Israel Finance Chief Says U.S. Wants Food Paid For in Dollars (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV — Finance -Minister Pinhas Sapir returned from a visit to the United States with a report that U.S. officials want Israel to pay for surplus foods in dollars and to set a higher interest on loans to Israel. Reporting that Israeli -United States neogtiations were still in progress on terms of Israeli pur- chases of surplus food, the finance minister said the United States officials believe Israel no longer qualifies as a "developing country" and that financial ties between the two countries should therefore be placed on a regular basis. The Johnson administration has embarked on a policy of general tightening of its foreign aid re- quirements. Addressing the annual dinner of the American Technion So- ciety Dec. 15 at Hotel Americana, Sapir said that "we must turn our skills and our inventive abili- ty into the production of goods and services which will compete in the world markets" and this requires "the training of skilled manpower for the efficient use of our resources and means of production." The Israel leader, noting that Israel's industrial growth has been "healthy," emphasized that "in- dustrial development needs more than capital — it requires skilled manpower. In the age in which we live," he added, "only the most ad- vanced scientific and technological skills can assure us the supremacy we need to survive in a competi- tive world." Alexander Goldberg, who as- sumed the presidency of the Tech- nion six months ago, announced that "within five to seven years, the Technion would double its stu- dent body from 4,300 to over 8,000" in order to meet fully the urgent requirements of "Israel's burgeon- ing industry." Sapir said he discussed with U.S. officials the application for a $39,000,000 loan for development of industry, communications and electrical power as well as $70,- 000,000 sales agreement for sur- plus commodities. The surplus commodities would be sold over a period of two years under Public Law 480. Pay- ment in dollars might be required Christopher Sykes' Book 'Crossroads to Israel': Shortcomings and Merits "Crossroads to Israel," by Chris- topher Sykes, published by World, already reviewed in these columns by Josef Fraenkel (Jewish News, April 30, 1965), continues to at- tract worldwide attention in Zion- ist and Jewish ranks. The author, son of the late Sir Mark Sykes, who was one of Zion- ism's best friends in the years of British administrative rule in Palestine, is well informed. Never- theless, there are some shortcom- ings that are based on the tensions that arose during the years of trials and tribulations. Sykes is an admirer of Chaim Weizmann. He is in the main un- biased. Yet there were irritants. The hangings of "terrorists" that took place in Palestine horrified him, and by taking into account the conditions that existed then there might have been a diminu- tion of irritation. There is a negative note for Zionism in Sykes' following as- sertions: "The reader may have detected a villain in the drama, continually there, taking part in every scene, and he may have suspected that the writer was growing obsessed with this being. The name of the villain is Zionist propaganda. There can be no question of presenting this being as truthful, disinterested or concerned with pure justice, yet it may be that some amends are due. It has been mentioned already that Jews have in the past been extremely fearful of disap- pearing from the world, and it is a common Jewish opinion that they very nearly did disappear through assimilation in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. If the opinion can be argued against without diffi- culty-, the same cannot be said of the related opinion that during and after the Second World War the Jews would have been in danger either of disappearance or of total degeneration, if they had not had the stimulus of Zionism. Given a gradual emergence of a Jewish policy at the time of Nazi persecu- tion, Zionism depended an propa- ganda, and no propaganda can be effective unless it is narrow in out- look and single in purpose. It is frequently forgotten that the Final Solution was not only aimed at Jews but equally at gypsies. They had no Weizmann, no Ben-Gurion, no gypsy agency to propagate their cause. In Central Europe they vir- tually did vanish, and even the ter- rible fact of their destruction is not much remembered. Few peo- ple stop to mourn them. The propa- ganda of the Zionists (unlike the atrocities of the terrorists) can, for all its imperfections, be de- scribed as a historical necessity. But among the winders of Israel is the fact that a majority of the younger generation seem to rec- ognize fully that such a necessity must be temporary or it must be- come corrupting, and in the extra- vagant way of youth young Israeli men and women often describe themselves as anti-Zionist. It is perhaps their youthful violent way of saying that they abjure the tyranny of the official spokesman. He is still powerful but he has had his day." It is such judgments that negate a theme otherwise well presented by Sykes. So to misinterpret Zion- ist propaganda, in this fashion so unrealistically to liken gypsies with Jews, indicates a major fault in this book. But as an historical addendum to Zionist, Jewish and Israeli his- ,7-) tory, the Sykes book has mt,' merit. There are some prejudk They are the British projudic ) that affected the historian. In fi tualness, as a literary-historicL__; d o c u m e n t, Christopher Sykes' "Crossroads to Israel" will be must reading for students of Jewish his- tory especially in the era that em- braced British rule in Palestine. Cold hand, warm heart—Amer. proverb. 4 007 4 0 • ''' t"Ikkt t VA 0 • r -r0 1 0 la ,t,. , 41 ,a , , -,...., , -, 441m .„,,,,,,N..■ '-ia itp!s` i 4■ 7' \v ,, ,t, ,o .._ k ,,s-. . iP. ippl =;\v1111(trti, &will) . for a portion. Sapir said he dis- cussed the payment question and mentioned the pressures on the Israeli economy including Is- rael's unique defense situation. The Israeli Minister met with Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman, Administrator David Bell of the U. S. Agency for In- ternational Development, and some officials of the State and Treasury Departments. He ob- tained an impression that they understood the Israeli view on the development loan and the commodity purchases desired by Israel. The sales agreement would cover two years while the loan would be extended in fiscal year "The 12 days of Christmas" by Joseph Kealauskas 1966. Announcement was made by Sapir that the Development Cor- poration for Israel, the American agency now selling Israel Bonds, will extend its operations to underwrite other Israel equities beginning with the Industrial De- velopment Bank of Israel and the Israel Electric Corporation. Neces- sary legal steps are being taken by the Development Corporation, he said. American consumers spend more than $250,000,000 yearly for hear- ing aids and batteries. Yet, hear- ing aids are the least understood devices on the market. If you have a hearing problem, see a physician first. Let him determine if a hearing aid is the correct solution before investing your money. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8—Friday, December 24, 1965 365 days of good wishes from all your friends at MANUFACTURERS Detroit, Michigan Eva-rooms. mat WHEN YOU Yic A COCKTAIL UNITED BRANDS • DETROIT; LI; S,j1. • 42 PROOF