Weekly Qui z By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX Shlonto Carlebach Appears in Concert Validity of Marriages by Reform Rabbi Becomes Controversy in England (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) * * * * Why is it required that a Jew- ish body be ritually washed be- - fore burial? Some authorities derive this practice from the Biblical expres- sion (Ecclesiastes 5:5) which says "As He Came, so Shall He Go." The rabbis have taken this to mean that just as a person is washed when he is born, so will he be washed when he leaves this life (Sefer Hassidim). The moralists claim that death itself is a means of purification. It brings with its coming forgiveness and a certain cleansing of the spirit. The body is thus washed to indicate that the deceased's sins have been "washed" away with his death. Why does Jewish tradition insist on using only wooden coffins? - Rabbi Levi in the Midrash (Genesis Rabbah 19:8) deduces this Bible which tells us that "Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord among the trees in the garden" (Genesis practice from the verse in the 3:8. This, said Rabbi Levi, was an omen that Adam's descendents be placed within wooden coffins. Generally speaking, traditional Jewish requirements call for sim- plicity and a return to what is considered to be. more or less, a natural environment for the corpse. Wood, being an object coming from a growing source, would in- dicate a natural environment like a tree planted in the ground. It is traditional to drill holes in the casket, so that nothing would pre- vent the body from its natural rate of decomposition. Metal, on the other hand, is both compara- tively artificial and extravagant. Furthermore, it would tend to re- tard the rate of decomposition of the body. It is interesting to note that the Kabbalists took the Bib- lical phrase "Dust Thou Art and Unto Dust Thou Shalt Return" (Genesis 3:19) in a strict literal sense and therefore did not use coffins altogether. New Hebrew-English Dictionary Published by Israel Official Prayer Book Press of Hart- ford announces the publication of The Complete Hebrew - English Dictionary" in one volume. Writ- ten and printed in Israel, this 1.450-page masterwork of Reuben Alcalay, chief of the translation department of the Prime Minis- ter's Office in Israel, represents eight years of research. Alcalay was assisted in this work by the special collection of words coin- piled by the authoritative Hebrew Language Academy. The dictionary features more than 100,000 entries, covering words from the ancient Scriptures and later religious writings to words and expressions ,born of modern concepts and ideas. In- cluded are current conversational and literary words, medical, scientific and technical terms be- yond the scope of everyday use; idiomatic expressions, phrases, parts of speech and country of origin of each entry. SHLOMO CARLEBACH The concert committee of Cong. the congregation and chairman of Beth Abraham will present Shlomo the concert committee, announces Carlebach, internationally known that proceeds of the concert will folksinger, in a community con- go to the Hebrew school and that cert 8:15 p.m. March 6 at the tickets are available from the syna- synagogue. gogue office, UN 1-6696, or Hud- son's, .Grinnell's, Borenstein's or An accomplished guitarist and Spitzer ' s. lyrical singer, Carlebach has ap- peared throughout the Unitea States and Canada and in London, Beth Abraham Plans Paris. Jerusalem and Rome. H- has just completed a tour of South Public Passover Seder America. Cong. Beth Abraham is taking Sam Kaufer, vice president of reservations for its public seder to be held the first and second nights of Passover April 4 and 5 in the social hall. LONDON (JTA)—Sol. Teff, pres- ident of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, was authorized by the board's executive committee Monday to "engage in appropriate consultations" with various reli- gious. J e w i s 11 bodies in Britain that have disagreed about the reli- gious validity of certain marriages. The London Beth Din, the Manchester Beth Din and sev- eral individual Orthodox rabbis have ruled that Reform and Lib- eral marriages were invalid from the point of Halacha (Jewish law). Monday, Teff had asked the board's executive committee to consider the implications of the public controversy in the Jewish community "concerning the validity of certain mar- riages." The executive committee agreed that the board, as the representa- tive body of all Jews in this coun- try, holding different religious views, was not a suitable forum for the discussion of religious is- sues. However, said Teff after the meeting, "the board is very seri- ously concerned about pronounce- ments and incidents that may ad- versely affect the cohesion and unity of the community." The ex- New Israeli Tevye Trades Caps, Gets Reviewers' Praise Chairmen are Dr. Harry New- man and Sam Kaufer. Rabbi Israel I. Halpern and Cantor Shabtai Ackerman will conduct the ser- vices for congregation members TEL AVIV—Israel has a new and their guests. Tevye for "Fiddler on the Roof," For reservations, call the Beth and he's authentically Jewish up Abraham office, UN 1-6696. to his Ukrainian hat. Shmuel Rudensky, a 60-year-old Ukrainian-born Israeli, replaces the sabra B o m b a J. Zur who, critics complained, "wasn't Jewish enough." Rudensky was so insist- ent on an accurate portrayal of the dairyman that he refused to wear the Galician cap Zur had worn in his performances. "I wouldn't go on stage with a Galician hat," he said. A suitable Ukrainian-type hat Was sought throughout the coun- try until one was found in the pocket of a costume worn by an actor who played Tevye in a nonmusical version of the play 20 years ago. Now reviewers are raving over the script by Joseph Stein, which they had complained earlier was a travesty of Sholem Aleichem. The changes in portrayal stem from differences in temperament and background between two gen- erations of Israelis. Zur, who at 36 is half Rudensky's age, repre- sents a third-generation of Israelis who are casual about their Jewish- ness. He said that he portrayed the situation not the Jew, and the fact that Tevye was a Jew was inci- dental. Rudensky, on the other hand, said, "I know Tevye well. I'm a Russian Jew from the Ukraine." There also was a notable differ- ence in the final act when Tevye is expelled from Anatevka. "I do not leave the stage bent and beat- Italian Jewish Composer en but erectly with my head up. Salamone, a 17th Century Italian I'm free and I'm going home." Jewish composer, was one of the loading figures of his time. He THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS composed many sonatas and operas. 14—Friday, January 28, 1966 ecutive committee, he continued, agreed "that I as president of the board, make certain approaches and engage in appropriate con- sultations with a view to the main- tenance of harmony in the commu- nity, which must be the board's main concern." , Trenton's Beth Isaac Sets 2nd Sunday School Term The second semester at Beth Isaac Religious School in Trenton will begin this Sunday, and there will be evening Hebrew classes for adults and children starting Feb. 9. Hours for the children's Hebrew classes are 6 p.m. for beginners and 7 p.m., advanced. Adults start at 8 p.m. Additional classes will be considered if there are enough new registrants. IF YOU TURN THE . 17 '11 UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN &dace Vie, Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich, CONGREGATION GEMILUTH CHASSODIM Meeting Hall to Rent 19371 GREENFIELD AT VASSAR DRIVE is pleased to announce that its BEAUTIFUL SANCTUARY AND ATTRACTIVE FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR BAR MITZVAHS WEDDINGS MEETINGS SOCIALS Beautifully newly decorated air- conditioned building, central loca- tion. kitchen facilities, ample park- ing. Large room will accommodate banquet or meeting. Ideal for or- Eanizations, caterers, weddings, Bar- Mitzvahs, etc. Special Discount To Organizations Reasonable Rates 342-8126 BRoadway 3-0570 TUROVER SOCIETY CONG. MIAS ACHIM Also informs the Jewish Community that Daily Services are held Sundays 8:30 a.m. and Weekdays 7:45 a.m. 10310 WEST SEVEN MILE LI 8-9081 — UN 4-3162 — DI 1-0528 GOOD NEWS! WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF DETROIT'S NEWEST and ONLY STRICTLY KOSHER RESTAURANT TUES., FEB. 15, 1966 Kosher Restaurant 18458 WYOMING UN 4-4757 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Congregtion Beth Abraham will hold PUBLIC SEDORIM in the NUSBAUM HALL of Beth Abraham Synagogue the first and second nights of PASSOVER. Monday, April 4th and Tuesday, April 5th Led by Rabbi Israel Halpern and Cantor Shabtai Ackerman For Information and Reservations Coll the RABBI HALPERN Synagogue Office .. UN 1-6696 CANTOR ACKERMAN