Ford Praises UJA, Says 'Voluntary Giving Is Hallmark of Democracy' CHICAGO — American business should stop being indecisive about its social responsibilities and "take the plunge," Henry Ford II said here Saturday night, at a meeting of the United Jewish Appeal, at the Palmer House. The Ford Motor Co. board chairman said that "in recent years the business commu- nity has done a great deal of hem- ming and hawingover the social responsibilities of the corporation." "As I see it, there is no long- er anything to re- eoncile—if there ever was — be- tween the social conscience a n d the profit mo- tive," he declar- ed. "It seems clear Ford to me that improving the quality of society — investing in better employes and customers for to- morrow — is nothing more than another step in the evolutionary process of taking a more far-sight- ed view of return on investment. It seems equally clear that the times have made the step as neces- sary as capital investment, re- search and development, enlight- ened industrial relations or invest- ment in developing nations." Ford called voluntary giving a hallmark of d e in o c r a cy, and praised the United Jewish Ap- peal for demonstrating "the value of private, voluntary aid in meeting the needs of people outside our own national bor- ders." In the course of his address, Ford Said: "Mrs. Golda Meir's announced retirement reminds me vividly of an evening 15 years ago when I had the honor of appearing with her on a United Jewish Appeal program in Los Angeles. A great deal of history has been written since then, but the events have only increased the significance of these humanitarian efforts. "They are important not only because there are men, women and children—Jewish and non-Jewish— who desperately need help, al- though that must always be reason enough. They are important also because our continued response to human suffering is the measure of how well our national character is holding up in an age of rapid and universal change. "In a nation which has accepted leadership of the free world, that is a fateful question. In a divided world grown suspicious of political maneuvering, the answer we give must make it abundantly clear that our national concern for humanity has been imposed by free people upon their government—not by government upon an indifferent people. "To that end, voluntary giving speaks with a conviction and a 'sincerity that tax collections can never command. "I would add still one more rea- son why we must see to it that we never lag in our efforts to put 1966 HOLIDAY SPRING TOURS TO SUNNY Israel (Many With Steopovers in Europe) Featuring: CHOICE OF 20 EL-AL JET TOURS AND CRUISES FOR • PURIM • PASSOVER • YOM HAATZMAUT All inclusive from also 100 GROUP FLIGHTS (from 2.12 weeks) only $850 $535 For further information and FREE BROCHURE contact: HISTADRUT TOURS (Specializing in Israel Travel for Every Member of the Family) 19161 SCHAEFER UN 4-7094 roawf.11,,,,e, these charity appeals over the top. "Voluntary giving is more than an expression of compas- sion or a demonstration of de- mocracy's Ideals. It is a frame of mind that is essential to democ- racy itself. A people who are willing to turn all their problems over to government have lost the will to govern themselves. "Here in America, we recognize that government has a major role to play in meeting health and wel- fare needs, but traditionally we have also insisted upon helping to meet these problems through our own citizen efforts. As a result, the role of the voluntary agencies in meeting humanitarian needs re- mains at least as important as the role of government. "Voluntary agencies not only in- crease the sum total of effort directed against problems but make possible a wider variety of ap- proaches. They are better able to offer personal care and individual attention. "The sobering thought we must keep in mind in our major charity appeals, however, is that the prob- lems will have to be met even if the fund-raising goals are not. "It seems to me that the time has come to look at voluntary giving within a larger context than we may have done in the past. Perhaps the place to start is not with the giving, but with the need for giving. "It is little comfort to reflect that what we define as poverty in the United States would pass as affluence in many parts of the world. It is no more comforting to reflect that most of the developed nations of the free world are show- ing remarkable economic progress rivaling and even exceeding our own. "We cannot consider holding back our own progress. That leaves nothing but the choice that we, in our humanitarian tradition, should be happy to make: to do what we can and all we can to bring other peoples into a more comfortable life so that we can continue our own progress without widening the gap. "In this magnificent e f f o r t, voluntary fund appeals like UJA may well spell the difference be- tween success and failure. "Personally, I have every confi- dence in your success. I firmly be- lieve that we Americans have maintained the moral qualities which, combined with the material well-being technology has afforded us, will lend even greater strength to our voluntary giving than we have known before. "Giving has always had the high aim of reducing human misery. Now at last we dare look toward the even higher aim of giving in order that someday there may no longer be any need to give." The meeting, the traditional springboard for the annual UJA national drive in the Midwest, also heard Max M. Fisher of Detroit, UJA general chairman; Israel's Ambassador to Canada Gershon Avner; Rabbi Herbert A. Fried- man, UJA executive vice-chairman; Charles H. Jordan, executive vice- chairman and director general of the Joint Distribution Committee; Phillip Stollman of Detroit and Joseph Meyerhoff of Baltimore, chairman of the UJA's Israel Edu- cation Fund. Leonard Laser of Chicago served as chairman of the institute which was attended by 900 Jewish leaders from this area. To Launch Israel Bond Drive in Miami Feb. 18-20 The 1968 campaign for State of Israel Bonds will be launched at an inaugural conference at the Fontainebleu HOtel, Miami, Feb. 18-20, it was announced by Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, vice president of the Israel Bond Organization. Samuel Rothberg, national cam- paign chairman of the Israel Bond Organization, will be chairman of the conference. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 21, 1966-13 Singer Co. Unravels Arab Boycott Story; 'Business as Usual' NEW YORK CJTA)—An author- ized spokesman for the Singer Co. here confirmed reports that it had received an inquiry from an Arab boycott office about its activities in Israel and added that there had been no changes in those activi- ties. The spokesman was asked about a recent announcement of the Arab boycott committee that the company had yielded to the boy- cott. The Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, investigating the announcement, learned that the Arab boycott office in Libya had written to the company, which has no manufacturing facilities in Is- rael but sells its products through authorized dealers there. T h e boycott office asked the company whether it was buying motors from the Redmond Amcor organization in Israel for Singer sewing machines sold by its deal- ers in Israel. The company re- plied that it did not buy such mo- tors, and the Arab boycott com- mittee thereupon exploited the reply as a success for the Arab boycott. The company spokesman said that Redmond Amcor motors were being purchased for use in its machines sold in Israel but that the purchases were made through the dealers. The spokesman said there had been no change of any kind in its operations in Israel since the exchange of communica- tions with the Libya office. Letter Vetoes Tribute to WW II Victims German Rockwell Disciple Wins Suspended Term FRANKFURT (JTA) — Bruno NEW YORK — In a letter to Mayor Lindsay the Freethinkers Luedko, 39, who styled himself as of America, a group devoted to the "new Fuehrer" and distributed preserving t h e separation of in this country anti-Semitic mater- church and state, denounced pres- ials published by the American ent plans to construct a public Nazi Party, was found guilty of monument to Nazi victims of World "endangering state security." He was sentenced to eight months in War II. The Freethinkers maintain the prison, but the court suspended the proposed monument to be a viola- sentence after he had promised to tion of constitutional guarantees of cease his efforts to form a "fourth church and state separation, and Reich." Luedko had identified himself threaten action in the State Su- preme Court if the monument is as a former member of the Hitler constructed as planned, in Lincoln Youth. He admitted he was a disciple of both George Rockwell, Park Center. Parks Commissioner Thomas P. leader of the American Nazi Party, F. Hoving, refuting this attitude, and Colin Jordan, leader of the stated that he did not consider the British Nazi movement, as well as monument religious, but humani- of the World Union of Nazis. He told the court he had a mis- tarian. Signed by Joseph Lewis, Free- sion "to restore Nazism as a pur- thinker president, the letter closed ified religion." Among materials with the postscript: "I might add found in his possession were Rock- that the American people were in well publications bearing the no way responsible for the slaugh- swastika and the skull and cross- ter of the Jews, and the proper bones, emblem of the Hitlerian SS place for such a statute would be Corps. Berlin, Germany." For Some of the best buys on new Pontiacs and Tempests ASK FOR Histadrut Forms Partnership With Car Assembly Firm HAIFA — KOOR, the His- tadrut Industrial Complex, and the Israel Central Trade and Invest- ment Corporation have formed a 6,000,000-pound ($2,000,000) part- nership with the British Leyland Corp. for assembly in Israel of the popular British Triumph car. This group has thereby acquired major- ity control of Autocars Ltd., which has a new assembly plant at Tirat Hacarmel near here. Education, Welfare Grants WRITERS The Conference on Jewish Ma- terial Claims Against Germany last year allocated a total of $42,- 000 for education, research and welfare projects in Argentina. N.Y. publisher wants books on all sub- jects, fiction, nonfiction. No fee for professional opinion. FREE: Brochures that show how your book can be pub- lished, publicized, sold; tips and article reprints on writing, publishing, con- tracts. Write Dept. 23A. EXPOSITION 386 PARK AVE. S., N.Y. 16 Fred Bear Is the Bear of Bear Archery, and his bow and arrow business is one of the legends of modern industry. We began doing business with him in 1933,when he was starting out in Detroit. We still take care of his banking and trust needs with the cooperation of the Grayling State Bank. He moved his plant to Grayling in 1947. We SAUL BERCH AT Packer Pontiac 18650 LIVERNOIS 1 block South of 7 UN 3-9300 do a good deal of business by telephone and about once or twice a year he drops in on us in Detroit. Come April, he'll be off for Alaska to hunt the polar bear. With bow and arrow, of course. We like to think that our careful atten- tion to hiS banking affairs is one of the reasons he can enjoy his business so §uccessfully. DETROIT BANK Ex TRUST