Shalom Aleichem Street Reassuring 'Adolescence and Religion' Study Says Youth Are 'Traditionalistic' In "Adolescence and Religion," ent and child tend to look upon Bar published by Schenkman (1 Story Mitzvah as a terminal goal which St., Cambridge, Mass.), Dr. Bernard provides a convenient point at C. Rosen makes a study of the which to stop his education." The Jewish teen-ager in American study declares: "Apparently it was society. Because it is in adolescence easier to transmit information By DAVID SCHWARTZ , (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) that the youth questions religious about Jewish history and certain He was on a bus in Tel Aviv. tenets as they were taught when religious practices and customs to He might have come from Newark, he was a child, Dr. Rosen devoted adolescents from families where New Jersey, or Akron, Ohio, or his research in this volume on the the atmosphere was sympathetic San Diego. A typical American context of Jewish culture in this to traditionalism than to young- tourist. This was his first day country. sters who found no encouragement in Israel and this was his first There is a variety of approaches for their achievement at home." bus ride there. He was on the to this study, and many charts Dr. Rosen shows in an analysis land which Moses had foreseen serve to describe the differing of society-wide influences that in from the top of Pisgah. Here the Yorktown study there was evi- David had sung and Amos preach- views on many issues. Indicating at the outset that "for dence of a desire by boys to play ed the universal God. on Friday nights, thus He was all excited. He looked centuries Jewish religious leaders basketball about the bus. He knew none of resisted any attempt to impersonal- destroying a rabbi's hope for a the passengers. The bus rode a- ize the Deity, the findings in one teenage Sabbath program. There long. Every now and then the study show that 68 per cent of the also is indication of the strain driver would say something loud, adolescents said they believed in a toward secularization. Then there but the American did not under- personal God, 23 per cent in an im- is the abandonment of ritual, Dr. stand what he said. Then suddenly personal one and only five per cent Rosen comments: "Ironically, the the driver called out Shalom Aleic- said they did not believe in God. stress on ceremonial observance There are interesting figures may have the unintended conse- hem. The American could not re- strain himself. He cried out aloud, on the Chosen People quiz. A quence of jeopardizing the adoles- "Israel is a wonderful land. Where Philadelphia sample showed that cent's adherence to religion." In the societal influence, the else in the world would you find 29 per cent accepted the idea, 38 the driver in the middle of a bus per cent rejected it, 28 per cent study finds that since in America ride calling out to all Shalom did not know what to think. A religion is considered "a good Aleichem?" Yorktown (a sample named) thing," one girl is quoted as con- He didn't know that Shalom group showed 22 per cent accept- fessing that her best friend is a Aleichem was the name of a ing, 56 per cent rejecting, 22 per Catholic who would consider it street, and the driver was just cent not knowing. A Nebraska funny if she did not go to syna- calling the names of the streets poll resulted in 36 per cent ac- gogue. as he came to them. cepting, 30 per cent rejecting, 34 Discussing ethnic identity, Dr. Sholem Aleichem might be a per cent not knowing. Rosen concludes that "one might Yiddish writer elsewhere, but, Similarly interesting and diverg- reasonably expect that adoles- in Israel, he is a street. ent views were expressed on the cents who defined ethnic identity In the beginning, Israel did not world-to-come idea and Heaven and in religious terms would be more look with favor upon Yiddish, but Hell and the legendary stories traditionalistic than those who now the mood has changed. I about Moses. gave a definition based on birth." read that, during Prime Minister Discussing the dietary code, Dr. "On the whole," it is concluded Eshkol's recent confinement in a Rosen points out that Reform Jews this study by Dr. Rosen, "the hospital, his attending doctor com- discard the practices, Conservatives in tended to accept more plained that Mr. Eshkol was full accept them with modifications and adolescent traditional beliefs than practices, of jokes, but he only understood there are no modifications in possibly because the observance of about half. Eshkol generally tells Orthodoxy. Only four per cent of ceremonial rituals restricted his jokes in Yiddish. adolescents said they never ate participation in the general society When the famous Hebrew non-kosher food, 28 per cent "some- and circumscribed his behavior to poet, Bialik, visited America, times," 68 per cent "often." In far greater extent than did the an American Jew upbraided Philadelphia and Nebraska, 68 per a acceptance of traditional beliefs. A him for speaking Yiddish. He cent favored a change in Kashrut. strict observance • of the dietary was asked: "You are a master One chart shows that out of 136 of Hebrew. Why do you speak cases, '75 said they were strongly code, for example, requires very Yiddish?" or moderately r e l i g i o u s. Few "Well," replied Bialik, "if you adolescents said they were coerced Israel-U.S. Center Project are not in a hurry, I shall be into observing by their parents. Fourteen additional Jewish Com- glad to speak in Hebrew." A study of youth groups shows munity Centers are planning to Both Bialik and Eshkol spent that Junior Hadassah was not employ program their childhood in a Yiddish-speak- seriously interested in Zionism workers professional from Israel next fall to ing environment. Hebrew was to and placed its emphasis on ac- help intensify the Jewish programs them something lik. latin to the ceptance of a highly regarded scholars of the Middle Ages. Even group name; a Greek letter teen of their agencies. Five such work- are now full-time staff mem- Spinoza wrote his great philo- age girls' group has no Jewish ers bers of the centers in Boston, sophical works in Latin. program and borrows its prestige Detroit, St. Louis, San Francisco, If you were in a hurry or want- from Greek, not Jewish sources; ed to tell a joke, you spoke Yid- a Young Judea group seems de- and Pittsburgh as the result of dual exchange program devel- dish, not Hebrew. It's somewhat void of Jewish cultural and re- a oped by the National Jewish Wel- hard for the average Jew to as- ligious content; a Bnai Brith fare board and the Jewish Agency sociate jokes with _Hebrew. We Aleph Zadik Aleph chapter for Israel. ask ourselves: "Did Abraham or "seemed moribund" and of its Manuel G. Batshaw, JWB dir- Isaac tell humorous stories? 15 or so members "we never saw ector of national, services, is leav- They must have. The very more than five at a meeting." ing for Israel Feb. 7 to select the name Isaac means laughter. Dr. Rosen states that "both par- new workers. Sarah laughed when the angels told her she would yet bear a child and, when the child was born, it was named Isaac, or laughter. A wonderful name for a child, methinks. They laughed as much in those ancient days, but the columnists were not around to take down the jokes. It has been said that, if Adam were to return, every- thing would seem new to him except the jokes. Mostly, all gen- MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT BY erations repeat the same basic jokes. It is said by some statis- ticians, that there are only seven basic jokes and we constantly re- peat different forms of the same seven. Yiddish is an adopted mother. But the mother who raised you, whether she is tied to you by blood or not, is still dear to you and cannot be cast aside. In earlier days, Israel frowned on Yiddish, fearing it as a rival, fearful it would supplant Hebrew. But now that this fear has gone, Yiddish is allowed full scope, without interference. Bialik himself, some 30 years ago, only convinced himself that Hebrew would survive when he experimentally pulled a boy's ear in Israel. The boy cried "Chamor" ARIE. ILANA SHIMON (Donkey) at the poet. Bialik was LEADING INTERNATIONAL happy. The language you choose VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL GROUP to curse in, he said, is the lan- guage which will survive. HISTADRUT.. UNDER THE STA OF THE NEGE THE "SHALOM" TRIO . precise, at times inconvenient and often conspicuous behavior. The belief in the Messiah or Chosen People concepts imposes far fewer restrictions on their action." The Midwesterner, we are in- formed, more than the Easterner, "tended to be more traditionalis- tic," that "few adolescents were militantly hostile 'to religion" and while the approach to religion is friendly it is non-enthusiastic. The Yorktown Jewish Center was not found too effective and "as a secular organization, its influence upon the adolescent's religiosity was indirect and apparently neglig- ible." Dr. Rosen states that adults should find this study reassuring, especially those who feared that we are "losing our youth." He de- clares: "The data clearly indicated that most adolescents were op- posed to assimilation and that in general they were oriented posi- tively toward religion." He admonishes that the Jewish youngster is searching for guidance as to what to believe and how to behave. He states that "there is a latent reservoir of religious felling among Jewish adolescents which has not been adequately tapped." "The challenge and the oppor- tunity which this study poses for parents and other adults interested in -youth, is how to arouse and channel the latent enthusiasm and vigor that abound in Jewish adoles- cents," he asserts. "For, it is in the hands of youngsters such as those described in this book that the future of Judaism and the Ameri- can Jewish community lie." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 7, 1966-11 UNITED BRANDS • DETROIT, U. S. A. • 12 PROOF Come in for a pound of Barton's Swiss Milk Chocolate. SAVE 40` Here's an ideal chance to taste how good Barton's Swiss Milk Chocolate is! $11.29 eARTONS9 Reg. $1.69 NEW YORK • LUGANO, SWITZERLAND POUND * * * ALSO IMPORTED CRYSTAL AND OTHER FINE GIFTS * * * 18309 WYOMING 1 Block No. of Curtis 24790 COOLIDGE At 10 Mile Rd. Next Door to Dexter Davison Market OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY . presents: ANOTHER OUTSTANDING EVENING TUESDAY, JANUARY 11th 8:30 p.m. Morris L. Schaver Auditorium, 19161 Schaefer Guest Speaker DR. DAVID GRAUBART of Chicago author, editor and TV lecturer leader in conservative Judaism and Labor Zionism Wine, Coffee and Cake Donation : $1.25 Per Person