Washington Eyes Israel's N-Weapon Potential (Continued from Page 1) 1966, it was said, and measures sought to inhibit Israeli develop- ment along these lines. State Department officials, meanwhile, said they had no com- ment nor confirmation of reports attributed to American officials that Israel has entered into a se- cret contract to buy medium-range ballistic missiles from France. The department sought to publicly dis- associate itself from these reports which some quarters have charged . were deliberately "leaked" to ob- scure the developing issue of re- cently revealed American a r m s , supply arrangements with Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The deals with Jordan and Saudi Arabia are beginning to draw heavy congressional fire. Congres- sional sources believe that the State Department is subtly and se- cretly advancing an Israeli nuclear arms question as a timely move to confuse the basic issue expected to explode as Congress reconvenes. Members of Congress have charged that the administration has em- barked on a new pursuit of Arab friendship through excessive arms arrangements that jeopardize Israel, promote an arms race and increase Near Eastern tensions. Rep. Jacob H. Gilbert, New York Democrat, called for imme- _ diate reconsideration of the ad- ministration's decision to send arms to Jordan and food to Egypt. In a letter to President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Con- gressman said the new decisions were "inimical to the interests of Israel and peace." He pointed out that Egypt would buy Soviet arms with money saved on food. According to Rep. Gilbert, "it certainly does not seem to be pru- dent to arm Israel's enemies, es- calate the arms race in the Near East, and to increase the chance of war in the area." A member of the Near Eastern subcommittee of the House For- eign Affairs Committee served notice he will request "full-scale hearings" on the new American arms shipments to Arab states un- less the State Department imme- diately provides a satisfactory ex- planation. Rep. Leonard Farbstein, New York Democrat, stated in a letter to Secretary of State Dean Rusk that "the government's actions run contrary not only to the expressed policy of the administration but also to the wishes manifest in countless resolutions and amend- ments to the foreign aid acts of Congress." (It was learned that Secretary Rusk may appear before the full Foreign Affairs Committee, primar- ily to testify on Vietnam, but may then also be asked about the provision of aid and arms to Arab states.) Rep. Farbstein said in the letter to Rusk that he was "utterly mys- tified by the action of our Govern- ment in supplying Patton tanks as well as infantry arms to Jordan. "I can conceive of no use to which Jordan would seek to put these weapons but a war of aggression against Israel," he stated. Secretary of Commerce John T. Connor has been asked by three prominent United States Senators for an explanation of steps taken, if any, to meet the situation created by the Arab boycott in connection with the cancellation of a scheduled Haifa stop by the American President Lines' ship "President Roose- velt." The Senators are Jacob K. Jav- its, New York Republican, Harri- son Williams, New Jersey Demo- crat, and Claiborne Pell, Rhode Island Democrat. They charged that the American President Lines defied the spirit of the anti-boycott law by surrendering to Egyptian pressure. The line canceled the Haifa visit, it said, after Egypt threatened to bar the ship from passage through the Suez Canal. It was also learned that a ques- tion was raised about the Admin- istration's recent recommendations for resumption of aid programs to Egypt because of the alleged "mod- eration" of Egyptian policies af- fecting the United States. The President Roosevelt incident was cited in this connection. Rep. Seymour Halpern, New York Republican, asked how Egypt's "arrogant dictation as to which ports of call American ships may visit" could be reconciled with "the official State Depart- ment announcement that Egypt has moderated policies affecting American interests and is entitled to vast new aid shipment from this country." The Republican leadership of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives is considering charg- ing the Administration with violation of bipartisan foreign policy commitments by "exploit- ing the Congressional recess to initiate a new Near Eastern policy of providing arms and aid to the Arabs and thus gravely endangering Israel's security and regional peace prospects," Rep. Halpern disclosed Tuesday. Rep. Halpern said he is discus- sing the matter with Senate Repub- lican leader Everett Dirksen, House Republican leader Gerald Ford, and ranking minority members of the Congressional foreign affairs bodies. He said that Republicans had been neither informed nor con- sulted on "the pro-Arab steps, en- dangering Near Eastern peace— steps which make a mockery of the concept of bipartisanship in foreign policy, and totally ignore the ex- pressed sense of Congress." "The State Department has failed to keep faith with the Congress on the Near Eastern issue, and we will demand a prompt explanation of the work by U.S. scientists on Egyptian missiles, weapons ship- ments to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon, and food for Egypt," the Congressman stated. He indicated that the Republicans would also demand provision of arms aid to Israel to balance the Arab military build-up, which includes Soviet as well as American weapons. Earlier, a State Department spokesman declined to state the present United States policy toward American citizens working in the Egyptian military Rep. Halpern, in a speech on the House floor, announced Mon- day that he has asked the United States Attorney General to in- vestigate possible violations of Federal law by American scien- tists employed in Egypt's mili- tary rocket industry. The New York Republican told the House that he has also made a formal request for a Department of State investigation and public report on the matter. He termed the work by Americans in Egypt on rockets as "deplorable." He said that a full disclosure of facts is necessary "so that we in the Con- gress may take appropriate legis- lative action to ensure that these abuses do not recur." Rep. Halpern pointed out that "there is a distinct possibility that the two Americans named in re- ports may be former Federal em- ployes who, in the course of their work, may be marketing their na- tion's secrets for private gain in violation of Federal law." Accord- ingly, he said, the U.S. Department of Justice has been asked "to as- certain if such violations are tak- ing place." Rep. Leonard Farbstein, New York Democrat, a member of the Near Eastern Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, made known Monday that he has asked Secretary of State Rusk for a report on the extent of American military assistance of all kinds to the Arab states. He made the re- quest in a letter to the secretary of state. In a policy statement on "pro- liferation of missiles" in the Middle East, the Department of State said Tuesday that "the United States opposes the pro- liferation of missiles in the Near East, whether by contributions to indigenous missile programs or by direct acquisitions of ma- terial from abroad." The Department added that "we are not aware that any U.S. citizens capable of making significant con- tributions to missile research and development have been or are con- nected with United Arab Republic missile development." The State Department pointed out that "U.S. scientists and tech- nicians who have been employed in sensitive positions in the missile industry are subject to security re- strictions on transmission of classi- field information even after termi- nation of their employment. Re- lease of information relating to missile technology is also subject to export control regulation by the Department of State." Israel Considers Deporting NY Jew Posing as Doctor JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Minis- try of the Interior is considering the expulsion from Israel of a young Jew from New York— whose name is being withheld— on charges of misrepresenting himself as a physician and sub- mitting a false certificate as an "MD." The man emigrated from the United States five months ago. He was convicted of that false- hood in the court at Nathanya. Promise YOU the Finest Deal, the Finest Service in the Area ! ! ! EARL ORR'S . HODGES DODGE, INC. Oakland County's Largest Dodge Dealer IRV KATZ Sales Manager 23000 WOODWARD AVE., FERNDALE 2 elks. No. LI 1-3032 of 9 Mile • • 0 1 J U S v iu N G RI. 775.7.7.7 7:a* rocket industry but said that the department was looking into re- ports of the employment of Americans in such work. He was asked to define U.S. pol- icy toward such activity by Amer- ican scientists, in connection with a r e p o r t from Cairo that two Americans have been working there secretly for the Egyptian rocket system, and that the two have worked in American space industry before accepting the en- gagements in Egypt. The Cairo re- port also said that U.S. Embassy officials have acknowledged that they had "heard" of the activities by the two men for some time, but declined to say whether the reports were correct. The two American rocket ex- perts were reported to have taken up further development of the Egyptian rocket program after the chief West German scientist in charge of the program, Prof. Wolf- gang Pilz, had returned to Ger- many. The West German rocket teams had developed three rockets with estimated ranges • of 180 to 370 miles. Each of the rockets could hit Israeli targets from bases in the Sinai. Robert McCloskey, State Depart- ment spokesman, said the Depart- ment had no information on the situation and could neither con- firm nor deny the engagement of Americans in the Egyptian rocket program. Other U.S. officials said they knew of no legal barrier that _would prevent American scientists who so desired from working for Egypt. It was pointed out that they would not be violating United States laws unless they were for- mer Federal employes or h a d worked on Government contracts and had revealed secret informa- tion to a foreign employer. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 14, 1966-13 • ;. ILE 4> O. NET HANUFAC tUR ED 114 A, V itaLHEINZ al,PITTSBURGH, PA. TOMATO'SAUcE . • ••• If you've got a hungry family, you've got a Heinz Vegetarian Bean family. Waiting to be turned into a happy family. And hardly able to wait. And hardly getting to work on those plates when already some- one is saying,"More beans, please' HEINZ strictly VEGETARIAN BEANS.; Every label carries the 0 seal of approval of THE UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA. •• • • I • I