Scientists' Roles USSR Jews' Status Still Precarious Israel Population Reaches 2,600,000 MILAN (JTA)—A meeting on to emigrate to do so. He urged (JTA)—Israel's population reached 2,600,000 at the as Aides to Egypt the plight of Soviet Jewry, which that the USSR repress continuing end JERUSALEM of last year, according to figures released by the Central Bureau many leaders in Italian manifestations of anti-Semitism. A of Statistics. The total included 300,000 non-Jews. Probed by the U.S. attracted culture and the arts, was told that, resolution expressing the sense of WASHINGTON (JTA) — T h e United States Department of Jus- tice made known that it has launched an investigation of Amer- ican scientists reportedly secretly working on military missiles for Egypt and will prosecute such per- sons if violations of Federal laws are found. J. Walter Yeagley, Assistant At- torney General and head of the Internal Security Division, wrote Rep. Seymour Halpern, New York Republican, that the Justice De- partment has decided to act on this situation in response to the Con- gressman's request. "in view of pos- sible compromise of classified material which might be involved." Mr. Yeagley said "if our inquiry reflects any violation of Federal law, you may be assured that prompt and effective steps will be taken to prosecute those respon- sible for the violation." He added "your concern in bringing this mat- ter to the attention of the Attor- ney General is greatly appreci- ated." Recruitment of Physicians The Committee on Manpower Opportunities in Israel, on behalf of the ministry of health and Ku- pat Cholim, is embarked on a pro- gram to bring several groups of American physicians to Israel for out-patient clinics and hospitals. The two scheduled departures are February and August. 22 despite some concessions by Soviet authorities, the position of Soviet Jews remained precarious. The evaluation was presented by Daniel Mayer, of Paris, president of the League of Human Rights and former French Cabinet Minis- ter. Mayer noted Soviet Pre- mier Kosygin's public condemna- tion of anti-Semitism in Riga last July, which was featured in Prav- da. He said one could also men- tion a proposed monument at Babi Yar, the ravine where the Nazis slaughtered many thousands of Jewish men, women and children in 1941, and the authorization for printing of 10,000 Jewish prayer- books. He called the concessions a kind of re-conquest of positions which the USSR had never admitted "to have been fallen." He asserted that many circles in the Soviet Union remained dogmatically opposed to Jews. He cited in evidence the ef- fort last year by the Soviet Union to bracket Zionism with Nazism at the United Nations. Prof. Aldo Garoschi, of Turin University, recalled the repudia- tion by the Soviet Communist Party of T. T. Kichko's "infamous" books, "Judaism Without Embell- ishment," and some other improve- ments. However, he demanded that t';•e Soviet government should al- low reunion of Jewish families by permitting Soviet Jews who wished presented by with typical lit,,r1 Alin 4;.? A. The face is the face of ts;prf Yitzchak, but where is the "corporation"? B. My friend, I've liquidated the P4'5ms onPrl "corporation" completely. ?Ins ,i'4Inzi:r„ A. It's easy to say "liquidated," but how? I, myself, am very PP.inte; anxious to lose weight, but it - 1:4111ri 1 14??rz rr,Aq? !krIsei does- not work. I lose one pound and gain two. How • trI .114) . robin about you? • B. I've discovered my friend, the secret of losing weight! Not fasting nor dieting, only reading—that's the way to do it! .1111r1 A. Nonsense, I read volumes on proper eating and metabolism. But it does not work. I read. and the belly swells. spzlz 41-1t4-1, 1 , 1:1T2Itz 1:141r1 t B. You didn't understand me. I read — Income tax literature: This is reading That makes you slim: Announcements, memorandums and warnings — in the morning; declarations, assessments and appeals — at noon; "last warning" and announcement of foreclosure -- in' the evening. miSip A. You are correct, this is real "literature" for dieting. Good luck to youl . • i s;4tri. • -. .• "itml .11 ke: 1 tvm t42 • ir T T • swells income tax memorandums declarations assessments appeals warning foreclosure real • •• • , tp.1'741:1 ,x1.15;ri24.;m. snip 4 .;ti Mite? .1:1*r. tnri 1. *** vro, t .1-111pp r:t441 priirlim op:z4 z!:_vz 1r,1rz14 rylim "rriinnti rr:1;:pti„ zu)/2# "111IPP/1 '`11? . irT.;: frz YOUR DICTIONARY FOR TODAY stomach ("corporation") absolutely (completely) to reduce, to lose weight to be anxious to lose fast transformation of Materials • DELUXE HOTELS • MEALS • TRANSFERS and the AMERICAN JEWISH PRESS ASSOCIATION ?onvi wrn MEXICO CITY 4% ACAPULCO TAXCO • TIPS THE TARBUTH FOUNDATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF HEBREW CULTURE THE SECRET OF LOSING WEIGHT s e • SIGHTSEEING A Weekly Column for the Advanced Editor: DR. SHLOMO KODESH Easy conversations taken from everyday life in Israel colloquialisms and proverbs! The 1965 figure represented a population increase of 2.9 per cent the speeches and proposals was adopted, and addresed to the So- during the year compared with a 3.9 per cent increase during 1964. The slower rate of population growth last year was attributed to a viet government. decrease in immigration. Ukrainian Nazi Executed Israel's Arab population is growing at a much faster rate than is LONDON (JTA)—A Ukrainian the Jewish, official statistics show. During the past 12 years, the war criminal convicted of having Jewish natural increase fell from 26.3 per thousand to 16.2. murdered 200 Jews in KraSno- At the same time, the Arab rate rose from 37.8 per thousand to Armeisk, in the USSR, during World War II, was sentenced to 48. One-third of Israel's Jewish population is aged 14 or under, but death and executed immediately, a the same age group constitute half of the Arab population. dispatch from Moscow reported. The man's name was A. Sku- 300,000 Tourists in 1965 WHEN YOU Ric A COCKTAIL HAIFA (ZINS)—A total of blenka. The Soviet court that tried him found he was a Nazi police- 296,391 tourists visited Israel in man and had wiped out the entire 1965 as compared with 251,264 in Jewish population in Krasno 1964, according to a report by the Armeisk, numbering 200 persons, Ministry of Tourism. In the month UNITED BRANDS ■ DETROIT, U. S. of December a total of 18,894 in 1942. tourists arrived in Israel as corn Russians Omit Jewish ID pared with 16,148 in the same THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS month last year. From Album of Heroes Friday, January 28, 1966-11 LONDON (JTA)—None of the 10--48110----011 ■---■—■ 10.---40.-41 ■ --.10.--.0.--40.-40,-.--.....—...e Jews included in an album of 40 photographs of World War II he- roes of the Soviet Union is iden- tified as such, according to infor- mation received here from Mos- cow. Each photograph carries some biographical data and, in most cases, the ethnic origin of the in- dividual is included. But not a single Jew is identified as such. Miami Jewish Service Gets $201,488 Grant From U.S. MIAMI (JTA)—A Federal grant of $201,488 was made to the Jew- ish Vocational Service of Miami to finance a project in connection it was announced by Mrs. Char- les P. Feinberg, president of the JVS. The grant, given by the Of- fice of Economic Opportunity, in Washington, will make it possible for the JVS, in conjunction with the Economic Opportunity Pro- gram of Dade County, to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-vocation- al training in sheltered workshops prior to on-the-job training. A group of 300 trainees will re- EVERYTHING DELUXE! ceive intensive evaluation and training in the JVS sheltered ROOM FOR 9 MORE COUPLES workshop prior to job placement. .t Latvians Translate Sholem Aleichem Work ELKIN TRAVEL LONDON (JTA)—The Latvian Soviet State Publishing House, at Riga, has published a Latvian translation of some of the works of Sholem Aleichem, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the death of the famous Jewish author, it was reported here. 862-5881 .......,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • Dems Cut Bigot Label • • • • Sts4ALL'S • • • • • • • • MID-WINTER • • • • • • • CLEARANCE SALE ! • • • • • • • • • • Save like you never • • • • • • • • SAVED BEFORE ! • • • • • • • • JACKETS • • • • T h e Alabama Democratic • BENCH WARMERS • • • Party struck the "white suprem- • • acy" label from the party em- • • • blem (above), stating as its • SWEATERS • reasons the party's dwindling • • • strength, the surge of Republi- • • can influence and the need for • SLACKS • • Negro votes. •• • • SPORT SHIRTS Hitler 'Idol' to 2,000 • • • • • GIs Stationed in Germany • MUNICH (JTA)—The newspa- per Abend-Zeitung charged that the Ku Klux Klan has enrolled 2,- 000 members among United States forces stationed in West Germany and that the Klansmen have ac- claimed Adolf Hitler as "an idol." U.S. Army headquarters in Hei- delberg denied knowledge of Klan activity in West Germany and said that existence of any group within the Army numbering 2,000 could not go unnoticed. The Army said it would not permit KKK activity of any kind among United States soldiers. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Complete Stock—Range of Sizes All National Brand Merchandise At Savings You Never Believed Possible ! n Men's a d Boys' Wear W. 7 Mile • SMALL'S 15410 Nr. Greenfield • • • • • • • • • • • Plenty of Free Parking 9:30 to 9 OPEN: THURS., FRI. & SAT. . DAILY TO 6 P.M. • • • • • ti e • • • • • • • • • 342-6386 • • • • Custom Tailoring • Cleaning & Pressing 90••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1