Purely Commentary The Miracle of a Return: 60-Year-Old Monologue by Mendele Moher Seforim By Philip Slomovitz fathers and the teachings of their childhood, they will return to pervaded everything there—the table and the vessels Jewish the fold. But what reform is there for sons whose fathers have them- the sons sitting on it. Your father and mother, selves strayed? When these do return it is indeed a miracle, and that round the table, you too, sat there enjoying it all Hanukah, as much as any of our festivals, if not and filled with pleasure. Remember how happy you does not happen every day. And Fedye's was an even greater miracle, for he returned himself and also caused me to return .... . more, reiterates the puzzling condition of our time: during the festivals, and how many toys you what are we to do about our children, some of whom were you And now—now around. got as each one came What a moving set of lessons is contained in this 60-year-ok are indifferent to their heritage? How are we to secularise your holy day, and your son learns from gern• retain their loyalties to our faith? What can we do them that it is the Jews Pesach today . . . how liter The indifference of parents, the quandary of youth, the ability--' to link them closer to us? shameful ! What disgrace ! Unhappy is your son, for of the young to find itself and to reaffirm its Jewish loyalties-4 It's not a new problem. It's as old as the People to strangers he is a Jew, and even more unfortunate these and many more aspects of Jewish needs, of challenges that Israel. Whenever and wherever there were tempter- is he, for to the Jews he is a stranger !" are as applicable to our time as they were in the time of the famous tions, some of our youth were weaned away from How can I tell you, my friend, how sad and bitter Mendele are incorporated in this powerful monologue. Perhaps it us. Some were tempted by the physical glories of I felt at that moment ! My son lay before me on the will serve to reawaken devotion to a great heritage, interest in an Hellenism. In other eras they were tempted, in turn, bed, ashamed through my sin, sighing silently, and past, dedication to faith! by offers of emancipation, by the lures of apostasy, I confessed my sin, shamefaced, and my heart ached. historic May the Hanukah spirit kindle anew these links with our past. by false rays of freedom. Now, when I remember this incident, I am amazed The strong were always with us. Often outside that I did not have more regard for any honor and forces impelled them to turn again to us. my son, and that I did not hasten to repair the Boris Smolar's One such experience was described as "The Mir- harm I had done in the matter of his education. acle of Hanukah" by a great author, the man who The idea of his vocation, eating into my mind, could well be described as the father of modern silenced all thoughts of regret in my heart, and Yiddish literature. Mendele Moher Seforim (Shalom everything remained as before. But what I failed Jacob Abramowitsch, 1836,1917) could well be con- to do, time did instead. sidered among the sufferers from indifference dis- Once, when my son went for a walk, I went into played by his own family. But his son was forced to his room, glanced at the table, and noticed three return to us. He related it in his famous story which, books and an open note-book lying on it. I was (Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.) more than anything else, should serve as a great astonished ! I found what I would never have lesson for Hanukah. This is Mendele's "The Miracle guessed ! Two of those were holy books and one was HANUKAH SENTIMENTS: Very few Jews in this country, inter- of Hanukah": a book for learning Hebrew. The notebook was full ested in promoting Jewish culture, know of the Hanukah programs * * * I of Hebrew letters and nouns translated into Russian which are carried out by Jewish students in various American Fedye is my eldest son. Right from his birth —in my son's handwriting! It was obvious that universities . . . Hanukah festivals, big and small, have been taking prepare him not Fedye was studying the Torah in the holy tongue ! place during the last few years in some universities, under the tried to educate the mart in him, merely for the narrow life within the confines of his _ But how did this come about? Who had encouraged auspices of Hillel Foundations, while in others a variety of Hanukah people and his religion, but for a completely univer him to do this, and who was his teacher? I was services are being performed, including the lighting of Hanukah candles, concerts of Hanukah music, and readings from Hanukah pro- puzzled and did not know what was behind it. sal life, with no distinction between sacred If and he was * * * literature ... In some universities, the Hanukah motif is even brought lane, or between Israel and other nations. to burden himself with the yoke of Judaism and directly into the dormitories and other campus settings . . . At the A few days later my son asked me to allow take it on in the afterwards cast it off—better not for the University of Michigan for instance, the director of the Hillel Founda- unburdening. Thus, him to invite some friends of his home in the first place. No burdening and no and following evening. It was Hanukah. I agreed with tion was able to introduce a daily candle-lighting service university my Fedye was brought up ignorant of the law largest dormitory lounge, with the approval of the I also promised to welcome his guests pleasure, and religion of Israel, speaking and behaving as a son and drink. I thought, "The boys will play administration . . . Each noon a graduate student of music played of the peoples of the world. with food carillonneur himself doubt, and I shall observe them and find Hanukah melodies over the carillon, and the music boy—and cards, no on the Saturday Fedye was a good-natured and happy the house, gave a half-hour of Hanukah and other Jewish of wife, the head they are." My who out he never knew sorrow. He learned a great deal evening of the Hanukah week . . . For a number of years, the Hillel was prepared. generous meal and a and instructors who trained him agreed with me has conducted a Maccabean from his teachers home, until he entered a secondary school with And, shall I tell you, my friend, that never did we Foundation at the University of Chicago at have as much joy in my house as on that evening. Festival at one of the auditoriums of the university, which has become high marks. The day of his entry was a holiday for The guests were mostly young boys and girls, stu- one of the highlights on the annual university calendar ... Impressive me. I forgot all the trouble I had gone through for together. They were all warm- Hanukah festivals have also been sponsored by the Hillel Foundations dents, rich and poor my son, all the underhand means I had used, and with eager, bright faces. Like a at Washington University, McGill University, Hunter College in New happy, all the flattering I'd done so as to get him into this hearted, dropped my dignity, and did not sit York, and in other American institutions of higher learning . . . In good host, I my pride school—and I glossed over everything in table, but came and went to some universities, the observance of Hanukah is tied up effectively at the head of the and joy. But my wife, of blessed memory, like all that everything was in order. And so, on enter- with a Jewish Art Festival . . . This is especially the case at the women, would weep in times of joy, so she shed see could not under- Temple University, at the University of California and at the City astonished and the house, I was tears on that day when she remembered what sorrow jug so excited, and were all College of New York . . . Such festivals include concerts, Jewish folk why the guests were stand and suffering this joy had cost her. clapping. I stood and watched for a little while, dancing by Hillel groups, Hanukah songs by Hillel choirs, Hanukah Days passed, and I saw that my son's face was and then was even more amazed! For Fedye was art exhibits featuring young Jewish artists . . In San Francisco, clouded, that his appearance was not as it used standing, addressing the crowd, and all were loudly members of the San Francisco Symphony, with the cooperation of to be. My heart ached because of this but I could "Bravo !" Fedye was inspired and spoke the local chapter of the American Federation of Musicians, presented find no reason for this strange thing either in his shouting, magnificent, strong voice: "So it is also with a Hanukah concert at the Hillel building . . . Program ideas as well a in mind physical or in his mental state, so I set my at rest. One day he came home from school sad and the advent of the Messiah and with the people. A as background materials and resources for the development of imagin- and waits for the Messiah and does ative and effective Hanukah programs have been compiled by Alfred very irritable, and rushed into his room. My wife, people that sits and is destined Jospe and published by the Hillel Foundation's headquarters in Wash- who is an invalid, was, at the time, lying on the bed nothing, has indeed the spark of life real life until it ington . . Mr. Jospe took into consideration not only the needs of not a heard nothing. When mealtime to live, but its life is still in her room, and goes to meet its Messiah. full-time Foundations but also the smaller Hillel units which rarely and acts, arises and arises came round and my son did not come to the table, the When the nation strives to regulate its own affairs command the resources for the development of programs .. . I Went into his room and found him lying on talents, overcomes COMMUNAL AFFAIRS: The American Jewish Committee is en- bed, his face buried in the pillows. I thought some and develops its own inherent and paves a way through them for its was filled with obstacles him and in intensive action to counteract Arab attempts in the United accident must have befallen gaged towards possessions, strives and marches grief. I called to him, and he did not answer. Fear spiritual States to blackmail American firms into boycotting Israel . . Thq -- then the Mes- to its desired goal, it becomes great and gripped my soul, when I saw him thus. I called AJCommittee efforts are in line with the new regulations issued by th( and he siah, its deliverer, comes. Ample proof of this is him a second time in a pleading tone — Department of Commerce, requesting American firms to furnish infoP ) of mankind. Every nation turned his face towards me. How terrible he looked to be found in the history mation or not to sign agreements which would aid in the anti-Israe? then! His face was burning—his eyes bathed in will become great, if it only strives upwards. And boycott ... The regulations, issued following a decision of Congressi.._-- -N the and redemption tears. even we, Children of Israel, our Li require U.S. businessmen to notify the Department of Commerce within I asked him, greatly redemption of Jewish life can only come to us 15 days of receipt of any Arab boycott request . .. However, these "What is the matter, son?" the development of our national strength that the moved. Angrily he sighed, and said, "Why do you through spiritual resources, through the striving of our regulations received no wide publicity in view of the fact and enemies am amongst Department of Commerce had given only routine publicity to them ... ask? Don't you know that I of this, even In proof towards a high idea. As a result, many American businessmen are still unaware of their there? They have been mocking me all the time, soul this festival of ours today, is in memory of the existence . . To remedy this situation, the American Jewish Com- and today they teased me more than ever about deeds of the Hasmoneans." eating blood during the Festival of Matsot, for they great had hardly finished speaking when the mittee decided to undertake a campaign of suggesting to chambers Fedye today." of commerce, business associations and trade publications that they say it is the Jews' Passover house shook, and the walls trembled with the sound * * * give widespread publicity to the new anti-boycott legislation, and whirl. of the shouting and applause. My wife saw her I listened speechless—my mind in a encourage American firms to support it. . . Contact with national of compassion and son's glory and was glad; all were praising him and Strange sensations, feelings she organizations and publications has already been established by the be proud!" And "Your mother should American Jewish Committee in New York, Boston and other cities shame, of comfort and regret, surged within me like saying, and him. And even I gloried in proud of was . . . And AJCommittee chapters in other parts of the country are the waves of the sea. and my soul was thrown from heard my hand, me, shook wave to wave, deeply shaken. I beheld my beloved his honor. Many came up to communities and to and said, "Be glad, that you have produced such a urged to stimulate similar action in their son's spiritual anguish, and my heart smote me, and coordinate their activities with those of the community relations such in Israel!" many be may there I said to myself, "This sorrow of your son's is son; I stood dumfounded, and pondered, "How many council and other groups interested in combating Arab boycott efforts_ caused by you. You estranged this soul from its own in the United States . .. Leaders of the American Jewish Committee whole of are thy deeds, Lord of the Universe, and how great people in order to introduce it to the independent are of the opinion that U.S. governmental support on the diplomatic_ something are thy miracles, which thou performest in thy Humanity. Humanity is not that Fedye, my son, and administrative levels would also be required if American told me have could Who world! and self-sufficient; it is simply a name comprising --,t- - `assimilationist' from birth, who knew neither were finally to be freed from Arab intrusion in their affairs . . . all the nations of the earth. It is like saying, 'What an his will now be watching closely the quarterly reports which the Depart- in never and had his religion, people nor are the trees to me? I have only the forest !' And his seen the shape of a Hebrew letter, would become ment of Commerce is to issue on the implementation of the new anti- even if we assume that it is as you think, the way life ardent patriot of Israel! That he would be a fine boycott legislation . . . you have seen to attain human perfection lies an speaker, a champion of Judaism in his speech, and ISRAELI ECHOES: Believe it or not, somebody in Israel, after through a different people, which you have chosen people in his utterances!" his of saviour a own people, as reading American contemporary history, addressed a letter to President your not through for your son, and From this you will notice that that evening was Johnson suggesting that Israel be made the 51st state of the United way filled with dark- a though that was, God forbid, not spent by the youngsters in card-playing and will ness and the shadow of death. See then, what has wild talk, but they criticised and discussed the entire States ... His friends told him his letter will be ignored and he stick happened to this son of yours, for whom you sought reconstruction of Israel. Then I knew what Fedye never get a reply . ..But leave it to Washington, where officials to administrative correctness ... He has now received a reply from happiness and good from outside your own nation! They wanted to reform their the U.S. Office of Territories, telling him that "States can be admitted Where is his happiness? Where is his joy? He has and his friends were. breathe a new spirit into it — a into the Union only by the U.S. Congress." . . "In so doing," the been 'uprooted from his people, and the other nation own nation, to itself and its glory and hope for its communication from Washington explained, "three tests have been of knowledge in mid-air, does not take him in. He is left dangling of its traditionally applied: Do the people of the area desire statehood% his world gloomy even in his youth. Boys, of his age, future; to revive its language, the language its prophets. They came, not to destroy, law and of their people, of like plants in the midst can they support statehood?; and do they have an American form who grow up soil of Israel. of drawing nourishment from Israel's source, retain a but to build and plant Israel in the of government?" ... Pointing out that "Israel is of course an indepen- my son who wonderful was the strength dent nation," the reply concluded: "To our knowledge, its people have host of pleasant, happy memories of customs and had How returned wholeheartedly to his people. Sons who events in family-life and in the life of the com- never expressed a desire to join the United States nor to become a up in the faith and munity in which their childhood is spent, which from childhood were brought state of the Union." Who says American officials lack politeness? and its law, who grew up to soften the bitterness of life until old age. Remember spirit of the people there is still hope of them THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS the clays of your youth, remember the Pesach Seder become renegades—for through the influence of their 2—Fr May, December 17, 1965 in your parents' house. A spirit of grace and beauty reform. Perhaps An Old Tale Valid for An Times: Mendele's Famed Hanukah Story r 011M11.04•11.,./.<1.1 ■ 0.011M 0•1=1,11 ■ 041•0•01 ■ 11.11111.1411•11,0 4•11 ■ 011••••00 'Between You . . and Me` ■0■ 041•1111.0 ■0■11■ 0411M,041•• ■■■,■0■ 04...