U. S. State Department 'Leak' About Israel Arms Purchases, Expose of Grants to Arab States, Add to Middle East Tensions BY MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) WASHINGTON — Preoccupation rah Vietnam has downgraded White House concern about Israel's security. This was indi- cated by President Johnson's total omission of Near Eastern Prob- lems from his State of the Union message at a time of deep concern over a dangerous Arab military build-up. The extent of American partici- pation in the Arab military prepa- rations have just been revealed. American pressures to restrain Israel from perfecting missiles and a nuclear military potential are emerging. Israel is concerned lest the career diplomats of the State De- partment, unchecked by the White House, implement hints that furth- er development loans to Israel will be linked with Israel's abandon- ment of any quest for a nuclear deterrent. It has already been sug- gested that a $200,000,000 loan for erection of a nuclear desalination plant may be tied to Israel's agree- ment not to proliferate nuclear weapons. This came at a time when the I State Department "leaked" word of alleged Israeli-French coop- eration in missile development. I Israelis resented this. They point- ed out that they have some knowledge of American security secrets but regard the security of a friendly nation with a high- er regard than some State De- partment officials apparently show for Israel. It appears that a vacuum has emerged in Near Eastern policy at the White House leVel. The gap is being filled by the Near Eastern Division of the State Department. The Department officials place top priority on pursuit of Arab favor, if necessary, at the expense of Israel. President Johnson is too busy with Vietnam to concern himself personally with a secondary and peripheral problem like that of Israel. A White House staff mem- ber, Robert S. Komer, is theoreti- cally charged with advising Presi- dent Johnson on Israel and other regional trouble spots. But Komer has followed the State Department thinking. He appears mainly con- cerned with Indian-Pakistan devel- o p m e n t s and strengthening ties with Egypt. The visit of Presiden- tial special envoy W. Averell Har- riman to Cairo illustrated the im- portance attached by the White House to relations with President Nasser. Despite Egypt's purchase of ul- tra-modern arms from the Soviet Union, including the latest jets, tanks, and even submarines, the State Department successfully urg- ed the President to continue sub- sidizing the Egyptian economy through a new surplus commodity authorization. Because Congress had adopted a resolution opposing further aid to Nasser, aid was restored dur- ing the Congressional recess. The State Department also ex- ploited the absence of Congress from Washington to secretly negotiate a huge arms transac- tion, involving missiles and jets, with Saudi Arabia. Another deal was made with Jordan to deliver Patton tanks and sophisticated infantry weapons. Since Jor- dan's economy is largely fi- nanced by American loans and grants, these arms were, in ef- fect, underwritten by American taxpayers. The State Department confirmed the facts of these deals only after they were exposed by the press. Israel has been able to purchase some arms from the United States. Payment is required in dollars. In the past the United States has recognized the terrible burden on Israel's economy imposed by the need to balance the flow of bar- gain-rate Soviet arms to Egypt. Surplus commodities were sold in generous quantities for Israeli pounds and development loans were extended for low interest rates. But now the State Department, while adding to the massive Arab arms build-up, has indicated that it will cut down on liberal com- modity transactions and loans to Israel. The excuse offered is that the Vietnamese war places a burden on the American eco- nomy and the outflow of dollars must be curtailed. Congress is going to have some- thing to say because the Adminis- tration has hinted at increased aid to the Arabs while otherwise stressing economy. The Republican leadership of the Senate and House has suggested that the Administration violated bi- partisan foreign policy commit- ments by "exploiting the Congres- sional recess to initiate a new Near Eastern policy of providing arms and aid to the Arabs and thus gravely endangering Israel's se- curity and regional peace pros- pects." A f ter talking with Sen- ate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen and House Leader Ger- ald Ford, Rep. Seymour Halpern, New York Rep., said his party was neither informed nor consulted on "the pro-Arab steps, endangering Near Eastern Peace —steps which makes a mockery of the concept of bipartisanship in foreign policy, and totally ignore the expressed sense of Congress." It was revealed that Republic- ans would demand the provision or arms to Israel to balance the Arab strength. Congressmen of both parties found it hard to understand why the State Department seemed less concerned by reports that Ameri- cans are helping Egypt to build missiles than by reported Israeli missile development. This is an election year. Con- gress will not be inhibited in de- manding explanations from the Ad- ministration and the State Depart- ment. Israelis point out that they op- pose aggression in Viet Nam. They understand to this extent President Johnosn's preoccupation. But Is- raelis hope that Israel's security will not be undermined by desk officers of the State Department whose decisions require more careful review at high levels. For Outstanding Life Insurance Service CONGRATULATIONS TO Anne's Murderer, Two Accomplices Are Under Arrest HAROLD S. NORMAN upon qualifying for 1966 MILLION DOLLAR ROUND TABLE SS GENERAL HARSTER Mr. Norman has qualified for the 1966 Million Dollar Round Table for the 14tH consecutive year. His multimillion dollar record of production ranks him with the outstanding producers—nation wide. His insurance in force for the last 5 years with this company exceeds $25,000,000. This is truly a remarkable production record. He is a recognized national authority on business and pension planning. Maj. Gen. Wilhelm Harster, 61, the SS Nazi chieftain, and two of his wartime aides, Wilhelm Zoepf, 57, and Gertrud Slotke, were ar- x rested in Munich on charges of mass murders. Harster is ac- cused of complic- ity in the murder of 83,000 Jews as head of the Nazi Security Service a n d for having transported Jews to extermination camps. Anne Frank, whose discovered diary made her famous Anne Frank in literature and on the stage, was one of his vic- tims. Zoepf and Slotke are held on charges of having aided in the murder of 94,328 and 93,328, re- spectively. Yet we are equally as proud of Mr. Norman's achievements in the civic, charitable and community affairs. His untiring efforts on behalf of less fortunate and his devotion to so many causes, brings great credit to our company. Mr. Norman, a qualifying and life member of the Million Dollar Round Table, is presi- dent of Provident Agency, Inc., a life agency, and Harold S. Norman & Associates, Inc., general insurance underwriters & consultants, with offices at 1400 Guardian Building. Our thanks to Bernard Schwartz, office manager and Elizabeth Bettany, agency cashier. Call This Office for Consultation and Tax Service Pertaining to Life Insurance Without Obligation PROVIDENT LIFE AND 1400 Guardian Bldg. Detroit 26, Michigan Friday, January 21, 1966-9 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS w *4 e .1.. I. •-• IFI r'l - • • • r •.) to' • '• 4 6 t .• 6 ACCIDENT WO 1-3476