the 340 local organizations (including congregations) there aren't ten who can qualify as Jewish leaders. The rabbi's formulas are not new. Any realistic student of Jewish affairs, any judge of the status of Jewry, would insist that to qualify for leadership one must have a Jewish background and must be articu- late. How many in our midst have a good Jewish background? We talk so much about Jewish education that there is hope that leadership with proper qualifications will emerge in the course of time. Meanwhile the Establishments are not immune from criticism, and that's what's bothering us about the articles in Look and by Miss Arendt. Laqueur Exposes 'Persecution Complex' * Discussion of Resistance Turned Into . Vested Interests Personality Squabble . in Ecumenical Studies . . . lnterdating Issue THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS and third generation Jews. The report cautions that this finding might either indicate a trend toward the assimilation of Jews or a pattern of rebellion against. the position of the parental gerk. eration. Unraveling the unaerly--- - ing dynamics would require data on fourth generation Jews. Although only 15 per cent of * * the Jewish seudents say that it is The Last of the Twains . . . A Sad Recollection quite likely that they will inter- The death in a Los Angeles motel, on Jan. 16 of Nina Clemens marry, this figure is substantially Proper Way to Honor Dora Ehrlich There could be no better way of honoring Dora Ehrlich than by means of respecting her great love for the activities of Hadassah in Israel. The lounge in her name in the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem is a gift to a great movement to which Mrs. Ehrlich has devoted most of her life's activities. Dedicated to every sacred cause, to all humanitarian appeals, she has never deviated from her loyalty to the Zionist ideal, and her Hadassah services evidenced the great love she has displayed for more than 50 years to the cause of Zion redeemed. By honoring her, our community honors itself. It recognizes the great qualities of a woman of valor. May she have the strength to witness the realization of whatever dreams are left in the Zionist and Jewish aspirations. * Valuable Data on Interdating and Mixed Marriages An American Jewish Congress Commission on Jewish Affairs, which is engaged in studying basic Jewish issues as well as the relationships between Jews and non-Jews, with emphasis on the cultural aspects, has made public interesting figures relating to interdating and mixed marriages. The commission, functioning under the chairmanship of Paul H. Vishny, assigned the task of studying the mixed dating and marriage question to Prof. David Caplowitz and Harry Levy of the Columbia University Bureau of Applied Social Research and their report indicates that the intermarriage rate is increasing but that it poses fewer problems than formerly; that of 389 students interviewed at an Eastern university 25 per cent said they never dated any one outside their faith and more than 40 per cent reported dating those of another faith than their own. The results of this study are so important that they merit serious consideration. A summary of the study states: The Catholic students are most likely to engage in inter- religious dating and the Jewish students are least likely to do so. Almost three-quarters of the Catholic students, three-fifths of the Protestant students and a third of the Jewish students say that they frequently date people of other religions. The study found that these college students are much less religious now than they had been in high school. They attend religious services much less frequently now and many of them report that they adhere to no religion now, even though they had been raised as Protestants, Catholics or Jews. Although a great majority of the students say that they interdate at least occasionally, only a little more than a third consider it likely that they will marry someone outside their own religion. Again Catholic students were found to be most recep- tive to the idea of intermarriage—two-thirds of them considering it likely that they will marry someone outside their own religion— whereas 46 per cent of the Protestants and only 15 per cent of the Jewish students think it is likely that they will intermarry. The survey showed that parents and friends have a strong in- fluence on a student's dating behavior and marriage plans. In all religious groups, students who believe that their parents and friends will disapprove of their intermarriage. How well students get along with their parents also seems to be a factor in their inter- dating. Students who experienced their family relationship as "cold" or "not understanding" interdate more often than students who describe their relationship with their parents as warm and understanding. Generation was found to be a factor in the dating behavior of whose fathers are academics or other professionals are more ready to consider intermarriage than other Jewish students. The researchers suggest that intermar- riage among Jews may thus in- crease since more and more young Jews are attracted to the profes- sions, particularly the academic profession. The existing condition may not be entirely black, Jews are less prone to intermarry and to inter- date than others, yet the continu- ing increase in the rate of inter- marriage among out youth is cause for concerfn. This survey, and previous stud- ies, indicate that the greatest dan- ger lies in our universities, that the threat of a rise in intermar- riage is more in the professional than in any other ranks. Knowing this, perhaps a way can be found to reach these elements with posi- tive Jewish approaches. The American Jewish Congress Commission on Jewish Affairs has rendered a service with this study and its compiled facts. Priests Instructed on Implementation of Vatican Schema ROME (JTA)—Augustin • Cardi- nal Bea, whom the late Pope John XXIII entrusted with the task of bringing to the Ecumenical Coun- cil a schema for improving the re- lations between the Ca t h o 1i c Church and non-Christian reli- gions, spelled out for the CatholiC,,T--• priesthood a set of instruction1. plus advice on how best to under- stand the council's document re- lating to the Jews, and how to implement the document. The schema, originally brought by Cardinal Bea before Vatican Council II in 1962, has since been adopted in somewhat different form and is now official Catholic Church doctrine, promulgated as such by Pope Paul VI. Cardinal Bea gave his instructions and ad- vice in a long article that appeared today in The Ecclesiastical Re- view. He noted that the draft declara- tion on Jews was the most debated in the council's "not so much for religious reasons but because of unfortunate political circumstances of the moment. In fact," Cardinal Bea continued, "it was deleted from the council's agenda by the preparatory commission in June, 1962, because of unforeseen op- position. Only new intervention by Pope John succeeded in bringing the subject back to the agenda in December, 1962, when he endorsed an opinion sent to him by Cardi- nal Bea with the words: 'We read with attention Cardinal Bea's note, and share his opinion perfectly as to the importance and responsibil- ity of our interest in it.' "