Israel Concerned Over U.S., British, USSR Arms Sales to Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia (Continued from Page 1) which will run until 1970, trade between Egypt and the USSR will be increased from $182,000,000 to $280,000,000. The Soviet Union will export to Egypt various types of machinery and equipment, as well as oil and coal. Congressman Calls for End to Arms Shipments to Jordan Kingdom WASHINGTON (JTA) — Rep • Benjamin S. Rosenthal, New York Democrat, called on the United States Department of State to end arms shipments to Jordan, and to review the nation's policy of arms aid to all Arab countries. Noting reports that the United States has supplied Patton medium tanks to the Jordanian army, Rep. Rosen thal said that such action stimu- lates, rather than controls, conflict in the Middle East. analysts reported here on the basis of dispatches from Cairo. The planes are the most versatile of the supersonic jets used by the Soviet Union itself, and are said to be the first to be provided by Moscow to any country outside the Soviet bloc. Other dispatches from Cairo re- ported that the Kremlin has prom- ised Egyptian President Nasser to supply his country with many other, sophisticated armaments and supplies. Included are the overhaul of Egypt's early warning radar system and the building of assembly plants in Egypt to pro- duce jet engines, military aircraft and missiles. Higher credits on very low terms have also report- edly been promised to Nassar by Moscow. State Department Criticized for Arms Supply to Jordan NEW YORK (JTA)—The secret shipments by the United States of arms to Jordan, including Patton tanks, were denounced by Jacques Torczyner, president of the Zion- ist Organization of America, in- a statement in which he termed these shipments as "another of a series of blunders of the U.S. State Department fraught with the gravest danger to the peace in the Middle East." The Zionist leader asserted that "the massive supplies of the most modern American arms to Saudi THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 7, 1966-7 HOUSE PARENT WANTED Full time house parent to supervise agency home for young girls. Good salary, fine living accommodations, vacation and other fringe benefits. Arabia and Jordan, plus eaually massive armament shipments to these countries, including Egypt, by Soviet Russia, are ultimately destined for use against Israel." CALL DAVID GOLDBERG JEWISH FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICE U.S. May Grant $70,000,000 in Food to Israel DI. 1-5959 I Promise YOU the Finest Deal, the Finest Service in the Area ! ! EARL ORR'S (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) WASHINGTON — The Johnson administration is considering fav- orable action on Israel's request, made last October, for United Oakland County's Largest Dodge Deafer States supply of $70,000,000 of wheat and other foods over the next two years, it was reliably re- ported here Wednesday. • The Sales Manager U.S.-Israel food pact, under which 23000 WOODWARD AVE., FERNDALE the United States supplied $76,- 2 Blks. No. 000,000 worth of surplus foods, ex- LI 1-3032 of 9 Mile Israel Concerned Over pired June 30, 1965. Similar U.S. agreement for pro- U.S., British Sale vision of surplus foods to Egypt to Saudis and Jordan also expired last June 30. Two JERUSALEM (JTA)—Plans of days ago, however, the U.S.A. and the United States and Britain to Egypt signed a new pact, calling supply Saudi Arabia and Jordan for the shipment of $55,000,000 with substantial quantities of worth of wheat and other food to planes and missiles could upset the Cairo government in the next the Middle East arms balance, six months. It was expected here Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign that resumption of surplus food Minister, warned. 4c shipments to Israel may involve 14 Speaking in the Knesset, Mrs. finanical terms similar to those ex- Meir said that Israel had no choice tended to Egypt. Under the new but to increase its military capa- U.S.-Egyptian pact, Cairo will pay bilities as "the only guarantee for in dollars for about a fourth of peace" in the Middle East. She Luzzatto's Views the American surplus foods and told a deputy that "the day - will the rest in local currency. never come" when the Arabs will Are Evaluated in Thanks ! and thanks again . . . Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New York possess military superiority" over Republican, issued a statement *so many of my FRIENDS have flocked to my* Israel. She said the Israel government Yeshiva U. Volume here Wednesday calling the Ameri- Yeshivah University's latest edi- can agreement with Egypt "a poor *store that I have been forced to knock the* "will take all steps necessary to safeguard, nurture and even en- tion to Studies in Torah Judaism bargain." He declared that, by *walls down. hance the inherent strength of the is an important study in the relig- getting the $55,000,000 worth of Israeli defense forces." ious philosophy of Samuel David U.S. foods, the Egyptian govern- *Rather than have dust, dirt and grime spoil* Mrs. Meir made her statement Luzzatto, entitled "Luzzatto's Eth- ment will be able "to spend a like *beautiful merchandise . . . shortly after the State Department ical-Psychological Interpretation of amcunt on war materials pur- confirmed reports that the United Judaism." The author, Dr. Noah chased from the Soviets and par- States had been shipping Patton H. Rosenbloom, is presently pro- tially financed through the sale medium tanks to Jordan to help fessor of Jewish history and litera- of Egyptian cotton to the Rus- modernize the Jordanian army. ture at Yeshivah University and is sians." He urged the administra- Between 5 and 100 Patton tanks rabbi in East Flatbush. The editor tion to end its "contradictory have been given to Jordan under of the Yeshiva University studies policy in the Middle East which, on the one hand, looks to promote the U.S. military assistance pro- is Dr. Leon D. Stitskin. gram. A few weeks ago it was Leading up to an evaluation of peace in that area, and, on the announced that Britain and the Luzzatto's views on the natural other hand, tends to heat up the United States planned to sell Saudi foundation of Judaism and on the arms race." Arabia $400,000,000 worth of arms. dual aspects of the Jewish religion, Israel has also asked Washing- Britain will supply Lightning sup- Dr. Rosenbloom discusses meta- ton for a $39,000,000 loan for de- ersonic fighter jets and the United physics in epistemology, atticism velopment projects. That proposal, States is providing Hawk anti-air- and Judaism and the historic- however, is not involved in the -1 ` Sold elsewhere from $95 to $150 craft missiles. philosophical contexts in the Luz- surplus food request. -4C Israel Foreign Ministry sources zatto philosophy and thought. World Bank Assistance $5950 Ha $7950 4( reacted sharply to Washington re- To provide full understanding of Negotiated for Egypt ports quoting the State Depart- Luzzatto's intepretations, this vol- rry Thomas LONDON — Following immedi- ment as saying that the Mideast ume contains the Luzzatto essay, ately upon the signing of a pact arms race had not yet been af- "The Foundations of the Torah," 'Em All! $8950 in Cairo Monday between t h e fected by the scheduled United translated and annotated by Dr.- United States and Egypt, under States and British arms shipments. Rosenbloom. $6950 Beats which America will supply the * * The sources said that "western Richly annotated, the Rosen- Nasser regime with $55,000,000 arms supplies" force the arms race bloom work points out that Luz- worth of food in the next six upward and "force Israel to take zatto, the Italian Jewish scholar months, talks were opened in Cairo measures to increase its deterrent of the last century (1800-1865) for World Bank financing of Egyp- power." $60 to $125 Values -4( They noted that Jordan and was "a philosopher rather than a tian development projects, accord- theologian," that "his versatil- ing to dispatches received here Saudi Arabia belong to the Unified 4( V/ 050 $4950 $5950 $64350: ity and prolificacy was charac- from the Egyptian capital Tuesday. 4( Arab Command and that the pro- The principal Egyptian repre- 4C 40 A, teristic of the philosophes of the vision of western arms to the Arab il 18th Century who had pursued sentative in those talks was Abdel states "places a still bigger burden SAVE LIKE YOU NEVER SAVED BEFORE! many interests with the same Moneim El-Kaissouny, deputy min- on Israel" because Israel must ister for financial and economic eagerness and avidity. immediately prepare for the situa_ Declaring that a rightful place in affairs, who signed the food agree- tion a few years from now "when increased Arab forces will be op- the history of modern Jewish ment Monday with 'U.S. Ambas- erational." thought is now being accorded to sador Lucius Battle. The pact Mrs. Meir also told the Knesset Luzzatto, Dr. Rosenbloom thus calls for American supply of $20 to $35 Values 750.000 tons of wheat and flour, that shipment of United States evaluates Luzzato's approach: 20,000 tons of edible vegetables, surplus food to Egypt should be "By accepting the empiricist- conditional on the cessation of methodology he disqualified human 3,500 tons of tobacco and 500 tons 4( Egyptian President Nasser's "pol- reason as well as sense perception of poultry. George D. Woods, president of * icy of aggression" because such from rendering any judgment or grants enable Egypt to buy arms professing any knowledge in the the World Bank, officially known from the Soviet Union. realm of metaphysics. Since man as the International Bank for Re- Israel's concern also was re- lacks the ability of reaching out construction and Development, portedly indicated by Ambassador beyond the limitations inherent in which is an agency of the United Avraham Harman during a con- his sensory apparatus, he could Nations, met with El-Kaissouny. ference with Secretary of State therefore not be competent em- They were expected to discuss the Dean Rusk. It was indicated that pirically to deny the existence of possibility of forming a consortium the envoy called to Mr. Rusk's such a domain. The metaphysical by the bank itself and by leading Fine Clothes for Over 30 Years attention the increase in the scale foundations of Judaism, which financial establishments in t h e of western arms aid to the Arabs. transcend man's perceptive abil- countries that are members of the 15200 W. SEVEN MILE bank, to participate in the financ- Corner Sussex, 3 blocks E. of Greenfield ities, are, therefore, not subject tc ing of some of Egypt's develop- Moscow Provides Egypt with his judgment or comprehension ment projects. The bank itself is 41( New Supersonic Jet Fighters Monday and Thursday to 9 p.m. LONDON JTA)—Egypt has re- and do not require his validation." expected to finance some of the This book is being distributed projects through loans repayable cently received a squadron of about 20 Soviet MG-21D jet fight- both by Yeshiva University and after 15 to 20 years at an interest er planes from the USSR, military Bloch Publishing Co. rate of 51 percent. HODGES DODGE, INC. IRV KATZ *r*********************44 Harry Thomas 9( EXPANSION SALE! 4c 44 *Selling Out ENTIRE STOCK* of The :Finest Nationally Advertised: 1: SUITS TOPCOATS: OVERCOATS 3( 4( ( SPORT COATS SLACKS $1450 750 $1950 lc * WE MUST HAVE MORE ROOM * TO SERVE YOU BETTER ! t r Harry Thomas -lc SUNDAY: 11 to 4 P.M. ** .iftt.*********************4et